870 resultados para Differential Operators
We give a characterisation of the spectral properties of linear differential operators with constant coefficients, acting on functions defined on a bounded interval, and determined by general linear boundary conditions. The boundary conditions may be such that the resulting operator is not selfadjoint. We associate the spectral properties of such an operator $S$ with the properties of the solution of a corresponding boundary value problem for the partial differential equation $\partial_t q \pm iSq=0$. Namely, we are able to establish an explicit correspondence between the properties of the family of eigenfunctions of the operator, and in particular whether this family is a basis, and the existence and properties of the unique solution of the associated boundary value problem. When such a unique solution exists, we consider its representation as a complex contour integral that is obtained using a transform method recently proposed by Fokas and one of the authors. The analyticity properties of the integrand in this representation are crucial for studying the spectral theory of the associated operator.
In [3], Bratti and Takagi conjectured that a first order differential operator S=11 +...+ nn+ with 1,..., n, {x1,..., xn} does not generate a cyclic maximal left (or right) ideal of the ring of differential operators. This is contrary to the case of the Weyl algebra, i.e., the ring of differential operators over the polynomial ring [x1,..., xn]. In this case, we know that such cyclic maximal ideals do exist. In this article, we prove several special cases of the conjecture of Bratti and Takagi.
This thesis is devoted to the study of Picard-Fuchs operators associated to one-parameter families of $n$-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds whose solutions are integrals of $(n,0)$-forms over locally constant $n$-cycles. Assuming additional conditions on these families, we describe algebraic properties of these operators which leads to the purely algebraic notion of operators of CY-type. rnMoreover, we present an explicit way to construct CY-type operators which have a linearly rigid monodromy tuple. Therefore, we first usernthe translation of the existence algorithm by N. Katz for rigid local systems to the level of tuples of matrices which was established by M. Dettweiler and S. Reiter. An appropriate translation to the level of differential operators yields families which contain operators of CY-type. rnConsidering additional operations, we are also able to construct special CY-type operators of degree four which have a non-linearly rigid monodromy tuple. This provides both previously known and new examples.
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der Spektraltheorie von Differentialoperatoren auf metrischen Graphen und von indefiniten Differentialoperatoren auf beschränkten Gebieten. Sie besteht aus zwei Teilen. Im Ersten werden endliche, nicht notwendigerweise kompakte, metrische Graphen und die Hilberträume von quadratintegrierbaren Funktionen auf diesen betrachtet. Alle quasi-m-akkretiven Laplaceoperatoren auf solchen Graphen werden charakterisiert, und Abschätzungen an die negativen Eigenwerte selbstadjungierter Laplaceoperatoren werden hergeleitet. Weiterhin wird die Wohlgestelltheit eines gemischten Diffusions- und Transportproblems auf kompakten Graphen durch die Anwendung von Halbgruppenmethoden untersucht. Eine Verallgemeinerung des indefiniten Operators $-tfrac{d}{dx}sgn(x)tfrac{d}{dx}$ von Intervallen auf metrische Graphen wird eingeführt. Die Spektral- und Streutheorie der selbstadjungierten Realisierungen wird detailliert besprochen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Operatoren untersucht, die mit indefiniten Formen der Art $langlegrad v, A(cdot)grad urangle$ mit $u,vin H_0^1(Omega)subset L^2(Omega)$ und $OmegasubsetR^d$ beschränkt, assoziiert sind. Das Eigenwertverhalten entspricht in Dimension $d=1$ einer verallgemeinerten Weylschen Asymptotik und für $dgeq 2$ werden Abschätzungen an die Eigenwerte bewiesen. Die Frage, wann indefinite Formmethoden für Dimensionen $dgeq 2$ anwendbar sind, bleibt offen und wird diskutiert.
The general ordinary quasi-differential expression M of n-th order with complex coefficients and its formal adjoint M + are considered over a regoin (a, b) on the real line, −∞ ≤ a < b ≤ ∞, on which the operator may have a finite number of singular points. By considering M over various subintervals on which singularities occur only at the ends, restrictions of the maximal operator generated by M in L2|w (a, b) which are regularly solvable with respect to the minimal operators T0 (M ) and T0 (M + ). In addition to direct sums of regularly solvable operators defined on the separate subintervals, there are other regularly solvable restrications of the maximal operator which involve linking the various intervals together in interface like style.
We study the continuity of pseudo-differential operators on Bessel potential spaces Hs|p (Rn ), and on the corresponding Besov spaces B^(s,q)p (R ^n). The modulus of continuity ω we use is assumed to satisfy j≥0, ∑ [ω(2−j )Ω(2j )]2 < ∞ where Ω is a suitable positive function.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 26A33, 31C25, 35S99, 47D07.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B10, 43A32.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J05, 35J25, 35C15, 47H50, 47G30
Toric coordinates and toric vector field have been introduced in [2]. Let A be an arbitrary vector field. We obtain formulae for the divA, rotA and the Laplace operator in toric coordinates.
2002 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35S05, 47G30, 58J42.
This paper completes the review of the theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric operators for physicists as a basis for constructing quantum-mechanical observables. It contains a comparative presentation of the well-known methods and a newly proposed method for constructing ordinary self-adjoint differential operators associated with self-adjoint differential expressions in terms of self-adjoint boundary conditions. The new method has the advantage that it does not require explicitly evaluating deficient subspaces and deficiency indices (these latter are determined in passing) and that boundary conditions are of explicit character irrespective of the singularity of a differential expression. General assertions and constructions are illustrated by examples of well-known quantum-mechanical operators like momentum and Hamiltonian.