988 resultados para Establishment process


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The dissertation examines the foreign policies of the United States through the prism of science and technology. In the focal point of scrutiny is the policy establishing the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the development of the multilateral part of bridge building in American foreign policy during the 1960s and early 1970s. After a long and arduous negotiation process, the institute was finally established by twelve national member organizations from the following countries: Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), France, German Democratic Republic (GDR), Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Poland, Soviet Union and United States; a few years later Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands also joined. It is said that the goal of the institute was to bring together researchers from East and West to solve pertinent problems caused by the modernization process experienced in industrialized world. It originates from President Lyndon B. Johnson s bridge building policies that were launched in 1964, and was set in a well-contested and crowded domain of other international organizations of environmental and social planning. Since the distinct need for yet another organization was not evident, the process of negotiations in this multinational environment enlightens the foreign policy ambitions of the United States on the road to the Cold War détente. The study places this project within its political era, and juxtaposes it with other international organizations, especially that of the OECD, ECE and NATO. Conventionally, Lyndon Johnson s bridge building policies have been seen as a means to normalize its international relations bilaterally with different East European countries, and the multilateral dimension of the policy has been ignored. This is why IIASA s establishment process in this multilateral environment brings forth new information on US foreign policy goals, the means to achieve these goals, as well as its relations to other advanced industrialized societies before the time of détente, during the 1960s and early 1970s. Furthermore, the substance of the institute applied systems analysis illuminates the differences between European and American methodological thinking in social planning. Systems analysis is closely associated with (American) science and technology policies of the 1960s, especially in its military administrative applications, thus analysis within the foreign policy environment of the United States proved particularly fruitful. In the 1960s the institutional structures of European continent with faltering, and the growing tendencies of integration were in flux. One example of this was the long, drawn-out process of British membership in the EEC, another is de Gaulle s withdrawal from NATO s military-political cooperation. On the other hand, however, economic cooperation in Europe between East and West, and especially with the Soviet Union was expanding rapidly. This American initiative to form a new institutional actor has to be seen in that structural context, showing that bridge building was needed not only to the East, but also to the West. The narrative amounts to an analysis of how the United States managed both cooperation and conflict in its hegemonic aspirations in the emerging modern world, and how it used its special relationship with the United Kingdom to achieve its goals. The research is based on the archives of the United States, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, and IIASA. The primary sources have been complemented with both contemporary and present day research literature, periodicals, and interviews.


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We consider the problem of maximizing the secure connectivity in wireless ad hoc networks, and analyze complexity of the post-deployment key establishment process constrained by physical layer properties such as connectivity, energy consumption and interference. Two approaches, based on graph augmentation problems with nonlinear edge costs, are formulated. The first one is based on establishing a secret key using only the links that are already secured by shared keys. This problem is in NP-hard and does not accept polynomial time approximation scheme PTAS since minimum cutsets to be augmented do not admit constant costs. The second one extends the first problem by increasing the power level between a pair of nodes that has a secret key to enable them physically connect. This problem can be formulated as the optimal key establishment problem with interference constraints with bi-objectives: (i) maximizing the concurrent key establishment flow, (ii) minimizing the cost. We prove that both problems are NP-hard and MAX-SNP with a reduction to MAX3SAT problem.


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O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de explorar algumas das ambiguidades constituintes do universo religioso do candomblé, a partir da temática da mudança de status e das relações de poder. Trata-se de um estudo de caso que evidencia a história de uma mãe de santo iniciante e o processo de consolidação de seu terreiro, tendo como pano de fundo as ideias e regras gerais do candomblé. Antes de se tornar mãe de santo, Carla era equede em um terreiro angola comandado pelo seu pai biológico. A ruptura com o terreiro e a mudança de status de equede para mãe de santo geraram controvérsias, na medida em que esta mudança não poderia ocorrer sem estar remetida a algum tipo de erro iniciático. Contudo, é sabido que esse tipo de mudança não é incomum, porém depende de uma série de condições e situações que orientam as práticas religiosas no candomblé. Além disso, pretende-se também, abordar questões relativas à estruturação da família de santo e os conflitos decorrentes da interposição entre laços de sangue e de santo, bem como a relação com o universo religioso umbandista e suas implicações cosmológicas e rituais.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Between ethnology and sociology: K. Rob. V. Wikman as a mediator in Finland and Sweden K. Rob. V. Wikman, professor in sociology at the Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland, played a central role both within Finnish and Swedish sociology in the 1940s and 1950s. He was a student of Westermarck and thus his own research represented an ethnosociological tradition, which at that time was challenged by modern, American-influenced sociological ideas. The aim of this article is to discuss the adaptation of “modern sociology” and the drawing of boundaries in Nordic sociology after the Second World War by focusing on Wikman’s work in Finnish as well as Swedish sociology, especially the assessor assignments he was given, and by giving emphasis to some of those that served as border poles or border markers in this process. The comparative starting point gives us reason to discuss some nationally characterized similarities and differences that can be observed in the establishment process of modern sociology in Finland and Sweden.


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Nossa pesquisa pretende descrever a trajetória do Orçamento Participativo desde seu surgimento, em 1988, até 2000, através de seu processo de implantação e desenvolvimento que vem garantindo uma formação para a cidadania a partir de uma prática de participação política junto às populações integrantes do espaço social de Porto Alegre. Esse sistema estratégico de administração dos recursos públicos constituiu-se num exemplo da participação popular no espaço social. Tomou-se mesmo um instrumento símbolo da cidade, pois suas técnicas contribuem para esboçar um novo perfil da "formação para a cidadania". Nossa metodologia, partindo do objetivo de investigar a natureza da formação para a cidadania proporcionado pelo Orçamento Participativo, utilizou como técnicas de procedimento pesquisas documentais e bibliográficas, além de contatos diretos com vários agentes. Os instrumentos de pesquisa empregados nas coletas de dados, análise e interpretação, seguiram as seguintes técnicas: entrevistas junto aos conselheiros populares regionais e aos delegados das comissões temáticas.(representantes eleitos no processo do Orçamento Participativo); pesquisa documental e análise de conteúdo. As categorias de análise trabalhadas foram: o Orçamento Participativo, a formação para a cidadania e o habitus político (como um conhecimento adquirido, um haver, e/ou capital que indicam uma disposição incorporada, quase postural). Tal pesquisa é inédita devido à utilização do pressuposto teóricometodológico do sociólogo francês Pierre Bourdieu. Seus resultados têm demonstrado que garantir, em nível municipal, a transferência do poder de decisão dos investimentos públicos aos cidadãos de Porto Alegre proporciona um processo de politização cada vez mais amplo através da participação, autonomia e conseqüente formação de um novo habitus, rumo à auto gestão. Considerando que o processo de formação oportunizado pelo Orçamento Participativo garante uma valorização dos agentes sociais, este desencadeia um desabrochar do cidadão. A formação para a cidadania portanto, proporcionada por essa prática em mais de dez anos consecutivos, vem obtendo um reconhecimento internacional de destaque no cenário político do final do século xx.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La fase de establecimiento del regenerado es un proceso crítico para el desarrollo posterior de la masa tanto por las elevadas tasas de mortalidad que habitualmente lleva asociadas, como por proporcionar el material de partida del que van a disponer las fases subsiguientes. Las restricciones a la germinación y establecimiento de la regeneración del pino silvestre varían enormemente entre las distintas regiones de su extensa área de distribución geográfica. La región Mediterránea constituye un hábitat marginal de la especie en el que las condiciones ecológicas son muy diferentes a las del grueso de su área de distribución. Frente a otras limitaciones (frío, luz, encharcamiento…), en el entorno mediterráneo la tasa de mortalidad parece estar asociada a las condiciones micrometeorológicas del período estival - particularmente, a la sequía -, así como a la presencia excesiva de ganado o ungulados silvestres. No obstante, la mayoría de la información disponible sobre el proceso de regeneración de la especie procede del centro y norte de Europa, por lo que no es de aplicación directa en nuestra región, en la que los estudios de este tipo son mucho más escasos. El presente trabajo pretende contribuir a paliar esta relativa escasez a través del estudio del proceso de regeneración natural en el monte “Cabeza de Hierro”, masa irregular por bosquetes de pino silvestre, paradigma de gestión sostenible y uso múltiple. En este entorno, se pretende caracterizar y cuantificar tanto el proceso de germinación y supervivencia de la especie como la influencia de la cobertura vegetal (estratos arbóreo, arbustivo y herbáceo, y capa de restos vegetales) en su desarrollo. Se persigue así mismo analizar el efecto de la compactación del suelo sobre la persistencia de la masa y contrastar y comparar la eficacia de dos tratamientos edáficos de ayuda a la regeneración: escarificado y decapado+acaballonado. Con este fin se han planteado dos diseños experimentales consistentes en sendas redes de muestreo (Red de Muestreo I o RM I y Red de Muestreo II o RM II) integradas, respectivamente, por 192 y 24 parcelas de 1,5x1,5 m ubicadas bajo distintas condiciones de cobertura vegetal. Sobre una parte de estas parcelas (1/4 en la Red de Muestreo I; 1/2 en la Red de Muestreo II) se han aplicado tratamientos de ayuda a la regeneración (RM I: escarificado; RM II: decapado+acaballonado) y, tras llevar a cabo siembras controladas al inicio del período vegetativo, se han practicado controles periódicos de germinación y supervivencia durante uno (RM II) y tres años consecutivos (RM I). Se han realizado así mismo mediciones complementarias de variables micrometeorológicas, espesura, recubrimiento superficial del suelo y compactación. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de las experiencias realizadas en el monte objeto de estudio permiten concluir que, en relación con el proceso de regeneración natural de la especie en este tipo masa y entorno: 1) la regeneración del pino silvestre durante el primer período vegetativo presenta una tasa de éxito muy baja (1,4% de los sembrados), provocada por una elevada mortalidad durante el primer período estival (>92%) subsiguiente a una germinación de en torno al 17% de las semillas viables que llegan al suelo; 2) la mortalidad sigue siendo elevada hasta el tercer período vegetativo, en que comienza a reducirse significativamente hasta alcanzar el 45%; 3) la cobertura vegetal influye significativamente tanto en el proceso de germinación como en el de supervivencia, aunque ambos procesos presentan una baja correlación linear que pone de manifiesto que los lugares idóneos para la germinación no siempre son los más adecuados para la supervivencia; 4) la escarificación del suelo mejora las tasas iniciales de germinación y supervivencia, pero empeora la tasa de supervivencia posterior (años 2 y 3), por lo que su efecto a medio plazo no resulta significativo; 5) el decapado+acaballonado presenta mejores resultados que el escarificado durante el primer verano, aunque sólo resulta efectivo en condiciones intermedias de espesura de masa; 6) la compactación edáfica no resulta limitante para la productividad ni la persistencia de la masa considerada. ABSTRACT Seedling establishment is critical for later stand progress because it involves high mortality rates and the surviving saplings constitute the starting material for all the subsequent stages. Restrictions for Scots pine germination and seedling survival may vary greatly across its geographical range, as it is widely distributed within north latitudes. Mediterranean region is a marginal sector within this species range and its ecological conditions differ greatly from those of the bulk of the area. Mortality rates in Mediterranean environments seem to be related to summer weather (mainly drought) and high livestock stocking rather than to cold, light or flooding. Most available information on scots pine regeneration process comes from north European experiences and is not transferable to Spanish forests, whereas studies on Mediterranean region are much scarcer. The present work aims at broadening Scots pine regeneration knowledge within Mediterranean region by analyzing its establishment process in the “Cabeza de Hierro” forest: a Scots pine uneven-aged forest at blocklevel scale, exemplary managed for multi-services purpose. Germination and surviving processes are to be characterized and quantified as to vegetation cover both in trees, shrubs, grass and litter strata. Soil compaction effects on forest sustainability are also assessed and the efficacy of some site preparation techniques on regeneration success is tested and compared (scarification vs. scalping+mounding). Two sampling networks comprising respectively 198 (SN I) and 24 plots (SN II) of 1.5x1.5m have been established over a wide range of vegetal cover conditions within the forest. Soil preparation techniques have been applied only to some of the sampling points; namely, 1 out of 4 plots have been scarified within Sampling Network I , while 1 out of 2 plots have been object of scalping & mounding within Sampling Network II. After localized sowing prior to growing season, germination and surviving have been periodically sampled for either one (SN II) or three years (SN I). Supplementary measures for micrometeorological variables, stand density, ground vegetal cover and compaction have also been carried out. Results obtained for the studied forest lead to the following insights regarding Scots pine natural regeneration process within this sort of forest and environment: 1) seedling establishment success rate is quite low (0,15% of sowing seeds), due to high mortality during the first summer (>92%), following a prior 17% rate of germination over viable seeds reaching the soil; 2) mortality rate remains high until the third year after emergence and then decreases to the 50% of surviving; 3) although vegetal cover significantly affects both seedling germination and survival, lineal correlation between those two processes is rather low, which may indicate that places fit for emergence are not necessarily suitable for summer surviving; 4) soil scarification improves both germination and survival during the first growing season, but it is associated to higher mortality rates during the next two years; hence it has no significant medium term effect; 5) scalping & mounding treatment is more effective than scarification concerning establishment improving during the first summer; but its effects are only significant under intermediate stand density levels; 6) soil compaction does not restrict either forest productivity or persistence, despite the area’s long history of high livestock stocking rates and mechanized logging.


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Establishment of the intestinal microbiota commences at birth and this colonisation is influenced by a number of factors including mode of delivery, gestational age, mode of feeding, environmental factors and host genetics. As this initial establishment may well influence the health of an individual later in life, it is imperative to understand this process. Therefore, this thesis set out to investigate how early infant nutrition influences the development of a healthy gut microbiota. As part of the INFANTMET project, the intestinal microbiota of 199 breastfed infants was investigated using both culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches. This study revealed that delivery mode and gestational age had a significant impact on early microbial communities. In order to understand host genotype-microbiota interactions, the gut microbiota composition of dichorionic triplets was also investigated. The results suggested that initially host genetics play a significant role in the composition of an individual’s gut microbiota, but by month 12 environmental factors are the major determinant. To investigate the origin of hydrogen sulphide in a case of nondrug- induced sulfhemoglobinemia in a preterm infant, the gut microbiota composition was determined. This analysis revealed the presence of Morganella morganii, a producer of hydrogen sulphide and hemolysins, at a relative abundance 38%, which was not detected in control infants. Following on from this, the negative and short term consequences of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis exposure on the early infant intestinal microbiota composition were demonstrated, particularly in breast-fed infants, which are recovered by day 30. Finally, the composition of the breast milk microbiota over the first three months of life was characterised. A core of 12 genera were identified amongst women and the remainder comprised some 195 genera which were individual specific and subject to variations over time. The results presented in this thesis have demonstrated that the development of the infant gut microbiota is complex and highly individual. Clear alterations in the intestinal microbiota establishment process in C-section delivered, preterm and antibiotic exposed infants were shown. Taken together, long-term health benefits for infants, particularly those vulnerable groups, may be conferred through the design of probiotic and prebiotic food ingredients and supplements.


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We reflect on the politics of establishing catchment management agencies in South Africa with a specific focus on the Breede-Overberg Catchment Management Agency (BOCMA), which was recently replaced by the Breede-Gouritz Catchment Management Agency (BGCMA). We do so by applying the framework of adaptive comanagement and its institutional prescriptions: collaboration, experimentation, and a bioregional approach. We start by introducing the history of this catchment management agency (CMA) and then describe the establishment of CMAs in South Africa in general and that of BOCMA in particular. We follow the framework for rule types and types of river basin organizations set out by the editors of this special feature with reference to adaptive comanagement where applicable. We then discuss the politics and strategies involved in the introduction of the CMA concept to the National Water Act and the latest developments around these institutions in South Africa. This is followed by reflections on what can be surmised about BOCMA’s democratic functioning and performance to date. We conclude by reflecting on the future of operations of the new BGCMA and CMAs in South Africa in general. While our research shows that BOCMA’s establishment process has featured several elements of adaptive comanagement and its institutional prescriptions, it remains to be seen to what extent it is possible to continue implementing this concept when further developing and operationalizing the BGCMA and the country’s other CMAs.


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The global climate threat has intensified Sweden’s ambitions to build wind power stations. This thesis explores the planning of, and opposition to, wind power in the inland rural and forest regions of Sweden. It is in these autonomous communities that the plans are implemented and the aim of the thesis was to, from a local perspective, understand and analyse the planning and acceptance challenges that large-scale wind power development faces in places that are both sparsely populated and have good wind conditions. This thesis is based on qualitative methods and was conducted as two studies. The case study area comprises four municipalities in Dalarna County. The first study analyses the planning and establishment process in three municipalities using interviews and an analysis method called process tracing. The second study analyses one wind power establishment, in which the interviews form the basis for a discourse analytical approach. One striking finding highlights the relationship between the global and the local. Global environment and energy aspects are absent in the local process, and wind power becomes a technical land issue that clashes with other local land interests. Another finding of the study reveals that planning for wind power establishment follows a rational planning tradition. The feelings and memories of the individual – different views regarding the landscape – play a background role in the formal permit process, while measurable observable conditions have a more prominent role. Wind power developers thereby acquire a more significant position than what they probably would have had if the planning had included local residents’ views on wind power in the landscape at an early stage.


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The compressed gas industry and government agencies worldwide utilize "adiabatic compression" testing for qualifying high-pressure valves, regulators, and other related flow control equipment for gaseous oxygen service. This test methodology is known by various terms including adiabatic compression testing, gaseous fluid impact testing, pneumatic impact testing, and BAM testing as the most common terms. The test methodology will be described in greater detail throughout this document but in summary it consists of pressurizing a test article (valve, regulator, etc.) with gaseous oxygen within 15 to 20 milliseconds (ms). Because the driven gas1 and the driving gas2 are rapidly compressed to the final test pressure at the inlet of the test article, they are rapidly heated by the sudden increase in pressure to sufficient temperatures (thermal energies) to sometimes result in ignition of the nonmetallic materials (seals and seats) used within the test article. In general, the more rapid the compression process the more "adiabatic" the pressure surge is presumed to be and the more like an isentropic process the pressure surge has been argued to simulate. Generally speaking, adiabatic compression is widely considered the most efficient ignition mechanism for directly kindling a nonmetallic material in gaseous oxygen and has been implicated in many fire investigations. Because of the ease of ignition of many nonmetallic materials by this heating mechanism, many industry standards prescribe this testing. However, the results between various laboratories conducting the testing have not always been consistent. Research into the test method indicated that the thermal profile achieved (i.e., temperature/time history of the gas) during adiabatic compression testing as required by the prevailing industry standards has not been fully modeled or empirically verified, although attempts have been made. This research evaluated the following questions: 1) Can the rapid compression process required by the industry standards be thermodynamically and fluid dynamically modeled so that predictions of the thermal profiles be made, 2) Can the thermal profiles produced by the rapid compression process be measured in order to validate the thermodynamic and fluid dynamic models; and, estimate the severity of the test, and, 3) Can controlling parameters be recommended so that new guidelines may be established for the industry standards to resolve inconsistencies between various test laboratories conducting tests according to the present standards?


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The objective of the project “Value Alignment Process for Project Delivery” is to provide a catalyst and tools for reform in the building and construction industry to transform business-as-usual performance into exceptional performance. The outcomes of this project will be beneficial to not only the construction industry, but to the community as a whole because a more sophisticated industry can deliver more effective use of assets, financing, operating and maintenance of facilities to suit the community’s needs. The research project consists of a study into best practice project delivery and the development of a suite of products, resources and services to guide project teams towards the best approach for a specific project. These resources will be focused on promoting the principles that underlie best practice project delivery, rather than on identifying a particular delivery system. The need for such tools and resources becomes more and more acute as the environment within which the construction industry operates becomes more and more complex, and as business and political imperatives shift to encompass or represent diverse stakeholder interests. To this end, this literature review looks at why it is essential to achieve transformation in the Australian construction industry in the context of its importance to the Australian economy. It seeks to investigate the concepts of ‘alignment’ and value’ as they pertain to construction industry processes and relationships. It comprehensively reviews drivers of project excellence and best practice project delivery principles and looks at how clients approach selection of project delivery systems. It critiques existing project delivery strategies and gives an overview of recent best practice initiatives. The literature review represents a milestone against the Project Agreement and forms a foundation document for this research project


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In construction, inter-organisational relationships are of the highest importance. Ethical practice and behaviour is a means for improving inter-organisational relationships by providing a clear understanding of the rights and obligations of all parties, improving productivity, affecting long-term business dealings, and influencing quality, time and costs. Therefore, the ability to build sustainable relationships grounded in ethical practice is important to the construction industry. Establishing ethical standards at the beginning of the procurement process provides an ethical platform for the project life cycle and the relationship between procurers and contractors. Therefore it is important to determine what the ethical issues are in the Australian construction industry from members of the industry themselves; including clients. This “bottom up” approach is not a particularly new concept. Ever since the Gyles Royal Commission in 1992 there has been a considerable effort by government agencies to develop policies to improve the ethical behaviour of the industry.