955 resultados para Distinctive character
Juridical Review. Looks at the question of whether an individual shareholder has title to bring an action on the company's behalf in exceptional circumstances, as considered in the cases of Anderson v Hogg and Wilson v Inverness Retail & Business Park Ltd. Examines the difference between English and Scottish law in this area, notwithstanding the reliance on English case law in Scotland due to the small number of Scottish cases decided. Looks at progress towards the reform of company law and the impact it will have on a shareholder's title to sue.
Self-love and self-liking in the moral and political philosophy of Bernard Mandeville and David Hume
This work offers a novel interpretation of David Hume’s (1711–1776) conception of the conjectural development of civil society and artificial moral institutions. It focuses on the social elements of Hume’s Treatise of human nature (1739–40) and the necessary connection between science of man and politeness, civilised monarchies, social distance and hierarchical structure of civil society. The study incorporates aspects of intellectual history, history of philosophy and book history. In order to understand David Hume’s thinking, the intellectual development of Bernard Mandeville (1670–1733) needs to be accounted for. When put into a historical perspective, the moral, political and social components of Treatise of human nature can be read in the context of a philosophical tradition, in which Mandeville plays a pivotal role. A distinctive character of Mandeville and Hume’s account of human nature and moral institutions was the introduction of a simple distinction between self-love and self-liking. The symmetric passions of self-interest and pride can only be controlled by the corresponding moral institutions. This is also the way in which we can say that moral institutions are drawn from human nature. In the case of self-love or self-interest, the corresponding moral institution is justice. Respectively, concerning self-liking or pride the moral institution is politeness. There is an explicit analogy between these moral institutions. If we do not understand this analogy, we do not understand the nature of either justice or politeness. The present work is divided into two parts. In the first part, ‘Intellectual development of Bernard Mandeville’, it is argued that the relevance of the paradigmatic change in Mandeville’s thinking has been missed. It draws a picture of Mandeville turning from the Hobbism of The Fable of the Bees to an original theory of civil society put forward in his later works. In order to make this change more apparent, Mandeville’s career and the publishing history of The Fable of the Bees are examined comprehensively. This interpretation, based partly on previously unknown sources, challenges F. B. Kaye’s influential decision to publish the two parts of The Fable of the Bees as a uniform work of two volumes. The main relevance, however, of the ‘Intellectual development of Mandeville’ is to function as the context for the young Hume. The second part of the work, ‘David Hume and Greatness of mind’, explores in philosophical detail the social theory of the Treatise and politics and the science of man in his Essays. This part will also reveal the relevance of Greatness of mind as a general concept for David Hume’s moral and political philosophy.
What are the musical features that turn a song into a hit? The aim of this research is to explore the musical features of hit tunes by studying the 224 most popular Finnish evergreens from the 1930s to the 1990s. It is remarkable, that 80-90% of Finnish oldies are in a minor key, though parallel major keys have also been widely employed within single pieces through, for example, modulations. Furthermore, melodies are usually diatonic, staying mostly in the same key. Consequently, chromatically altered tones in the melody and short modulations in the bridge sections become more prominent. I have concentrated in particular on the melodic lines in order to find the most typical melodic formulas from the data. These analyzed melodic formulas play an important role, because they serve as leading phrases and punchlines in songs. Analysis has revealed three major melodic formulas, which most often appear in the melodic lines of hit tunes. All of these formulas share common thematic ground, because they originate from the triadic tonic chord. Because the tonic chord is the most conventional opening chord in the verse parts, it is logical that these formulas occur most often in verses. The strong dominance of these formulas is very much a result of the rhythmic flexibility they possess; for instance, they can be found in every musical style from waltz to foxtrot. Alongside the major formulas lies a miscellaneous group of other tonic-related melodic formulas. One group of melodic formulas consists of melodic quotations. These quotations appear in a different musical context, for instance in a harmonically altered form, and are therefore often difficult to recognize as such. Yet despite the contextual manipulation, the distinctive character of the cited melody usually remains the same. Composers have also made use of certain popular chord-progressions in order to create new but familiar-sounding melodies. The most important individual progression in this case is what is known as a "circle of fifths" and its shortened, prolonged and altered versions. Because that progression is harmonically strong, it is also a contrastive tool used especially in chorus parts and middle sections (AABA). I have also paid attention to ragtime and jazz influences, which can be found in harmony parts and certain melody notes, which extend, suspend or alter the accompaning chords. Other influences from jazz and ragtime in the Finnish evergreen are evident in the use of typical Tin Pan Alley popular song forms. The most important is the AABA form, which dominates over the data along with the verse/chorus-type popular song form. To briefly illustrate the main results, the basic concept of the hit tune can be traced back to Tin Pan Alley songs, whereas the major stylistic aspects, such as minor keys and musical styles, bear influences from Russian, Western European, and Finnish traditions.
Common migraine, i.e. migraine with (MA) or without aura (MO), is a chronic neurological disorder affecting about 10% of the Caucasian population. In MA, migraine headache is preceded by visual, sensoric and/or dysphasic reversible aura symptoms. Twin and family studies have suggested a multifactorial mode of inheritance for common migraine, and a stronger genetic component for MA than for MO. Since there is no biological or genetic marker to identify common migraine, aura symptoms provide a distinctive character to identify those suspected of suffering from migraine. The aim of this study was to identify MA susceptibility loci in well-phenotyped migraine samples with familial predisposition using different gene mapping methods. Genes coding for endothelin1 and its receptors EDNRA and ENDRB are potential candidate genes for cortical spreading depression (CSD), which is considered to be the underlying mechanism of migraine aura. The role of these genes in MA was studied in 850 Finnish migraine cases and 890 control individuals. Rare homozygous EDNRA SNPs showed nominal association with MA and with the age of onset trait (20 years). This result was also detected in the pooled analysis on 648 German MA cases and 651 control individuals when the test was adjusted for gender and sample origin. Evaluation of SNP genotyping reactions with two different DNA polymerase enzymes ensured that the genotype quality was high, and thus the discovered associations are considered reliable. The role of the 19p13 region was studied in a linkage analysis of 72 Finnish MA families. This region contains two migraine-associated genes: CACNA1A, which is associated with a predisposition to a rare Mendelian form of MA, familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM), and the insulin receptor gene (INSR) that is associated with common migraine. No evidence of linkage between the 19p13 and MA was detected. A novel visual aura locus was mapped to chromosome 9q21-q22 with significant evidence of linkage using a genome-wide linkage approach in 36 Finnish MA families. Five additional, potential loci were also detected. The 9q21-q22 region has previously been linked to occipitotemporal lobe epilepsy and MA, both of which involve prominent visual symptoms. Our result further supports a shared background for these episodic disorders.
Simple pictures under everyday viewing conditions evoke impressions of surfaces oriented in depth. These impressions have been studied by measuring the slants of perceived surfaces, with probes (rotating arrowheads) designed to respect the distinctive character of depicted scenes. Converging arguments indicated that the perceived orientation of the probes was near theoretical values. A series of experiments showed that subjects formed well-defined impressions of depicted surface orientation. The literature suggests that perceived objects might be flattened', but that was not the general rule. Instead, both mean slant and uncertainty fitted models in which slant estimates are derived in a relatively straightforward way from local relations in the picture. Simplifying pictures tended to make orientation estimates less certain, particularly away from the natural anchor points (vertical and horizontal). The shape of the object affected all aspects of the observed-object/percept relationship. Individual differences were large, and suggest that different individuals used different relationships as a basis for their estimates. Overall, data suggest that everyday picture perception is strongly selective and weakly integrative. In particular, depicted slant is estimated by finding a picture feature which will be strongly related to it if the object contains a particular regularity, not by additive integration of evidence from multiple directly and indirectly relevant sources.
No mundo contemporâneo globalizado, definido pela sua qualidade essencialmente fluida e instável, o carácter distintivo da viagem parece dissolver-se face à contracção do planeta, à economia das ―trocas simbólicas‖ e a um alegado processo de diluição das diferenças e de homogeneização cultural. Com efeito, a mediatização da sociedade e a proliferação icónica contemporâneas produzem um aparente estado de saturação da geografia real e de multiplicação de lugares enquanto representações e imagens, permitindo pôr em causa a própria necessidade e urgência de deslocação, bem como admitir a abolição do ―estatuto de privilégio‖ de certos lugares e a derradeira quebra no conceito aurático das férias e das viagens, tradicionalmente assente em antinomias cruciais entre o quotidiano/familiar e o diferente/extraordinário. O presente artigo propõe-se abordar o paradigma da mobilidade contemporânea, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à traumática aniquilação do espaço e do tempo e ao seu impacto fortemente disruptivo sobre a dimensão ontológica de uma prática cultural cujo poder aurático se encontra tradicionalmente relacionado com a conquista de distâncias, a percepção de diferenças e a experiência de alteridade. O artigo pretende, por outro lado, refutar a declaração pós-moderna de que a familiarização com o outro conduz a uma diminuição do potencial de choque cultural no turismo contemporâneo, discutindo a relevância e a prevalência da busca de contraste e formas de vivência de alteridade no complexo novelo de motivações da viagem turística contemporânea.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.
Ce mémoire analyse la notion de fonctionnalité. D'origine jurisprudentielle, ce concept tend à maintenir la dichotomie traditionnelle entre le régime des marques de commerce et celui des brevets. À la lecture des jugements rendus en la matière, le maintien d'une telle dichotomie empêcherait notamment de prolonger indûment un monopole échu sous le régime des brevets par l'enregistrement d'une marque de commerce. Cette étude tente de mieux cerner le concept de fonctionnalité et, plus précisément, de justifier son existence. Pour ce faire, une étude approfondie des régimes des marques de commerce et des brevets, nous permet de comprendre que chacun de ces corps de règles répond à une logique différente. Les fonctions des marques de commerce et des brevets sont en effet distinctes et aucun chevauchement ne semble être permis. Cette situation est d'ailleurs propre à ces régimes spécifiques. Un examen de l'étendue de la notion de fonctionnalité nous permet de constater que d'autres droits de propriété intellectuelle peuvent coexister. À titre d'exemple, nous croyons qu'une intersection est possible entre les régimes des dessins industriels et des marques de commerce. À l'issue de ces recherches, nous constatons que la notion de fonctionnalité est un principe jurisprudentiel bien établi en droit canadien visant à empêcher tout renouvellement à perpétuité d'un brevet par le biais du droit des marques de commerce. L'existence de ce principe nous semble être justifiée en matière de marques de commerce et de brevets. Cette conclusion pourrait toutefois différer dans le cadre d'autres droits de propriété intellectuelle, les fonctions de ces autres régimes semblant permettre des chevauchements.
Les six romans du cycle de Caoba retracent sur un mode fictif le déroulement de la Révolution mexicaine et montrent les conséquences de la colonisation de même que les injustices sociales et économiques dont souffre tout particulièrement la population indigène. Dans ce contexte de conflit culturel entre colonisés et colonisateurs, le personnage de l’indigène est perçu de façon variée dans les différents romans. L’analyse de la représentation de la population indigène est donc le sujet principal de ce travail qui combine une étude narratologique et une approche postcoloniale. L’examen détaillé d’extraits de texte permettra de vérifier dans quelle mesure l’auteur germanophone B. Traven, dans sa représentation de l'étranger, se détache d’un discours colonial, et s’il peut être considéré comme un auteur postcolonial avant la lettre. Dans ces analyses, les questions suivantes serviront de fil conducteur : dans quelle mesure la représentation du personnage de l’indigène correspond-elle à celle du «bon sauvage» ? Comment les différents groupes sociaux du Mexique sont-ils représentés – par des individus, des descriptions stéréotypées, des allégories? Quels moyens l’auteur utilise-t-il pour familiariser son lectorat européen/occidental avec cette culture étrangère? Ainsi, le travail se penche sur les procédés narratifs employés par l’auteur pour dépeindre la société à partir de perspectives diverses. Dans le but de dénoncer des conditions d’oppression et d’exploitation, Traven écrit à partir du regard du colonisé. Mais lorsqu'il cherche à comprendre le système dictatorial, il écrit dans la perspective du colonisateur. Cette méthode correspond à celle des regards croisés que le théoricien Edward E. Said décrit dans son ouvrage Orientalisme. L’emploi de cette méthode contrapunctique - permet-il d’exercer une critique (post)coloniale? Dans quelle mesure ce texte révèle-t-il l’importance de l’hybridité de la culture telle qu'elle a été théorisée par K. Bhabha? Dans quelle mesure l'accent est-il mis sur les rapports transculturels, sur la façon dont les cultures s'influencent les unes les autres?
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
São descritos e ilustrados em detalhes, os quatro estágios de zoea e um de megalopa do caranguejo Armases benedicti (Rathbun, 1897), a partir de larvas obtidas em laboratório. A média de duração de cada estágio larval foi 3, 2, 4, 4 e 13 dias, respectivamente. O período compreendido desde a eclosão até o surgimento do primeiro juvenil foi de 26 dias. Morfologicamente A. benedicti é muito similar às outras espécies do gênero, contudo, um pequeno espinho lateral é claramente observado na carapaça das zoeas desta espécie. Esta característica aparenta ser única dentre os Sesarmidae. Outra característica distinta desta espécie é a distribuição das cerdas do endópodo da maxila (2+2), o qual difere dos demais sesarmídeos que apresentam a distribuição (2+3), exceto para Sesarma tetragonum (Fabricius, 1798) o qual apresenta (2+2). Outras comparações morfológicas com trabalhos anteriores relacionados a larvas do gênero Armases Abele, 1992 são brevemente discutidas.
This paper aims to explain certain language phenomena remarkable for example in the Internet. These phenomena are popularly known as “internetês” in Brazilian Portuguese writing texts. A set of texts collected from chats was analyzed based on discoursive and phonological studies. The relationship between spoke and writing is seen as a distinctive character of heterogeneity of writing. In a particular way, the writing of nicknames in these digital interactions is analyzed. It is shown that enunciative complexity came from different linguistic information (phonological, morphological, semantics and enunciative ones). This study aims to contribute for general questions about oral/spoken and literacy/writing in digital context (but not just in those contexts).
In this paper, we propose a brief analysis of Ou Isto ou Aquilo, a 1964 children's poetry book by Cecilia Meireles. Based on the perception that the poems in this book possess a distinctive character, both aesthetically and thematically, the analysis focuses precisely on the work's unique aspects, regarding the approach to certain issues which are not customarily associated with the child's universe - such as solitude, death, longing, sorrow, angst and nostalgia. Our work aims to shun a common - and sometimes reductionist - vision of children's poetry, by seeing the ludic primarily as a tool that allows the poet to address denser themes in a way that is accessible to children, but without underestimating them. Likewise, based on the assumptions presented, we intend to demonstrate how the author allows not only children, but also to the adult readers, to get in contact with poetic profundity that is not restricted to the target audience. Thus, we expect that the presentation and the analysis of children's poems might, in a way, redeem the importance of Cecilia Meireles's children's poetic production
In this paper, we propose a brief analysis of Ou Isto ou Aquilo, a 1964 children's poetry book by Cecilia Meireles. Based on the perception that the poems in this book possess a distinctive character, both aesthetically and thematically, the analysis focuses precisely on the work's unique aspects, regarding the approach to certain issues which are not customarily associated with the child's universe - such as solitude, death, longing, sorrow, angst and nostalgia. Our work aims to shun a common - and sometimes reductionist - vision of children's poetry, by seeing the ludic primarily as a tool that allows the poet to address denser themes in a way that is accessible to children, but without underestimating them. Likewise, based on the assumptions presented, we intend to demonstrate how the author allows not only children, but also to the adult readers, to get in contact with poetic profundity that is not restricted to the target audience. Thus, we expect that the presentation and the analysis of children's poems might, in a way, redeem the importance of Cecilia Meireles's children's poetic production
Adaptation and acclimation to different temperatures of obligate psychrophilic, facultative psychrophilic and mesophilic yeasts. Production of ω-3 and ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids by fermentative way. Obligate psychrophilic, facultative psychrophilic and mesophilic yeasts were cultured in a carbon rich medium at different temperatures to investigate if growth parameters, lipid accumulation and fatty acid composition were adaptive and/or acclimatory responses. Acclimation of facultative psychrophiles and mesophiles to lower temperature negatively affected their specific growth rate. Obligate psychrophiles exhibited the highest biomass yield (YX/S), followed by facultative psychrophiles, then by mesophiles. The growth temperature did not influence the YX/S of facultative psychrophiles and mesophiles. Acclimation to lower temperature caused the increase in lipid yield (YL/X) in mesophilic yeasts, but did not affect YL/X in facultative psychrophiles. Similar YL/X were found in both facultative and obligated psychrophiles, suggesting that lipid accumulation is not a distinctive character of adaptation to permanently cold environments. The extent of unsaturation of fatty acids was one major adaptive feature of the yeasts which colonize permanently cold ecosystems. Remarkable amounts of α-linolenic acid were found in obligate psychrophiles at the expenses of linoleic acid, whereas it was generally scarce or absent in all the others strains. Increased unsaturation of fatty acids was also an acclimatory response of mesophiles and facultative psychrophiles to lower temperature. It’s well known that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) display a variety of beneficial effects on various organ systems and diseases, therefore a process for the microbial production of omega-3 PUFAs would be of great interest. This work sought also to investigate if one of the better psychrophilic yeast, Rhodotorula glacialis DBVPG 4785, stimulated by acclamatory responses, produced omega-3 PUFAs. In fact, the adaptation of psychrophilic yeasts to cold niches is related to the production of higher amounts of lipids and to increased unsaturation degree of fatty acids, presumably to maintain membrane fluidity and functionality at low temperatures. Bioreactor fermentations of Rhodotorula glacialis DBVPG 4785 were carried out at 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0, and -3°C in a complex medium with high C:N ratio for 15 days. High biomass production was attained at all the temperatures with a similar biomass/glucose yield (YXS), between 0.40 and 0.45, but the specific growth rate of the strain decreased as the temperature diminished. The coefficients YL/X have been measured between a minimum of 0.50 to a maximum of 0.67, but it was not possible to show a clear effect of temperature. Similarly, the coefficient YL/S ranges from a minimum of 0.22 to a maximum of 0.28: again, it does not appear to be any significant changes due to temperature. Among omega-3 PUFAs, only α-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) was found at temperatures below to 0°C, while, it’s remarkable, that the worthy arachidonic acid (C20:4,n-6), stearidonic acid (C20:4,n-3) C22:0 and docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3) were produced only at the late exponential phase and the stationary phase of batch fermentations at 0 and -3°C. The docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a beneficial omega-3 PUFA that is usually found in fatty fish and fish oils. The results herein reported improve the knowledge about the responses which enable psychrophilic yeasts to cope with cold and may support exploitation of these strains as a new resource for biotechnological applications.