990 resultados para Double Electron-Electron Resonance (DEER)


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Cross-sections have been determined for one- and two-electron transfer channels in the collisions of keV gas-phase doubly charged pyrrole ions with pyrrole molecules. Measured single and double electron transfer total cross-sections approximate 45 Å2 and 15 Å2, respectively. A combination of symmetric resonance charge exchange and multistate curve-crossing models has been invoked to describe these reactions.


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The mitochondrial matrix flavoproteins electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and electron transfer flavoprotein-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF-QO) are responsible for linking fatty acid β-oxidation with the main mitochondrial respiratory chain. Electrons derived from flavoprotein dehydrogenases are transferred sequentially through ETF and ETF-QO to ubiquinone and then into the respiratory chain via complex III. In this study, the effects of changes in ETF-QO redox potentials on its activity and the conformational flexibility of ETF were investigated. ETF-QO contains one [4Fe-4S]2+,1+ and one flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). In the porcine protein, threonine 367 is hydrogen bonded to N1 and O2 of the flavin ring of the FAD. The analogous site in Rhodobacter sphaeroides ETF-QO is asparagine 338. Mutations N338T and N338A were introduced into the R. sphaeroides protein by site-directed mutagenesis to determine the impact of hydrogen bonding at this site on redox potentials and activity. FAD redox potentials were measured by potentiometric titration probed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The N338T and N338A mutations lowered the midpoint potentials, which resulted in a decrease in the quinone reductase activity and negligible impact on disproportionation of ETF1e- catalyzed by ETF-QO. These observations indicate that the FAD is involved in electron transfer to ubiquinone, but not in electron transfer from ETF to ETF-QO. Therefore it is proposed that the iron-sulfur cluster is the immediate acceptor from ETF. It has been proposed that the αII domain of ETF is mobile, allowing promiscuous interactions with structurally different partners. Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) was used to measure the distance between spin labels at various sites and an enzymatically reduced FAD cofactor in Paracoccus denitrificans ETF. Two or three interspin distance distributions were observed for spin-labels in the αI (A43C) and βIII (A111C) domains, but only one is observed for a label in the βII (A210C) domain. This suggests that the αII domain adopts several stable conformations which may correspond to a closed/inactive conformation and an open/active conformation. An additional mutation, E162A, was introduced to increase the mobility of the αII domain. The E162A mutation doubled the activity compared to wild-type and caused the distance distributions to become wider. The DEER method has the potential to characterize conformational changes in ETF that occur when it interacts with various redox partners.


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The multi-electron processes are investigated for 17.9-120keV/u C1+, 30-323 keV/u C2+, 120-438 keV/u C3+, 287-480keV/u C4+ incident on a helium target. The cross-section ratios of double electron (DE) process to the total of the single electron (SE) and the double electron process (i.e. SE+DE), the direct double electron (DDI) to the direct single ionization (DSI) as well as the contributions of DDI to DE and of TI to DE are measured using coincidence techniques. The energy and charge state dependences of the measured cross-section ratios are studied and discussed.


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Employing the recoil ion momentum spectroscopy we investigate the collision between He2+ and argon atoms. By measuring the recoil longitudinal momentum the energy losses of projectile are deduced for capture reaction channels. It is found that in most cases for single- and double-electron capture, the inner electron in the target atom is removed, the recoil ion is in singly or multiply excited states (hollow ion is formed), which indicates that electron correlation plays an important role in the process. The captured electrons prefer the ground states of the projectile. It is experimentally demonstrated that the average energy losses are directly related to charge transfer and electronic configuration.


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We report the measurements of relative cross sections for single capture (SC), double capture (DC), single ionization (SI), double ionization (DI), and transfer ionization (TI) in collisions of Xe23+ ions with helium atoms in the velocity range of 0.65-1.32 a.u. The relative cross sections show a weak velocity dependence. The cross-section ratio of double-(DE) to single-electron (SE) removal from He, sigma(DE)/sigma(SE), is about 0.45. Single capture is the dominant reaction channel which is followed by transfer ionization, while only very small probabilities are found for pure ionization and double capture. The present experimental data are in satisfactory agreement with the estimations by the extended classical over-barrier (ECB) model..


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We present calculations of intense-field multiphoton ionization processes in helium at XUV wavelengths. The calculations are obtained from a full-dimensional integration of the two-electron time-dependent Schrödinger equation. A momentum-space analysis of the ionizing two-electron wavepacket reveals the existence of double-electron above threshold ionization (DATI). In momentum-space two distinct forms of DATI are resolved, namely non-sequential and sequential. In non-sequential DATI correlated electrons resonantly absorb and share energy in integer units of Ïlaser.


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We report calculations of double ionization energy spectra and momentum distributions of laser-driven helium due to few-cycle pulses of wavelength 195 nm. The results are obtained from full-dimensional numerical integration of the two electron time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation. A momentum-space analysis of doubly ionizing wavepackets shows that the concentric-ring structure of above-threshold double ionization, together with the associated structure of peaks in the total kinetic energy spectrum, may be attributed to wavepacket interference effects, where at least two doubly-ionizing wavepackets from different recollision events populate the same spatial hemisphere.


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Time-of-flight techniques have been used to measure fast neutral CO2 products from double electron transfer reactions of CO22+ ions with 4.0–7.0 keV impact energies. Double electron transfer cross sections have been determined to be in the range of (1.1–12.5) × 10−16 cm2 for reactions of CO22+ ions with CO2, CO, N2, Ar and O2.


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Electron transfer cross sections have been measured for reactions of Ar2+ ions with Ar, N2, O2, CO2, CH4 and C2H6. Time-of-flight techniques have been used to measure both fast neutral Ar0 and fast Ar+ products from single- and double-electron transfer processes involving Ar2+ ions with 4.0 to 7.0 keV impact energies. Incident Ar2+ ions have produced by controlled electron impact ionisation of argon atoms. Reactions have been examined as a function of ionising electron energy and cross sections determined for ground state Ar2+(3P) ions. Charge transfer cross sections have been determined to be in the range of 3*10-16 cm2 for the systems examined. Double-electron transfer cross sections are the same order of magnitude as those measured for the corresponding single-electron transfer reactions. The state distribution of the reactant ion beam has been estimated and electron transfer cross sections obtained for single- and double-electron transfer reactions of metastable Ar2+ions. The magnitudes of electron transfer cross sections in individual systems are similar for both ground and metastable state Ar2+ reactions.


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SecB is a homotetrameric cytosolic chaperone that forms part of the protein translocation machinery in E. coli. Due to SecB, nascent polypeptides are maintained in an unfolded translocation-competent state devoid of tertiary structure and thus are guided to the translocon. In vitro SecB rapidly binds to a variety of ligands in a non-native state. We have previously investigated the bound state conformation of the model substrate bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) as well as the conformation of SecB itself by using proximity relationships based on site-directed spin labeling and pyrene fluorescence methods. It was shown that SecB undergoes a conformational change during the process of substrate binding. Here, we generated SecB mutants containing but a single cysteine per subunit or an exposed highly reactive new cysteine after removal of the nearby intrinsic cysteines. Quantitative spin labeling was achieved with the methanethiosulfonate spin label (MTS) at positions C97 or E90C, respectively. Highfield (W-band) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) measurements revealed that with BPTI present the spin labels are exposed to a more polar/hydrophilic environment. Nanoscale distance measurements with double electron-electron resonance (DEER) were in excellent agreement with distances obtained by molecular modeling. Binding of BPTI also led to a slight change in distances between labels at C97 but not at E90C. While the shorter distance in the tetramer increased, the larger diagonal distance decreased. These findings can be explained by a widening of the tetrameric structure upon substrate binding much like the opening of two pairs of scissors.


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Seven double cysteine mutants of maltose binding protein (MBP) were generated with one each in the active cleft at position 298 and the second cysteine distributed over both domains of the protein. These cysteines were spin labeled and distances between the labels in biradical pairs determined by pulsed double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements. The values were compared with theoretical predictions of distances between the labels in biradicals constructed by molecular modeling from the crystal structure of MBP without maltose and were found to be in excellent agreement. MBP is in a molten globule state at pH 3.3 and is known to still bind its substrate maltose. The nitroxide spin label was sufficiently stable under these conditions. In preliminary experiments, DEER measurements were carried out with one of the mutants yielding a broad distance distribution as was to be expected if there is no explicit tertiary structure and the individual helices pointing into all possible directions.


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In this thesis methods of EPR spectroscopy were used to investigate polyion-counterion interactions in polyelectrolyte solutions. The fact that EPR techniques are local methods is exploited and by employing spin-carrying (i.e., EPR-active) probe ions it is possible to examine polyelectrolytes from the counterions’ point of view. It was possible to gain insight into i) the dynamics and local geometry of counterion attachment, ii) conformations and dynamics of local segments of the polyion in an indirect manner, and iii) the spatial distribution of spin probe ions that surround polyions in solution. Analysis of CW EPR spectra of dianion nitroxide spin probe Fremy’s salt (FS, potassium nitrosodisulfonate) in solutions of cationic PDADMAC polyelectrolyte revealed that FS ions and PDADMAC form transient ion pairs with a lifetime of less than 1 ns. This effect was termed as dynamic electrostatic attachment (DEA). By spectral simulation taking into account the rotational dynamics as a uniaxial Brownian reorientation, also the geometry of the attached state could be characterized. By variation of solvent, the effect of solvent viscosity and permittivity were investigated and indirect information of the polyelectrolyte chain motion was obtained. Furthermore, analysis of CW EPR data also indicates that in mixtures of organic solvent/water PDADMAC chains are preferentially solvated by the organic solvent molecules, while in purely aqueous mixtures the PDADMAC chain segments were found in different conformations depending on the concentration ratio R of FS counterions to PDADMAC repeat units.Broadenings in CW EPR spectra of FS ions were assigned to spin-exchange interaction and hence contain information on the local concentrations and distributions of the counterions. From analysis of these broadenings in terms of a modified cylindrical cell approach of polyelectrolyte theory, radial distribution functions for the FS ions in the different solvents were obtained. This approach breaks down in water above a threshold value of R, which again indicates that PDADMAC chain conformations are altered as a function of R. Double electron-electron resonance (DEER) measurements of FS ions were carried out to probe the distribution of attached counterions along polyelectrolyte chains. For a significant fraction of FS spin probes in solution with a rigid-rod model polyelectrolyte containing charged Ru2+-centers, a bimodal distance distribution was found that nicely reproduced the spacings of direct and next-neighbor Ru2+-centers along the polyelectrolyte: 2.35 and 4.7 nm. For the system of FS/PDADMAC, DEER data could be simulated by assuming a two-state distribution of spin probes, one state corresponding to a homogeneous (3-dimensional) distribution of spin probes in the polyelectrolyte bulk and the other to a linear (1-dimensional) distribution of spin probes that are electrostatically condensed along locally extended PDADMAC chain segments. From this analysis it is suggested that the PDADMAC chains form locally elongated structures of a size of at least ~5 nm.


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Zusammenfassung Nanokomposite aus Polymeren und Schichtsilikaten werden zumeist auf der Basis natürlicher Tone wie Montmorillonit hergestellt. Für NMR- und EPR-Untersuchungen der Tensidschicht, die das Silikat mit dem Polymer kompatibilisiert, ist der Eisengehalt natürlicher Tone jedoch abträglich, weil er zu einer Verkürzung der Relaxationszeiten und zu einer Linienverbreiterung in den Spektren führt. Dieses Problem konnte überwunden werden, indem als Silikatkomponente eisenfreies, strukturell wohldefiniertes Magadiit hydrothermal synthetisiert und für die Kompositbildung eingesetzt wurde. Die Morphologie des Magadiits wurde durch Rasterelektronenmikroskopie charakterisiert und der Interkalationsgrad von schmelzinterkalierten Polymer-Nanokompositen wurde durch Weitwinkelröntgenstreuung bestimmt. Polymere mit Carbonylgruppen scheinen leichter zu interkalieren als solche ohne Carbonylgruppen. Polycaprolacton interkalierte sowohl in Oragnomagadiite auf der Basis von Ammoniumtensiden als auch in solche auf der Basis von Phosphoniumtensiden. Die Dynamik auf einer Nanosekundenzeitskala und die Struktur der Tensidschicht wurden mittels ortsspezifisch spinmarkierter Tensidsonden unter Nutzung von Dauerstrich- (CW) und Puls-Methoden der elektronenparamagnetischen Resonanzspektroskopie (EPR) untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde die statische 2H-Kernmagnetresonanz (NMR) an spezifisch deuterierten Tensiden angewendet, um die Tensiddynamik auf einer komplementären Zeitskala zwischen Mikrosekunden und Millisekunden zu erfassen. Sowohl die CW-EPR- als auch die 2H-NMR-Ergebnisse zeigen eine Beschleunigung der Tensiddynamik durch Interkalation von Polycaprolacton auf, während sich in den nichtinterkalierten Mikrokompositen mit Polystyrol die Tensiddynamik verlangsamt. Die Rotationskorrelationszeiten und Aktivierungsenergien offenbaren verschiedene Regime der Tensiddynamik. In Polystyrol-Mikrokompositen entspricht die Übergangstemperatur zwischen den Regimen der Glasübergangstemperatur von Polystyrol, während sie in Polycaprolacton-Nanokompositen bei der Schmelztemperatur von Polycaprolacton liegt. Durch die erhebliche Verlängerung der Elektronenspin-Relaxationszeiten bei Verwendung von eisenfreiem Magadiit können Messdaten hoher Qualität mit Puls-EPR-Experimenten erhalten werden. Insebsondere wurden die Vier-Puls-Elektron-Elektron-Doppelresonanz (DEER), die Elektronenspinechoenveloppenmodulation (ESEEM) und die Elektronen-Kern-Doppelresonanz (ENDOR) an spinmarkierten sowie spezifisch deuterierten Tensiden angewandt. Die ENDOR-Ergebnisse legen ein Model der Tensidschicht nahe, in dem zusätzlich zu den Oberflächenlagen auf dem Silikat eine wohldefinierte mittlere Lage existiert. Dieses Modell erklärt auch Verdünnungseffekte durch das Polymer in Kompositen mit Polycaprolacton und Polystyrol. Die umfangreiche Information aus den Magnetresonanztechniken ergänzt die Information aus konventionellen Charakterisierungstechniken wie Röntgendiffraktion und Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie und führt so zu einem detaillierteren Bild der Struktur und Dynamik der Tensidschicht in Nanokompositen aus Polymeren und Schichtsilikaten.


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Structure and folding of membrane proteins are important issues in molecular and cell biology. In this work new approaches are developed to characterize the structure of folded, unfolded and partially folded membrane proteins. These approaches combine site-directed spin labeling and pulse EPR techniques. The major plant light harvesting complex LHCIIb was used as a model system. Measurements of longitudinal and transversal relaxation times of electron spins and of hyperfine couplings to neighboring nuclei by electron spin echo envelope modulation(ESEEM) provide complementary information about the local environment of a single spin label. By double electron electron resonance (DEER) distances in the nanometer range between two spin labels can be determined. The results are analyzed in terms of relative water accessibilities of different sites in LHCIIb and its geometry. They reveal conformational changes as a function of micelle composition. This arsenal of methods is used to study protein folding during the LHCIIb self assembly and a spatially and temporally resolved folding model is proposed. The approaches developed here are potentially applicable for studying structure and folding of any protein or other self-assembling structure if site-directed spin labeling is feasible and the time scale of folding is accessible to freeze-quench techniques.