805 resultados para Electronic Trading


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Many organisations make extensive use of electronic linkages to facilitate their trading exchanges with partners such as suppliers, distributors and customers. This research explores how the use of inter-organisational systems (IOS) both affects, and is affected by, the relationships between trading partners. In doing this, it brings together two existing but distinct perspectives and literatures; the rational view informed by IOS research, and the behavioural or relationship perspective embodied in inter-organisational relationships (IOR) literature. The research was undertaken in the European paper industry by means of six dyadic case studies. The dyads studied covered both traditional electronic data interchange systems and newer e-marketplace environments. A framework was derived from existing literature that integrates the two perspectives of interest. The framework was used to analyse the case studies undertaken and enabled the inter-relationship between IOS use and IOR to be explained.


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The potential of the electrocardiographic (ECG) signal as a biometric trait has been ascertained in the literature over the past decade. The inherent characteristics of the ECG make it an interesting biometric modality, given its universality, intrinsic aliveness detection, continuous availability, and inbuilt hidden nature. These properties enable the development of novel applications, where non-intrusive and continuous authentication are critical factors. Examples include, among others, electronic trading platforms, the gaming industry, and the auto industry, in particular for car sharing programs and fleet management solutions. However, there are still some challenges to overcome in order to make the ECG a widely accepted biometric. In particular, the questions of uniqueness (inter-subject variability) and permanence over time (intra-subject variability) are still largely unanswered. In this paper we focus on the uniqueness question, presenting a preliminary study of our biometric recognition system, testing it on a database encompassing 618 subjects. We also performed tests with subsets of this population. The results reinforce that the ECG is a viable trait for biometrics, having obtained an Equal Error Rate of 9.01% and an Error of Identification of 15.64% for the entire test population.


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Fast changing environment sets pressure on firms to share large amount of information with their customers and suppliers. The terms information integration and information sharing are essential for facilitating a smooth flow of information throughout the supply chain, and the terms are used interchangeably in research literature. By integrating and sharing information, firms want to improve their logistics performance. Firms share information with their suppliers and customers by using traditional communication methods (telephone, fax, Email, written and face-to-face contacts) and by using advanced or modern communication methods such as electronic data interchange (EDI), enterprise resource planning (ERP), web-based procurement systems, electronic trading systems and web portals. Adopting new ways of using IT is one important resource for staying competitive on the rapidly changing market (Saeed et al. 2005, 387), and an information system that provides people the information they need for performing their work, will support company performance (Boddy et al. 2005, 26). The purpose of this research has been to test and understand the relationship between information integration with key suppliers and/or customers and a firm’s logistics performance, especially when information technology (IT) and information systems (IS) are used for integrating information. Quantitative and qualitative research methods have been used to perform the research. Special attention has been paid to the scope, level and direction of information integration (Van Donk & van der Vaart 2005a). In addition, the four elements of integration (Jahre & Fabbe-Costes 2008) are closely tied to the frame of reference. The elements are integration of flows, integration of processes and activities, integration of information technologies and systems and integration of actors. The study found that information integration has a low positive relationship to operational performance and a medium positive relationship to strategic performance. The potential performance improvements found in this study vary from efficiency, delivery and quality improvements (operational) to profit, profitability or customer satisfaction improvements (strategic). The results indicate that although information integration has an impact on a firm’s logistics performance, all performance improvements have not been achieved. This study also found that the use of IT and IS have a mediocre positive relationship to information integration. Almost all case companies agreed on that the use of IT and IS could facilitate information integration and improve their logistics performance. The case companies felt that an implementation of a web portal or a data bank would benefit them - enhance their performance and increase information integration.


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Tässä työssä tutkittiin sähköisen liiketoiminnan palveluiden tarvetta kartonkiteollisuudessa. Palveluiden tarvetta ja sisältöä tutkittiin suomalaisessa metsäteollisuusyrityksessä. Tutkimus suoritettiin teemahaastatteluin ja sitä täydennettiin tekemällä yritys case. Tutkimuksen pohjana toimi esiselvitys, jossa muutamia sähköisen liiketoiminnan palveluita oli tunnistettu. Sähköisen liiketoiminnan palveluiden on havaittu lisääntyneen merkittävästi yritystenvälisessä liiketoiminnassa. Kuluttajakaupassa sähköisen liiketoiminnan palvelut ovat olleet jo pitkään käytössä. Sähköisen kaupankäynnin lisääntyminen on ajanut yrityksiä perustamaan sähköisiä kauppapaikkoja, modernisoimaan toimitusmallejaan tai palvelukonseptejaan sekä huomioimaan sähköisen tiedonvaihdon vaikutuksia liiketoimissaan. Tutkimuksen tulokset johtivat kolmeen johtopäätökseen. Tutkimus osoitti, että sähköisen liiketoiminnan palvelut ovat osa nykyaikaista yritystenvälistä liiketoimintaa. Palveluita on olemassa ja niitä on tarjolla yrityksen kilpailijoiden toimesta maailmanlaajuisesti. Toiseksi tutkimus osoitti, että toimitusketjun tulevaisuus on palveluiden kehittämisessä ja niiden rakentamisessa. Kartonkituotteet lähenevät toisiaan laadullisesti kokoajan, sähköiset palvelut voivat tuoda kilpailuetua ja niiden avulla voidaan erottua markkinoilla. Kolmanneksi, sähköiseen liiketoimintaan on panostettava ja palveluita on rakennettava toimitusmalleja tukevaksi. Palveluiden sisällön on huomioitava asiakastarpeet.


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This thesis studies the impact of macroeconomic announcements on the U.S. Treasury market and investigates profitable opportunities around macroeconomic announcements using data from the eSpeed electronic trading platform. We investigate how macroeconomic announcements affect the return predictability of trade imbalance for the 2-year, 5-year, IO-year U.S. Treasury notes and 30-year U.S. Treasury bonds. The goal of this thesis is to develop a methodology to identify informed trades and estimate the trade imbalance based on informed trades. We use the daily order book slope as a proxy for dispersion of beliefs among investors. Regression results in this thesis indicate that, on announcement days with a high dispersion of beliefs, daily trade imbalance estimated by informed trades significantly predicts returns on the following day. In addition, we develop a trade-imbalance based trading strategy conditional on dispersion of beliefs, informed trades, and announcement days. The trading strategy yields significantly positive net returns for the 2-year T-notes.


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La croissance dramatique du commerce électronique des titres cache un grand potentiel pour les investisseurs, de même que pour l’industrie des valeurs mobilières en général. Prenant en considération ses risques particuliers, les autorités réglementaires vivent un défi important face à l’Internet en tant que nouveau moyen d’investir. Néanmoins, malgré l’évolution technologique, les objectifs fondamentaux et l’approche des autorités réglementaires restent similaires à ce qui se produit présentement. Cet article analyse l’impact de l’Internet sur le commerce des valeurs mobilières en se concentrant sur les problèmes soulevés par l’utilisation de ce nouveau moyen de communication dans le contexte du marché secondaire. Par conséquent, son objectif est de dresser le portrait des plaintes typiques des investisseurs, de même que celui des activités frauduleuses en valeurs mobilières propres au cyberespace. L’auteur fait une synthèse des développements récents en analysant l’approche des autorités réglementaires, les études doctrinales, la jurisprudence et les cas administratifs. L'auteure désire remercier la professeure Raymonde Crête pour ses précieux commentaires et conseils.


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A grande disponibilidade de informações oferece um amplo potencial comercial. Contudo, o enorme volume e diversidade de oportunidades gera um problema: limitações comerciais criadas pela seleção e a manipulação manual dessa informação. O tratamento das grandes bases de dados não estruturadas e/ou semi-estruturadas (BDNE/SE), como as trazidas pela Internet, é uma fonte de conhecimento rica e confiável, permitindo a análise de mercados. O tratamento e a estruturação dessa informação permitirá seu melhor gerenciamento, a realização de consultas e a tomada de decisões, criando diferenciais competitivos de mercado. Pesquisas em Recuperação de Informação (RI), as quais culminaram nesta tese, investem na melhoria da posição competitiva de pequenas e médias empresas, hoje inseridas, pelo comércio eletrônico, em um mercado globalizado, dinâmico e competitivo. O objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de uma Metodologia de Extração de Informações para o Tratamento e Manipulação de Informações de Comércio Eletrônico. Chamaremos essa metodologia de EI-MNBC, ou seja, Extração de Informações em Múltiplos Níveis Baseada em Conhecimento. Os usuários da EIMNBC podem rapidamente obter as informações desejadas, frente ao tempo de pesquisa e leitura manual dos dados, ou ao uso de ferramentas automáticas inadequadas. Os problemas de volume, diversidade de formatos de armazenamento, diferentes necessidades de pesquisa das informações, entre outros, serão solucionados. A metodologia EI-MNBC utiliza conhecimentos de RI, combinando tecnologias de Recuperação de Documentos, Extração de Informações e Mineração de Dados em uma abordagem híbrida para o tratamento de BDNE/SE. Propõe-se uma nova forma de integração (múltiplos níveis) e configuração (sistema baseado em conhecimento - SBC) de processos de extração de informações, tratando de forma mais eficaz e eficiente as BDNE/SE usadas em comércio eletrônico. Esse tratamento viabilizará o uso de ferramentas de manipulação de dados estruturados, como Sistemas Gerenciadores de Bancos de Dados, sobre as informações anteriormente desestruturadas. A busca do conhecimento existente em bases de dados textuais não estruturadas demanda a compreensão desses dados. O objetivo é enfatizar os aspectos cognitivos superficiais envolvidos na leitura de um texto, entendendo como as pessoas recuperam as informações e armazenando esse conhecimento em regras que guiarão o processo de extração. A estrutura da metodolo gia EI-MNBC é similar a de um SBC: os módulos de extração (máquinas de inferência) analisam os documentos (eventos) de acordo com o conteúdo das bases de conhecimento, interpretando as regras. O resultado é um arquivo estruturado com as informações extraíd as (conclusões). Usando a EI-MNBC, implementou-se o SE-MNBC (Sistema de Extração de Informações em Múltiplos Níveis Baseado em Conhecimento) que foi aplicado sobre o sistema ETO (Electronic Trading Opportunities). O sistema ETO permite que as empresas negociem através da troca de e-mails e o SE-MNBC extrai as informações relevantes nessas mensagens. A aplicação é estruturada em três fases: análise estrutural dos textos, identificação do assunto (domínio) de cada texto e extração, transformando a informação não estruturada em uma base de dados estruturada.


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La implementación de las nuevas tecnologías o TIC’s en el sector turístico se ha visto favorecida, en los últimos años, por las posibilidades que Internet ofrece de poder comprobar instantáneamente la existencia real del proveedor del servicio, la veracidad del servicio prestado o las condiciones en que se presta.. El aumento de la contratación electrónica de servicios turísticos exige que los proveedores de estos servicios y los turistas tengan en cuenta las diferentes normas jurídicas que resultan de aplicación en el ámbito de los servicios de la sociedad de la información, principalmente, la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (LSSI), las normas reguladoras del consumo, en concreto, el Real Decreto legislativo 1/2007, de 16 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios y otras leyes complementarias (TRLGDCU) y su modificación por la Ley 3/2014, de 27 de marzo, así como las diferentes normas autonómicas reguladoras del turismo que existen en la actualidad. En definitiva, un estudio detallado de las implicaciones que la contratación electrónica de servicios turísticos supone realizar una descripción legal del régimen jurídico que resulta de aplicación a los diferentes oferentes e intermediarios que intervienen esta nueva modalidad contractual y a los denominados paquetes dinámicos de turismo.


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This study discusses the issue of deadlines in the purchasing process within the Federal Public Administration. Your main goal is to analyze the main factors that influenced, mainly in the implementation of sub-phases of electronic trading in BANT, in 2014, as service to the principle of celerity. The research is descriptive since they were identified and analyzed the factors that influenced in terms of purchases, through direct observation and interviews. Based on the theoretical framework, the purchasing function, four dimensions of analysis were established: "Legislation and procurement processes", "Structure and Organization of the purchasing department", "purchasing systems" and "Human Resources of the purchasing department." Analysis showed that, unlike what happens in the private sector, the public procurement sector has not reached a strategic status within organizations, which brings harmful consequences to the speed of the purchases. It was found that there is a need for greater involvement of the purchasing department staff and criers in the formulation of the organization's purchasing strategies and that these purchases elements present, about their attitudes, a hybrid profile, proactive regarding specifications of the items, but reactive in relation to the need to urgently purchase, due to the lack of a better plan, which overloads the work of the sector. The observation of these strategic aspects of the procurement function in BANT influenced the finding that the lack of staff and expertise in investments plus the lack of rigor and formality of legislation, among other factors, contributed mainly to the lack of speed of processes.


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This thesis examines the impact of a corporate name change on stock price and trading volume of Canadian companies around the announcement date, the approval date, and the adoption date over the time period from 1997 to 2011. Name changes are classified into six categories: major and minor, structural and pure, diversified and focused, accompanied with a change in ticker symbol and without a change in ticker symbol, “Gold” name addition and deletion, and different reasons for name changes (e.g., merger and acquisition, change of structure, change of strategy, and better image). The thesis uses the standard event study methodology to perform abnormal return and trading volume analyses. In addition, regression analysis is employed to examine which type of a name change has the largest impact on cumulative abnormal returns. Sample stocks exhibit a significant positive abnormal return one-day prior to the approval day and one day after the adoption date. Around the approval date we observe significant abnormal returns for stocks with a structural name change. On the day after the adoption date we document abnormal returns for stocks with major, minor, structural, pure, focused, and ticker symbol name changes. If a merger or acquisition is the reason for a name change, companies tend to experience a significant positive abnormal return one-day before the approval date and on the adoption date. If a change of structure is the reason for a name change, companies exhibit a significant positive abnormal return on the approval date and a significant negative abnormal return on the adoption date. In case of a change of strategy as the reason for a name change, companies show a significant negative abnormal return around the approval date and a significant positive abnormal return around the adoption date.


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We assess the predictive ability of three VPIN metrics on the basis of two highly volatile market events of China, and examine the association between VPIN and toxic-induced volatility through conditional probability analysis and multiple regression. We examine the dynamic relationship on VPIN and high-frequency liquidity using Vector Auto-Regression models, Granger Causality tests, and impulse response analysis. Our results suggest that Bulk Volume VPIN has the best risk-warning effect among major VPIN metrics. VPIN has a positive association with market volatility induced by toxic information flow. Most importantly, we document a positive feedback effect between VPIN and high-frequency liquidity, where a negative liquidity shock boosts up VPIN, which, in turn, leads to further liquidity drain. Our study provides empirical evidence that reflects an intrinsic game between informed traders and market makers when facing toxic information in the high-frequency trading world.


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While nitrogen is critical for all plants, they are unable to utilize organically bound nitrogen in soils. Therefore, the majority of plants obtain useable nitrogen through nitrogen fixing bacteria and the microbial decomposition of organic matter. In the majority of cases, symbiotic microorganisms directly furnish plant roots with inorganic forms of nitrogen. More than 80% of all land plants form intimate symbiotic relationships with root colonizing fungi. These common plant/fungal interactions have been defined largely through nutrient exchange, where the plant receives limiting soil nutrients, such as nitrogen, in exchange for plant derived carbon. Fungal endophytes are common plant colonizers. A number of these fungal species have a dual life cycle, meaning that they are not solely plant colonizers, but also saprophytes, insect pathogens, or plant pathogens. By using 15N labeled, Metarhizium infected, wax moth larvae (Galleria mellonella) in soil microcosms, I demonstrated that the common endophytic, insect pathogenic fungi Metarhizium spp. are able to infect living soil borne insects, and subsequently colonize plant roots and furnish ts plant host with useable, insect-derived nitrogen. In addition, I showed that another ecologically important, endophytic, insect pathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana, is able to transfer insect-derived nitrogen to its plant host. I demonstrated that these relationships between various plant species and endophytic, insect pathogenic fungi help to improve overall plant health. By using 13C-labeled CO2, added to airtight plant growth chambers, coupled with nuclear magnetic resosnance spectroscopy, I was able to track the movement of carbon from the atmosphere, into the plant, and finally into the root colonized fungal biomass. This indicates that Metarhizium exists in a symbiotic partnership with plants, where insect nitrogen is exchanged for plant carbon. Overall these studies provide the first evidence of nutrient exchange between an insect pathogenic fungus and plants, a relationship that has potentially useful implications on plant primary production, soil health, and overall ecosystem stability.


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We analyze four years of transaction data for euro-area sovereign bonds traded on the MTS electronic platforms. In order to measure the informational content of trading activity, we estimate the permanent price response to trades. We find not only strong evidence of information asymmetry in sovereign bond markets, but we also show the relevance of information asymmetry in explaining the cross-sectional variations of bond yields across a wide range of bond maturities and countries. Our results confirm that trades of more recently issued bonds and longer maturity bonds have a greater permanent effect on prices. We compare the price impact of trades for bonds across different maturity categories and find that trades of French and German bonds have the highest long-term price impact in the short maturity class whereas trades of German bonds have the highest permanent price impacts in the long maturity class. More importantly, we study the cross-section of bond yields and find that after controlling for conventional factors, investors demand higher yields for bonds with larger permanent trading impact. Interestingly, when investors face increased market uncertainty, they require even higher compensation for information asymmetry.


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Despite the proliferation of e-business adoption by organisations and the world-wide growth of the e-business phenomenon, there is a paucity of empirical studies that examine the adoption of e-business in the Middle East. The aim of our study is to provide insights into the salient e-business adoption issues by focusing on Saudi Arabian businesses. We developed a conceptual model for electronic business (e-business) adoption incorporating ten factors based on the technology-organization-environment framework. Survey data from 550 businesses were used to test the model and hypotheses. We conducted confirmatory factor analysis to assess the reliability and validity of constructs. The findings of the study suggest that firm technology competence, size, top management Support, technology orientation, consumer readiness, trading partner readiness and regulatory support are important antecedents of e-business adoption and utilisation. In addition, the study finds that, competitive pressure and organisational customer and competitor orientation is not a predictor for e-business adoption and utilisation. The implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions for future inquiry are presented.


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The purpose of the research is to study the relationship between international drug interdiction policies and domestic politics in fragile democracies, and to demonstrate how international drug control policies and the use of force fit the rhetoric of war, are legitimized by the principles of a just war, but may also cause collateral damage and negative unintended consequences. The method used is a case study of the Dominican Republic. The research has found that international drug control regimes, primarily led by the U.S. and narrowly focused on interdiction, have influenced an increasingly militarized approach to domestic law enforcement in the Dominican Republic. The collateral damage caused by militarized enforcement comes in the form of negative perceptions of citizen security, loss of respect for the rule of law and due process, and low levels of civil society development. The drug war has exposed the need for significant reform of the institutions charged with carrying out enforcement, the police force and the judicial system in particular. The dissertation concludes that the extent of drug trafficking in the Dominican Republic is beyond the scope of domestic reform efforts alone, but that the programs implemented do show some potential for future success. The dissertation also concludes that the framework of warfare is not the most appropriate for the international problems of drug traffic and abuse. A broader, multipronged approach should be considered by world policy makers in order to address all conditions that allow drugs to flourish without infringing upon democratic and civil rights in the process.