978 resultados para External audit
The auditing role in the contemporaneous business environment, and increasing interest in and demand for governance and transparency, has become an element even more important to the society, as a whole, in order to build solid basis to the development of businesses and generation of wealth through technical knowledge, independence, transparency, credibility, and ethics. Nevertheless, the external financial audit industry in the world and also particularly in Brazil has faced several challenges which threaten its success and evolution. In this sense, since the external audit industry in Brazil has been immersed in a deep crisis with features that are explored through this study, allow me to create an analogy over this study saying that the external financial audit industry is like a sick person with a chronic disease, but the disease has not yet been diagnosed and the person has been dealing with the isolated symptoms. This person, the external audit industry, has struggled with this disease for many years and it is getting worse. It is fundamental to highlight that the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil, ultimately, have not harmed the industry only, but they also materialize themselves as chronic issues for the corporate governance and the capital markets since they harm every interested party. In my point of view, the hardest affected are the investors or shareholders whose interest the independent auditor’s work seeks to preserve. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to have a picture of the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil and understand those challenges as a requirement to analyze the potential alternatives to solve them or, analogically, to diagnose this disease. The research purpose is to map and identify the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil based on the understanding of professionals seasoned in the area. Those challenges are mapped and understood through a methodological approach, a questionnaire answered by auditors with experience in the Brazilian auditing market. The challenges were preliminarily listed based on over 16 years of experience of the author in the area of auditing and financial and accounting services, discussions and interviews about the topic with seasoned professionals, and analyses of pieces of news, publications and academic studies. The questionnaire was used in order to validate the challenges, observations, perspectives, and perceptions gathered through those resources. Despite of the fact that the study is highly relevant, it was not found, through my research, other analyses on this topic with a similar approach which is intended by this study. It looks like the external audit industry in Brazil has walked through these new age dealing with problems on a daily basis and the real challenges of the industry may be concealed by the economic conditions in Brazil and other explanations. As in any problematic scenario, in which a critical analysis is needed, having an accurate picture and understanding of the challenges is a crucial step to start exploring alternatives to address them.
In the National Health Service (NHS) in England and Wales an oversight body, the Audit Commission (AC), defines the scope of the external auditors’ work, appoints the auditors and has oversight of their fees and audit quality. This heavily regulated audit regime mitigates some of the deficiencies observed in high profile corporate failures. Independence, it has been argued, is influenced by the total auditor remuneration paid by the client. In this study we examine total auditor remuneration in a regulated market which seeks to ensure audit independence and audit quality. In particular we undertake rigorous analysis of auditor remuneration by the type of auditor: We place emphasis on the differentiation between private sector firms and the AC’s in-house auditors (District Audit). Individual private audit firms charge premiums (up to 16%) for particular audit work in identified locations, but no premiums were found when we examined total auditor remuneration. The regime appears to permit efficient operation of the audit market while safeguarding both audit independence and standards.
A könyvvizsgálati kockázat a téves auditjelentés kiadásának kockázata olyan esetekben, amikor a beszámoló lényeges hibás állítást tartalmaz. Ez a kockázat indirekt módon a hitelintézetek és pénzügyi vállalkozások működésében is megjelenik azokban az esetekben, amikor a lényeges hibás állítást a finanszírozott vállalkozás auditált beszámolója tartalmazza, amelynek az alapján finanszírozási döntést hoznak, vagy a finanszírozás folytatásáról a beszámolóban szereplő, hibás információkból számított hitelkovenánsok alapján döntenek. A könyvvizsgálat kockázatában a vizsgált gazdálkodó üzleti kockázatai tükröződnek vissza, ezért a kockázat felmérése és az ellenőrzés ennek alapján való megtervezése, majd végrehajtása kulcsfontosságú. Jelen tanulmány – kapcsolódva a Hitelintézeti Szemle 2011. évi 4. számához – szintén a kockázat és bizonytalanság témakörét tárgyalja, pontosabban ennek egy gyakorlati vetületét: a bizonyosságfüggvények (belief functions) alkalmazását a könyvvizsgálatban; mindezt a teljesség és a tankönyvszerű rendszerfelépítés igénye nélkül. A módszer ugyanis hazánkban szinte ismeretlen, nemzetközi viszonylatban viszont empirikus kutatásban is rámutattak már az alkalmazás lehetséges előnyeire a hagyományos valószínűségelméleten alapuló számszerű kockázatbecslésekkel szemben. Eszerint a bizonyosságfüggvények jobban reprezentálják a könyvvizsgálóknak a kockázatról alkotott képét, mint a valószínűségek, mert – szemben a hagyományos modellel – nem két, hanem három állapotot kezelnek: a pozitív bizonyíték létezését, a negatív bizonyíték létezését és a bizonyíték hiányának esetét. _______ Audit risk is the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the fi nancial statements are materially misstated. This kind of risk indirectly appears in the fi nancial statements of fi nancial institutions, when the material misstatement is in the fi nanced entity’s statements that serve as a basis for lending decisions or when the decision is made based upon credit covenants calculated from misstated information. The risks of the audit process refl ect the business risks of the auditee, so the assessment of risks, and further the planning and performance of the audit based on it is of key importance. The current study – connecting to No 4 2011 of Hitelintézeti Szemle – also discusses the topic of risk and uncertainty, or to be more precise a practical implementation of the aforementioned: the application of belief functions in the fi eld of external audit. All this without the aim of achieving completeness or textbook-like scrutiny in building up the theory. While the formalism is virtually unknown in Hungary, on the international scene empirical studies pointed out the possible advantages of the application of the method in contrast to risk assessments based on the traditional theory of probability. Accordingly, belief functions provide a better representation of auditors’ perception of risk, as in contrast to the traditional model, belief functions deal with three rather than two states: the existence of supportive evidence, that of negative evidence and the lack of evidence.
A tanulmány a kockázatnak és a kockázatok felmérésének az éves beszámolók (pénzügyi kimutatások) könyvvizsgálatban betöltött szerepével foglalkozik. A modern könyvvizsgálat – belső és külső korlátainál fogva – nem létezhet a vizsgált vállalkozás üzleti kockázatainak felmérése nélkül. Olyannyira igaz ez, hogy a szakma alapvető szabályait lefektető nemzeti és nemzetközi standardok is kötelező jelleggel előírják az ügyfelek üzleti kockázatainak megismerését. Mindez nem öncélú tevékenység, hanem éppen ez jelenti a könyvvizsgálat kiinduló magját: a kockázatbecslés – a tervezés részeként – az audit végrehajtásának alapja, és egyben vezérfonala. A szerző először bemutatja a könyvvizsgálat és a kockázat kapcsolatának alapvonásait, azt, hogy miként jelenik meg egyáltalán a kockázat problémája a könyvvizsgálatban. Ezt követően a különféle kockázatalapú megközelítéseket tárgyalja, majd néhány főbb elem kiragadásával ábrázolja a kockázatkoncepció beágyazódását a szakmai szabályozásba. Végül – mintegy az elmélet tesztjeként – bemutatja a kockázatmodell gyakorlati alkalmazásának néhány aspektusát. ______ The study examines the role of risk and the assessment of risks in the external audit of financial statements. A modern audit – due to its internal and external limitations – cannot exist without the assessment of the business risk of the entity being audited. This is not a l’art pour l’art activity but rather the very core of the audit. It is – as part of the planning of the audit – a guideline to the whole auditing process. This study has three main sections. The first one explains the connection between audit and risk, the second discusses the different risk based approaches to auditing and the embeddedness of the risk concept into professional regulation. Finally – as a test of theory – some practical aspects of the risk model are discussed through the lens of former empirical research carried out mostly in the US. The conclusion of the study is that though risk based models of auditing have many weaknesses they still result in the most effective and efficient high quality audits.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação da Doutora Alcina Portugal Dias
Mestrado em Auditoria
Mestrado em Auditoria
Mestrado em Auditoria
Dissertação de Mestrado Apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientador: Doutor Carlos Mota Coorientadora: Doutora Ana Paula Lopes
Tese de Doutoramento em Contabilidade
Esta monografia foi elaborada com o intuito do aprofundamento, aperfeiçoamento e o conhecimento académico, pesquisando um tema que contribuísse, de alguma maneira, para a melhoria da área em questão. Também teve a intenção de contribuir na análise da inter-relação entre a auditoria interna e externa numa perspetiva de complementaridade. Procura-se, na presente monografia, proporcionar uma reflexão sobre a relação existente entre a auditoria interna e a auditoria externa. Para tal, realizaram-se pesquisas bibliográficas sobre os principais conceitos, âmbito, métodos, objetivos, funções e procedimentos, normas pertinentes à auditoria interna e externa, relação entre as duas auditorias, complementaridade e cooperação entre elas e auditoria interna e externa na prevenção e deteção de fraudes. Paralelamente foram elaborados dois questionários enviados a 6 empresas que têm departamentos de auditoria interna retiradas do universo das empresas com departamento de auditoria interna e a 2 empresas que fazem auditoria externa nessas empresas, a atuarem no mercado caboverdiano durante o ano de 2013, com o objetivo de verificar a relação entre a auditoria interna e a externa, através da opinião dos auditores internos e cruzamento com a opinião dos auditores externos, a fim de verificar, efetivamente, como estabelecer essa relação. De posse desses elementos, o objetivo geral apresentado pode ser comprovado pela conclusão de que se pode estabelecer uma relação entre auditoria interna e externa e a mesma pode ser de complementaridade. This monograph was developed with the aim of deepening, improvement and academic knowledge, by researching a topic that would contribute in some way to improve the topic in question. It also intended to contribute to the analysis of the inter-relationship existent between the internal and external audit and the notion that both complement each other’s work. This monograph attempts to provide a reflection on the relationship between internal audit and external audit. For this purpose, a library research was conducted on key concepts, scope, methods, purpose, function and procedures, relevant standards for internal and external audit, the relationship between the two audits, complementarity and cooperation between them, and internal and external audit in the prevention and fraud detection. In parallel, we prepared two questionnaires that were sent to 6 companies that have an internal audit department that are part of the universe of companies with internal audit department; and to two companies that make external audits to the companies mentioned above and that operate in the Cape Verdean market during the year 2013. The objective was to verify the relationship between internal audit and external by reviewing the opinion n of internal auditors and to intersect that with the opinion of external auditor in order to verify effectively, how to establish this relationship. With these elements, the overall goal presented can be substantiated by the finding that a relationship establish between internal and external audit and this relationship can be complementary.