21 resultados para Epithets


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We examined whether homophobic epithets (e.g., faggot) function as labels of deviance for homosexuals that contribute to their dehumanization and physical distance. Across two studies, participants were supraliminally (Study 1) and subliminally (Study 2) exposed to a homophobic epithet, a category label, or a generic insult. Participants were then asked to associate human related and animal-related words to homosexuals and heterosexuals. Results showed that after exposure to a homophobic epithet, compared with a category label or a generic insult, participants associated less human-related words with homosexuals, indicating dehumanization. In Study 2, we also assessed the effect of a homophobic epithet on physical distance from a target group member and found that homophobic epithets led to greater physical distancing of a gay man. These findings indicate that homophobic epithets foster dehumanization and avoidance of gay people, in ways that other insults or labels do not.


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Three major periods of Brisbane's history were selected for examination of the social meaning of Brisbane City Hall: 1908 to 1920 – during which many debates about a 'new town hall' occurred, 1921 to 1930 – the construction phase, and the 1930s – City Hall's first decade of public use. This study shows that Brisbane City Hall is a central place where multiple social meanings have been made by residents and visitors. A broad range of views about City Hall existed during the periods studied; views and meanings that are not captured by its epithets or covered adequately by the existing literature. This thesis is an introductory study of the social meaning of Brisbane City Hall – what was said about it, how it was used and its significance to Brisbane's residents and visitors.


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This dissertation is an onomastic study of variation in women s name phrases in official documents in Finland during the period 1780−1930. The aim is to discuss from a socio-onomastic perspective both the changeover from patronymics to inherited family names and the use of surnames after marriage (i.e. whether women adopted their husbands family names or retained their maiden names), before new laws in this area entered into force in Finland in the early 20th century. In 1920, a law on family names that required fixed names put an end to the use of the patronymic as a person s only surname. After 1929, it was no longer possible for a married woman to retain her maiden name. Methodologically, to explain this development from a socio-onomastic perspective, I have based my study on a syntactic-semantic analysis of the actual name phrases. To be able to demonstrate the extensive material, I have elaborated a scheme to divide the 115 different types of name phrases into 13 main categories. The analysis of the material for Helsinki is based on frequency calculations of the different types of name phrases every thirtieth year, as well as on describing variation in the structure and semantic content of the name phrases, e.g. social variation in the use of titles and epithets. In addition to this, by applying a biographic-genealogical method, I have conducted two case studies of the usage of women s name phrases in the two chosen families. The study is based on parish registers from the period 1780−1929, estate inventory documents from the period 1780−1928, registration forms for liberty of trade from the period 1880−1908, family announcements on newspapers from the period 1829−1888, gravestones from the period 1796−1929 and diaries from the periods 1799−1801 and 1818−1820 providing a corpus of 5 950 name phrases. The syntactic-semantic analysis has revealed the overall picture of various ways of denoting women in official documents. In Helsinki, towards the end of the 19th century, the use of inherited family names seems to be almost fully developed in official contexts. At the late 19th century, a patronymic still appears as the only surname of some working-class women whereas in the early 20th century patronymics were only entered in the parish register as a kind of middle name. In the beginning of the 19th century, most married women were still registered under their maiden names, with a few exceptions among the bourgeoisie and upper class. The comparative analysis of name phrases in diaries, however, indicates that the use of the husband s family name by married women was a much earlier phenomenon in private contexts than in official documents. Keywords: socio-onomastics, syntactic-semantic analysis, name phrase, patronymic, maiden name, husband s family name


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Estudo sobre o processo de construção identitária da cidade de São Luís. Dos vários epítetos pelos quais a cidade é designada, são contemplados aqui apenas os de Atenas Brasileira, Única cidade brasileira fundada pelos franceses e Jamaica Brasileira. O propósito é o de identificar as condições sociais, políticas e culturais presentes no contexto específico de cada uma dessas construções. São levados em conta o modelo eurocêntrico e o elitismo cultural vigentes na sociedade de um século XIX marcado pelas categorias dominantes/dominados, cultura letrada/cultura popular próprias das condições que ensejaram o estabelecimento da Atenas Brasileira. Foi analisada a estratégia que fez de um acontecimento histórico a instauração de um ato fundador de tradição e, por extensão, de criação de identidade cultural, tática que deu a São Luís, na primeira década do século XX, a designação de Única cidade brasileira fundada pelos franceses, a mesmo tempo em que ensejou a revitalização da primeira identidade cultural. Por fim, a análise do advento da Jamaica Brasileira nos anos de 1970, identidade cultural oriunda das massas populares e periféricas da cidade de São Luís, caracterizadas pela exclusão social e negritude, de forte apelo sensível e estético marcado pelo ritmo, pela dança, pela música reggae de origem jamaicana. Esses estudos tiveram como fundamentos epistemológicos teorizações dos campos da comunicação, dos estudos culturais, memória e narrativa. Para sua realização foram efetuadas leitura e análise de material bibliográfico e documental, realizadas entrevistas e aplicados questionários. O estudo revelou que os processos de construção das identidades culturais da cidade de São Luís foram influenciados pela po


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Sixteen species of the genus Cladonia are reported from Macaronesia from the Canary Islands. Three species are new to canarian flora and, two of them new to Macaronesia. The chemical variation of the taxa is reported. A phytogeographic distribution of the taxa with data on their habitat and ecology are presented.


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Malingering—the willful, deliberate, and fraudulent feigning or exaggeration of illness—was originally described as a means of avoiding military service. In present-day clinical practice, malingering may occur in circumstances where the person wishes to avoid legal responsibility or in situations where compensation or some other benefit might be obtained. In law, the term malingering is used in relation to persons to whom military regulations apply; in other situations, malingering is regarded as fraud and may lead to charges of perjury or criminal fraud. Assertions that an individual is malingering are particularly common in clinical settings where the complaint is of a subjective nature and is not accompanied by objectively demonstrable organic abnormalities. This may occur in relation to complaints of pain in situations where the person is entitled to receive pain-contingent compensation or is suing for damages. In this article, we will review the literature on pain and malingering and discuss attempts that have been made to develop methods and guidelines for the detection of malingered pain. There are, however, no valid clinical methods of assessment of possible malingering of pain. In our view, the ultimate issue of the veracity of the plaintiff is for the Court to decide, and epithets such as “malingerer” have no place in reports prepared for legal purposes by health care professionals.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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From the moment of their birth, a person's life is determined by their sex. Ms. Goroshko wants to know why this difference is so striking, why society is so concerned to sustain it, and how it is able to persist even when certain national or behavioural stereotypes are erased between people. She is convinced of the existence of not only social, but biological differences between men and women, and set herself the task, in a manuscript totalling 126 pages, written in Ukrainian and including extensive illustrations, of analysing these distinctions as they are manifested in language. She points out that, even before 1900, certain stylistic differences between the ways that men and women speak had been noted. Since then it has become possible, for instance in the case of Japanese, to point to examples of male and female sub-languages. In general, one can single out the following characteristics. Males tend to write with less fluency, to refer to events in a verb-phrase, to be time-oriented, to involve themselves more in their references to events, to locate events in their personal sphere of activity, and to refer less to others. Therefore, concludes Ms Goroshko, the male is shown to be more active, more ego-involved in what he does, and less concerned about others. Women, in contrast, were more fluent, referred to events in a noun-phrase, were less time-oriented, tended to be less involved in their event-references, locate events within their interactive community and refer more to others. They spent much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects, relationship problems, family, health and reproductive matters, weight, food and clothing, men, and other women. As regards discourse strategies, Ms Goroshko notes the following. Men more often begin a conversation, they make more utterances, these utterances are longer, they make more assertions, speak less carefully, generally determine the topic of conversation, speak more impersonally, use more vulgar expressions, and use fewer diminutives and more imperatives. Women's speech strategies, apart from being the opposite of those enumerated above, also contain more euphemisms, polite forms, apologies, laughter and crying. All of the above leads Ms. Goroshko to conclude that the differences between male and female speech forms are more striking than the similarities. Furthermore she is convinced that the biological divergence between the sexes is what generates the verbal divergence, and that social factors can only intensify or diminish the differentiation in verbal behaviour established by the sex of a person. Bearing all this in mind, Ms Goroshko set out to construct a grammar of male and female styles of speaking within Russian. One of her most important research tools was a certain type of free association test. She took a list comprising twelve stimuli (to love, to have, to speak, to fuck, a man, a woman, a child, the sky, a prayer, green, beautiful) and gave it to a group of participants specially selected, according to a preliminary psychological testing, for the high levels of masculinity or femininity they displayed. Preliminary responses revealed that the female reactions were more diverse than the male ones, there were more sentences and word combinations in the female reactions, men gave more negative responses to the stimulus and sometimes didn't want to react at all, women reacted more to adjectives and men to nouns, and that, surprisingly, women coloured more negatively their reactions to the words man, to love and a child (Ms. Goroshko is inclined to attribute this to the present economic situation in Russia). Another test performed by Ms. Goroshko was the so-called "defective text" developed by A.A. Brudny. All participants were distributed with packets of complete sentences, which had been taken from a text and then mixed at random. The task was to reconstruct the original text. There were three types of test, the first descriptive, the second narrative, and the third logical. Ms. Goroshko created computer programmes to analyse the results. She found that none of the reconstructed texts was coincident with the original, differing both from the original text and amongst themselves and that there were many more disparities in the male than the female texts. In the descriptive and logical texts the differences manifested themselves more clearly in the male texts, and in the narrative texts in the female texts. The widest dispersal of values was observed at the outset, while the female text ending was practically coincident with the original (in contrast to the male ending). The greatest differences in text reconstruction for both males and females were registered in the middle of the texts. Women, Ms. Goroshko claims, were more sensitive to the semantic structure of the texts, since they assembled the narrative text much more accurately than the other two, while the men assembled more accurately the logical text. Texts written by women were assembled more accurately by women and texts by men by men. On the basis of computer analysis, Ms. Goroshko found that female speech was substantially more emotional. It was expressed by various means, hyperbole, metaphor, comparisons, epithets, ways of enumeration, and with the aid of interjections, rhetorical questions, exclamations. The level of literacy was higher for female speech, and there were fewer mistakes in grammar and spelling in female texts. The last stage of Ms Goroshko's research concerned the social stereotypes of beliefs about men and women in Russian society today. A large number of respondents were asked questions such as "What merits must a woman possess?", "What are male vices and virtues?", etc. After statistical manipulation, an image of modern man and woman, as it exists in the minds of modern Russian men and women, emerged. Ms. Goroshko believes that her findings are significant not only within the field of linguistics. She has already successfully worked on anonymous texts and been able to decide on the sex of the author and consequently believes that in the future her research may even be of benefit to forensic science.


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From the moment of their birth, a person's life is determined by their sex. Goroshko wanted to find out why this difference is so striking, why society is so determined to sustain it, and how it can persist even when certain national or behavioural stereotypes are erased. She believes there are both social and biological differences between men and women, and set out to analyse these distinctions as they are manifested in language. Certain general characteristics can be identified. Males tend to write with less fluency, to refer to events in a verb phrase, to be time-oriented, to involve themselves more in their references to events, to locate events in their personal sphere of activity, and to refer less to others. Goroshko therefore concludes that the male is more active, more ego-involved in what he does and less concerned about others. Women were more fluent, referred to events in a noun-phrase, were less time-oriented, tended to be less involved in their event references, located events within their interactive community, and referred more to others. They spent much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects, relationship problems, family, health and reproductive matters, weight, food and clothing, men, and other women. Computer analysis showed that female speech was substantially more emotional, using hyperbole, metaphor, comparisons, epithets, ways of enumeration, interjections, rhetorical questions and exclamations. The level of literacy was higher in female speech, and women made fewer grammatical and spelling mistakes in written texts. Goroshko believes that her findings have relevance beyond the linguistic field. When working on anonymous texts she has been able to decide on the sex of the author and so believes that her research may even be of benefit to forensic science.


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Pocos líderes de la historia política contemporánea han generado tantos estudios e impactado de forma tan contundente en los medios de comunicación como la figura emblemática de Juan Domingo Perón. Fundador de un movimiento masivo que construyó, más allá de textos políticos deliberados, una constelación de discursos mediáticos y artísticos. Los alcances semánticos de estas construcciones implosionan, en el campo simbólico, con un vocabulario e imágenes que difícilmente podrán ser desterrados de la memoria de los argentinos. Resulta sugestivo caminar a través de esta senda de amores y de odios. Por un lado a través del análisis de los epítetos descalificatorios que pueblan el diccionario de los antiperonistas. Por el otro, desandando el camino de los mitos, las versiones posmodernas del fenómeno peronista y escuchando las voces quienes adhirieron al movimiento y recrearon sus pasiones tanto en su producción testimonial, ficcional e historiográfica. En esta investigación se analizaron las formas con las que el peronismo constituyó el mito de origen y, a la vez, un mito social popular, en tanto promovió un armazón representacional utópico desde el cual ha sabido generar sus propias creencias


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El presente artículo busca identificar y analizar algunas de los principales tratamientos poéticos y artísticos del binomio paz / riqueza en una perspectiva diacrónica y comparativa, intentando aislar las más frecuentes imágenes, metáforas y epítetos relacionados con ese tema. El estudio de los pasajes elegidos deja claro cómo ambos, poetas y artistas plásticos, conocían y manipulaban con su arte un mismo patrimonio bastante antiguo


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Pocos líderes de la historia política contemporánea han generado tantos estudios e impactado de forma tan contundente en los medios de comunicación como la figura emblemática de Juan Domingo Perón. Fundador de un movimiento masivo que construyó, más allá de textos políticos deliberados, una constelación de discursos mediáticos y artísticos. Los alcances semánticos de estas construcciones implosionan, en el campo simbólico, con un vocabulario e imágenes que difícilmente podrán ser desterrados de la memoria de los argentinos. Resulta sugestivo caminar a través de esta senda de amores y de odios. Por un lado a través del análisis de los epítetos descalificatorios que pueblan el diccionario de los antiperonistas. Por el otro, desandando el camino de los mitos, las versiones posmodernas del fenómeno peronista y escuchando las voces quienes adhirieron al movimiento y recrearon sus pasiones tanto en su producción testimonial, ficcional e historiográfica. En esta investigación se analizaron las formas con las que el peronismo constituyó el mito de origen y, a la vez, un mito social popular, en tanto promovió un armazón representacional utópico desde el cual ha sabido generar sus propias creencias


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El presente artículo busca identificar y analizar algunas de los principales tratamientos poéticos y artísticos del binomio paz / riqueza en una perspectiva diacrónica y comparativa, intentando aislar las más frecuentes imágenes, metáforas y epítetos relacionados con ese tema. El estudio de los pasajes elegidos deja claro cómo ambos, poetas y artistas plásticos, conocían y manipulaban con su arte un mismo patrimonio bastante antiguo


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El presente artículo busca identificar y analizar algunas de los principales tratamientos poéticos y artísticos del binomio paz / riqueza en una perspectiva diacrónica y comparativa, intentando aislar las más frecuentes imágenes, metáforas y epítetos relacionados con ese tema. El estudio de los pasajes elegidos deja claro cómo ambos, poetas y artistas plásticos, conocían y manipulaban con su arte un mismo patrimonio bastante antiguo