12 resultados para Electropolymerisation


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We report the electropolymerization of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiopene) (PEDOT) from an ionic liquid, butyl-methylpyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (C4mpyrTFSI) onto flexible carbon cloth electrodes. A continuous, homogeneous and well adhered coating of the individual cloth fibres is achieved by employing a sandwich cell arrangement where the carbon cloth which is soaked with electrolyte is placed between two indium tin oxide electrodes isolated from each other by a battery separator. The resultant PEDOT modified carbon cloth electrode demonstrates excellent activity for the oxygen reduction reaction which is due to the doping level, conductivity and morphology of the PEDOT layer and is also tolerant to the presence of methanol in the electrolyte. This simple approach therefore offers a route to fabricate flexible polymer electrodes that could be used in various electronic applications.


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We report the synthesis of new protic ionic liquids (PILs) based on aniline derivatives and the use of high-throughput (HT) techniques to screen possible candidates. In this work, a simple HT method was applied to rapidly screen different aniline derivatives against different acids in order to identify possible combinations that produce PILs. This was followed by repeating the HT process with Chemspeed robotic synthesis platform for more accurate results. One of the successful combinations were then chosen to be synthesised on full scale for further analysis. The new PILs are of interest to the fields of ionic liquids, energy storage and especially, conducting polymers as they serve as solvents, electrolytes and monomers in the same time for possible electropolymerisation (i.e. a self-contained polymer precursor).


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Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) has been successfully synthesised using ionic liquids as both the growth medium and the electrolyte. Both imidazolium and pyrrolidinium-based TFSA ionic liquids were used to assess the influence of the nature of the medium on the morphology and electrochemical activity of the resulting materials.


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Conducting polymers have become the focus of research due to their interesting properties, such as a wide range of conductivity, facile production, mechanical stability, light weight and low cost and due to the ease with which conducting polymers can be nanostructured to meet the specific application. They have become valuable materials for many applications, such as energy storage and generation. Recently, conducting polymers have been studied to be used in supercapacitors, battery electrode and fuel cells. This article is to briefly discuss the background & theory behind their conductivity as well as to highlight the recent contributions of conducting polymers to the field of energy and their significance. Furthermore, the methods of production of the conducting polymers in addition to the different ways utilised to nano-engineer special morphologies are discussed.


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A poly(Nile blue) modified glassy carbon electrode (PNBMGCE) was fabricated by electropolymerisation of Nile blue (NB) monomer using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and was used for the determination of paracetamol (ACOP), tramadol (TRA) and caffeine (CAF). The electrochemical investigations showed that PNB - film formed on the surface of glassy carbon electrode (GCE) improved the electroactive surface area and displayed a remarkable increase in the peak current and a substantial decrease in over potential of ACOP, TRA and CAF when compared to bare GCE. The dependence of peak current and potential on pH, sweep rate and concentration were also investigated at the surface of PNBMGCE. It showed good sensitivity and selectivity in a wide linear range from 2.0 x 10(-7) to 1.62 x 10(-5) M, 1.0 x 10(-6) to 3.1 x 10(-4) M and 8.0 x 10(-7) to 2.0 x 10(-5) M, with detection limits of 0.08, 0.5 and 0.1 mu M, for ACOP, TRA and CAF, respectively. The PNBMGCE was also successfully applied for the determination of ACOP, TRA and CAF in pharmaceutical dosage forms. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Les matériaux conjugués ont fait l’objet de beaucoup de recherches durant les dernières années. Les nouveaux matériaux présentent des propriétés intéressantes que ce soit au niveau optique, électrique, mécanique ou même les trois en même temps. La synthèse reste la difficulté principale dans la fabrication de dispositifs électroniques. Les méthodes utilisées pour y parvenir sont l’électropolymérisation, le couplage de Suzuki ou de Wittig. Ces techniques comportent encore de nombreuses contraintes et s’avèrent difficilement réalisables à grande échelle. Les thiophènes, les pyrroles et les furanes ont démontré une bonne conductibilité et une bande de conduction basse due à une conjugaison accrue. L’objectif ici est de synthétiser des oligomères principalement composés de thiophènes dans le but d’en caractériser les propriétés spectroscopiques, électrochimiques et de conduction. La synthèse est souvent l’étape délicate de la fabrication de matériaux conjugués. Nous présentons ici une méthode de synthèse simple par modules avec des unités hétérocycliques. Les modules complémentaires sont attachés par condensation entre un aldéhyde et une amine menant à la formation d’un lien robuste, l’azomethine. Les résultats des propriétés photophysiques et électrochimiques de ces matériaux conjugués seront présentés. En ayant recours à différents groupes électrodonneurs et électroaccepteurs, en variant le degré de conjugaison ou en utilisant différents hétérocycles, les propriétés spectroscopiques, électrochimiques et de bande de conduction peuvent être adaptées à volonté, ce qui en fait des matériaux aux propriétés modelables. Ces nouvelles molécules seront analysées pour en déceler les propriétés recherchées dans la fabrication d’OLED. Nous explorerons les domaines de l’oxidation electrochimique réversible et de la polymérisation menant à la fabrication de quelques prototypes simples.


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Voltammetric sensors are an important class of electrochemical sensors in which the analytical information is obtained from the measurement of current obtained as a result of electrochemical oxidation/reduction.This current is proportional to the concentration of the analyte.Chemically modified electrodes(CMEs) have great significance as important analytical tools for the electrochemical determination of pharmaceuticals.The modification of electrode results in efficient determination of electro-active biomolecules at very lower potential without its major interferences.The operation mechanism of CMEs depends on the properties of the modifier materials that are used to promote selectivity towards the target analytes.Modified electrodes can be prepared by deposition of various compounds such as organic compounds ,conducting polymers,metal oxides,etc. on the various electrode surfaces.The thesis presents the development ,electrochemical characterization and analytical application studies of eight voltammetric sensors developed for six drugs viz.,Ambroxol,Sulfamethoxazole,PAM Chloride, Lamivudine,Metronidazole and Nimesulide.The modification techniques adopted as part of the present work include Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube(MWCNT) based modification.Electropolymerisation and Gold Nanoparticle (AuNP) based modifications.


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Der Einfluß von Druck auf die Eigenschaften dünner dielektrischer Filme wurde mit Hilfe von Oberflächenplasmonen-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die Arbeit kann aus der Perspektive der Materialcharakterisierung und aus apparativer Sicht betrachtet werden, da z.B. eine neue Hochdruckzelle konstruiert wurde, die kombinierte Oberflächenplasmonen-Elektrochemie Messungen erlaubt. SiO2-Solgel Filme wurden optimiert und auf ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit in Bufferlösungen und ihre Oberflächeneigenschaften hin untersucht. Eine Anwendung lag in der Charakterisierung von thermoresponsiven Acrylsäureisopropylamid Hydrogelen, die einen Volumenphasenübergang aufwiesen, dessen Eigenschaften durch Druck und die Beschränktheit des Films auf die Oberfläche beeinflußt wurden.Die Charakterisierung von DNA Hybridisierungsreaktionen an Oberflächen wurde mit einer Fluoreszenz-erweiterten Hochdruckapparatur durchgeführt. Zunächst wurde die Stabilität der zugrundeliegenden Bindematrix sichergestellt. Bei DNA Einzelsträngen führten Temperatur und Druck zu jeweils verringertem bzw. erhöhtem Signal. Entropie und Änderungen der Lösungsmitteleigenschaften wurden für die Signaländerungen verantwortlich gemacht. Die Eigenschaften der Doppelhelix wurden im Langmuir-Bild beschrieben. Der Brechungsindex von Kohlendioxid wurde bis zu 200 MPa gemessen und mit vorhandenen Gleichungen verglichen. Weiterhin wurde das Schwellverhalten von PMMA in scCO2/MMA-Mischungen untersucht. Mit Druck und MMA-Konzentration nimmt das Polymer vermehrt Kohlendioxid auf. Dadurch schwillt es an und sein Brechungsindex nimmt ab. Berechnungen unter Annahme einer idealen Mixtur ergaben gute qualitative Übereinstimmung mit den Meßwerten.Abschließend wurde eine neue Elektrochemie-Hochdruckzelle vorgestellt, die an Kaliumhexacyanoferrat(III)-(II) getestet wurde. Die Elektropolymerisation von Thiophen optisch untersucht.


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In the present study, thin functional conducting polyaniline (PANI) films, either doped or undoped, patterned or unpatterned, were prepared by different approaches. The properties of the obtained PANI films were investigated in detail by a combination of electrochemistry with several other techniques, such as SPR, QCM, SPFS, diffraction, etc. The sensing applications (especially biosensing applications) of the prepared PANI films were explored. Firstly, the pure PANI films were prepared by the electropolymerisation method and their doping/dedoping properties in acidic conditions were investigated in detail by a combination of electrochemistry with SPR and QCM. Dielectric constants of PANI at different oxidation states were obtained quantitatively. The results obtained here laid a good foundation for the following investigations of PANI films in neutral pH conditions. Next, PANI multilayer films doped by a variety of materials were prepared by the layer-by-layer method in order to explore their biosensing applications, because of the loss of redox activity of pure PANI in neutral pH conditions. The dopants used include not only the traditionally used linear polyelectrolytes, but also, for the first tim, some other novel materials, like modified gold nanoparticles or modified carbon nanotubes. Our results showed that all the used dopants could form stable multilayer films with PANI. All the obtained PANI multilayer films showed good redox activity in a neutral pH environment, which makes them feasible for bioassays. We found that all the prepared PANI multilayer films can electrocatalyze the oxidation of NADH in neutral conditions at a low potential, although their catalytic efficiencies are different. Among them, PANI/carbon nanotube system showed the highest catalytic efficiency toward the oxidation of NADH, which makes it a good candidate as a NADH sensor. Besides, because some of the prepared PANI multilayer systems were end-terminated with –COOH groups (like PANI/Au nanoparticles system), which can be utilized to easily link biomolecules for biosensing applications. Here, we demonstrated, for the first time, to use the prepared PANI multilayer films for the DNA hybridisation detection. The detection event was monitored either by direct electrochemical method, or by enzyme-amplified electrochemical method, or by surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence spectroscopic method. All the methods can effectively differentiate non-complementary DNA from the complementary ones, even at the single-base mismatch level. It should also be noted that, our success in fabricating PANI multilayer films with modified Au nanoparticles or carbon nanotubes also offered another novel method for incorporating such novel materials into (conducting) polymers. Because of the unique electrochemical and optical properties of each component of the obtained PANI multilayer films, they should also find potential applications in many other fields such as microelectronics, or for electrochromic and photovoltaic devices. Finally, patterned PANI films were fabricated by the combination of several patterning techniques, such as the combination of electrocopolymerization with micromolding in capillaries (EP-MIMIC), the combination of microcontact printing with the layer-by-layer technique (µCP-LBL), and the polystyrene (PS) template induced electropolymerisation method. Using the obtained stripe-shaped PANI/PSS film, a redox-switchable polymer grating based on the surface-plasmon-enhanced mode was constructed and its application in the field of biosensing was explored. It was found that the diffraction efficiency (DE) of the grating was very sensitive to the applied potential (i.e. redox state of the film) as well as the pH environment of the dielectric medium. Moreover, the DE could also be effectively tuned by an electrocatalytic event, such as the electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH by the grating film. By using PS colloidal crystal assemblies as templates, well-ordered 3D interconnected macroporous PANI arrays (PANI inverse opals) were fabricated via electropolymerisation method. The quality of the obtained inverse opals was much higher than those reported by chemical synthesis method. By electrochemical method, the structures of the prepared inverse opals can be easily controlled. To explore the possible biosensing applications of PANI inverse opals, efforts were also done toward the fabrication of PANI composite inverse opals. By selecting proper dopants, high quality inverse opals of PANI composites were fabricated for the first time. And the obtained opaline films remained redox-active in neutral pH conditions, pointing to their possible applications for electrobioassays.


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Schottky barrier diodes are made from virtually all semiconducting polymers. Application of Schottky barriers on the development of electronic devices built from semiconducting polymers prompted this research. The article investigated the dc and ac admittance of Schottky barrier which occur at the interface between aluminum and poly(3-methyl thiophene) made ready by electropolymerisation. The experiment revealed that the interfacial layers occurring in polymer Schottky barriers is significant in the response of the controlling device.


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Schottky barrier diodes are made from virtually all semiconducting polymers. Application of Schottky barriers on the development of electronic devices built from semiconducting polymers prompted this research. The article investigated the dc and ac admittance of Schottky barrier which occur at the interface between aluminum and poly(3-methyl thiophene) made ready by electropolymerisation. The experiment revealed that the interfacial layers occurring in polymer Schottky barriers is significant in the response of the controlling device.