889 resultados para Destinos turísticos - Montanhas
No actual contexto de competitividade, os destinos turísticos podem diferenciar-se pela imagem que os turistas e residentes têm sobre eles enquanto espaços alternativos de lazer e turismo (Baloglu & Mangaloglu, 2001). A imagem dos destinos constitui um conceito central na literatura em turismo porque está fortemente relacionada com o comportamento dos residentes e dos turistas (Baloglu & McCleary, 1999). A imagem afecta o comportamento de escolha e avaliação do destino, da viagem e da participação e experiência turísticas (Echtner and Ritchie 1991; Lee & Lee, 2009). Por outro lado, os residentes têm, também eles, uma imagem sobre o local onde residem que pode e deve ser analisada, afectando, por sua vez, a percepção que os turistas têm desses espaços (Gallarza, Saura & García, 2001). Alguns destinos turísticos possuem características simbólicas que exercem forte influência na formação da sua imagem, como são o caso dos espaços de montanha. De facto, as montanhas constituem um dos mais profundos arquétipos da Humanidade simbolizando poder, liberdade e eternidade (Smethurst, 2000, p.36). As regiões de montanha têm-se tornado num dos mais atractivos destinos turísticos constituindo a sua procura, actualmente, 20% dos fluxos turísticos globais com 500 milhões de turistas anualmente (UNEP, 2002; Thomas et al., 2006). Mas até muito recentemente, os estudos sobre os espaços de montanha limitavam-se, maioritariamente, às suas características físicas, ecológicas e ambientais (Smethurst, 2000). Uma abordagem do ponto de vista do turismo de montanha, no contexto da imagem, pode revelar-se, assim, essencial. Neste contexto, o presente estudo pretende analisar, de uma forma holística e multidisciplinar, a imagem que os residentes e turistas têm dos espaços de montanha, bem como o respectivo gap. O objectivo central é construir uma escala MDI - Mountain Destination Image Scale - no sentido de medir os parâmetros da imagem do destino, incluindo factores cognitivos e afectivos e tendo em conta os grupos populacionais turistas e residentes. Com base numa extensa revisão da literatura em imagem dos destinos turísticos e nos significados sociais e culturais da montanha ao longo do tempo, e no âmbito do trabalho empírico realizado a 315 turistas e 315 residentes na Serra da Estrela (Portugal), Alpes (França, Áustria e Suiça) e Picos da Europa (Espanha), os resultados indicam que a escala multidimensional MDI integra cinco dimensões de imagem de montanha pelos turistas: (1) histórico-cultural, (2) natural/ecológica, (3) social e prestígio, (4) lazer e desporto e (5) afectiva; e três dimensões percepcionadas pelos residentes: (1) mística/sagrada, (2) histórico-cultural e (3) afectiva. A discussão é centrada nas implicações teóricas e práticas da escala MDI no planeamento, gestão e marketing dos destinos turísticos de montanha. São igualmente apresentadas as limitações do presente estudo e traçadas algumas linhas orientadoras para investigações futuras.
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en estudiar la evolución de los destinos turísticos litorales consolidados a partir del análisis comparado entre Balneario Camboriú y Benidorm. Se trata de dos destinos localizados en contextos territoriales y turísticos diferentes, en los que se contrastan de manera empírica los indicadores de evolución de los destinos y se vinculan las dinámicas evolutivas con el modelo territorial-turístico resultante en cada destino. El análisis realizado permite contrastar los postulados de los modelos evolutivos clásicos (Butler, 1980) e incorporar los nuevos planteamientos de la geografía económica evolutiva. La investigación delimita cronológicamente los periodos de desarrollo de ambos destinos para identificar los factores con mayor incidencia en la evolución de los mismos. Una evolución marcada, fundamentalmente, por la ubicación geográfica, la planificación y gestión urbanoturística a diferentes escalas, la dependencia de determinados mercados emisores y la influencia de factores macroeconómicos. Un conjunto de factores interrelacionados que dibujan trayectorias dispares para los destinos analizados.
Com o aparecimento da Internet, assiste-se cada vez mais ao nascimento e desenvolvimento de novos destinos turísticos. O novo meio de comunicação faz com que os consumidores aumentem os seus patamares de exigências e de expectativas. Ao poder público e às empresas privadas cabe-lhes o papel de sensibilizar o imaginário dos turistas para visitarem as suas comunidades e regiões e não outras. O presente artigo pretende analisar a importância que o poder local e regional da Madeira atribui à Internet para a divulgação dos seus municípios como destinos turísticos a serem fruídos. A pesquisa foi baseada em entrevistas e análise dos sites municipais. O trabalho de campo realizou-se de Janeiro de 2004 a Junho de 2004. Este artigo centra-se essencialmente na análise das entrevistas e está estruturado nos seguintes tópicos: Introdução à problemática; fundamentação teórica sobre a temática; análise das entrevistas e conclusão.
Tese de dout., Gestão, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação de mestrado, Marketing, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientada por: Professora Doutora Paula Odete Fernandes Professor Doutor Rui da Assunção Esteves Pimenta
Os destinos turísticos maduros caracterizam-se pela redução da sua capacidade para garantir satisfação aos consumidores, declínio das taxas de crescimento dos fluxos turísticos, degradação da imagem e perda de competitividade. Nesta fase necessitam de proceder à sua renovação ou rejuvenescimento através de novos factores de competitividade. Entre eles incluem-se a autenticidade transformada, em factor de atracção (push-factor), e a inovação. Neste trabalho identificam-se as várias correntes relativas à análise da autenticidade e as categorias de inovação no processo de renovação dos destinos, concluindo que ambas fazem parte de um processo contínuo que deve constituir uma centralidade das políticas turísticas.
Over the past few decades, the phenomenon of competitiveness, and the underlying competitive advantage thereof, has been analyzed in diverse ways, in terms of its sources (external and internal environment) and competitive management strategies, as well as different scopes (nations, economic sectors and organizations) and fields of study (economy and organizational theory). Moreover, competitiveness is a complex phenomenon and, thus, reflected in the many methods and approaches which some frameworks have developed throughout the period to try to examine it in the tourism sector as well as other industries. In this research a framework for destinations is presented on the basis of dynamic capabilities. This is an important contribution to the research, since previous studies for the tourism sector have not approached this relevant aspect of the competitive development of tourist destinations, i.e. based on the capabilities of innovation, transformation, creation and research presents a competitive evaluation of the dynamic capabilities of tourist destinations, on the basis of 79 activities, distributed in eight , this work presents an empirical application of the framework in a sample of twenty Brazilian cities, considered, by the Brazilian Tourism Minister, as indicative tourist destinations for regional development. The results obtained from this evaluation were submitted to tests of statistical reliability and have demonstrated that the destinations possess heterogeneous levels of capabilities between themselves (different levels developed in the categories between the cities) and inside each destination (developed levels of capability between the categories of the destination). In other words: heterogeneity is not only between category to category.
Esta tese defende que os modelos de mensuração da competitividade de destinos turísticos estão estruturados essencialmente com base em fatores da oferta e foram concebidos fundamentalmente pelos estudiosos e profissionais do turismo. Assim, o objetivo foi traduzir a experiência do turista em termos de competitividade do destino. Ou seja, significa incorporar aos estudos sobre o tema o fator da demanda. Para alcançar esse propósito, discutiram-se as principais teorias que explicam o fenômeno da competitividade e os modelos utilizados para mensurar o fenômeno competitivo. Foram identificadas as abordagens principais, os elementos-chave que influenciam a competitividade e as lacunas teóricas dos modelos. Discutiu-se um método para captar a experiência turística em destinos que foi testado com diferentes tipos de turistas por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo e à luz do modelo brasileiro de competitividade. Os resultados mostraram que a competitividade de destinos é analisada essencialmente por fatores de oferta e consegue captar apenas parcialmente a avaliação realizada pela demanda turística. Falta, portanto, incorporar o fator da demanda aos estudos de competitividade para proporcionar aos gestores do destino mais precisão e segurança nas suas ações.
Being available as a tourist destination is a necessary condition but not enough for the expansion and success of tourism activity. To be successful, tourism requires investment, inputs, appropriate planning and management, like any other economic activity. A fundamental goal of the destination management is to understand how the competitiveness of a tourist destination can be improved and sustained. Competitive position of tourism can be measured and assessed by various models. Evaluating the indicators of competitiveness of a tourist destination involves a multivariate analysis, ranging from issues directly related to tourism activity itself to the indirect factors. These are elements that are interrelated and that together will point out the competitive condition of this destination. From the definition and characterization of competitiveness, sustainability and management in the context of tourist destinations, understood as the main concepts of this study, we present the main theoretical and methodological models of assessment of competitiveness of tourist destinations in the literature and represent the state of the issue in the scientific treatment of the subject. These models, designed by researchers from several countries and applied in different tourist destinations, are confronted about their structure, indicators considered and localities in which they were applied. The aim of this study was to know and evaluate the condition of tourist competitiveness of the destination Pólo Costa das Dunas, from the constraints attributes of superior performance of the evaluation model of tourist competitiveness of destinations Competenible, suggested by Mazaro, and that suit the requirements of international market aware of the strength and importance of sustainability. The condition of competitiveness of tourist destination in Rio Grande do Norte Pólo Costa das Dunas was moderate. The competitive strengths and weaknesses of the destination Pólo Costa das Dunas revealed through the dozens of sustainable attributes of the model Competenible showed guidelines and initiatives that can be taken to guide strategic decisions related to their planning and management. Thus, this study should serve as support for strategic planning and long-term management of the sector and as a crucial tool for making decisions related to public policies, sectoral investments, monitor processes, strategic planning, direction and control of the local and regional tourism development of destinations
The present work aimed at investigating the small hotel managers perceptions from Natal/RN concerning the environmental practice uses as a competitive factor. This study is characterized as a descriptive exploratory research that used an aleatory probabilistic sample followed by the application of collect data instrument (questionnaire). The small hotels located in Natal/RN were the study participants and the specific location where 35 questionnaires were answered. Based on the data and on the mangers point of view, it is possible to comprehend that, among the presented indicators, the development of environmental programs in the hotel enterprise is showed as the least important for the client s choice. As the main conclusion it is relevant to argue that, according to the small hotel managers, the guests do not still search for hotels that implement environmental practices. On the other side, the interviewed managers believe that the use of these practices can generate a great competitive advantage in relation to their competitors. The information obtained by this present research will be able to contribute to establish a contemporary panorama in relation to the importance attributed by the managers concerning the use of environmental practices in small hotel enterprises in Natal/RN. In addition the correct use of this information can generate possibilities of major competitiveness in this segment
The tourism industry is gaining representation by move and stimulate the economy, especially by allowing the generation of employment and income, thus allowing growth opportunities for localities where tourism develops. Therefore, the present study entitled determinants of competitiveness of tourist destinations applied to regional routes: an evaluation of the Route of Seridó/RN, discusses the issue of competitiveness in tourism and tries to understand the scenery of this Route. The main objective of the study is to assess the conditions of competitiveness in the Route of Seridó/RN according to benchmarks and global determinants of competitiveness for tourist destinations. The study has also as specifics objectives: define dimensions of the reference model for use in evaluating the competitiveness of the Route of Seridó/RN; identify levels of governance and competitiveness in the municipalities that make up the sample set above the Route, and analyze to what extent the competitiveness of the Route correspond to the global reference of competitiveness of tourism destinations. Regarding the methodology, it is a search for an exploratory- descriptive and used a combination of quantitative and qualitative research method as expected and required in the implementation of the evaluation tool called Compet&enible Model. For data collection, it has been taken technical visits and also analysis of documents and materials. Data analysis was based on the records and documents and the use of simple descriptive statistics for the scores of the elements offered by Compet&enible Model. The results allowed us to know the real conditions of competitiveness of the Seridó/RN Route forward to the attributes of tourist destinations for global competitiveness: the dimension I, Governance, reached 17 points, classified as "in structuring" and dimension II, Competitiveness, reached 10 points, ranking "weak". These results highlight the need for greater involvement of the actors in the supply chain of tourism in Polo Seridó/RN for the actions, programs and projects are put into practice. It is expected that tourism is considered an important activity for the local and global development, serving as a reference for the future management of Seridó/RN Route, guiding new policy guidelines, planning and organization to better competitiveness
The competition among tourist destinations environmental generates the emergent need to find different strategies to close down if the purpose of delight and retain their visitants. A customer satisfaction, loyalty and the development of attachment to place form a solid compound in search of promotion a tourist destination. This study presents the general objective analysis of the relationship between attachment to place, satisfaction and loyalty of visitors, in the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha / PE. Therefore, a model will be used as reference, where they will be analyzed various constructs related to attachment to place, satisfaction and loyalty, as well as the relations between them. The methodology used in the study consists of an exploratory, descriptive, where the sample is random and consists of individuals who visited Fernando de Noronha on a pre-defined period of ten days. Based on a sample table, we defined a quantitative equivalent of 246 questionnaires, which will be applied when the visitor leaves the destination, the departure lounge of airport. A proposal focuses on the possibility to get results able to understand the subjective and intriguing relationship that involves the triad attachment to place, satisfaction and loyalty, trying to thus provide subsidies for optimizing environmental tourist destination
Doctorado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales