14 resultados para E1B-55K


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L’adénovirus possède plusieurs caractéristiques faisant de ce virus un candidat de choix pour la construction de vecteurs utiles dans les études de génomique fonctionnelle. Dans la majorité de ces applications, on a recours à un vecteur adénoviral de première génération délété de sa région E1. L’utilisation de vecteurs adénoviraux comprend deux maillons faibles : la construction du vecteur et la production subséquente de ce dernier. Le développement de méthodes alternatives est donc nécessaire pour renforcer ces deux maillons, permettant ainsi une utilisation étendue de ces vecteurs. Ce développement va s’articuler sur deux axes : l’ingénierie du vecteur de transfert pour la construction de l’adénovirus recombinant et l’ingénierie d’une lignée cellulaire pour la production du vecteur. En utilisant un vecteur de transfert adénoviral co-exprimant, à partir d’un promoteur régulable à la tétracycline, la protéase de l’adénovirus et une protéine de fluorescence verte (GFP) par l’intermédiaire d’un site d’entrée ribosomal interne (IRES), notre groupe a établi que la sélection positive, via l’expression ectopique de la protéase, est un processus efficace pour la création de librairie d’adénovirus recombinants. Par contre, la diversité atteinte dans ce premier système est relativement faible, environ 1 adénovirus recombinant par 1 000 cellules. Le travail effectué dans le cadre de cette thèse vise à construire un nouveau transfert de vecteur dans lequel l’expression de la protéase sera indépendante de celle du transgène permettant ainsi d’optimiser l’expression de la protéase. Ce travail d’optimisation a permis de réduire le phénomène de transcomplémentation du virus parental ce qui a fait grimper la diversité à 1 virus recombinant par 75 cellules. Ce système a été mis à l’épreuve en générerant une librairie adénovirale antisens dirigée contre la GFP. La diversité de cette librairie a été suffisante pour sélectionner un antisens réduisant de 75% l’expression de la GFP. L’amplification de ce vecteur adénoviral de première génération doit se faire dans une lignée cellulaire exprimant la région E1 telle que les cellules 293. Par contre, un adénovirus de première génération se répliquant dans les cellules 293 peut échanger, par recombinaison homologue, son transgène avec la région E1 de la cellule créant ainsi un adénovirus recombinant réplicatif (RCA), compromettant ainsi la pureté des stocks. Notre groupe a déjà breveté une lignée cellulaire A549 (BMAdE1) exprimant la région E1, mais qui ne peut pas recombiner avec le transgène du virus. Par contre, le niveau de réplication de l’adénovirus dans les BMAdE1 est sous-optimal, à peine 15-30% du niveau obtenu dans les cellules 293. Le travail fait dans le cadre de cette thèse a permis de mettre en évidence qu’une expression insuffisante d’E1B-55K était responsable de la mauvaise réplication du virus dans les BMAdE1. Nous avons produit de nouveaux clones à partir de la lignée parentale via une transduction avec un vecteur lentiviral exprimant E1B-55K. Nous avons confirmé que certains clones exprimaient une plus grande quantité d’E1B-55K et que ces clones amplifiaient de manière plus efficace un vecteur adénoviral de première génération. Ce clone a par la suite été adapté à la culture en suspension sans sérum.


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The mechanisms of export of RNA from the nucleus are poorly understood; however, several viral proteins modulate nucleocytoplasmic transport of mRNA. Among these are the adenoviral proteins E1B-55kDa and E4-34kDa. Late in infection, these proteins inhibit export of host transcripts and promote export of viral mRNA. To investigate the mechanism by which these proteins act, we have expressed them in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Overexpression of either or both proteins has no obvious effect on cell growth. By contrast, overexpression of E1B-55kDa bearing a nuclear localization signal (NLS) dramatically inhibits cell growth. In this situation, the NLS-E1B-55kDa protein is localized to the nuclear periphery, fibrous material is seen in the nucleoplasm, and poly(A)+ RNA accumulates in the nucleus. Simultaneous overexpression of E4-34kDa bearing or lacking an NLS does not modify these effects. We discuss the mechanisms of selective mRNA transport.


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Fez-se uma análise da distribuicão da frequência dos lisotipos VI e dos tipos fermentativos segundo o esquema de Kristensen, em 1.150 amostras de Salmonella typhi, isoladas de diferentes regiões do Brasil (Pará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul). No computo geral, observou-se a prevalência dos lisotipos A (38,1%); Ela (18,9%); amostras VI negativas (16,6%); D6 (8,7%) I + IV (4,6%); T (2,3%) e C1 (2,1%) e a ocorrência de alguns tipos fágicos característicos para determinadas áreas (B3, C4 e 40 na Bahia; E1b, F2, G1 e L1 em São Paulo; E4 e 28 no Rio de Janeiro). Quanto a classificacão bioquímica, 55,2% das amostras caracterizaram-se no biotipo II (xilose e arabinose negativas), 44,2% no tipo fermentativo I (xilose positiva e arabinose negativas) e 0,52% no tipo III (xilose e arabinose positivas), respectivamente.


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The specific heat of single-crystal U Pd2 Si2 has been studied using both the step heating and continious heating methods for the temperature range 2 to 250 K. Successive phase transitions at Tl = 136I< and T2 = 108I< are reported, which are consistent with current publications. The transition at 40K, which was previously reported, has not been detected. Recent published elastic neutron scattering data, magnetic susceptibility and resistivity results suggest that U Pd2 Si2 may be a heavy fermion compound, however, the electronic specific heat coefficient I (= 18.97 ;~), obtained from the specific heat Cv measurements, is smaller than that of the conventional heavy fermion system. The Debye temperature of U Pd2Si2 is found to be 116.55K. The possibility is discussed that the maximum in CIT in the low-temperature range 2 to 4K corresponds to Schottky anomaly induced by localized magnetic impurities .


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Adenoviruses are the most commonly used in the development of oncolytic therapy. Oncolytic adenoviruses are genetically modified to selectivity replicate in and kill tumor cells. The p53 molecule is a tumor suppressor protein that responds to viral infection through the activation of apoptosis, which is inhibited by adenovirus E1B55kDa protein leading to progressive viral lytic cycle. The non-specificity of replication has limited the use of wild type adenovirus in cancer therapy. This issue was resolved by using an E1b deleted Ad that can only replicate in cells with a deficiency in the p53 protein, a common feature of most cancer cells. Although demonstrating a moderate success rate, E1b55kDa deleted Ad has not been approved as a standard therapy for all cancer types. Several studies have revealed that E1b deleted Ad replication was independent of p53 status in the cell, as the virus replicated better in some p53 deficient cancers more than others. However, this mechanism has not been investigated deeply. Therefore, the objective of this study is to understand the relationship between p53 status, levels and functional activity, and oncolytic Ad5dlE1b55kDa replication efficiency. Firstly, five transient p53 expression vectors that contain different regulatory elements were engineered and then evaluated in H1299, HEK293 and HeLa cell lines. Data indicated that vector that contains the MARs and HPRE regulatory elements achieved the highest stability of p53 expression. Secondly, we used these vectors to examine the effect of various p53 expression levels on the replication efficiency of oncolytic Ad5dlE1b55kDa. We found that the level of p53 in the cell had an insignificant effect on the oncolytic viruses’ replication. However, the functional activity of p53 had a significant effect on its replication, as Ad5dlE1b55kDa was shown to have selective activity in H1299 cells (p53-null). In contrast, a decrease in viral replication was found in HeLa cells (p53-positive). Finally, the effect of p53’s functional activity on the replication efficiency of oncolytic Ad5dlE1b55kDa was examined. Viral growth was evaluated in H1299 cells expressing number of p53 mutants. P53-R175H mutant successfully rescued viral growth by allowing the virus to exert its mechanism of selectivity. The mechanism entailed deregulating the expression of specific genes, cell cycle and apoptosis, in the p53 pathway to promote its production leading to efficient oncolytic effect. These results confirmed that oncolytic Ad5dlE1b55kDa sensitivity is mutation-type specific. Therefore, before it is applied clinically as cancer therapy for p53 deficient tumors, the type of p53 mutation must be determined for efficient antitumor effect.


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Als Beispiele für die vielfältigen Phänomene der Physik der Elektronen in niedrigdimensionalen Systemen wurden in dieser Arbeit das Cu(110)(2x1)O-Adsorbatsystem und die violette Li0.9Mo6O17-Bronze untersucht. Das Adsorbatsystem bildet selbstorganisierte quasi-eindimensionale Nanostrukturen auf einer Kupferoberfläche. Die Li-Bronze ist ein Material, das aufgrund seiner Kristallstruktur quasi-eindimensionale elektronische Eigenschaften im Volumen aufweist. Auf der Cu(110)(2x1)O-Oberfläche kann durch Variation der Sauerstoffbedeckung die Größe der streifenartigen CuO-Domänen geändert werden und damit der Übergang von zwei Dimensionen auf eine Dimension untersucht werden. Der Einfluss der Dimensionalität wurde anhand eines unbesetzten elektronischen Oberflächenzustandes studiert. Dessen Energieposition (untere Bandkante) verschiebt mit zunehmender Einschränkung (schmalere CuO-Streifen) zu größeren Energien hin. Dies ist ein bekannter quantenmechanischer Effekt und relativ gut verstanden. Zusätzlich wurde die Lebensdauer des Zustandes auf der voll bedeckten Oberfläche (zwei Dimensionen) ermittelt und deren Veränderung mit der Breite der CuO-Streifen untersucht. Es zeigt sich, dass die Lebensdauer auf schmaleren CuO-Streifen drastisch abnimmt. Dieses Ergebnis ist neu. Es kann im Rahmen eines Fabry-Perot-Modells als Streuung in Zustände außerhalb der CuO-Streifen verstanden werden. Außer den gerade beschriebenen Effekten war es möglich die Ladungsdichte des diskutierten Zustandes orts- und energieabhängig auf den CuO-Streifen zu studieren. Die Li0.9Mo6O17-Bronze wurde im Hinblick auf das Verhalten der elektronischen Zustandsdichte an der Fermikante untersucht. Diese Fragestellung ist besonders wegen der Quasieindimensionalität des Materials interessant. Die Messungen von STS-Spektren in der Nähe der Fermienergie zeigen, dass die Elektronen in der Li0.9Mo6O17-Bronze eine sogenannte Luttingerflüssigkeit ausbilden, die anstatt einer Fermiflüssigkeit in eindimensionalen elektronischen Systemen erwartet wird. Bisher wurde Luttingerflüssigkeitsverhalten erst bei wenigen Materialien und Systemen experimentell nachgewiesen, obschon die theoretischen Voraussagen mehr als 30 Jahre zurückliegen. Ein Charakteristikum einer Luttingerflüssigkeit ist die Abnahme der Zustandsdichte an der Fermienergie mit einem Potenzgesetz. Dieses Verhalten wurde in STS-Spektren dieser Arbeit beobachtet und quantitativ im Rahmen eines Luttingerflüssigkeitsmodells beschrieben. Auch die Temperaturabhängigkeit des Phänomens im Bereich von 5K bis 55K ist konsistent mit der Beschreibung durch eine Luttingerflüssigkeit. Generell zeigen die Untersuchungen dieser Arbeit, dass die Dimensionalität, insbesondere deren Einschränkung, einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die elektronischen Eigenschaften von Systemen und Materialien haben kann.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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La del acceso a la tierra y su distribución, ha sido una problemática transversal a la historia de los conflictos sociales en el país. En el caso de los pueblos indígenas, la existencia de todo un marco jurídico nacional e internacional que reconoce sus derechos territoriales, así como de importantes avances que a este punto se han producido en cuanto a titulación de tierras de resguardo en nuestro país, fueron dos factores que invitaron a preguntarnos en este trabajo por las dinámicas que, a pesar de ello, subyacen a un permanente desconocimiento de tales derechos. Con este objeto, en él se caracterizan las disputas que, desarrolladas en el marco del ordenamiento jurídico e institucional de la Constitución Política de 1991, han llevado a la existencia de una contraposición entre el reconocimiento y la eficacia de los derechos territoriales de los pueblos indígenas en Colombia. Desde una perspectiva crítica, la mirada propuesta presenta un abordaje a tales disputas que abarca una aproximación a sus antecedentes históricos y posterior configuración a instancias de la expedición de las normas, la formulación de las políticas y el ejercicio del control judicial constitucional, en los años posteriores a 1991. Resultado de tal caracterización, se demuestra de qué manera dichas pugnas, que tienen expresiones normativas, administrativas y judiciales, y a su vez son determinadas por factores sociales, políticos, económicos y culturales, han llevado a la existencia en nuestro país, de una brecha de implementación de tales derechos.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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The adenovirus type 5 E1A gene was originally developed as a gene therapy to inhibit tumorigenicity of HER-2-overexpressing cells by transcriptional downregulation of HER-2. Our goal is to improve the overall efficacy of E1A gene therapy. To achieve this goal, we have conducted two preclinical experiments. ^ First, we hypothesized that Bcl-2 overexpressing ovarian cancer is resistant to E1A gene therapy. This hypothesis is based on that the 19 kDa protein product of the adenoviral E1B gene which is homologous to Bcl-2 inhibits E1A-induced apoptosis. Treating high Bcl-2-xpressing cells with E1A in combination with an antisense oligonucleotide to Bcl-2 (Bcl-2-ASO) resulted in a significant decrease in cell viability due to an increased rate of apoptosis relative to cells treated with E1A alone. In an ovarian cancer xenograft model, mice implanted with low HER-2, high Bcl-2 cells, treated with E1A plus Bcl-2-ASO led to prolonged survival. Bcl-2 thus may serve as a predictive molecular marker enabling us to select patients with ovarian cancer who will benefit significantly from E1A gene therapy. ^ Second, we elucidated the molecular mechanism governing the anti-tumor effect of E1A in ovarian cancer to identify a more potent tumor suppressor gene. We identified PEA-15 (phospho-protein enriched in astrocytes) upregulated in E1A transfected low HER-2-expressing OVCAR-3 ovarian cancer cell, which showed decreased cell proliferation. PEA-15 moved ERK from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and inhibited ERK-dependent transcription and proliferation. Using small interfering RNA to knock down PEA-15 expression in OVCAR-3 cells made to constitutively express E1A resulted in accumulation of phosphoERK in the nucleus, an increase in Elk-1 activity, DNA synthesis, and anchorage-independent growth. PEA-15 also independently suppressed colony formation in some breast and ovarian cancer cell lines in which E1A is known to have anti-tumor activity. We conclude that the anti-tumor activity of E1A depends on PEA-15. ^ In summary, (1) Bcl-2 may serve as a predictive molecular marker of E1A gene therapy, allowing us to select patients and improve efficacy of E1A gene therapy. (2) PEA-15 was identified as a component of the molecular mechanism governing the anti-tumor activity of E1A in ovarian cancer, (3) PEA-15 may be developed as a novel therapeutic gene. ^


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The adenovirus type 5 E1A (abbreviated E1A) has previously been known as an immortalization oncogene because E1A is required for transforming oncogenes, such as ras and E1B, to transform cells in primary cultures. However, E1A has also been shown to downregulate the overexpression of the Her-2/neu oncogene, resulting in suppression of transformation and tumorigenesis induced by that oncogene. In addition, E1A is able to promote apoptosis induced by anticancer drugs, irradiation, and serum deprivation. Many tyrosine kinases, such as the EGF receptor, Her-2/Neu, Src, and Axl are known to play a role in oncogenic signals in transformed cells. To study the mechanism underlying the E1A-mediated tumor-suppressing function, we exploited a modified tyrosine kinase profile assay (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, 93, 5958–5962, 1996) to identify potential tyrosine kinases regulated by E1A. RT-PCR products were synthesized with two degenerate primers derived from the conserved motifs of various tyrosine kinases. A tyrosine kinase downregulated by E1A was identified as Axl by analyzing the Alu I-digested RT-PCR products. We isolated the DNA fragment of interest, and found that E1A negatively regulated the expression of the transforming receptor tyrosine kinase Axl at the transcriptional level. To study whether downregulation of the Axl receptor is involved in E1A-mediated growth suppression, we transfected axl cDNA into E1A-expressing cells (ip1-E1A) to establish cells that overexpressed Axl (ip1-E1A-Axl). The Axl ligand Gas6 triggered a greater mitogenic effect in these ip1-E1A-Axl cells than in the control cells ip1-E1A and protected the Axl-expressing cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. Further study showed that Akt is required for Axl-Gas6 signaling to prevent ip1-E1A-Axl cells from serum deprivation-induced apoptosis. These results indicate that downregulation of the Axl receptor by E1A is involved in E1A-mediated growth suppression and E1A-induced apoptosis, and thereby contributes to E1A's anti-tumor activities. ^


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An adenovirus type 5 mutant deleted for the preterminal protein (pTP) gene was constructed using cell lines that express pTP. The pTP deletion mutant virus is incapable of replicating in the absence of complementation and does not express detectable levels of viral mRNAs that are expressed only after the onset of replication. Accumulation of early-region mRNAs, including that for E1A, exhibits a lag relative to that observed from the wild-type virus. However, E1A mRNA accumulation attains a steady-state level similar to the level of expression during the early phase of infection with the wild-type virus. In 293-pTP cells (human embryonic kidney cells that express pTP in addition to high levels of adenovirus E1A and E1B proteins), the pTP deletion mutant virus replicates efficiently and yields infectious titers within 5-fold of that of the wild-type virus. The deletion of 1.2 kb of pTP-encoding sequence increases the size of foreign DNA that can be introduced into the virus and, with an absolute block to replication, makes this virus an important tool for gene therapy.


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Recently, several proteins have been identified that are related in their sequence to the p53 tumor-suppressor protein. One of these proteins, which is termed p73, exhibits sequence homology to the p53 transcriptional activation, DNA binding, and oligomerization domains. The adenovirus E1B 55-kDa protein, the adenovirus E4orf6 protein, and SV40 T antigen each can bind to p53 and inhibit p53 function. Here we demonstrate that the adenovirus E4orf6 protein, but not the E1B 55-kDa protein or T antigen, interacts with p73. The E4orf6 protein inhibits p73-mediated transcriptional activation and cell killing in a manner similar to its effect on p53. Thus, only a subset of viral oncoproteins that antagonize p53 function also interacts with the related p73 protein.


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The group C adenovirus E4orf6 protein has previously been shown to bind to the p53 cellular tumor suppressor protein and block its ability to activate transcription. Here we show that the E4orf6 protein blocks the induction of p53-mediated apoptosis when AT6 cells, which harbor a temperature-sensitive p53, are shifted to the permissive temperature. The E4orf6 protein does not, however, prevent the induction of apoptosis in p53-deficient H1299 cells by treatment with tumor necrosis factor alpha and cycloheximide. The E4orf6 protein also cooperates with the adenovirus E1A protein to transform primary baby rat kidney cells, and it cooperates with the adenovirus E1A plus E1B 19-kDa and E1B 55-kDa proteins to increase the number of baby rat kidney cell transformants and enhance the rate at which they arise. The level of p53 is substantially reduced in transformed cells expressing the E4orf6 protein in comparison to adenovirus transformants lacking it. The E4orf6 gene also accelerates tumor formation when transformed baby rat kidney cells are injected subcutaneously into the nude mouse, and it converts human 293 cells from nontumorigenic to tumorigenic in nude mice. In addition to the well-studied E1A and E1B oncogenes, group C adenoviruses harbor a third oncogene, E4orf6, which functions in some respects similarly to the E1B oncogene.