969 resultados para FLOWER-HEADS
Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (MS)/MS was used to analyse toxins in P. trichostachia, P. simplex subsp. continua, P. simplex subsp. continua and P. elongata samples (flowers, seeds, branches, main stem, leaves and roots) collected from various locations in Queensland, Saskatchewan and New South Wales, Australia. Simplexin was the major analyte in all taxa, with varying minor levels of huratoxin. Simplexin levels in P. trichostachia and P. elongata were higher (580 and 540 mg/kg in flowering foliage, respectively) than in P. simplex (255 mg/kg). Levels of huratoxin were higher in P. simplex (relative to simplexin) than in P. trichostachia or P. elongata. P. simplex flower heads and roots contained similar simplexin levels, with very small amounts of toxins detected in branches, stems and leaves. In P. trichostachia, simplexin levels were high in flower heads but low in the the other plant parts. The simplexin levels in aerial parts were generally higher from the pre-flowering to the flowering stage, decreasing towards the post-flowering stage; similar trends were recorded for P.elongata samples collected from a site near Bollon and P. trichostachia samples collected from a site near Jericho (both sites in Queensland). The simplexin concentration in roots was much less variable. Flowers and seeds had much higher simplexin levels than the foliage. The breakdown of the toxin in litter was more rapid compared to seeds under the same weathering conditions. Unlike the results from the litter samples, no significant decrease occurred in seed samples after 18 months of exposure.
This study investigated and characterised transdermal permeation of bioactive agents from a topically applied Arnica montana tincture. Permeation experiments conducted over 48 h used polydimethylsiloxane (silastic) and human epidermal membranes mounted in Franz-type diffusion cells with a methanol-water (50:50 v/v) receptor fluid. A commercially available tincture of A. montana L. derived from dried Spanish flower heads was a donor solution. Further donor solutions prepared from this stock tincture concentrated the tincture constituents 1, 2 and 10 fold and its sesquiterpene lactones 10 fold. Permeants were assayed using a high-performance liquid chromatography method. Five components permeated through silastic membranes providing peaks with relative retention factors to an internal standard (santonin) of 0.28, 1.18, 1.45, 1.98 and 2.76, respectively. No permeant was detected within 12 h of applying the Arnica tincture onto human epidermal membranes. However, after 12 h, the first two of these components were detected. These were shown by Zimmermann reagent reaction to be sesquiterpene lactones and liquid chromatography/diode array detection/mass spectrometry indicated that these two permeants were 11,13-dihydrohelenalin (DH) analogues (methacrylate and tiglate esters). The same two components were also detected within 3 h of topical application of the 10-fold concentrated tincture and the concentrated sesquiterpene lactone extract.
This study investigated and characterised transdermal permeation of bioactive agents from a topically applied Arnica montana tincture. Permeation experiments conducted over 48 h used polyclimethylsiloxane (silastic) and human epidermal membranes mounted in Franz-type diffusion cells with a methanol-water (50:50 v/v) receptor fluid. A commercially available tincture of A. montana L. derived from dried Spanish flower heads was a donor solution. Further donor solutions prepared from this stock tincture concentrated the tincture constituents 1, 2 and 10 fold and its sesquiterpene lactones 10 fold. Permeants were assayed using a high-performance liquid chromatography method. Five components permeated through silastic membranes providing peaks with relative retention factors to an internal standard (santonin) of 0.28, 1.18, 1.45, 1.98 and 2.76, respectively. No permeant was detected within 12 h of applying the Arnica tincture onto human epidermal membranes. However, after 12 h, the first two of these components were detected. These were,shown by Zimmermann reagent reaction to be sesquiterpene lactones and liquid chromatography/diode array detection/mass spectrometry indicated that these two permeants were 11,13-dihydrohelenalin (DH) analogues (methacrylate and tiglate esters). The same two components were also detected within 3 h of topical application of the 10-fold concentrated tincture and the concentrated sesquiterpene lactone extract.
The high dependence of herbivorous insects on their host plants implies that plant invaders can affect these insects directly, by not providing a suitable habitat, or indirectly, by altering host plant availability. In this study, we sampled Asteraceae flower heads in cerrado remnants with varying levels of exotic grass invasion to evaluate whether invasive grasses have a direct effect on herbivore richness independent of the current disturbance level and host plant richness. By classifying herbivores according to the degree of host plant specialization, we also investigated whether invasive grasses reduce the uniqueness of the herbivorous assemblages. Herbivorous insect richness showed a unimodal relationship with invasive grass cover that was significantly explained only by way of the variation in host plant richness. The same result was found for polyphagous and oligophagous insects, but monophages showed a significant negative response to the intensity of the grass invasion that was independent of host plant richness. Our findings lend support to the hypothesis that the aggregate effect of invasive plants on herbivores tends to mirror the effects of invasive plants on host plants. In addition, exotic plants affect specialist insects differently from generalist insects; thus exotic plants affect not only the size but also the structural profile of herbivorous insect assemblages.
Com o objetivo de estudar a biologia reprodutiva de Mimosa bimucronata, o presente estudo foi realizado em Botucatu e Cachoeira Paulista, SP, no período de novembro de 2003 a junho de 2005. Determinou-se o número de flores por glomérulo, sua duração, os eventos da antese e outras características florais, como tamanho, formato, coloração, odor, presença de néctar e localização de osmóforos. A receptividade do estigma e a viabilidade do pólen foram avaliadas. Flores foram examinadas e documentadas em microscópio eletrônico de varredura, após tratamento adequado. Foram feitos testes para a determinação do sistema reprodutivo, visando avaliar a dependência dos polinizadores. A presença de visitantes florais foi observada no campo, sendo registrada a quantidade de visitas e o comportamento dos visitantes, além do tempo médio de permanência dos visitantes junto às flores. O padrão de floração de M. bimucronata é anual. Os grãos de pólen encontram-se reunidos em políades compostas por oito células, o que pode ser interpretado como uma adaptação para minimizar o efeito da mistura das cargas de pólen depositadas sobre o diminuto estigma. A formação de frutos em condições naturais foi baixa e não ocorreu agamospermia. A morfologia das flores e das inflorescências permite o acesso aos recursos florais para uma ampla variedade de visitantes (Hymenoptera, Diptera e Coleoptera). A maioria das visitas foi realizada por abelhas (56,4%). Os resultados permitem considerar que, embora M. bimucronata seja dependente de vetores de pólen para sua reprodução, é espécie entomófila generalista e, portanto, bastante adaptada aos ambientes ruderais, onde sua ocorrência é predominante.
A ocorrência de insetos fitófagos e de himenópteros parasitóides a eles associados, presentes em capítulos de Bidens pilosa são descritas para as condições do município de Botucatu, SP. Foram encontrados predadores de sementes da ordem Diptera, pertencentes aos gêneros Dioxyna, Melanagromysa e outro não identificado. As moscas Dioxyna depositam seus ovos no interior dos aquênios em estágios iniciais de desenvolvimento, permanecendo no interior do fruto até a emergência do adulto. Melanagromysa localiza-se entre as flores centrais desenvolvendose externamente aos aquênios. Foram observadas oscilações cíclicas e acopladas entre as curvas de abundância dos fitófagos e dos himenópteros parasitóides.
Predação em capítulos de picão-preto e sua relação com o tamanho e o grau de agrupamento das plantas
Com o objetivo de verificar possíveis correlações entre níveis de predação de capítulos de B. pilosa e o tamanho das plantas, bem como com o seu grau de agrupamento, o presente trabalho foi desenvolvido em áreas ruderais nos arredores da cidade de Botucatu, SP. em cada coleta, foram obtidos 15 indivíduos em fase reprodutiva, sendo dez deles provenientes de agrupamentos e cinco isolados, no período de março a setembro de 1993, totalizando seis coletas. Cada planta foi caracterizada quanto a parâmetros biométricos por meio de mensurações, contagens e determinação da biomassa das diferentes estruturas, avaliando-se também a ocorrência de predação nos capítulos. Nas duas condições de agrupamento, o tamanho das plantas foi altamente variável havendo, porém, maior freqüência nas menores classes de tamanho. de modo geral, não houve diferença significativa entre plantas agrupadas e isoladas no que se refere aos parâmetros biométricos analisados. Plantas maiores produziram maior número de capítulos e o nível de predação correlacionou-se positivamente com o tamanho das plantas, independentemente do grau de agrupamento das populações. A distribuição agrupada não condicionou, portanto, maiores níveis de predação, uma vez que plantas maiores dos dois grupos foram preferencialmente atacadas. Isto corrobora a Hipótese do Vigor proposta para explicar relações de preferência entre plantas e seus herbívoros.
Compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante de Leiothrix flavescens (Bong.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae)
This paper describes a chemical investigation (by high-speed counter-current chromatography) of an extract in methanol of the capitula (flower-heads) of the endemic Brazilian herb Leiothrix flavescens (Bong.) Ruhland (Eriocaulaceae). Fractionation of this extract by preparative chromatography and identification of the isolated compounds by spectrometric methods (IR, UV, ESI-MS, NMR) led to the identification of flavones (apigenin, luteolin and 6-methoxyluteolin) and 1,3-di-O-feruloyl glycerol. The antioxidant activity of the extract was determined by DPPH reduction and the total phenolic content by the Folin-Ciocalteau assay. It was found that the methanolic extract of L. flavescens possesses strong antioxidant activity. Additionally, the chemical profile provided useful data for a discussion of the taxonomy of the Eriocaulaceae.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The effect of a pre-shipment hypochlorite treatment on botrytis incidence was evaluated in a large number of rose cultivars and under different long-term storage conditions. Application parameters, stability and sources of hypochlorite were investigated. Irrespective of the type of packaging and shipment conditions, roses that received a pre-shipment treatment with 100 to 150 mg/L hypochlorite showed a significantly decreased botrytis incidence compared to non-hypochlorite treated roses. The hypochlorite treatment generally was more effective than a comparable treatment with commercial fungicides. Dipping the flower heads for approximately one second in a hypochlorite solution was more effective than spraying the heads. In few cases minor hypochlorite-induced damage on the petal tips was observed at higher concentrations (>200 mg/L). Apart from the effect on botrytis incidence, the treatment resulted in reduced water loss that may have an additional beneficial effect on the eventual flower quality. It is concluded that, apart from other obvious measures to reduce botrytis incidence (prevention of high humidity at the flower heads) a pre-shipment floral dip in 100 to 150 mg/L hypochlorite from commercial household bleach is an easy and cost effective way to reduce botrytis incidence following long term storage/transportation of roses. © 2015, International Society for Horticultural Science. All rights reserved.
The following exegesis will detail the key advantages and disadvantages of combining a traditional talk show genre with a linear documentary format using a small production team and a limited budget in a fast turnaround weekly environment. It will deal with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation series Talking Heads, broadcast weekly in the early evening schedule for the network at 18.30 with the presenter Peter Thompson. As Executive Producer for the programme at its inception I was responsible for setting it up for the ABC in Brisbane, a role that included selecting most of the team to work on the series and commissioning the music, titles and all other aspects required to bring the show to the screen. What emerged when producing this generic hybrid will be examined at length, including: „h The talk show/documentary hybrid format needs longer than 26¡¦30¡¨ to be entirely successful. „h The type of presenter ideally suited to the talk show/documentary format requires someone who is genuinely interested in their guests and flexible enough to maintain the format against tangential odds. „h The use of illustrative footage shot in a documentary style narrative improves the talk show format. iv „h The fast turnaround of the talk show/documentary hybrid puts tremendous pressure on the time frames for archive research and copyright clearance and therefore needs to be well-resourced. „h In a fast turnaround talk show/documentary format the field components are advantageous but require very low shooting ratios to be sustainable. „h An intimate set works best for a talk show hybrid like this. Also submitted are two DVDs of recordings of programmes I produced and directed from the first and third series. These are for consideration in the practical component of this project and reflect the changes that I made to the series.
The coral reefs around the world may be likened to canaries down the mineshaft of global warming. These sensitive plant-like animals have evolved for life in tropical seas. Their needs are quite specific – not too cold, not too hot. A rise of as little as one degree Celsius is enough to cause some bleaching of these colourful jewels of the sea. Many climate models indicate we can expect sea temperature increases of between two and six degrees Celsius. Research - such as that detailed in a 2004 report by the University of Queensland’s Centre for Marine Studies – indicates that by the year 2050 most of the worlds major reef systems will be dead. Many of us have heard this kind of information, but it remains difficult to comprehend. It’s almost impossible to imagine the death of the Great Barrier Reef. Some six to nine thousand years old and visible from space, it is the world’s largest structure created by living organisms. Yet whilst it is hard to believe, this gentle, sensitive giant is at grave risk because it cannot adapt quickly enough to the changes in the environment. This cluster of fluffy felt brain coral sculptures are connected in real time to temperature data collected by monitoring stations within the Great Barrier Reef, that form part of the Australian Institute of Marine Science’s Great Barrier Reed Ocean Observing System. These corals display illumination patterns showing changes in sea temperature at Heron Reef, one of the 2,900 reefs that comprise the Great Barrier Reef. Their spectrum of colour ranges from cool hues, through warm tones to bright white when temperatures exceed those that tropical corals are able to tolerate over sustained periods. The Flower Animals also blush in colour and make sound when people come within close proximity. In a reef, fishes and other creatures generate significant amounts of sound. These cacophonies are considered an indicator of reef health, and are used by reef fish to determine where they can best live and forage.
In this paper, we report the development of a novel Pt/MoO3 nano-flower/SiC Schottky diode based device for hydrogen gas sensing applications. The MoO3 nanostructured thin films were deposited on SiC substrates via thermal evaporation. Morphological characterization of the nanostructured MoO3 by scanning electron microscopy revealed randomly orientated thin nanoplatelets in a densely packed formation of nano-flowers with dimensions ranging from 250 nm to 1 μm. Current-voltage characteristics of the sensor were measured at temperatures from 25°C to 250°C. The sensor showed greater sensitivity in a reverse bias condition than in forward bias. Dynamic response of the sensor was investigated towards different concentrations of hydrogen gas in a synthetic air mixture at 250°C and a large voltage shift of 5.7 V was recorded upon exposure to 1% hydrogen.