995 resultados para Dental alloy


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Recasting process influence upon corrosion behavior of Co-Cr-Mo dental alloy in simulated physiological serum has been investigated using chemical and electrochemical techniques. Recast Co-Cr-Mo alloy by induction (IND) or by blowtorch (FLAME) has exhibited similar dendritic structures. Both IND and FLAME alloys have presented good corrosion resistance in physiological serum. Passivation process provides this corrosion resistance. Codissolution makes this process difficult. Passive films, formed on these alloys, have been analyzed as a dual layer consisting of an inner barrier and an outer porous layer. Passive film protective characteristics are higher in FLAME than in IND alloy. On this last alloy, the passive film is more porous due to a higher Codissolution. ©Carl Hanser Verlag, München.


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The present study was designed to evaluate the metallurgical properties of an experimental, low-cost copper-zinc-aluminum-nickel alloy for dental castings. Some specimens were subjected to heat treatment after induction casting. The extent of corrosion was determined by measuring weight loss of specimens stored in a sodium sulfite solution. In the as-cast specimens, tests demonstrated the presence of three phases: the first consisted of copper-zinc-aluminum, the second was similar but lower in copper and aluminum, and the third consisted of an intermetallic compound of manganese-nickel-phosphorus. After heat treatment, the first phase remained relatively constant, the second was converted to Cu3Al, and the third increased in volume. The weight loss from the as-cast specimens was eight times that of the heat-treated specimens. It was concluded that the heat treatment substantially changed the microstructure and improved the corrosion resistance of the experimental alloy.


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The purpose of the study was to evaluate the influence of the biomimetic surface treatment in osseointegration of experimental alloy Ti30Ta for dentistry applications. Methods and materials: Experimental alloy with Ta concentration of 30 wt% was produced from sheets of commercially pure titanium (99.9%) and tantalum (99.9%). Ingots were melted in an arc furnace under an argon atmosphere and re-melted ten times at least. They were homogenized under vacuum at 1100 °C for 86.4 ks to eliminate chemical segregation and cold-worked by swaging. Implants with 2.5 mm diameter and 2.0 mm of height were machined (Fig. 1a), treated and inserted in animals for in vivo study. The implants were submitted surface treatment according methodology development for our group. Analyzes were performed by Scanning Electron microscopy (SEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Osteoblast morphology on Ti-30Ta alloys was examined after 4 and 7 days of incubation with MSCs using SEM imaging.


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A survey was sent to 70 Brazilian dental schools evaluating techniques and restorative materials being taught for Class I and II preparation in posterior primary teeth by Pediatric Dentistry courses. After a 54% response rate, marked teaching diversity was found among Brazilian dental schools. Amalgam continues to be taught, but a tendency of preference towards more esthetic-like materials was observed.


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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the oral environment on the corrosion of dental alloys with different compositions, using electrochemical methods. The corrosion rates were obtained from the current-potential curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The effect of artificial saliva on the corrosion of dental alloys was dependent on alloy composition. Dissolution of the ions occurred in all tested dental alloys and the results were strongly dependent on the general alloy composition. Regarding the alloys containing nickel, the Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-Ti alloys released 0.62 mg/L of Ni on average, while the Co-Cr dental alloy released ions between 0.01 and 0.03 mg/L of Co and Cr, respectively.The open-circuit potential stabilized at a higher level with lower deviation (standard deviation: Ni-Cr-6Ti = 32 mV/SCE and Co-Cr = 54 mV/SCE). The potenciodynamic curves of the dental alloys showed that the Ni-based dental alloy with >70 wt% of Ni had a similar curve and the Co-Cr dental alloy showed a low current density and hence a high resistance to corrosion compared with the Ni-based dental alloys. Some changes in microstructure were observed and this fact influenced the corrosion behavior for the alloys. The lower corrosion resistance also led to greater release of nickel ions to the medium. The quantity of Co ions released from the Co-Cr-Mo alloy was relatively small in the solutions. In addition, the quantity of Cr ions released into the artificial saliva from the Co-Cr alloy was lower than Cr release from the Ni-based dental alloys.


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É crescente a preocupação com o desenvolvimento de materiais adequados a trabalharem interagindo com o corpo humano. Diversas pesquisas têm sido realizadas no desenvolvimento de biomateriais aplicáveis na odontologia, este empenho é justificável pelo grande número de intervenções cirúrgicas para extração de dentes realizadas em todo o mundo. Durante o processo de fabricação de reconstruções dentárias, que utilizam sistemas metalocerâmicos, é utilizado um tratamento térmico que tem a função de promover a adesão da porcelana ao metal. Entretanto, sabe-se que tratamentos térmicos podem alterar a microestrutura do material metálico, modificando suas propriedades. Este trabalho avaliou as modificações causadas em propriedades mecânicas e microestruturais da liga à base de níquel (FIT CAST-SB) utilizada para fins odontológicos, quando a mesma é submetida ao tratamento térmico para adesão da porcelana (denominado de queima). A liga foi inicialmente fundida através da técnica de centrifugação e cera perdida. Posteriormente, um grupo de amostras (grupo TT) foi submetido ao tratamento térmico de queima para adesão da porcelana e o outro grupo (grupo F), permaneceu apenas submetido ao processo de fundição. Os grupos F e TT foram submetidos a ensaio de tração. Nos grupos F e TT, e no material como recebido pelo fabricante (grupo CR), foram realizados ensaios de microdureza e caracterização microestrutural, esta ultima através da técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Os grupos F e CR foram submetidos à análise química quantitativa (em um espectrômetro de emissão atômica) e semi-quantitativa por um sistema de Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) acoplado ao MEV, sendo que esta ultima técnica também foi aplicada ao grupo TT. A técnica de tratamento digital de imagem foi aplicada às micrografias dos grupos F e TT, para a determinação de possíveis modificações quantitativas nas fases presentes, antes e após o tratamento térmico. Todos os resultados dos ensaios foram submetidos ao teste de hipótese nula (H0), para a distribuição t de Student. Concluiu-se que, para as amostras testadas, o limite de resistência foi superior ao fornecido pelo fabricante, respectivamente 559,39 e 545,55 MPa para os grupos F e TT, contra 306 MPa do fabricante. Enquanto o limite de escoamento foi ligeiramente inferior, 218,71 e 240,58 MPa para os grupos F e TT, respectivamente, contra 258 MPa do fabricante. Os resultados de microdureza ficaram entorno de 70HV, superior aos 21HV fornecido pelo fabricante. Pode-se afirmar, com 95% de confiabilidade, que não houve variação nas propriedades mecânicas e na microestrutura (quantidades de fases presentes e tamanho) antes e após a queima para adesão da porcelana, para os corpos de prova testados. A microestrutura da liga, quando observada em MEV no modo elétrons retroespalhados (modo BSE), é formada por uma matriz de estrutura dendrítica e coloração cinza, uma segunda fase interdendrítica de coloração branca e aspecto rendilhado, e precipitados de coloração preta, apresentando também porosidades.


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Este trabalho avaliou o comportamento eletroquímico do metal de base (MB) de uma liga a base de níquel-cromo em relação a juntas soldadas desta liga obtidas pelos processos de brasagem (BRA) e Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG), imersos em saliva artificial com pH 2,5 e 5,5. Foram também realizados ensaios de microdureza e caracterização microestrutural, por meio de microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura e análise química semi-quantitativa por EDS, nos grupos MB, TIG, BRA e no cordão de solda a laser (LAS). O MB apresentou uma matriz rica em níquel e cromo, distribuída em um arranjo dendrítico típico, apresentando inclusões metálicas de silício e titânio, além de porosidades. As soldas TIG e LAS revelaram uma microestrutura mais refinada que o MB, mostrando, entretanto, uma mesma composição química e distribuição de seus elementos. A solda BRA apresentou diferenças marcantes em sua microestrutura, composição química e distribuição de seus elementos em relação ao MB. Os dados de microdureza Vickers (HV), potencial de corrosão (Ecorr) e densidade de corrente de corrosão (jcorr) foram analisados com ANOVA e teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Para determinação da influência do pH quanto a resistência à corrosão dos grupos MB, TIG e BRA, empregou-se o teste t de Student (p<0,05). O MB apresentou menor média de microdureza (256,13 9,39 HV), seguido pelos grupos TIG (271,53 8,07 HV), LAS (303,73 13,93 HV) e BRA (551,99 37,73 HV). Em pH 2,5 as médias do Ecorr (mV) para o MB, TIG e BRA foram, respectivamente, -67,9 8,43, -52,78 16,74, e -284,33 19,04; e em pH 5,5, médias de -54,03 21,15, -62,08 20,16 e -278,8 28,96. Os valores médios de jcorr (A.cm-2) para o MB, TIG e BRA em pH 2,5 foram, respectivamente, 2,49 0,95, 5,584 1,64 e 27,45 4,9; e em pH 5,5, médias de 1,929 0,83, 4,267 1,51 e 54,2 11,96. Os grupos MB e TIG apresentaram boa resistência à corrosão, com maior módulo de impedância em relação ao grupo BRA. As diferenças no pH da saliva artificial não alteraram o comportamento corrosivo dos grupos MB e TIG. Entretanto, observou-se uma redução marcante na jcorr e no módulo de impedância nas soldas obtidas pelo processo de brasagem. O grupo BRA apresentou corrosão galvânica ao ser analisado formando par com o MB, mostrando uma jcorr de 5,3 A.cm-2. Entretanto, o mesmo não foi observado quando o MB foi associado à solda TIG, onde a jcorr foi cerca de 150 vezes menor. O grupo BRA, além de apresentar um comportamento eletroquímico muito diferente do MB, revelou diferenças marcantes quanto a composição química, aspecto microestrutural e microdureza. As juntas TIG e LAS mostraram semelhanças químicas e microestruturais em relação ao MB, sendo que na solda TIG esta semelhança foi ainda mais evidente. Além disto, a solda TIG apresentou um comportamento eletroquímico muito semelhante ao MB e, portanto, parecendo ser mais recomendável para soldar ligas odontológicas de níquel-cromo em relação aos demais processos de soldagem aqui avaliados.


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The authors studied the CREEP of 5 amalgam alloys (1 conventional and 4 with high cooper) by the application os static load of 36 MPa in 478 mm specimens, 7 days old. After CREEP test, the samples were included in acrylic resin and Vickers hardness determined by three penetrations for each portion (cervical, medium and occlusal). Samples not submitted to the creep test was used with control. They concluded that no statistic difference was found in creep test but in Vickers test all the studied materials showed different hardness averages. The load application to samples increased the hardness of all the studied materials.


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The authors studied linear alterations processed on copper-aluminum casten MOD blocks, obtained from two expansion techniques (termic and hygroscopic by immersion). UNITERMS: Investment expansion. Thermic expansion. Hygroscopic expansion. Casten Technique.


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They were casted pieces using three kinds of alloy (Ni-Cr, Ag-Sn and Cu-Al) with circular and smooth surface. They were cemented to human teeth, on occlusal surface, grounded at dentin level, through three different materials kind (zinc polycarboxylate cement, glassionomer cement and composite). After 24 hours storing, the samples were subjected to the tensile test. The results showed that the samples cemented with composite and the casts made with Ag-Sn alloy had higher bond strength.


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Being the surface roughness a fundamental property in the fit of the castings, it was determined the roughness of 5 high-copper casting alloys, according to the heating over their melting temperature. That way, the specimens made with smooth plastic in the shape of a rectangular plate, 2 mm x 7 mm x 11 mm were invested into a cristobalite investment. After heating and elimination on the plastic, the molds were filled by 3 g of molten alloy, casted in a electrical casting machine at the casting temperature at 25 degrees C and 50 degrees C overheating. The surface roughness was measured in a roughness analyser, Talysurf. As a result, it was verified that there is a variation of surface roughness among the alloys tested, and the heating of the alloys until 50 degrees C over the melting temperature does not interfere in the roughness.


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It was evaluated the castability of four copper-aluminium alloy according the melting casting method used. The specimens were made using polyester mesh screen, with 11 x 11 filaments of 0.26 mm thick, fixed along of two adjacent edges in wax bar, with the sprue attached at their junction. The alloys were in an electrical casting machine and a centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch. The castability values were obtained by the percentage of completed segments of the resulting cast alloy screen. It was verified that the use of the electrical casting machine produced higher castability values to the copper-aluminium alloys than those produced by a centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch.


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It was evaluated the Vickers hardness of five high-copper casting alloys, in their original package form and after casting, according to the casting method used. That way, ten ingots, supplied by the manufacturers of each alloy, were included in self-curing acrylic resin, polished, numerated and submitted to Vickers hardness test at load of 200 g during 30 seconds. Afterwards the numerated ingots were removed from the acrylic resin and five of those were cast in an electrical casting machine and the other five in a centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch. The specimens obtained were included in self-curing acrylic resin, polished and submitted to Vickers hardness test. As a result it was verified that there is a variation of hardness among the alloys tested, and the use of the electrical casting machine produced lower hardness values than those produced when used the centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch. Also, there is a decrease of hardness of the cast alloys when they are tested in their original form and after casting.


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Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate some forms of preventing or avoiding demineralization within enamel cavity walls adjacent to amalgam restorations. Method and materials: Third molar teeth were sectioned to obtain 72 specimens, divided into one control and five experimental groups: amalgam only; varnish plus amalgam; acidulated phosphate fluoride plus amalgam; adhesive amalgam; glass-ionomer cement plus amalgam; control (amalgam only, not subjected to a demineralization challenge). The experimental groups were subjected to pH and thermal cycling and then submitted to enamel hardness determinations. Results: Significant differences between the treatment groups revealed that the bonded amalgam technique offered the best resistance to demineralization. The use of cavity varnish resulted in greater mineral loss than amalgam placed alone. Conclusion: The use of an adhesive system, glass-ionomer cement, or acidulated phosphate fluoride under amalgam restorations may interfere with development of secondary caries.


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Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of ultrasound during the removal of posts cemented with either zinc phosphate cement, glass ionomer cement or resin cement. Methodology: Eighty-four single-rooted teeth were prepared and after cementation of cast posts, they were randomly divided into six groups of 14. Groups 1, 2 and 3 did not receive ultrasonic vibration, whilst groups 4, 5 and 6 received ultrasonic vibration for 10 min. The force necessary for post removal was determined using a universal testing machine. Results were statistically analysed using ANOVA and Tukey tests (5%). Results: The application of ultrasonic vibration reduced the retention provided by zinc phosphate and glass ionomer cements by 39% and 33%, respectively. Conclusions: A statistically significant reduction in the force necessary to remove posts cemented with zinc phosphate and glass ionomer cements occurred following application of ultrasound. The application of ultrasonic vibration did not influence the retention of cast posts cemented with resin cement.