999 resultados para Dynamical Casimir effect


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In this work we analyze the dynamical Casimir effect for a massless scalar field confined between two concentric spherical shells considering mixed boundary conditions. We thus generalize a previous result in literature [Phys. Rev. A 78, 032521 (2008)], where the same problem is approached for the field constrained to the Dirichlet-Dirichlet boundary conditions. A general expression for the average number of particle creation is deduced considering an arbitrary law of radial motion of the spherical shells. This expression is then applied to harmonic oscillations of the shells, and the number of particle production is analyzed and compared with the results previously obtained under Dirichlet-Dirichlet boundary conditions.


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In this work we consider the dynamical Casimir effect for a massless scalar field-under Dirichlet boundary conditions-between two concentric spherical shells. We obtain a general expression for the average number of particle creation, for an arbitrary law of radial motion of the spherical shells, using two distinct methods: by computing the density operator of the system and by calculating the Bogoliubov coefficients. We apply our general expression to breathing modes: when only one of the shells oscillates and when both shells oscillate in or out of phase. Since our results were obtained in the framework of the perturbation theory, under resonant breathing modes they are restricted to a short-time approximation. We also analyze the number of particle production and compare it with the results for the case of plane geometry.


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In this work we investigate the dynamical Casimir effect in a nonideal cavity by deriving an effective Hamiltonian. We first compute a general expression for the average number of particle creation, applicable for any law of motion of the cavity boundary, under the only restriction of small velocities. We also compute a general expression for the linear entropy of an arbitrary state prepared in a selected mode, also applicable for any law of motion of a slow moving boundary. As an application of our results we have analyzed both the average number of particle creation and linear entropy within a particular oscillatory motion of the cavity boundary. On the basis of these expressions we develop a comprehensive analysis of the resonances in the number of particle creation in the nonideal dynamical Casimir effect. We also demonstrate the occurrence of resonances in the loss of purity of the initial state and estimate the decoherence times associated with these resonances. Since our results were obtained in the framework of the perturbation theory, they are restricted, under resonant conditions, to a short-time approximation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we analyze the action of the gravitational field on the dynamical Casimir effect. We consider a massless scalar field confined in a cuboid cavity placed in a gravitational field described by a static and diagonal metric. With one of the plane mirrors of the cavity allowed to move, we compute the average number of particles created inside the cavity by means of the Bogoliubov coefficients computed through perturbative expansions. We apply our result to the case of an oscillatory motion of the mirror, assuming a weak gravitational field described by the Schwarzschild metric. The regime of parametric amplification is analyzed in detail, demonstrating that our computed result for the mean number of particles created agrees with specific associated cases in the literature. Our results, obtained in the framework of the perturbation theory, are restricted, under resonant conditions, to a short-time limit.


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Some of the most interesting phenomena that arise from the developments of the modern physics are surely vacuum fluctuations. They appear in different branches of physics, such as Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology, Condensed Matter Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics, and also in Mathematical Physics. One of the most important of these vacuum fluctuations, sometimes called "zero-point energy", as well as one of the easiest quantum effect to detect, is the so-called Casimir effect. The purposes of this thesis are: - To propose a simple retarded approach for dynamical Casimir effect, thus a description of this vacuum effect when we have moving boundaries. - To describe the behaviour of the force acting on a boundary, due to its self-interaction with the vacuum.


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We adopt the Dirac model for quasiparticles in graphene and calculate the finite-temperature Casimir interaction between a suspended graphene layer and a parallel conducting surface. We find that at high temperature, the Casimir interaction in such system is just one-half of that for two ideal conductors separated by the same distance. In this limit, a single graphene layer behaves exactly as a Drude metal. In particular, the contribution of the TE mode is suppressed, while the contribution of the TM mode saturates at the ideal-metal value. The behavior of the Casimir interaction for intermediate temperatures and separations accessible in experiments is studied in some detail. We also find an interesting interplay between two fundamental constants of graphene physics: the fine-structure constant and the Fermi velocity.


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Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Darmouth College, from august 2007 until february 2008. It has been very successful, from different viewpoints: scientific, philosophical, human. We have definitely advanced, during the past six months, towards the comprehension of the behaviour of the fluctuations of the quantum vacuum in the presence of boundaries, moving and non-moving, and also in situations where the topology of space-time changes: the dynamical Casimir effect, regularization problems, particle creation statistics, according to different BC, etc. We have solved some longstanding problems and got in this subject quite remarkable results (as we will explain in more detail below). We also pursued a general approach towards a viable modified f(R) gravity in both the Jordan and the Einstein frames (which are known to be mathematically equivalent, but physically not so). A class of exponential, realistic modified gravities has been introduced by us and investigated with care. Special focus was made on step-class models, most promising from the phenomenological viewpoint and which provide a natural way to classify all viable modified gravities. One- and two-steps models were considered, but the analysis is extensible to N-step models. Both inflation in the early universe and the onset of recent accelerated expansion arise in these models in a natural, unified way, what makes them very promising. Moreover, it is monstrated in our work that models in this category easily pass all local tests, including stability of spherical body solution, non-violation of Newton's law, and generation of a very heavy positive mass for the additional scalar degree of freedom.


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In this work we show how to define the action of a scalar field such that the Robin boundary condition is implemented dynamically, i.e. as a consequence of the stationary action principle. We discuss the quantization of that system via functional integration. Using this formalism, we derive an expression for the Casimir energy of a massless scalar field under Robin boundary conditions on a pair of parallel plates, characterized by constants c(1) and c(2). Some special cases are discussed; in particular, we show that for some values of cl and c(2) the Casimir energy as a function of the distance between the plates presents a minimum. We also discuss the renormalization at one-loop order of the two-point Green function in the philambda(4) theory subject to the Robin boundary condition on a plate.


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We study the effective interaction between two ellipsoidal particles at the interface of two fluid phases which are mediated by thermal fluctuations of the interface. Within a coarse-grained picture, the properties of fluid interfaces are very well described by an effective capillary wave Hamiltonian which governs both the equilibrium interface configuration and the thermal fluctuations (capillary waves) around this equilibrium (or mean-field) position. As postulated by the Goldstone theorem the capillary waves are long-range correlated. The interface breaks the continuous translational symmetry of the system, and in the limit of vanishing external fields - like gravity - it has to be accompanied by easily excitable long wavelength (Goldstone) modes – precisely the capillary waves. In this system the restriction of the long-ranged interface fluctuations by particles gives rise to fluctuation-induced forces which are equivalent to interactions of Casimir type and which are anisotropic in the interface plane. Since the position and the orientation of the colloids with respect to the interface normal may also fluctuate, this system is an example for the Casimir effect with fluctuating boundary conditions. In the approach taken here, the Casimir interaction is rewritten as the interaction between fluctuating multipole moments of an auxiliary charge density-like field defined on the area enclosed by the contact lines. These fluctuations are coupled to fluctuations of multipole moments of the contact line position (due to the possible position and orientational fluctuations of the colloids). We obtain explicit expressions for the behavior of the Casimir interaction at large distances for arbitrary ellipsoid aspect ratios. If colloid fluctuations are suppressed, the Casimir interaction at large distances is isotropic, attractive and long ranged (double-logarithmic in the distance). If, however, colloid fluctuations are included, the Casimir interaction at large distances changes to a power law in the inverse distance and becomes anisotropic. The leading power is 4 if only vertical fluctuations of the colloid center are allowed, and it becomes 8 if also orientational fluctuations are included.


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Charged massive matter fields of spin-0 and spin- 1/2 are quantized in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field in a spatial region bounded by two parallel plates. The most general set of boundary conditions at the plates, that is required by mathematical consistency and the self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian operator, is employed. The vacuum fluctuations of the matter field in the case of the magnetic field orthogonal to the plates are analyzed, and it is shown that the pressure from the vacuum onto the plates is positive and independent of the boundary condition, as well as of the distance between the plates. Possibilities of the detection of this new-type Casimir effect are discussed. Read More: http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/S0217732315500996


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We study the influence of a background uniform magnetic field and boundary conditions on the vacuum of a quantized charged spinor matter field confined between two parallel neutral plates; the magnetic field is directed orthogonally to the plates. The admissible set of boundary conditions at the plates is determined by the requirement that the Dirac Hamiltonian operator be self-adjoint. It is shown that, in the case of a sufficiently strong magnetic field and a sufficiently large separation of the plates, the generalized Casimir force is repulsive, being independent of the choice of a boundary condition, as well as of the distance between the plates. The detection of this effect seems to be feasible in the foreseeable future.


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Two-photon correlation of the light pulse emitted from a sonoluminescence bubble is discussed. It is shown that several important features of the mechanism of light emission, such as the time scale and the shape of the emission region, could be obtained from Hanbury-Brown-Twiss interferometry. We also argue that such a measurement may serve to reject one of the two currently suggested emission mechanisms, i.e., the thermal process versus the dynamical Casimir effect.


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We present a rigorous, regularization-independent local quantum field theoretic treatment of the Casimir effect for a quantum scalar field of mass mu not equal 0 which yields closed form expressions for the energy density and pressure. As an application we show that there exist special states of the quantum field in which the expectation value of the renormalized energy-momentum tensor is, for any fixed time, independent of the space coordinate and of the perfect fluid form g(mu,nu)rho with rho > 0, thus providing a concrete quantum field theoretic model of the cosmological constant. This rho represents the energy density associated to a state consisting of the vacuum and a certain number of excitations of zero momentum, i.e., the constituents correspond to lowest energy and pressure p <= 0. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The original Casimir effect results from the difference in the vacuum energies of the electromagnetic field, between that in a region of space with boundary conditions and that in the same region without boundary conditions. In this paper we develop the theory of a similar situation, involving a scalar field in spacetimes with closed spatial sections of negative curvature.


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Nesta dissertação obtemos a força de Casimir a temperatura finita entre duas linhas paralelas sujeitas a condição de fronteira do tipo linhas mistas, no contexto da teoria de Maxwell- Chern-Simons em (2+1) dimensões. Além disso, analisamos a simetria de inversão de temperatura apresentada pela energia livre de Helmholtz do modelo para diferentes condições de fronteira. Iniciamos estudando aspectos gerais do formalismo de Matsubara no intuito de introduzirmos efeitos térmicos na teoria; também analisamos aspectos gerais da teoria de MCS em (2 + 1) dimensões. Posteriormente, revisitamos o cálculo da força de Casimir para o caso de duas linhas paralelas infinitamente permeáveis magneticamente a temperatura nula e finita, bem como o caso de linhas mistas a temperatura nula, onde tomamos uma linha perfeitamente condutora eletricamente e outra infinitamente permeável magneticamente. Em seguida, apresentamos novos resultados envolvendo a força de Casimir a temperatura finita com condições de fronteira do tipo linhas mistas. Por último, analisamos a simetria de inversão de temperatura associada a energia livre de Helmholtz do modelo, mostrando que mesmo para condições mistas e possível obter uma espécie de simetria residual, em analogia a resultados existentes para a eletrodinâmica em (3+1) dimensões.