999 resultados para Curricular experience


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Studying abroad is generally viewed as an opportunity for personal and educational transformation for students. In recent years, various studies have been conducted in the area of study abroad. Most of these studies primarily involve quantitative analyses, and do not fully explore the lived experience of this opportunity. Recently, researchers have started exploring the qualitative aspects and impact of studying abroad, but from an external perspective. This study attends to the phenomenon of a foreign curricular experience from an insider’s perspective and explicates the experience through a personal narrative. Countries usually have educational curricula that serve their particular needs. The rise of the number of students studying abroad has made study abroad a lucrative industry but it has also increasingly exposed foreign students to curricula that are different than those of their countries of origin. Subjecting students to dissimilar, and sometimes competing, curricula interrupts their habitual ways of knowing and being. My study is a qualitative study that explores the foreign curricular experience of one Pakhtun student. Specifically, through an autobiography, this study aims to explore how a foreign curricular experience acts as a ‘transitional space’ for a student and how it deeply affects her learning self and identity. This study contributes to the body of literature on the effects of a foreign curriculum on study abroad students by adding narrative to explain the lived experience of studying abroad.


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Character education has been viewed by many educators as having significant historical, academic, and social value. Many stakeholders in education argue for character development as a curricular experience. While understanding the degree to which character education is of worth to stakeholders of institutions is important, understanding students, teachers, and administrators perspectives from their lived experiences is likewise significant. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of character education within a Biblical framework environment by examining the lived experiences of students, administrators, and teachers of a Seventh-day Adventist School. Phenomenology describes individuals' daily experiences of phenomena, the manner in which these experiences are structured, and focuses analysis on the perspectives of the persons having the experience (Moustakas, 1994). This inquiry was undertaken to answer the question: What are the perceptions of students, teachers, and an administrator toward character education in a Seventh-day Adventist school setting? Ten participants (seven students and three adults) formed the homogeneous purposive sample, and the major data collection tool was semi-structured interviews (Patton, 1990; Seidman, 2006). Three 90-minute open-ended interviews were conducted with each of the participants. Data analysis included a three-phase process of description, reduction and interpretation. The findings from this study revealed that participants perceived that their involvement in the school's character education program decreased the tendency to violence, improved their conduct and ethical sensibility, enhanced their ability to engage in decision-making concerning social relationships and their impact on others, brought to their attention the emerging global awareness of moral deficiency, and fostered incremental progress from practice and recognition of vices to their acquisition of virtues. The findings, therefore, provide a model for teaching character education from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. The model is also relevant for non-Seventh day Adventists who aspire to teach character education as a means to improving social and moral conditions in schools.


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Character education has been viewed by many educators as having significant historical, academic, and social value. Many stakeholders in education argue for character development as a curricular experience. While understanding the degree to which character education is of worth to stakeholders of institutions is important, understanding students, teachers, and administrators perspectives from their lived experiences is likewise significant. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain a deeper understanding of character education within a Biblical framework environment by examining the lived experiences of students, administrators, and teachers of a Seventh-day Adventist School. Phenomenology describes individuals’ daily experiences of phenomena, the manner in which these experiences are structured, and focuses analysis on the perspectives of the persons having the experience (Moustakas, 1994). ). This inquiry was undertaken to answer the question: What are the perceptions of students, teachers, and an administrator toward character education in a Seventh-day Adventist school setting? Ten participants (seven students and three adults) formed the homogeneous purposive sample, and the major data collection tool was semi-structured interviews (Patton, 1990; Seidman, 2006). Three 90-minute open-ended interviews were conducted with each of the participants. Data analysis included a three-phase process of description, reduction and interpretation. The findings from this study revealed that participants perceived that their involvement in the school’s character education program decreased the tendency to violence, improved their conduct and ethical sensibility, enhanced their ability to engage in decision-making concerning social relationships and their impact on others, brought to their attention the emerging global awareness of moral deficiency, and fostered incremental progress from practice and recognition of vices to their acquisition of virtues. The findings, therefore, provide a model for teaching character education from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective. The model is also relevant for non-Seventh day Adventists who aspire to teach character education as a means to improving social and moral conditions in schools.


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BULLYING- espectáculo/intervenção, é um relatório de estágio elaborado no contexto do curso de Mestrado de Teatro em Arte do Actor da Universidade de Évora pelo aluno 20584 Pedro Mendes. Dá conta da experiência curricular do mestrando enquanto actor numa companhia de teatro profissional, bem como de urna análise e pesquisa temática, processual e académica, por ele desenvolvidas e redigidas. O estágio de três meses foi realizado na ACTA- A Companhia de Teatro do Algarve, sedeada na cidade de Faro, e teve como objectivo a construção e consequente apresentação do espectáculo BULLYING, terceira produção artística da companhia de carácter pedagógico, nas diversas escolas básicas da região. Segundo a orientação da docente Ana Tamen, o discente abordou todo o objecto de estágio através de urna aproximação estética ao Teatro do Oprimido de Augusto Boal. _Summary: BULLYING- Show/lntervention, is an internship report, elaborated within the context of a Master's Degree in Theatre, «The Actor’s Art» - at the University of Évora by the student, number 20584, Pedro Mendes. This report contains the curricular experience of the student while acting for a professional theatre company, as well as an analysis and a thematic, procedure and academic research, developed and written by the student. The three-month internship was made at ACTA - A Companhia de Teatro do Algarve (Algarve's Theatre Company), established in the town of Faro. The development and presentation of the show BULLYING, is the third artistic educational production of the company, in several schools of the region. Under the guidance of the teacher Ana Tamen, the student meant to establish, through this report, an aesthetic connection between the work developed in this context and Augusto Boal’s ‘Teatro do Oprimido'. NOTA: Contém DVD com ficheiros de vídeo que só podem ser consultados na biblioteca.


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Various authors have written about the importance of drawing in design methodology. Their general conclusion points drawing as an essential tool for design research, as it allows investigation of several alternative solutions in design process (Cross, 2007). The recent profound changes in design nature (Norman, 2011), justify a discussion on the purpose of drawing in design courses. As a consequence of this new reality, the educational institutions face the challenge of the definition of their curricular structures and teaching methodologies. Among others, concepts such as collaboration and multidisciplinary design approaches have been discussed as strategies for design education (Heller and Talarico, 2011, pp. 82-85). In this context, and using our teaching activity experience in Drawing and Design areas, the authors discuss:  how can drawing methods be included in the current design teaching?  can drawing be considered as an interdisciplinary approach?  what contributions can these methodologies provide to the educational/learning process? Based on these concerns, we developed an interdisciplinary project in the Graphic Design Course with two curricular units: Drawing 1 and Aesthetic and Design Theory 1. In this article the authors present the aims and process developed, and discuss the outcomes of this pedagogical experience.


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado Em Educação Pré-Escolar


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The experience of an internship is always considered an experience that should be enriching, a first contact with the employment world. The intention is to build a bridge between the theory and practice - applying what has been learnt throughout the course. Therefore, it was started a new learning phase that seeks to take advantage and obtain experiences useful for a professional life based in efficiency and efficacy. The curricular internship was carried out within the Masters in Public Law and held by Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FDUNL)(Law School Of University New Of Lisbon) in the Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML) (Lisbon's Town Hall), in the Departamento de Política de Solos e Valorização Patrimonial (DPSVP) (Soil Politics and Patrimonial Valuation Department) of the Direção Municipal de Planeamento, Reabilitação e Gestão Urbanística (Municipal Direction of Planning, Rehabilitation and Urban Management) between September and December 2013. Throughout this internship, several activities within the DPSVP were developed. In an early stage, there was a presentation of the organic structure of Lisbon's Town Hall, and the Department where I was going to do the internship, and its competencies. Therefore I acquired key concepts and researched jurisprudence and legislation needed to the analysis and understanding of the activities done in the internship. In a second stage, it was done the analysis and understanding of the division into lots administrative procedures, as well as the solving of the problems occurred throughout that analysis. Besides that, there was the need to help preparing some procedural acts to be applied regarding the Department competencies, namely within the alienation, procurement, encumbrance and rental of immovable assets owned by the Municipality of Lisbon.


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The following report reflects a five-month internship in the Department of Legal Affairs of the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from 4 August to 30 December 2014. This report mainly had as a basis the knowledge from the Administrative Law, Procedural Administrative Law, Labour Law, Special Labour Law and Social Law classes. Thus, it was possible to experience procedural administrative phases, such as the hierarchical appeal, the impugnation of public tender, witness hearing, among others. Apart from these, it was possible to collaborate on the elaboration of a Handbook of Good Practices of Administrative Law and to receive training on Public Procurement.


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This report represents four months of study on activities in the public prosecution service at the Local Instance of Setúbal judiciary district, started in September 2014 and completed of the same year. This report was prepared considering all the teachings of criminal law courses and criminal procedural law, doctrine, jurisprudence and all the practical experience experienced with prosecutors. In this context, their traineeship provided contact with different procedural stages: the investigation stage that allowed to understand better the progress of the processing of summary proceedings; the expedient distribution of urgent cases; the investigation stage, as regards the procedural impulse assistant and the accused; and the trial stage. This last phase allowed contact with different types of crimes especially road crimes and the crime of domestic violence. The analysis carried out the summary proceedings in the Public Ministry service would acquire relevant information to explain the incidence of road crimes. Topics will be addressed that were found on stage during the various procedural stages, as the implementation of new judicial map. The relationship between the prosecution and the Criminal Police Bodies was also an issue to be addressed. The work also raises awareness of the issue of archives in order to find out the position of assistant.


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The experience of an internship is always considered an experience that should be enriching, a first contact with the employment world. The intention is to build a bridge between the theory and practice - applying what has been learnt throughout the course. Therefore, it was started a new learning phase that seeks to take advantage and obtain experiences useful for a professional life based in efficiency and efficacy. The curricular internship was carried out within the Masters in Public Law and held by Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FDUNL)(Law School Of University New Of Lisbon) in the Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (CML) (Lisbon's Town Hall), in the Departamento de Política de Solos e Valorização Patrimonial (DPSVP) (Soil Politics and Patrimonial Valuation Department) of the Direção Municipal de Planeamento, Reabilitação e Gestão Urbanística (Municipal Direction of Planning, Rehabilitation and Urban Management) between September and December 2013. Throughout this internship, several activities within the DPSVP were developed. In an early stage, there was a presentation of the organic structure of Lisbon's Town Hall, and the Department where I was going to do the internship, and its competencies. Therefore I acquired key concepts and researched jurisprudence and legislation needed to the analysis and understanding of the activities done in the internship. In a second stage, it was done the analysis and understanding of the division into lots administrative procedures, as well as the solving of the problems occurred throughout that analysis. Besides that, there was the need to help preparing some procedural acts to be applied regarding the Department competencies, namely within the alienation, procurement, encumbrance and rental of immovable assets owned by the Municipality of Lisbon.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Informática


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A tese enquadra-se nas discussões sobre as concepções do currículo, como problemática central nos processos de educação e formação, e o papel da Universidade ao longo dos tempos, mormente nos contextos actuais da globalização, conferindo especial relevo às concepções, práxis e tendências que caracterizam a experiência de desenvolvimento curricular na Universidade de Cabo Verde (Uni-CV), desde a sua criação, em Novembro de 2006, no seguimento de um percurso de quase três décadas do ensino superior público cabo-verdiano Com o enquadramento teórico da problemática da investigação faz-se uma ampla cartografia da literatura relevante no campo científico dos estudos curriculares, numa abordagem que patenteia a diversidade de conceptualizações do currículo e do desenvolvimento curricular, os principais traços característicos das teorias curriculares que se têm sucedido e ou que rivalizam na busca de hegemonia no sector da educação, bem como as políticas educativas e curriculares que vêm sendo concebidas e realizadas à escala global, dispensando atenção particular às dimensões instituinte e instituída do processo curricular. Ainda que fortemente condicionado pelas concepções e políticas de globalização da educação, a tendência para a uniformização educativa e curricular não constitui uma inevitabilidade, demonstrando-se, pelo contrário, que o processo de desenvolvimento curricular deixa espaços de apropriação e inovação ao nível das instituições educativas, atendendo à diversidade de contextos, expectativas e perspectivas inerentes à dinâmica da realização do currículo. Ainda no plano teórico, ao analisar-se a evolução do conceito ou ideia de Universidade, desde a sua génese até aos tempos actuais, coloca-se em relevo a natureza específica da instituição no âmbito do ensino superior, patenteando o modo como, nos diferentes contextos, a mesma tem procurado afirmar a centralidade do conhecimento e do currículo no cumprimento da sua missão, a despeito de factores e condicionalismos diversos, de entre os quais releva o tipo de relacionamento predominante entre a Universidade, o Estado e o mercado, no âmbito do qual se deve entender a complexidade da crise institucional, na triplicidade das suas manifestações (crise de legitimidade, de hegemonia e de identidade) que atravessa a academia, com reflexos ao nível das tendências para o condicionamento da autonomia, missão e funções da academia, assim como da própria natureza do conhecimento universitário. Na procura de saídas para a crise, que é global e, como tal, se reflecte nas universidades do continente africano, em que se insere Cabo Verde, a Universidade é desafiada a afirmar a sua especificidade institucional, enquanto promotora da alta cultura e da capacidade de pensamento de longo prazo, conciliando, deste modo, as suas funções essenciais ou simbólicas com as que se prendem com a satisfação das necessidades imediatas ou de curto prazo da economia e do mercado. Com base nos pertinentes subsídios teóricos, os estudos empíricos desenvolvem-se segundo a abordagem metodológica de estudo de caso, em que a análise documental e as técnicas de investigação qualitativa e quantitativa permitiram consolidar as evidências sobre: (i) os antecedentes da criação da Uni-CV, através do mapeamento do percurso académico e curricular dos diversos estabelecimentos públicos de ensino superior que precederam a universidade pública, legando a esta o seu património científico, tecnológico e logístico, com as inerentes potencialidades e limitações; (ii) o processo de institucionalização da Uni-CV, com a referencialização das opções estruturantes da organização e gestão da Universidade assim como da política educativa e curricular da Universidade; (iii) a experiência multifacetada de desenvolvimento curricular na novel instituição durante os cinco primeiros anos de funcionamento (2006-2011), correlacionando opções e práxis e evidenciando tendências da sua evolução. Da análise interpretativa dos estudos empíricos realizados, mediante a triangulação dos dados de arquivo e de perspectiva, resulta que a Uni-CV, não obstante as fragilidades persistentes no processo de seu desenvolvimento institucional, tem cumprido a sua missão de forma satisfatória, facto que fica a dever-se quer à adequação das opções, normas e directivas conformadoras da dimensão instituinte do processo curricular, quer ao esforço de realização das prescrições curriculares, sendo, todavia, evidentes os desafios a serem vencidos tendo em vista a consecução da almejada excelência académica, que os Estatutos propugnam, e que passa, nomeadamente, pela melhoria do nível da qualificação do seu corpo docente, pela implementação ou funcionamento efectivo de alguns dos órgãos da academia e pela afirmação da investigação científica como função incontornável para o desempenho cabal das funções de ensino e extensão. De entre as conclusões, sustenta-se que, no processo de integração de Cabo Verde nas redes internacionais de investigação e excelência científica e tecnológica, como, de resto, propugnam os Estatutos da Uni-CV, deve atender-se à especificidade deste pequeno país do Atlântico Médio, tendo em conta as suas fragilidades estruturais, pelo que se impõe algum distanciamento crítico em relação à incorporação de certas opções de política educativa e curricular que emanam de instâncias internacionais, independentemente do seu carácter inovador ou mesmo da sua possível consistência científica e técnica, comprovada em outros contextos.


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The purpose of this paper is to give a presentation of the programme eTwinning, the use of CLIL methodology in eTwinning projects, give a glimpse of a successful project carried out by secondary students and present the future ahead regarding Higher Education. eTwinning offers the suitable environment to use the English language in a “real” context; it can be integrated in any subject due to its cross-curricular nature. In short, it prepares the student for the real world: international research, to get to know other cultures, to communicate and to learn content. I will start by giving a general view of what eTwinning is about. The second part will deal will eTwinning and CLIL. How CLIL methodology fits perfectly in the carrying out of eTwinning projects. In the third part, and drawn from personal experience, a project will be shown: “Addressing the Energy Crunch; Every Little Action Helps” as a good example of how to integrate content-learning in a collaborative project between different schools in Europe. The last part will deal with the future of eTwinning and Higher Education, within the new programme just approved by the European Parliament: Erasmus+ (2014-20).


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Este recurso está diseñado específicamente para enseñar las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) como materia curricular en el nivel secundario. Desarrolla las ideas fundamentales de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las TIC de forma estructurada, accesible, y ofrece una gran cantidad de ideas para el aprendizaje docente. Los ámbitos fundamentales que trata son: el lugar y naturaleza de las TIC como materia curricular; analizar y desarrollar el conocimiento de la materia; planes de trabajo, clases individuales, actividades y recursos; la supervisión, evaluación y exámenes; las TIC en el currículo; diferenciación y necesidades educativas especiales; el desarrollo profesional. A lo largo del libro hay tareas y actividades para ayudar a los estudiantes a analizar su propia enseñanza , explorar el conocimiento y las habilidades necesarias para convertirse en un profesor de las TIC. También sirve como actualización para los profesores más experimentados en esta materia.


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This paper deals with the fundamental elements of a curricular proposal aiming at the formation of alphabetizers of young and adults, as long as it concerns the relation between the academic knowledge and that one arising from the classroom experience. The empirical field of the research comes from the work of the teachers responsible for the formation of the alphabetizers of the GerAção Cidadã Program (2004-2005) linked, as an Extension Program, to Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Indeed, it tries to understand how these young and adult educators makers figure out the link between the experienced knowledge, which their lives give testimony of, with the scientific knowledge, which they are entitled to mediate in class. This work is funded in the principles of the Collaborative Research, which constitutes a kind of qualitative research. It makes use of procedures supported by qualitative research, especially those ones related to reflexive sessions, as well as to documental researches and semi-structured interviews. These spaces have afforded the group of alphabetizers the opportunity to talk over their practice, not only individually but also collectively, in order to work out contributive proposals having in view changes in the educative actions. As elaborated contributions, we present a discussion about the specificities in the making of educators to EJA, in their differentiated social roles. Reflecting on the experiences of the educators makers, we highlight those elements we regard as essential to the constitution of a formation proposal, like formative times and spaces, dialogue and social memory. The curricular organization is compreneded as part of an enlarged dimension that does not restraint itself to school; rather, it is visualized as a structuring instance that connects different knowledge surpassing community and university. Under this optics, we come to the conclusion that the connection the scientific knowledge establishes with the experienced one, which is immersed in the cultural practices of those who are involved in the formative process, is the basement to a curricular proposal of a formation course destined to educators committed with the need of changing society