999 resultados para Espaços Públicos


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A dissertação aborda a fragilização dos espaços públicos num contexto de utilização de câmeras de vigilância, temática que será problematizada a partir da vigilância exercida pelas câmeras do município de Vila Velha – ES. Partimos da hipótese de que vivemos cercados por objetos técnicos que continuamente produzem informações sobre os sujeitos sociais e os seus espaços como forma de controle. As câmeras representam o exemplo mais conhecido desses objetos, embora sejam apresentadas pelos discursos das administrações públicas como ferramentas de auxílio à segurança. Utilizando como metodologia a observação participante para acompanhamento do trabalho realizado “por trás” das câmeras, concluímos que uma série de fatores desmistificam esses discursos: as câmeras que não são monitoradas, a ausência de manutenção dos equipamentos do sistema, os baixos salários e as condições trabalhistas daqueles que operam as câmeras, a ausência de articulação com os demais setores da prefeitura, a falta de credibilidade das câmeras com a polícia, etc. Por outro lado, ao fazermos um trabalho “na frente” das câmeras, observando o cotidiano de três áreas vigiadas nos bairros Praia da Costa, Glória e Riviera da Barra, bem como entrevistando transeuntes, moradores e comerciantes, concluímos que a maneira surpreendentemente indiferente com que as pessoas lidam com a vigilância é alimentada quando descobrimos que elas não oferecem a segurança pretendida. Se as câmeras não auxiliam a segurança pública, a sua utilização tem um efeito perverso na fragilização dos espaços públicos de Vila Velha, considerando que a vigilância representa ameaças potenciais e reais às condições que o pressupõem: a pluralidade e a liberdade, pois as câmeras atualizam um estado de vigilância permanente alimentando o estigma sobre determinados grupos sociais, que, por sua vez, são os alvos favoritos da vigilância, o que permite às câmeras, ainda, a potencial função de controle socioespacial direto (função admitida inclusive pelos cidadãos entrevistados) sobre os espaços vigiados; e a individualidade dos cidadãos, que é acintosamente violada. As câmeras, portanto, ao pretenderem garantir qualidade de vida à população (oferecendo segurança), produzem o efeito exatamente inverso


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Sociologia – Área de Especialização Território, Cidade e Ambiente.


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Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências da Educação, Educação e Desenvolvimento, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Arqueologia


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Dissertação de mestrado em Crime, Diferença e Desigualdade


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O projecto urbano do Parque das Nações tem sido apontado como um caso de sucesso pelo que para compreendê-lo consideramos necessário analisar não somente o projecto inicial e o resultado final, mas conhecer também, o processo de desenvolvimento do próprio projecto. Ao longo do processo muitos foram os intervenientes e as influências que são aqui identificadas e esplanadas nos seus aspectos mais relevantes. Para reflectir sobre uma fórmula de sucesso a análise centra-se na relevância dos espaços públicos, e a maneira como estruturam a implementação do projecto de urbanização do recinto da Expo '98. Há informação especifica que não sendo de carácter exacto ou científico teve influência no projecto. Começamos por contextualizar apresentando alguns antecedentes ao início do projecto, explicando como se processaram acordos institucionais, tendo como objectivo a integração social com os bairros vizinhos e analisamos a função dos espaços públicos na eliminação de barreiras físicas. Por fim debatemos a influência que o ambiente industrial tem na herança cultural ribeirinha e a actual componente da sustentabilidade e cultura ecológica expressa na presença da água junto á cidade. Por fim apresentamos algumas conclusões relativas ás características dos espaços públicos de maior sucesso no Parque das Nações que ao transformarem a morfologia dos terreno portuário monofuncional viabilizam a sua humanização e o convite à usufruição na frente ribeirinha.


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The article is a reflective analysis of the usage of the city and its public spaces, based on a study of the city of Funchal, in Madeira. Today, the city centre tackles the falling rate of its active user risking the disappearance of its public space usage, with the relocation of its leisure spaces to less central areas, due to the appearance of new interior spaces which offer the public the same services as the traditional outdoor ones. It is therefore imperative to make the city attractive and lively. The text presents the city of Funchal as it came into the XXI century, mentioning, in the context of urban requalification or revitalization, the different forms of use and preservation of open spaces.


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A cidade ...Todos a conhecem. Amada por uns e odiada por outros. Lugar de encontros e de desencontros; de memórias e de história; do conhecimento e de divertimento; de escolhas e de trocas. Palco de transformações e interacções.Gosto da cidade, sobretudo de a observar. Ela transforma-se, cria-se e recria-se a cada dia. Em cada esquina há uma descoberta, uma forma, uma memória, um “olhar” indiscreto, uma história de vida. Enfim, na cidade há vidas, de ontem e de hoje, que se cruzam e misturam, acabando por se renovar e recriar.A cidade é um teatro com múltiplos actores e espectadores.Enquanto espectadora da cidade observo-a incessantemente para a conhecer e interpretar. Procuro compreender as suas formas, os seus lugares, os seus espaços. Comparo-a com o seu passado e com o seu semelhante. Analiso-a para actuar.O estudo que aqui se apresenta é sobre a cidade do Funchal, os seus lugares e espaços, os seus actores, os cantos e recantos onde se escondem e guardam as memórias e os testemunhos da “cidade do açúcar”, da “cidade do vinho” e de todas as que lhes sucederam e que se transformaram na actual Cidade do Funchal. (...)


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This work is funded based on the uneasiness with the concept of State as a public machine for development. Of State as a public machine to deliberate valid practices for valid methods and to limit valid subjects in valid spaces. In midst of this specific context, this work dedicates itself to investigate the following research problem: the mistaken recognition of the blind subject in public spaces of representation. For this reason, it was addressed the following question: how the blind subject is recognized in public spaces of representation? To answer the question, it was necessary to contextualize how the blind subject is being recognized in various public spaces of representation. In the international scope, the human rights debate held between the National States was analyzed (BRAND, 2005; KOERNER, 2002; UN, 2006). In the national arena, constitutional rights, federal laws, public policies and institutions representing the blind subject were examined (CABRAL, 2008; SARAVIA, 2006). Finally, in a local context, the fundaments of the concept of citizen for the subject recognition were investigated (AGAMBEN, 2002; RORTY, 1999, DELEUZE AND GUATTARI, 1996). The methodology included reports of national and international representatives in the Lusophone Countries Meeting for Dissemination and Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and, mainly, interviews with blind subjects. The data was processed by content analysis and was discussed based on the following categories: representation spaces; representation modes; representation amplitude; representation premises. The results show, regarding such spaces of representation, the growing importance of thinking the rights of persons with disabilities ¿ group in which belongs the blind subject ¿ as of the international and national scenario. However, the blind subjects announced alternative local spaces for representation: church, internet, radio, etc. Regarding the representation modes, the role of law and standards has been advocated specially in the human rights field. The importance of the cooperation between the States and the civil society to ensure, in practice, the rights achieved was also emphasized. But other forms of representation, directly linked to each interviewee¿ history, was important. Regarding the representation amplitude, there were arguments in defense of a conception of human dignity and freedom to all inhabitants of the globe. The lusophone event highlighted the concern of the cultural peculiarities of those involved in the meeting. The blind interviewees argued for citizenship as construction of instruments for freedom and autonomy, but recognized that this is not a clear desire between the blind people in general, and even less in society as a whole. With respect to the representation premises, the fundaments for the recognition of the blind subject were based on the primacy of reason at the expense of personal experimentation. Experimentation that serves as the foundation of a new form of recognition of the blind subject in public spaces of representation, one more interested in singularities, impenetrable by reason, unmovable to another, and which are irreducible to each subject. The final considerations suggest that if the State has a reason to be, this is not another than to offer instruments to manifest as many as the existential possibilities of the subject. This is the concept of State for development.


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The research investigates the acting and the importance for the users of the public squares located predominantly in residential areas. It presents the results of the posoccupation evaluations accomplished in three squares, whose physical, environmental characteristics, equipments and fumitures are different in its qualities and amounts, taking in consideration aspects related to the users' physical and psychological comfort and of the inhabitants of the I spill. The collection of data involved physical risings and of files, observations behavious, application of questionnaires and interviews, analyzed qualitative as quantitatively so much for a larger precision and validity of the investigation. The results were obtained through the relationship among the users' perception the environmental attributes and the different levels of apropriation/use of the studied places. They indicate that the aspects composicionais of physical order of the space affects the type and the intensity of use of the squares intimately, contributing positive or negatively for its valor. It is evidenced like this, that the low freqüentation of the public squares of Natal, is due mainly to referring aspects to the physical quality and the amount of the fumitures and urban equipments. It is ended that the investments and the physical planning of these public spaces should be based in the real knowledge of the aspirations of the population objective, in way to allow its largest use and valor


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Study public space is studying the city and its dynamics through a representation point. The changes that are observed in these spaces and in the relations established there, or with it, are related to changes that occurred in the city as a whole, in the urban way of living. Study public space allied to urban sociability permits an even better focus on this relation between people in these spaces and with the spaces and in the consequences and fragile aspects this relation can impose to people and cities. This work is aimed towards this relation between public space and urban sociability. Through a conceptual/theoretical discussion aims, specifically, comprehend how to establish and what is the relation between urban space and urban sociability (appropriation/perception of place, tendencies of seclusion), from an isolated analysis of each one of these themes in the contemporaneous city. The Brazilian public space has peculiar characteristics, arising from its historical process of construction, also influenced by the public sphere fragile construction that permeates it, as well as more recent variables such as the sensation of insecurity and commodification of these places. The urban sociability influences and is influenced along all this process of significance and reframing of the public space. The conceptual discussion about each isolate variable provides the necessary coverage for discussion and analysis of the relation between them and the consequence of this relation in the city, such as the notation of relevant experiences of this process of revaluation of the public space. The hereby search is not through a path to reestablish the relation as it already existed, but also for an understanding of the dynamic as is established today and for existing possibilities for maintenance and appreciation of the relation between people and the city by believing in its importance to urban life


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This work aims to analyze and evaluate the Urban furniture designed to public areas according to the Revitalization planning for Rio Grande do Norte coastland, defining visual relations among urban elements in the landscape of revitalized public urban areas with cultural, paisagistic and touristic values and the design process used for developing urban furniture to those areas, observing the incoming consequences use to that process in a specific urban context which alters use, functions, cultural images as well as social values attributed to each particular place. Environmental perceptions, legibility of local cultural references and their representation through the design of urban elements, act in a positive or negative manner over the inhabitants cognition process of some particular revitalized area, determining new use and attributions to those areas. Designs for coastal urban interventions try excessively to standardize technical media, construction materials and planning configurations, creating artificial sceneries that segregates users, imposing new structures and usage, generating, consequently, the so called non-places and burlesque regionalism. The research is divided into 4 chapters: 1) Theoretical support (Industrial design; Urban furniture; Public urban spaces; Urban image and environmental perception; Urban occupation and interventions in coastland areas); 2) Methodological procedures and data collection; 3) Analysis of Rio Grande do Norte coastal areas and their urban interventions; 4) Final considerations and Industrial Design contributions to the subject