997 resultados para Estudos semióticos


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The aim of this experience report is to present the Semiotic Studies Lab for Patient Care Interactions (Laboratório de Estudos Semióticos nas Interações de Cuidado - LESIC). The lab was set up at the Nursing School of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, in 2010. It has the purpose of providing didactic and pedagogical updates, based on the Theory developed by the Paris School of Semiotics, that enable the increase of knowledge and interactive/observational skills regarding the nature and mastery of human care.


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Nas gramáticas tradicionais da língua portuguesa, o estudo sobre a antonomásia, figura de linguagem que designa o processo de passagem de um nome próprio a um nome comum e vice-versa, é visto ora ligado ao conceito de metáfora, ora ligado à relação parte- todo, isto é, à metonímia. Na maioria das vezes, os exemplos mostrados nessas abordagens tradicionais estão descontextualizados, ou seja, não são retirados de um emprego discursivo- dialógico da língua. O principal objetivo desta tese é fazer uma reflexão sobre o potencial semiótico- funcional e cognitivo dos nomes próprios nas antonomásias discursivas, ou seja, aquelas que ainda não estão dicionarizadas, porque são temporárias, e, consequentemente, sua interpretação pertence ao âmbito do processamento discursivo. Tendo como base teórica a teoria dos Espaços Mentais em seu segundo momento, reconhecida como teoria da Integração Conceptual (FAUCONNIER; TURNER, 2002), e a teoria da Iconicidade Verbal, desenvolvida por Simões (2009), baseada nos estudos semióticos de Charles Sanders Peirce, analisar-se-ão, nesta tese, os seguintes aspectos do nome próprio nas antonomásias discursivas: a forma do nome próprio, ou seja, sua plasticidade, que é a característica central da iconicidade diagramática, e a iconicidade isotópica, que age como uma espécie de condutor temático para a formação de sentido de um texto. Esses dois tipos de iconicidade se inserem numa rede mais ampla de signos denominada iconicidade verbal, ou lexical (SIMÕES, 2004), que abrange efeitos tanto de ordem discursiva (discursivização) como de ordem estilística. Assim, ao se conceber o estudo das antonomásias discursivas do nome próprio em uma perspectiva semiótico- discursiva e cognitiva, ter-se-á dado mais um passo nos estudos dos itens lexicais que atuam como organizadores de sentido de um texto


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The goal of this paper is to reflect on the process of adaptation from literature to cinema in order to understand how are made the choices in this kind of transposition. For that, we will analyze the case of the novel The Past (2003), by Alan Pauls, and its translation into the film language (2007) by Héctor Babenco, using reflections from semiotic studies of literature and cinema


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The ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) still stimulate keen interest among language scholars today, be it complementary or contradictory. Saussurean thought has become widespread, in a more or less explicit manner, in undergraduate and graduate education in the humanities. Since the mid-1950s, Saussure’s ideas have been introduced and debated as part of the training of first-language and foreign-language teachers, communicators, anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists. In the majority of undergraduate and graduate disciplines in the areas of Linguistics and Communication, from the moment academics begin to address the nature of human signification and communication, it is impossible to ignore Saussure’s reflections on language and parole. The aim of this study is to reflect on the transmission of the general lines of Saussurean thought in Brazil. For this purpose, an inventory and analysis are carried out of Linguistics manuals originally published in Brazil since the 1970s, with the aim of reflecting on their construction in terms of programming and persuasion, categories of analysis of didactic speech proposed by A. J. Greimas.


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This article proposes a reflection on the “continuities of the process” in narratives, defined by the closure of the space and by the waiting in time (chronopoiesis), as well as on the “halts of the process” in narratives, defined by the opening of the space and by the repose in time (chronotrophy). In Claude Zilberberg?s proposal about the missive making (le faire missif ), it means, the profound making that governs the becoming of the narratives, temporality and spatiality are related to the categories of closure and opening. The terms chronopoiesis and chronotrophy, established by Zilberberg from the Greek stems, have etymologically in common the stem “krónos”, the time. The first term is added to “poiesis”, “creation”; the second comes together with “trophê”, the “feeding”, the “development”. The remissive making, that carries the “continuities of the process”, is chronopoietic (the expectant temporality, which creates the waiting time), and spatially closed. On the other hand, the emissive making, which carries the “halts of the process”, is chronotrophic (the “originating” temporality, because it is “fed”, creating the passing time) and spatially open. Our reflection on chronopoiesis and chronotrophy aims at verifying if these temporal operations of the missivity necessarily correspond to spatial closures and openings, respectively, as the Zilberberg’s model proposes, in verbo-visual narratives, specifically in comics.


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D’après Greimas (2002), le sens se concrétise par le changement de rythme ou par une oscillation construite dans la linéarité du langage. L’étrange et l’imprévu, considérés comme des événements qui troublent la pratique habituelle d’une vie dans son parcours, entrent ainsi dans le domaine d’études de la sémiotique française. Le sujet a été discuté plus tard par Claude Zilberberg, avec la venue de la sémiotique tensive, pour qui l’appréhension d’un événement se donne dans le survenir. De plus, selon les observations de Greimas, pour la sémiotique, une forme de vie caractérise des manières par lesquelles les individus ressentent et expriment leur compréhension de l’existence à travers des façons de faire, d’être, d’organiser l’espace dans lequel ils vivent, etc. Devant ces présuppositions théoriques, nous analysons le reportage “Eu pego mas não me apego”, publié dans Atrevida, une revue dirigée vers un public féminin dont la tranche d’âge est de 15 à 19 ans, et nous discutons la manière dont l’énonciateur a configuré le simulacre de l’acteur “ado branchée”. Il en ressort que l’énonciateur a utilisé des stratégies verbales et qu’il met ainsi en discours l’idée d’un comportement qui parait transgresseur au niveau de la manifestation, ce que l’on peut caractériser comme un événement. Cependant, on notera la présence de marques textuelles implicites qui rendent possible un discours qui se réfère au comportement féminin traditionnel et qui caractérise une routine.


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The developed research aims to analyze clippings of Petrobras' commemorative 60th anniversary campaign, entitled Gente, é o que inspira a gente., launched in 2013, using concepts of institutional advertising from the perspective of semiotics. The company was chose due to its traditionalism and strength within and outside the country, being one of the 20 largest in the world. During the study, it will be covered topics such as organizational communication and institutional advertising. From analyzing three parts of the Campaign, which aims to influence public opinion about the organization, associating her concepts or images that benefit the way Petrobras is seen. To analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the campaign, it was chosen as methodological method, the semiotic studies of Charles Peirce, with his concepts of firstness, secondness and thirdness. This approaching intention of its audience is clear in this campaign not only with the participation of employees and signs that compose it, but also with the dissemination of information about the company, such as history, data, policies, methods and services provided, transmitting effectively its essence as a company, through its mission, vision and explicit and implicit values in messages


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O texto apresenta os resultados da pesquisa Olhares semióticos sobre a comunicação visual, que objetiva identificar os métodos teórico-analíticos mais utilizados por pesquisadores brasileiros no exame de signos visuais em peças publicitárias. A delimitação do corpus compreende a observação de trabalhos apresentados em congressos nacionais e internacionais no período de 2003 a 2006. Foram selecionados congressos, que possuem grupos de trabalhos vinculados ao campo da semiótica, considerados de expressão pelos programas de pós-graduação em comunicação no Brasil: ABES, ALAIC, INTERCOM e COMPÓS.


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Most of creativity in the digital world passes unnoticed by the industry practices and policies, and it isn't taken into account in the cultural and economic strategies of the creative industries. We should find ways to catalyze this creative production, showing how the user's contribution may contribute to social learning, cultural and economic advancement. To that effect, we must know what is an open creative system and how it works. Based on this diagnosis, the author that interdisciplinarity is urgent and there is also a need for a science of culture. What is at stake is a strategy of integrated development, as regards the upcoming innovation in its complex, productive and learning aspects.


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Analisa o fenômeno da judicializacão da política no Brasil, alargado após a Constituição de 1988. A Carta Magna trouxe instrumentos processuais que potencializaram a atuação do Poder Judiciário. O crescimento deste Poder é um ingrediente necessário aos checks and balances. Aborda o aspecto teórico, a doutrina da matéria interna corporis, quanto ao momento histórico, o caso José Dirceu e a CPI dos Bingos. A judicialização da política, em curso nos países de democracias maduras, está cada vez mais presente na moderna sociedade brasileira.


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É uma coletânea do autor, com estudos, inclusive, do seu tempo de estudante. Aborda a cultura literária do País, analisando figuras como: João Ribeiro, Melo Moraes Filho, Barbosa Rodrigues, Araripe Júnior, Machado de Assis, Luís Delfino, Tobias Barreto e Émile Zola.


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Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)