424 resultados para Eigenvalues.
This article presents maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) and log-likelihood ratio (LLR) tests for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Gaussian random symmetric matrices of arbitrary dimension, where the observations are independent repeated samples from one or two populations. These inference problems are relevant in the analysis of diffusion tensor imaging data and polarized cosmic background radiation data, where the observations are, respectively, 3 x 3 and 2 x 2 symmetric positive definite matrices. The parameter sets involved in the inference problems for eigenvalues and eigenvectors are subsets of Euclidean space that are either affine subspaces, embedded submanifolds that are invariant under orthogonal transformations or polyhedral convex cones. We show that for a class of sets that includes the ones considered in this paper, the MLEs of the mean parameter do not depend on the covariance parameters if and only if the covariance structure is orthogonally invariant. Closed-form expressions for the MLEs and the associated LLRs are derived for this covariance structure.
A full set of Casimir operators for the Lie superalgebra gl(m/infinity) is constructed and shown to be well defined in the category O-FS generated by the highest-weight irreducible representations with only a finite number of non-zero weight components. The eigenvalues of these Casimir operators are determined explicitly in terms of the highest weight. Characteristic identities satisfied by certain (infinite) matrices with entries from gl(m/infinity) are also determined.
A multiparametric extension of the anisotropic U model is discussed which maintains integrability. The R-matrix solving the Yang-Baxter equation is obtained through a twisting construction applied to the underlying U-q(sl (2/1)) superalgebraic structure which introduces the additional free parameters that arise in the model. Three forms of Bethe ansatz solution for the transfer matrix eigenvalues are given which we show to be equivalent.
A fully explicit formula for the eigenvalues of Casimir invariants for U-q(gl(m/n)) is given which applies to all unitary irreps. This is achieved by making some interesting observations on atypicality indices for irreps occurring in the tensor product of unitary irreps of the same type. These results have applications in the determination of link polynomials arising from unitary irreps of U-q(gl(m/n)).
How much can be said about the location of the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix just by looking at its diagonal entries? We use classical results on the eigenvalues of symmetric matrices to show that the diagonal entries are bounds for some of the eigenvalues regardless of the size of the off-diagonal entries. Numerical examples are given to illustrate that our arithmetic-free technique delivers useful information on the location of the eigenvalues.
I have investigated the effect of the nuclear motion on the energy eigenvalues in muonic atoms. In addition to the usually used reduced-mass correction, I have calculated the relativistic influences including the magnetic and retardation interaction between the nucleus and the muon for the inner orbitals of muonic atoms.
Let $A$ be an infinite Toeplitz matrix with a real symbol $f$ defined on $[-\pi, \pi]$. It is well known that the sequence of spectra of finite truncations $A_N$ of $A$ converges to the convex hull of the range of $f$. Recently, Levitin and Shargorodsky, on the basis of some numerical experiments, conjectured, for symbols $f$ with two discontinuities located at rational multiples of $\pi$, that the eigenvalues of $A_N$ located in the gap of $f$ asymptotically exhibit periodicity in $N$, and suggested a formula for the period as a function of the position of discontinuities. In this paper, we quantify and prove the analog of this conjecture for the matrix $A^2$ in a particular case when $f$ is a piecewise constant function taking values $-1$ and $1$.
We consider a quantity κ(Ω)—the distance to the origin from the null variety of the Fourier transform of the characteristic function of Ω. We conjecture, firstly, that κ(Ω) is maximised, among all convex balanced domains of a fixed volume, by a ball, and also that κ(Ω) is bounded above by the square root of the second Dirichlet eigenvalue of Ω. We prove some weaker versions of these conjectures in dimension two, as well as their validity for domains asymptotically close to a disk, and also discuss further links between κ(Ω) and the eigenvalues of the Laplacians.
A new approach is presented for the solution of spectral problems on infinite domains with regular ends, which avoids the need to solve boundary-value problems for many trial values of the spectral parameter. We present numerical results both for eigenvalues and for resonances, comparing with results reported by Aslanyan, Parnovski and Vassiliev.
We study the spectrum of a one-dimensional Dirac operator pencil, with a coupling constant in front of the potential considered as the spectral parameter. Motivated by recent investigations of graphene waveguides, we focus on the values of the coupling constant for which the kernel of the Dirac operator contains a square integrable function. In physics literature such a function is called a confined zero mode. Several results on the asymptotic distribution of coupling constants giving rise to zero modes are obtained. In particular, we show that this distribution depends in a subtle way on the sign variation and the presence of gaps in the potential. Surprisingly, it also depends on the arithmetic properties of certain quantities determined by the potential. We further observe that variable sign potentials may produce complex eigenvalues of the operator pencil. Some examples and numerical calculations illustrating these phenomena are presented.
For a particular family of long-range potentials V, we prove that the eigenvalues of the indefinite Sturm–Liouville operator A = sign(x)(−Δ+V(x)) accumulate to zero asymptotically along specific curves in the complex plane. Additionally, we relate the asymptotics of complex eigenvalues to the two-term asymptotics of the eigenvalues of associated self-adjoint operators.
In the analysis of stability of a variant of the Crank-Nicolson (C-N) method for the heat equation on a staggered grid a class of non-symmetric matrices appear that have an interesting property: their eigenvalues are all real and lie within the unit circle. In this note we shall show how this class of matrices is derived from the C-N method and prove that their eigenvalues are inside [-1, 1] for all values of m (the order of the matrix) and all values of a positive parameter a, the stability parameter sigma. As the order of the matrix is general, and the parameter sigma lies on the positive real line this class of matrices turns out to be quite general and could be of interest as a test set for eigenvalue solvers, especially as examples of very large matrices. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The spectral theory for linear autonomous neutral functional differential equations (FDE) yields explicit formulas for the large time behaviour of solutions. Our results are based on resolvent computations and Dunford calculus, applied to establish explicit formulas for the large time behaviour of solutions of FDE. We investigate in detail a class of two-dimensional systems of FDE. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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