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Tongji Univ, Inst Dev Study, Syst Engn Soc China, Comm Syst Dynam, Syst Dynam Soc, China Chapter, Shanghai Inst Foreign Trade, Syst Dynam Soc, Chapters Asia Pacific Area


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In this editorial letter, we provide the readers of Information Systems Management with a background on process design before we discuss the content of the special issue proper. By introducing and describing a so-called process design compass we aim to clarify what developments in the field are taking place and how the papers in this special issue expand on our current knowledge in this domain.


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The effects of hydrodynamic interactions on the lamellar ordering process for two-dimensional quenched block copolymers in the presence of extended defects and the topological defect evolutions in lamellar ordering process are numerically investigated by means of a model based on lattice Boltzmann method and self-consistent field theory. By observing the evolution of the average size of domains, it is found that the domain growth is faster with stronger hydrodynamic effects. The morphological patterns formed also appear different. To study the defect evolution, a defect density is defined and is used to explore the defect evolutions in lamellar ordering process. Our simulation results show that the hydrodynamics effects can reduce the density of defects. With our model, the relations between the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter chi, the length of the polymer chains N, and the defect evolutions are studied.


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Currently, well-established clinical therapeutic approaches for bone reconstruction are restricted to the transplantation of autografts and allografts, and the implantation of metal devices or ceramic-based implants to assist bone regeneration. Bone grafts possess osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties, however they are limited in access and availability and associated with donor site morbidity, haemorrhage, risk of infection, insufficient transplant integration, graft devitalisation, and subsequent resorption resulting in decreased mechanical stability. As a result, recent research focuses on the development of alternative therapeutic concepts. Analysing the tissue engineering literature it can be concluded that bone regeneration has become a focus area in the field. Hence, a considerable number of research groups and commercial entities work on the development of tissue engineered constructs for bone regeneration. However, bench to bedside translations are still infrequent as the process towards approval by regulatory bodies is protracted and costly, requiring both comprehensive in vitro and in vivo studies. In translational orthopaedic research, the utilisation of large preclinical animal models is a conditio sine qua non. Consequently, to allow comparison between different studies and their outcomes, it is essential that animal models, fixation devices, surgical procedures and methods of taking measurements are well standardized to produce reliable data pools as a base for further research directions. The following chapter reviews animal models of the weight-bearing lower extremity utilized in the field which include representations of fracture-healing, segmental bone defects, and fracture non-unions.


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The objective of this research is to determine the molecular structure of the mineral leogangite. The formation of the types of arsenosulphate minerals offers a mechanism for arsenate removal from soils and mine dumps. Raman and infrared spectroscopy have been used to characterise the mineral. Observed bands are assigned to the stretching and bending vibrations of (SO4)2- and (AsO4)3- units, stretching and bending vibrations of hydrogen bonded (OH)- ions and Cu2+-(O,OH) units. The approximate range of O-H...O hydrogen bond lengths is inferred from the Raman spectra. Raman spectra of leogangite from different origins differ in that some spectra are more complex, where bands are sharp and the degenerate bands of (SO4)2- and (AsO4)3- are split and more intense. Lower wavenumbers of  H2O bending vibration in the spectrum may indicate the presence of weaker hydrogen bonds compared with those in a different leogangite samples. The formation of leogangite offers a mechanism for the removal of arsenic from the environment.


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Sarmientite is an environmental mineral; its formation in soils enables the entrapment and immobilisation of arsenic. The mineral sarmientite is often amorphous making the application of X-ray diffraction difficult. Vibrational spectroscopy has been applied to the study of sarmientite. Bands are attributed to the vibrational units of arsenate, sulphate, hydroxyl and water. Raman bands at 794, 814 and 831 cm−1 are assigned to the ν3 (AsO4)3− antisymmetric stretching modes and the ν1 symmetric stretching mode is observed at 891 cm−1. Raman bands at 1003 and 1106 cm−1 are attributed to vibrations. The Raman band at 484 cm−1 is assigned to the triply degenerate (AsO4)3− bending vibration. The high intensity Raman band observed at 355 cm−1 (both lower and upper) is considered to be due to the (AsO4)3−ν2 bending vibration. Bands attributed to water and OH stretching vibrations are observed.


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The defect evolution and its correlation with electrical properties of GaN films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition are investigated. It is found that the dislocation density decreases gradually during the growth process, and the dislocation reduction rate in the island coalescence process is especially rapid. The changes in electron mobility of GaN with the increase of growth time are mainly dependent on the dislocations acting as scattering centers. Furthermore, the variation of carrier concentration in GaN may be related with the point defects and their clusters. The quality of GaN could be improved by suitably increasing the film thickness. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper studies two models of two-stage processing with no-wait in process. The first model is the two-machine flow shop, and the other is the assembly model. For both models we consider the problem of minimizing the makespan, provided that the setup and removal times are separated from the processing times. Each of these scheduling problems is reduced to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). We show that, in general, the assembly problem is NP-hard in the strong sense. On the other hand, the two-machine flow shop problem reduces to the Gilmore-Gomory TSP, and is solvable in polynomial time. The same holds for the assembly problem under some reasonable assumptions. Using these and existing results, we provide a complete complexity classification of the relevant two-stage no-wait scheduling models.


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Much has been written about the impact of conflict on the physical nature of cities; most obviously perhaps the damage, destruction, defensive construction and spatial reconfigurations that evolve in times of conflict. Set within the context of Belfast, Northern Ireland, this paper will focus on three areas. First, a closer reading of the long-term physical impact of conflict, in particular, the spatial forms and practices that persist conceptually and culturally, and/or resist re-conceptualisation. Secondly, the effect of conflict on the nature of architectural practice itself, considering whether issues such as appointment and procurement impacted on architectural expectation and the context of operation. Thirdly, the effect of conflict on people, in particular in relation to creativity and hence the psyche of practice itself. This section will also identify the conditions that undermine or support design quality and creativity not only within times of conflict but also as society evolves out of the shadow space. 1
Twelve years on from the Peace Agreement,2 it may seem remarkable from an external perspective that Northern Ireland still needs to be reflecting on its troubled past. But the immediate post-conflict phase offered the communities of Northern Ireland place and time to experience ‘normal life’, begin to reconcile themselves to the hurt they experienced and start to reconfigure their relationships to one another. Indeed, it has often been expressed that probing the issues too much, at too early a phase, might in fact ‘Open old wounds without resolving anything’ and/or ‘Destabilise the already fragile political system.’3 This tendency not to deliberate or be too probing is therefore understandable and might be the reason why, for example, Northern Ireland's first Architecture and Built Environment policy, published in June, 2006, contains only one routine reference to ‘the Troubles’.

Clearly, however, there is a time in the development of a healthy, functioning society, when in order effectively to plan its future, it must also carry out a closer reading and deeper understanding of its past. As Maya Angelou puts it, ‘History, despite its wrenching pain/ Cannot be unlived, and if faced/ With courage, need not be lived again.’4

Increasingly, those within the creative arts sector and the built environment professions are showing interest in carrying out that closer reading, teasing out issues around conflict. This was led in part by the recent publication of the Troubles Archive by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.5 Those involved in the academic or professional development of future generations of architects are also concerned about the relevance of a post-conflict condition. As a profession, if architects purport to be concerned with context, then the almost tangible socio-political circumstances and legacy of Northern Ireland does inevitably require direct eye contact. This paper therefore aims to bring the relationship between conflict and architectural practice in Northern Ireland into sharp focus, not to constrain or dull creative practice but to heighten its potential.


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A number of medicine selection methods have been used worldwide for formulary purposes. In Northern Ireland, integrated medicines management is being developed, and related projects have been carried out. This paper deals with the description of the STEPS (Safe Therapeutic Economic Pharmaceutical Selection) programme. The paper outlines the development of STEPS and its application as an element of a cost-effective medicines-management process in Northern Ireland.


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In this paper, a newly proposed machining method named “surface defect machining” (SDM) [Wear, 302, 2013 (1124-1135)] was explored for machining of nanocrystalline beta silicon carbide (3C-SiC) at 300K using MD simulation. The results were compared with isothermal high temperature machining at 1200K under the same machining parameters, emulating ductile mode micro laser assisted machining (µ-LAM) and with conventional cutting at 300 K. In the MD simulation, surface defects were generated on the top of the (010) surface of the 3C-SiC work piece prior to cutting, and the workpiece was then cut along the <100> direction using a single point diamond tool at a cutting speed of 10 m/sec. Cutting forces, sub-surface deformation layer depth, temperature in the shear zone, shear plane angle and friction coefficient were used to characterize the response of the workpiece. Simulation results showed that SDM provides a unique advantage of decreased shear plane angle which eases the shearing action. This in turn causes an increased value of average coefficient of friction in contrast to the isothermal cutting (carried at 1200 K) and normal cutting (carried at 300K). The increase of friction coefficient however was found to aid the cutting action of the tool due to an intermittent dropping in the cutting forces, lowering stresses on the cutting tool and reducing operational temperature. Analysis shows that the introduction of surface defects prior to conventional machining can be a viable choice for machining a wide range of ceramics, hard steels and composites compared to hot machining.


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The diffusion of astrophysical magnetic fields in conducting fluids in the presence of turbulence depends on whether magnetic fields can change their topology via reconnection in highly conducting media. Recent progress in understanding fast magnetic reconnection in the presence of turbulence reassures that the magnetic field behavior in computer simulations and turbulent astrophysical environments is similar, as far as magnetic reconnection is concerned. This makes it meaningful to perform MHD simulations of turbulent flows in order to understand the diffusion of magnetic field in astrophysical environments. Our studies of magnetic field diffusion in turbulent medium reveal interesting new phenomena. First of all, our three-dimensional MHD simulations initiated with anti-correlating magnetic field and gaseous density exhibit at later times a de-correlation of the magnetic field and density, which corresponds well to the observations of the interstellar media. While earlier studies stressed the role of either ambipolar diffusion or time-dependent turbulent fluctuations for de-correlating magnetic field and density, we get the effect of permanent de-correlation with one fluid code, i.e., without invoking ambipolar diffusion. In addition, in the presence of gravity and turbulence, our three-dimensional simulations show the decrease of the magnetic flux-to-mass ratio as the gaseous density at the center of the gravitational potential increases. We observe this effect both in the situations when we start with equilibrium distributions of gas and magnetic field and when we follow the evolution of collapsing dynamically unstable configurations. Thus, the process of turbulent magnetic field removal should be applicable both to quasi-static subcritical molecular clouds and cores and violently collapsing supercritical entities. The increase of the gravitational potential as well as the magnetization of the gas increases the segregation of the mass and magnetic flux in the saturated final state of the simulations, supporting the notion that the reconnection-enabled diffusivity relaxes the magnetic field + gas system in the gravitational field to its minimal energy state. This effect is expected to play an important role in star formation, from its initial stages of concentrating interstellar gas to the final stages of the accretion to the forming protostar. In addition, we benchmark our codes by studying the heat transfer in magnetized compressible fluids and confirm the high rates of turbulent advection of heat obtained in an earlier study.