996 resultados para Diagnostic Reasoning


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Antecedentes: Cada vez es mayor la relevancia que se da al papel del residente como docente, no solo por su importancia en la formación de estudiantes, internos y otros miembros del equipo de salud, sino por su deber en la instrucción del paciente y su familia. A pesar de ello, el rol del residente como docente no se encuentra plenamente definido en nuestro medio. Objetivo: Caracterizar el rol de los residentes de Medicina Interna de la Universidad el Rosario en la Fundación Cardioinfantil como docentes. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo a partir de observaciones en escenarios de enseñanza y entrevistas semiestructuradas a 44 participantes distribuidos en grupos focales Resultados: Los residentes asumen un rol docente en diversos escenarios educativos con estudiantes, internos, residentes y docentes. Reconocen que no tienen la preparación necesaria para asumir esta responsabilidad ni funciones establecidas para tal fin. A pesar de esto, utilizan diferentes estrategias para enseñar y se sienten motivados para hacerlo. Conclusiones: El rol del residente como docente en el servicio de Medicina Interna en la Fundación Cardioinfantil es fundamental para la formación de los futuros médicos y especialistas según la percepción que tienen los grupos focales. Los encuentros pedagógicos están enmarcados por la disponibilidad de tiempo y dependen de características personales del residente, conocimiento disciplinar y formación para enseñar. Se considera que se debe apoyar más el entrenamiento en docencia de los residentes, avanzar en la formalización de las funciones docentes de los mismos y generar sistemas de evaluación de este proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje.


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Introducción: La atención de calidad en urgencias sólo es posible si los médicos han recibido una enseñanza de alta calidad. La escala PHEEM (Postgraduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure) es un instrumento válido y fiable, utilizado internacionalmente para medir el entorno educativo, en la formación médica de posgrado. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte trasversal que utilizó la escala PHEEM versión en español para conocer el entorno educativo de los programas de urgencias. El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach se calculó para determinar la consistencia interna. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva a nivel global, por categorías e ítems de la escala PHEEM y se compararon resultados por sexo, año de residencia y programa. Resultados: 94 (94%) residentes llenaron el cuestionario. La puntuación media de la escala PHEEM fue 93,91 ± 23,71 (58,1% de la puntuación máxima) que se considera un ambiente educativo más positivo que negativo, pero con margen de mejora. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la percepción del ambiente educativo entre los programas de residencia (p =0,01). El instrumento es altamente confiable (alfa de Cronbach = 0,952). La barrera más frecuente en la enseñanza fue el hacinamiento y la evaluación fue percibida con el propósito de cumplir normas. Discusión: Los resultados de este estudio aportaron evidencia sobre la validez interna de la escala PHEEM en el contexto colombiano. Este estudio demostró cómo la medición del ambiente educativo en una especialidad médico-quirúrgica, con el uso de una herramienta cuantitativa, puede proporcionar información en relación a las fortalezas y debilidades de los programas.


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Little is known about the acquisition of decision-making skills in nursing students as a function of experience and academic ability. Knowing how experience and academic skills interact may help inform clinical education programs and formulate ways of assessing students' progress. The aims of the present study were to develop a problem-solving task capable of measuring clinical decision-making skills in novice nurses at different levels of domain-specific knowledge; and to establish the relative impact on decision-making of domain-specific knowledge and general ability as determinants of the acquisition of decision-making skills. Three types of clinical problems of increasing complexity were developed. Sixty second-year and third-year student nurses with high and low academic scores were studied in terms of their ability to generate hypotheses for a hypothetical case, recognize disconfirming information and the need to access additional information, and diagnostic accuracy. The results showed that general academic ability and knowledge function partly independently in the acquisition of expertise in nursing. Academic ability affects decision-making in low complexity tasks, but as case complexity increases, domain-specific knowledge and experience determines decision-making skills. There are important differences in the way novices with different levels of knowledge and ability make clinical decisions and these can be studied by systematically increasing the complexity of the decision task. These results have implications for the way in which clinical education is structured and evaluated.


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OBJETIVOS:traduzir e adaptar culturalmente para a língua portuguesa do Brasil o modelo Developing Nurses' Thinking, utilizado como estratégia ao ensino do raciocínio clínico.MÉTODO:a tradução e adaptação cultural foi realizada por meio de tradução inicial, síntese das traduções, retrotradução, avaliação por comitê de especialistas e pré-teste com 33 estudantes de graduação em enfermagem.RESULTADOS:as etapas de tradução inicial, síntese das traduções e retrotradução foram realizadas a contento, havendo a necessidade de pequenos ajustes. Na avaliação pelo comitê de especialistas da versão traduzida, todos os itens obtiveram concordância superior a 80% na primeira rodada de avaliação e no pré-teste com os estudantes. O modelo mostrou-se adequado à sua finalidade.CONCLUSÃO:recomenda-se o uso do modelo como uma estratégia complementar ao ensino do raciocínio diagnóstico, visando a formação de enfermeiros mais conscientes sobre a tarefa diagnóstica e a importância da segurança do paciente.


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O ensino dos processos de julgamento clínico e de raciocínio diagnóstico para estudantes de enfermagem torna-se cada vez mais importante para a qualificação dos cursos de graduação em enfermagem e alcance do compromisso com a formação clínica por excelência do enfermeiro, em uma realidade de saúde cada vez mais complexa. Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar o julgamento clínico e o raciocínio diagnóstico de estudantes de enfermagem, correlacionar estes dois processos e identificar diferenças entre estudantes da fase intermediária e os concluintes do curso, de uma Escola do interior paulista. Para avaliar o julgamento clínico, construímos um cenário de simulação clínica de alta-fidelidade, representando uma paciente com anemia falciforme em crise de dor e, ainda, traduzimos e adaptamos à cultura brasileira o instrumento Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric (LASATER, 2007); para avaliar o raciocínio diagnóstico, utilizamos o instrumento já adaptado por Rodrigues (2012) denominado de Inventário de Raciocínio Diagnóstico (BORDAGE; GRANT; MARSDEN, 1990). Os resultados demonstraram que os estudantes de enfermagem apresentaram, predominantemente, nível Proficiente na maioria das dimensões de julgamento clínico (66,7% dos estudantes do grupo concluinte e 56,5% dos estudantes do grupo intermediário). Já para o raciocínio diagnóstico, a maioria dos estudantes foi considerada com ampla habilidade para realizar diagnósticos de enfermagem (91,3% dos estudantes do grupo intermediário e 83,4% dos estudantes do grupo concluinte). Destaca-se que dos concluintes 11,1% apresentaram habilidade máxima. Os estudantes do último ano de graduação em enfermagem apresentaram desempenho superior na fase de interpretação do julgamento clínico (p=0,021). Não se observou diferença entre os grupos para o raciocínio diagnóstico (p=0,334). Houve moderada correlação entre julgamento clínico e raciocínio diagnóstico; e ainda, a fase de reconhecimento do julgamento clínico apresentou-se moderadamente correlacionada ao processo de raciocínio diagnóstico. Considerando que o raciocínio diagnóstico está presente no processo de julgamento clínico, principalmente no momento da investigação do caso clínico (fase Reconhecimento do julgamento clínico) e que as habilidades de raciocinio diagnóstico se manifestam predominantemente nesta fase, a compreensão e o desenvolvimento destes processos pelos estudantes devem ser valorizados nos currículos de graduação em enfermagem


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Physician training has greatly benefitted from insights gained in understanding the manner in which experts search medical images for abnormalities. The aims of this study were to compare the search patterns of 30 fourth-year dental students and 15 certified oral and maxillofacial radiologists (OMRs) over panoramic images and to determine the most robust variables for future studies involving image visualization. Eye tracking was used to capture the eye movement patterns of both subject groups when examining 20 panoramic images classified as normal or abnormal. Abnormal images were further subclassified as having an obvious, intermediate, or subtle abnormality. The images were presented in random order to each participant, and data were collected on duration of the participants’ observations and total distance tracked, time to first eye fixation, and total duration and numbers of fixations on and off the area of interest (AOI). The results showed that the OMRs covered greater distances than the dental students (p<0.001) for normal images. For images of pathosis, the OMRs required less total time (p<0.001), made fewer eye fixations (p<0.01) with fewer saccades (p<0.001) than the students, and required less time before making the first fixation on the AOI (p<0.01). Furthermore, the OMRs covered less distance (p<0.001) than the dental students for obvious pathoses. For investigations of images of pathosis, time to first fixation is a robust parameter in predicting ability. For images with different levels of subtlety of pathoses, the number of fixations, total time spent, and numbers of revisits are important parameters to analyze when comparing observer groups with different levels of experience.


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Physician training has greatly benefitted from insights gained in understanding the manner in which experts search medical images for abnormalities. The aims of this study were to compare the search patterns of 30 fourth-year dental students and 15 certified oral and maxillofacial radiologists (OMRs) over panoramic images and to determine the most robust variables for future studies involving image visualization. Eye tracking was used to capture the eye movement patterns of both subject groups when examining 20 panoramic images classified as normal or abnormal. Abnormal images were further subclassified as having an obvious, intermediate, or subtle abnormality. The images were presented in random order to each participant, and data were collected on duration of the participants’ observations and total distance tracked, time to first eye fixation, and total duration and numbers of fixations on and off the area of interest (AOI). The results showed that the OMRs covered greater distances than the dental students (p<0.001) for normal images. For images of pathosis, the OMRs required less total time (p<0.001), made fewer eye fixations (p<0.01) with fewer saccades (p<0.001) than the students, and required less time before making the first fixation on the AOI (p<0.01). Furthermore, the OMRs covered less distance (p<0.001) than the dental students for obvious pathoses. For investigations of images of pathosis, time to first fixation is a robust parameter in predicting ability. For images with different levels of subtlety of pathoses, the number of fixations, total time spent, and numbers of revisits are important parameters to analyze when comparing observer groups with different levels of experience.


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Growth of complexity and functional importance of integrated navigation systems (INS) leads to high losses at the equipment refusals. The paper is devoted to the INS diagnosis system development, allowing identifying the cause of malfunction. The proposed solutions permit taking into account any changes in sensors dynamic and accuracy characteristics by means of the appropriate error models coefficients. Under actual conditions of INS operation, the determination of current values of the sensor models and estimation filter parameters rely on identification procedures. The results of full-scale experiments are given, which corroborate the expediency of INS error models parametric identification in bench test process.


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The operation of technical processes requires increasingly advanced supervision and fault diagnostics to improve reliability and safety. This paper gives an introduction to the field of fault detection and diagnostics and has short methods classification. Growth of complexity and functional importance of inertial navigation systems leads to high losses at the equipment refusals. The paper is devoted to the INS diagnostics system development, allowing identifying the cause of malfunction. The practical realization of this system concerns a software package, performing a set of multidimensional information analysis. The project consists of three parts: subsystem for analyzing, subsystem for data collection and universal interface for open architecture realization. For a diagnostics improving in small analyzing samples new approaches based on pattern recognition algorithms voting and taking into account correlations between target and input parameters will be applied. The system now is at the development stage.


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La présente étude est une recherche qualitative de type exploratoire. Elle avait pour but de vérifier l'utilisation des connaissances biomédicales de deux groupes d'étudiantes infirmières de niveau collégial. L'échantillon était composé de 56 sujets : un groupe de 38 étudiantes en début de la deuxième année du programme de soins infirmiers et un groupe de 18 étudiantes de troisième année, en fin de programme. La capacité de référer aux connaissances biomédicales a été évaluée à l'aide d'une grille d'observation des réponses des sujets, à des questions proposées suite à la lecture d'un scénario portant sur une situation clinique. La grille d'observation est une adaptation d'un outil élaboré par Doris Carnevali (1984) portant sur le «self-monitoring of diagnostic reasoning behaviors». Quant au scénario, il fut construit en tenant compte des connaissances des étudiantes et en fonction des objectifs de cette recherche. Ces outils ont été validés auprès d'enseignantes du programme de soins infirmiers et d'étudiantes de première année dans ce programme et auprès d'une experte en démarche de soins infirmiers. Ils ont été aussi pré-expérimentés auprès d'un groupe de six étudiantes ayant terminé leur première année. Les données portant sur les réponses écrites des étudiantes à propos de l'identification de problèmes à traiter en collaboration, via un scénario, ont été traitées par une méthode d'analyse qualitative de contenu. Les résultats font l'objet d'une analyse exhaustive. Ils ont permis de ressortir les catégories reliées au raisonnement diagnostique et aux processus cognitifs et tendent à démontrer que les étudiantes en soins infirmiers utilisent leurs connaissances biomédicales lorsqu'elles ont à résoudre un problème de soins infirmiers à l'aide d'une histoire de cas fictive. Les résultats semblent prometteurs quant au transfert des connaissances biomédicales et de soins infirmiers (théoriques et pratiques) des étudiantes dans un contexte de résolution de problèmes. Ils incitent à revoir nos approches pédagogiques quant à l'enseignement théorique des problèmes de santé abordés dans le programme de soins infirmiers. Ils invitent aussi à réexaminer des attitudes des enseignantes face à l'utilisation de ces connaissances dans un contexte de soins direct à la clientèle. De plus, ils ouvrent des avenues intéressantes pour la poursuite de la recherche dans le domaine de l'enseignement et de l'intervention infirmière.


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The aim of this study was to identify and describe the clinical reasoning characteristics of diagnostic experts. A group of 21 experienced general practitioners were asked to complete the Diagnostic Thinking Inventory (DTI) and a set of 10 clinical reasoning problems (CRPs) to evaluate their clinical reasoning. Both the DTI and the CRPs were scored, and the CRP response patterns of each GP examined in terms of the number and type of errors contained in them. Analysis of these data showed that six GPs were able to reach the correct diagnosis using significantly less clinical information than their colleagues. These GPs also made significantly fewer interpretation errors but scored lower on both the DTI and the CRPs. Additionally, this analysis showed that more than 20% of misdiagnoses occurred despite no errors being made in the identification and interpretation of relevant clinical information. These results indicate that these six GPs diagnose efficiently, effectively and accurately using relatively few clinical data and can therefore be classified as diagnostic experts. They also indicate that a major cause of misdiagnoses is failure to properly integrate clinical data. We suggest that increased emphasis on this step in the reasoning process should prove beneficial to the development of clinical reasoning skill in undergraduate medical students.


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Flasinski M. and Lee M.H., The Use of Graph Grammars for Model-based Reasoning in Diagnostic Expert Systems, Prace Informatyczne, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego, 9, 1999, pp147-165.


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The topic of fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) is studied from the perspective of proactive testing. Unlike most research focus in the diagnosis area in which system outputs are analyzed for diagnosis purposes, in this paper the focus is on the other side of the problem: manipulating system inputs for better diagnosis reasoning. In other words, the question of how diagnostic mechanisms can direct system inputs for better diagnosis analysis is addressed here. It is shown how the problem can be formulated as decision making problem coupled with a Bayesian Network based diagnostic mechanism. The developed mechanism is applied to the problem of supervised testing in HVAC systems.


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The aim of this study was to identify and describe the types of errors in clinical reasoning that contribute to poor diagnostic performance at different levels of medical training and experience. Three cohorts of subjects, second- and fourth- (final) year medical students and a group of general practitioners, completed a set of clinical reasoning problems. The responses of those whose scores fell below the 25th centile were analysed to establish the stage of the clinical reasoning process - identification of relevant information, interpretation or hypothesis generation - at which most errors occurred and whether this was dependent on problem difficulty and level of medical experience. Results indicate that hypothesis errors decrease as expertise increases but that identification and interpretation errors increase. This may be due to inappropriate use of pattern recognition or to failure of the knowledge base. Furthermore, although hypothesis errors increased in line with problem difficulty, identification and interpretation errors decreased. A possible explanation is that as problem difficulty increases, subjects at all levels of expertise are less able to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant clinical features and so give equal consideration to all information contained within a case. It is concluded that the development of clinical reasoning in medical students throughout the course of their pre-clinical and clinical education may be enhanced by both an analysis of the clinical reasoning process and a specific focus on each of the stages at which errors commonly occur.