Este estudo é de cunho qualitativo, em nível exploratório, descritivo e interpretativo, e teve como objetivo analisar as concepções de discentes e docentes sobre competências e sua relação com o processo ensino-aprendizagem do diagnóstico de enfermagem. O Referencial Teórico norteador contemplou os três focos que constituem a Área Temática da investigação: o diagnóstico de enfermagem, as competências e o processo ensino-aprendizagem. A investigação foi realizada na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul cujo hospital universitário introduziu o diagnóstico de enfermagem informatizado na sistematização da assistência aos pacientes. Participaram do estudo onze discentes do último ano do curso de graduação e dez docentes que orientavam alunos, ambos em atividades de ensino teórico-prático no hospital com a utilização do diagnóstico de enfermagem informatizado. As informações foram coletadas em duas etapas, primeiramente através de oito entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas. Num segundo momento, foram realizados dois grupos focais, um de docentes e outro de discentes, cada um com quatro sessões para a coleta de informações e uma para validação dos resultados. Utilizei Análise de Conteúdo proposta por Moraes (1999) como metodologia de análise. Na identificação e contextualização das concepções dos discentes e docentes sobre competências na enfermagem, emergiram três categorias: significações (função própria de um profissional e capacidade para desempenhar uma tarefa com qualidade, envolvendo conhecimento, experiência e valores pessoais), atributos (do profissional enfermeiro e do docente de enfermagem. Os atributos da competência coincidem com as características do pensador crítico) e dimensões (técnicocientífica; humanística – ética, estética e cultural -; de relacionamento interpessoal; comunicativa – verbal, escrita e computacional -; sociopolítica; educacional) de competência. Ao relacionar as concepções que os participantes possuem sobre competências com o processo ensino-aprendizagem do diagnóstico de enfermagem, as categorias foram: relação com os saberes/conhecimentos (ênfase do ensino ainda saber técnico, ambigüidade diante do conhecimento específico do diagnóstico de enfermagem, importância do desenvolvimento da dimensão humanística para a elaboração de diagnósticos individualizados), estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem (trabalhar com estudos de caso, desenvolver postura metacognitiva, enfatizar o processo diagnóstico e não só sua denominação, desenvolver acurácia diagnóstica, exercitar o processo diagnóstico previamente ao uso da informática, realizar pesquisas visando propor novos diagnósticos adequados à nossa realidade sociocultural), e contexto institucional do curso (implicações curriculares - o diagnóstico de enfermagem é complexo e exige conhecimentos pouco trabalhados no currículo, e política institucional da Escola de Enfermagem - trabalhar com os diagnósticos de enfermagem no ensino implica decisão institucional, e não só individual ou das disciplinas). Os resultados apontaram para a necessidade de formação de professores acerca dos diagnósticos de enfermagem com vistas à construção de competência do discente e do docente, da competência coletiva, com a partilha de
Estudo qualitativo, cujos objetivos foram verificar a existência de características definidoras do diagnóstico de enfermagem, Desgaste do Papel de Cuidador, entre ou auxiliares de enfermagem, e conhecer a percepção dos enfermeiros quanto ao uso deste diagnóstico como uma possibilidade de avaliar o desgaste entre estes profissionais. A coleta de dados deu-se em um hospital geral localizado em Porto Alegre, Brasil. Os participantes foram nove enfermeiros e nove auxiliares de enfermagem que trabalham no setor de emergência deste hospital. Os dados foram coletados em duas etapas. Primeiramente, cada um dos enfermeiros aplicou um formulário a um auxiliar de enfermagem. O formulário constou de vinte questões baseadas em manifestações do diagnóstico Desgaste do Papel de Cuidador, e do estresse relacionado ao trabalho. Após a aplicação dos formulários os enfermeiros foram entrevistados. Da análise dos dados, observou-se que dos nove auxiliares de enfermagem, seis admitiram estar desgastados em seu papel de cuidador, enquanto três não confirmaram a presença do diagnóstico. Tanto os que confirmaram como os que não confirmaram a presença do diagnóstico assinalaram pelo menos quatro das manifestações de desgaste. Não houve um quantitativo mínimo ou máximo que determinasse ou refutasse a presença do diagnóstico, sendo esta determinação feita pelo próprio respondente. As características definidoras assinaladas como existentes em todos os formulários foram: falta de tempo para prestar cuidados adequados e fica apreensivo em relação ao trabalho de algum colega da equipe. O excesso de carga horária foi apontado como fator relacionado a seis diferentes características definidoras e o número excessivo de pacientes foi citado em quatro das vinte manifestações de desgaste. Os dados das entrevistas originaram três categorias: uso do formulário para diagnosticar Desgaste do Papel de Cuidador entre os cuidadores profissionais; uso diagnóstico de enfermagem Desgaste do Papel de Cuidador como um processo auxiliar de avaliação funcional, e dificuldades dos enfermeiros para fazer diagnóstico de enfermagem. O formulário foi percebido, pelos enfermeiros, como adequado e revelador. As dificuldades referenciadas advieram do pouco conhecimento, dos enfermeiros, em relação ao tema e da complexidade do próprio diagnóstico de enfermagem Desgaste do Papel de Cuidador. A aplicação do formulário foi associada pelos enfermeiros aos momentos de avaliação funcional e percebido como um espaço propiciador para o estabelecimento de vínculos afetivos entre os membros da equipe, reduzindo o caráter negativo das avaliações.
O risco de quedas pode ser reconhecido como fenômeno ou diagnóstico de enfermagem. Pesquisas relacionam diretamente isquemias miocárdicas, como a angina instável e o risco de cair. Objetivou-se analisar o diagnóstico de enfermagem Risco de quedas na ocorrência de angina instável por um estudo transversal realizado em 57 indivíduos internados em um hospitalescola, mediante exame físico e formulário. Para o tratamento estatístico foram utilizados teste qui-quadrado, teste exato de Fisher, Mann-Whitney, teste-t e Coefi ciente Phi (p<0,05). O Risco de quedas foi o diagnóstico de enfermagem mais prevalente (87,71%), sobretudo em homens, mais velhos, com menos anos de estudo e renda inferior. Presença da angina instável, hipertensão arterial, medicação anti-hipertensiva, doença vascular, difi culdades visuais e insônia apresentaram associação com o diagnóstico de enfermagem Risco de quedas. Conclui-se que é imprescindível o desenvolvimento de parâmetros claros e objetivos à mensuração mais acurada do risco de quedas no âmbito hospitalar
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a eficácia de uma estratégia de ensino sobre diagnósticos de enfermagem, fundamentada na aprendizagem, baseada em problemas no desempenho do raciocínio clínico e julgamento diagnóstico dos discentes de graduação. É estudo experimental, realizado em duas fases: validação de conteúdo dos problemas e aplicação da estratégia educativa. Os resultados mostraram melhora na capacidade de agrupamento dos dados dos discentes do grupo experimental. Conclui-se que houve influência positiva da estratégia implementada
Trasnversal study, with the objective of evaluating the accuracy of clinical indicators of nursing diagnosis excessive fluid volume in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The study occurred in two stages, the first consisted of the evaluation of the diagnostic indicators in study; and the second, the diagnostic inference conducted by nurse diagnosticians. The first stage occurred from december 2012 to april 2013, in a University Hospital and a Hemodialysis Clinic in Northeastern of Brazil, with a sample of 100 chronic renal failure patients on hemodialysis. The data were selected through an interview form and a physical examination, organized into spreadsheets and analyzed as to the presence or absence of the indicators of diagnosis excessive fluid volume. In the second step, the spreadsheets were sent to three nurses diagnosticians, who judged the presence or absence of diagnosis in the clientele searched. This step was conducted from july to september 2013. For analysis of the data, we used descriptive and inferential statistics. In the descriptive analysis, we used measures of central tendency and dispersion. In inferential analysis, we used the tests Chi- square, Fisher and prevalence ratios. The accuracy of the clinical indicators pertaining to the diagnosis were measured as to the specificity, sensitivity, predictive values, likelihood ratios and Diagnostic Odds Ratio. Also developed a logistic regression. The results were organized in tables and discussed with literature. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee in Research of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, with Presentation Certificate for Ethics Appreciation nº 08696212.7.0000.5537. The results revealed that the diagnosis studied was present in 82% of patients. The characteristics with prevalence above 50 % that stood out were: azotemia, decreased hematocrit, electrolyte imbalance, intake exceeds output, anxiety, edema, decreased hemoglobin, oliguria and blood pressure changes. Eight defining characteristics were presented statistically significant association with the nursing diagnosis investigated: pulmonary congestion, intake exceeds output, electrolytes imbalance, jugular vein distension, edema, weight gain over short period of time, agitation and adventitious breath sounds. Among these, the 10 characteristics which showed higher prevalence ratios were: edema and weight gain over short period of time. The features with the highest sensitivity were edema, electrolytes imbalance and intake exceeds output and the standing out with greater specificity were: anasarca, weight gain over short period of time, change in respiratory pattern, adventitious breath sounds, pulmonary congestion, agitation and jugular vein distension. The indicators jugular vein distension, electrolytes imbalance, intake exceeds output, increased central venous pressure and edema, together, were identified in the logistic regression model as the most significant predictors. It is concluded that the identification of accurate clinical indicators allow a good prediction of the nursing diagnosis of excessive fluid volume in patients undergoing hemodialysis in order to assist the nurse in the inference process, which will contribute to the success of patient care. In addition, nurses will consider for diagnostic inference not only his clinical experience, but also scientific evidence of the occurrence of excessive fluid volume, contributing to the control of volemia in these patients
Concern about the identity of nursing professionals has existed since Florence Nightingale. The exercise of the nursing profession must be based on scientific principles so that the actual health problems of a given community can be assessed and actions targeted at improving the population’s quality of life can be designed from such assessments. This problem assessment is referred to as Nursing Diagnosis. NANDA defines diagnosis as “a clinical judgment about individual, family or community responses to actual or potential health problems/life processes. Nursing diagnosis provides the basis for selection of nursing interventions to achieve outcomes for which nurses are accountable”. The present study aimed at investigating the scientific production on Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA). This is an literature review. For data collection, an instrument that addressed the following items was used: identification of original articles and evaluation of their objectives, methodological characteristics, results and conclusion. In the present review, 15 articles that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. They were all authored by nurses. Four articles addressed obstetrics, puerperium and neonatology, and the diagnosis of an unsatisfactory breastfeeding process was observed in 100% of cases. As regards chronic diseases, four articles were found, and two exclusively addressed diabetes, with a main diagnosis of an ineffective control of the therapeutic regimen. Three articles addressed the elderly, and the main diagnosis found was hindered mobility in more than 90% of cases. As regards, sexually transmitted diseases, one article was found with three diagnoses with 100% for disturbed sleep patterns, infection risk and ineffective protection. As to patients with sequelae, two articles were identified, and the diagnoses found were hindered physical mobility, with 100%; self-care deficit for... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Este estudo teve por objetivo validar as características definidoras do diagnóstico de enfermagem "Comunicação prejudicada ao paciente submetido à laringectomia total." Para sua realização, optou-se pelo modelo validação de conteúdo diagnóstico (CDV) de FEHRING (1986, 1987). Coletaram-se os dados por meio de uma escala de freqüência do tipo Likert, composta por vinte e seis características definidoras da lista oficial da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) e três características definidoras fictícias. Participaram do estudo vinte e seis enfermeiros assistenciais e docentes. Os resultados demonstraram uma CDV total de 0,84 para as características definidoras maiores e CDV total de 0,69 para as características definidoras menores. Reconheceu-se que o estudo validou as características definidoras preconizadas pela NANDA para o diagnóstico de enfermagem comunicação prejudicada.
The concept analysis process carefully examines the description and uses of a word or term, enabling the standardization of language, in addition to providing representation to the profession, and facilitate the work of taxonomies. The aim of the study was to analyze the concept of nursing diagnosis ineffective self-health in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Study concept analysis, based on Walker and Avant model and operationalized through integrative literature review. The databases searched were: SCOPUS, CINAHL, PUBMED, LILACS and COCHRANE, with descriptors: Selfmanagement, Adherence and Hemodialysis. The inclusion criteria were: articles published in the last five years, complete articles are available free in selected databases; articles available in Portuguese, English or Spanish; and articles that address the self-concept of health, the antecedents and the consequent. And Exclusion: editorials, letters to the editor, theses and dissertations. The survey of the articles occurred in the months from January to March 2014. The initial sample of 16785 articles, with 11748 in PUBMED, 4767 in Scopus, 174 in CINAHL, the Cochrane 70 and 26 in LILACS. After applying the criteria, 76 articles were selected, 19 in CINAHL, 18 in PUBMED, 30 in Scopus, and 9 in LILACS. In analyzing the data, given that the concept was sought in the literature was self-health, was held interpretation to ineffective self-health diagnosis through the transposition in the denial of the attributes, antecedents and consequences identified. It is noteworthy that the terms identified in the literature as defining characteristics and related factors of the diagnosis under study were added to the survey, not even the transposition into opposite term is possible. The results show that the concept developed for the inefficient self-health diagnosis was: the patient's inability to control habits and achieve the negotiated with professionals therapeutic targets, resulting in health complications. 33 antecedents relating to social, psychological and therapeutic aspects and 16 consequential, involving physiological, social, psychological and therapeutic aspects were identified. Thus, it is concluded that the ineffective self-health concept is broad and involves individual patient factors and the therapeutic relationship between patient and professionals. It is believed that the study contributed to the improvement of diagnosis in renal clientele, besides being an important base for the growth of the scientific body of nursing, subsidizing the development of own technology area
Methodological study, in order to validate the content of the nursing diagnosis protection ineffective in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The research took place in two stages, namely: concept analysis and content analysis of the instrument by experts. T he first step was operationalized through an integrative review of the databaes LILACS, CINAHL, PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane, with the key words protection and hemodialysis, in October and November 2013. The sample consisted of 32 articles, which were analyz ed by a c areful reading to identify the sections that correspond ed to the defining attributes , antecedents and consequences of protection in patients undergoing hemodialysis. T he interpretation for the diagnosis of effective protection was made by transpos ing the components of the diagnosis (definition, defining characteristics and related factors) to the denial form . In the second stage, we elaborated an instrument with the components of the nursing diagnostic s studied and proceeded to the analysis conduct ed in April 2014 by 22 specialists in nephrology and in the terminology of the NANDA International, selected by means of th e Lattes Platform . We used the binomial test to assess the proportion of experts who rated each item as appropriate, considering a si gnificance level of 5%. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution responsible for the research, an opinion on num b er 387 837 and CAAE 18486413.0.0000.5537. The results show that the proposal for the nursing diagnosis of ineffectiv e protection in patients undergoing hemodialysis is: definition - the same as that presented in the NANDA International Taxonomy II, location - domain safety / protection and class injury. Related factors are: Absence of routine vaccines; Non - adherence to care related to vascular access; Non - adherence to infection control measures; Non - adherence to prescribed diet; Non - adherence to drug therapy; Presence of comorbidities; Drug abuse; Immune disorders; Extremes of age; Abnormal blood profiles; Drugs that red uce immunity; and side effects and adverse treatment - related. The defining characteristics are: Presence of invading the bloodstream; Nutritional disorders; Increase in the number of hospitalizations; Uncontrolled dry weight; Infected vascular access; Vasc ular inadequate access; Increased blood pressure; fever; Bleeding disorder; Disability immunity; fatigue; weakness; itching; and maladaptive response to stress. It follows that the identification of the defining attributes, antecedents and consequences inc reased the wealth of vocabulary, allowing the construction of theoretical and empirical definitions for a broader understanding of the concept protection. Furthermore, the study contributed to the enrichment of nursing specific body of knowledge, as well a s in the direction of nursing care for patients undergoing hemodialysis.
The study aims to analyze the content and measures of accuracy of the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Self Health in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Study of nursing diagnosis validation carried out in two stages, namely: content analysis by judges and accuracy of clinical indicators. In the first stage, 22 judges evaluated the setting and location of the diagnosis, clinical indicators and etiological factors and their conceptual and empirical definitions. We used the binomial test to determine the proportion of the judges of the relevance of the components of the nursing diagnosis. In the second stage, we used the Latent Class Analysis for the diagnostic accuracy by evaluating 200 patients in a hemodialysis clinic in northeastern Brazil. Research approved by the Ethics Committee, under the Opinion No 387 837 and CAAE 18486413.0.0000.5537. The results show that the judges evaluated as pertinent clinical indicators 12 and 22 etiological factors. Proposed amendment of the nomenclature of five indicators and six factors and the implementation of a clinical indicator for etiology and three etiological factors for clinical indicators. In conceptual and empirical definitions, judges judged as not relevant the conceptual and empirical definitions of a clinical indicator, the conceptual definitions of two etiological factors and empirical definitions four etiological factors. Still, changes were suggested in the conceptual and empirical definitions of two clinical indicators, the conceptual definitions of 12 etiological factors and empirical definitions of 11 etiological factors. Clinical indicators analyzed in the first stage were validated clinically in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The most frequent clinical indicators were Changes in laboratory tests (100%) and daily life choices ineffective to achieve health goals (81%); and three etiological factors had a higher frequency, they are: unfavorable demographic factors (94.5%), beliefs (79%) and comorbidities (77.5%). From Latent class analysis, diagnosis prevalence was estimated at 66.28%. Clinical indicators that showed the best sensitivity measures for the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Self Health were: daily life choices ineffective to achieve health goals and Expression of difficulty with prescribed regimens. In turn, the clinical indicators of inappropriate medication use, no expression of desire to control the disease, irregular attendance to the dialysis sessions and infection were more specific as to that diagnosis. Non-adherence to treatment was the only indicator that showed confidence intervals with values for sensitivity and specificity, statistically above 0.5, being the one who has better diagnostic accuracy as the inference of the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Self Health in hemodialysis clientele. Thus, it is believed that the improvement of the components of diagnosis in question will contribute to the development of more reliable nursing interventions to the health status of the individual in hemodialysis, providing a more scientifically qualified care.