Ethical behaviour in the construction procurement process

Autoria(s): CRC for Construction Innovation

CRC Construction Innovation




In construction, inter-organisational relationships are of the highest importance. Ethical practice and behaviour is a means for improving inter-organisational relationships by providing a clear understanding of the rights and obligations of all parties, improving productivity, affecting long-term business dealings, and influencing quality, time and costs. Therefore, the ability to build sustainable relationships grounded in ethical practice is important to the construction industry. Establishing ethical standards at the beginning of the procurement process provides an ethical platform for the project life cycle and the relationship between procurers and contractors. Therefore it is important to determine what the ethical issues are in the Australian construction industry from members of the industry themselves; including clients. This “bottom up” approach is not a particularly new concept. Ever since the Gyles Royal Commission in 1992 there has been a considerable effort by government agencies to develop policies to improve the ethical behaviour of the industry.





CRC for Construction Innovation


CRC Construction Innovation (2006) Ethical behaviour in the construction procurement process. CRC for Construction Innovation, Brisvane.


Copyright 2006 Icon.Net Pty Ltd

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CRC Construction Innovation

Palavras-Chave #CRC for Construction Innovation #Program A : Business and Industry Development #Project 2002-062-A : Ethical Construction Procurement
