1000 resultados para Currais Novos (RN)
This work, named Teaching conditions: a study in municipal schools of Currais Novos RN (2009 to 2012) aims to analyze the status of teaching in schools in the municipality of Currais Novos RN in the period ranging from 2009 - 2012, considering infrastructure, initial and continued training and intensification and casualization of teaching factors in the context of the 1990s educational reformations. It, also, assumes that teaching is a constitutive part of capitalist society, and has been reconfigured with based on the new requirements demanded by the labor market. In order to conduct this study the considered data included the survey research Teaching Work in Basic Education in Brazil (2009 to 2010) , held in seven Brazilian states being: Pará, Rio Grande do Norte, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo. Specifically selected for deepening of the study, there were schools in the municipality of Currais Novos in which semi-structured interviews were performed with teachers of the said municipality. This research is constituted of a qualitative and quantitative approach whose survey instruments adopted were, namely: documental research, literature review, interviews and surveys. The obtained data analysis allows us to infer that the teaching work performed by teachers in the states which participated in the survey has been influenced the changes in the labor market and educational reformations and has been taking on characteristics such as flexibility, tendency to precariousness and intensification; and this trend is also present in schools that were surveyed in the municipality of Currais Novos. As pertaining to the teachers conditions in classroom, these signs are more evident, considering that they had their duties and responsibilities extended beyond the classroom environment. The data also show that in general working conditions of teachers in national, state and local levels are unprofitable and heterogeneous, increasingly deepening the gap between school units and education networks. Therefore, the implantation of public policies that enhance the teaching work and improve their working conditions in all dimensions that directly interfere in their work are crucial
The present paper analyses the social assistance management in small cities, starting from the reality of Currais Novos City. Its main objective is to analyse the management of this politic in the context of the Nacional Sistem of Social Assistance (SUAS) through the management instruments materialized in the city: Social Assistance Plan, Budget, Management Report, Information Management, Monitorizing and Evaluation. It reveals a discrepancy between the instruments purpose and their concretude, and it identifies the main challenges in order to make them real, revealing the contradictions of such politic, through which the advances relate with the retrocesses. It remarks, in this context, the debate about Public Management and some aspects of the trajetory of the Social Assistance management in the brazilian context and the configurations of (SUAS) and of the politics in Currais Novos city. Such path allows us to identify the feebleness in the city ways to adopt the (SUAS) criteria, which is much more effective in burocratic aspects than in the change of the Social Assistance conception and in the effective incorporation of the (SUAS) principles and guidelines. Thus, problems are identified in what concerns to the important aspects for its effectivation, with the human resources, financing and social control mechanisms. It makes possible to reafirm the importance of the analysed management instruments for the effectivation of one participative and democratic management, as well as the urgency of its materialization as one of the important ellements for this politic to happen as a right and to make a stop to the unconformities between the (SUAS) determinations and its materialization
This paper presents the master plan and geoenvironmental zoning natures as instruments of environmental planning and management. The discussion of territory environmental planning is guided by two directions: at first the environmental elements involved in planning and the another is the implementation of these instruments at the municipal territory. To analyze the planning directed of the municipal territory we consider the fragments of its, represented by country and urban. The master plan inside of the Estatuto da Cidade (City Statute) and the geoenvironmental zoning are directed to territorial environmental planning. Regarding of the master plan the first challenge has been the spacial area that the plan can cover. It is necessary to prepare master plans that could include all the territory. The environmental zoning are directed for the territory totality.In this sense, the geoenvironmental zoning of the Currais Novos was done in the totality of the municipal territory and guided by the environmental physics variables. The geoenvironmental zoning sets in a planning and ordering of the territory instrument based in the landscape analysis. Therefore grounded in the Geosystems‟s Theory this work has like a main objective to propose a geoenvironmental zoning for the Currais Novos Municipality in RN. So, was used an analysis technique suggested for Bardin (2010) and the Currais Novos‟s physical environment characterization through of the fieldwork and cartographic data vectorization, beyond the image‟s treatment SRTM. The geoenvironmental systems definitions were based in the suggestion of Cestaro, et al. (2007) support in Bertrand (1968). For both were identified five geoenvironmental systems: Borborema Plateau, Residual plateau, Chapada da Serra de Santana, semiarid river valley and lagoon valley and eleven geoenvironmental subsystems: Borborema Plateau Western Slope, Isolated Massif of the Borborema Plateau, Residual Crest, Residual Massif, Erosional Scarp of the Chapada, flat top plateau, fluvial plains, temporary river of the semiarid and ornamental water or sluice
This study analysed the creation of businesses by entrepreneur women in the Currais Novos city, looking for verifying if they used making decision processes aligned to the Effectuation logic throughout the creation of their companies. To this, was accomplished a multiple cases and exploratory study, whit a qualitative approach of analyse, using the thematic life history technique that match accounts and semi-structured interview route, being accomplished like a long interview, where the researcher interact with the informer continuously. The semi-structured interview route was created by the adaptation of the interview route used by Tasic (2007). The present study appealed to a intentional selection of individuals in function of their importance in relation to the boarded theme. This means that the individuals were chosen in function of their social and theoretical representatively inside the considered situation. The participant individuals of this research were five entrepreneur women that act in the Currais Novos city, owners of five different companies. To the data treatment and analyse, was chosen the content analyse technique. This study worked with a priori theoretical categories. The categories of analyse in this study was obtained with base in the Effectuation approach (SARASVATHY, 2001a, 2001b, 2008), that is an alternative model of making decision to the classic model based in the causality principle. These categories are Clarity of Initial Aims , Tolerance to the Lost and Initials Investments , Control of Resources ( who I am , what I know and who I know ) and Promoting Over Contingencies . As result, the entrepreneur women researched, in a general way, hadn t clear initial aims at the companies creation moment, hadn t aversion to the risk to lose the time and the money that they were investing in the company in formation, they highlighted the products and services identity that offered with a strong link with Seridó region, they had experience in the field of activity in which they decided to open their companies, had the commitment of partners in the beginning of the business and they knew to transform the initial difficulties in opportunities. By the end, this study conclude that the entrepreneur women studied used, in a big part, making decision processes aligned to the Effectuation logic throughout the creation of their companies
This dissertation promotes a dialogue between visual representation and the new cultural geography theory to critically examine the photography representation of an specific urban landscape. The interest here is to explore the ways in which the images of the city of Currais Novos - RN, captured by the photographer Raimundo Bezerra from 1950 to 1980, have taken a great part in shaping people s understanding and imagination of this city s modernizing process. What comes out of this work is the comprehension of that photography permites a geographical study of urban landscape as it can revel perceptions, imaginations, discourses e subjetivities which are based on especific urban cultural dreams and aspirations related to the case studied. So, the aim of this dissertation was to analyse how the discourse of modernity could be seen as part of and impregnated to the urban landscape of Currais Novos by Bezerra s photographs. Then, an intertextual, hermeneutic and phenomenalogical understanding of the geographic object and how it fits within the cultural context was fundamental
El turismo rural en Currais Novos/RN-Brasil : Propuestas estratégicas para su desarrollo y expansión
Programa de Doctorado: Turismo Integral, Interculturalidad y Desarrollo Sostenible
O presente trabalho descreve a geologia econômica da região de Currais Novos, no Rio Grande do Norte, onde estão as principais jazidas de scheelita e de molibdenita do Brasil: jazidas Brejuí e Barra Verde. As rochas metamórficas da área pertencem à Série Ceará e são constituídas por gnaisses, calcários e tactitos. O autor evidenciou a existência de duas fases metamórficas no desenvolvimento dessas rochas. A primeira, datada de 750 \'+ OU -\' 50 M.A. possibilitou o desenvolvimento das texturas e dos minerais essenciais dos gnaisses e calcários e a formação dos tactitos compostos essencialmente de epidoto, diopsídio, granada, quartzo, calcita e vesuvianita. Ainda nessa fase ocorreu o empurrão das rochas da área oeste sôbre o gnaisse da Formação Seridó, ocasionando inversões de camadas nas áreas de Brejuí, Barra Verde, Quixabeiral, etc. Na segunda fase, com 550 \'+ OU -\' M.A. de idade, ocorreu microclinização dos gnaisses biotíticos das formações Parelhas e Quixaba e a mineralização dos tactitos, devido ao aporte de tungstênio, molibdênio, flúor, cobre, etc., provenientes do granito de Acari. Na etapa final dessa fase houve a intrusão do granodiorito Acauã. As rochas \"magmáticas da região estão representadas por: a) um grande batólito granítico heterogêneo - o maciço Acari -, constituído por quatro fácies petrográficas: um granodiorito pórfiro, um granito monzonítico, um diorito e pequenos corpos granodioriticos. b) um pequeno stock granodiorítico homogêneo e intrusivo - o. granodiorito Acauã. c) Diques de basaltos, aplitos e pegmatites. O minério da região é o tácito, que apresenta nítidos contrôles estratigráficos e estruturais, os quais servem de guias para a prospecção. Têm as jazidas Brejuí e Barra Verde um teor médio da ordem de 0,6% em \'W IND. O 3\' e 0,2% em Mo e uma espessura média de 2m. Nas outras ocorrências sua possança média é inferior a 1 m e o teor médio inferior a 0,5% em \'W IND. O 3\'. Sendo mantida a atual produção da região, cerca de 650 t métricas/ano de concentrados com 75% de \'W IND. O 3\', só as reservas conhecidas nas jazidas Brejuí e Barra Verde serão suficientes para abastecer o mercado por mais 20 anos
The objective of this study is to investigate how the team of health professionals of the Family Health Strategies program and clients in Currais Novos/RN deal with the use (or not) of medicinal plants as one of the complementary and holistic practices in the Individual Health System (SUS in Portuguese). The research is carried out using a qualitative approach, applying semi-structured interviews, related to the proposed objective, as the instruments of data collection. The interviews applied to professionals and clients were based on questionnaires and were recorded, with their permission, then transcribed in a field diary. The subjects of the study were doctors, nurses, dentists and community health agents of the Family Health Strategies team, totaling 24 (twenty four) health professionals, as well as ten volunteers identified in the research as people who use medicinal plants for health care purposes. From this study, we verify the great importance that health professionals and clients attribute to the use of medicinal plants, as well as evidence that family tradition is the main vehicle for the dissemination of knowledge regarding their use. Most medicinal plants had popular indications similar of those used scientifically, however, 70% of the clients reported never having had medical health advice or encouragement to use medicinal plants in their treatments. Half of the group of professionals interviewed reported not feeling safe in prescribing medicinal plants; approximately 25% reported having received information on the subject during their undergraduate program. Expected outcomes of this study include instigating the implementation of treatment protocols by the health professionals, and broadening holistic care practices, as well as access to alternative therapeutic options, client participation, ultimately strengthening the link between primary care and Family Health Strategies
A infância é uma das fases mais vulneráveis da vida, podendo sofrer influência de condições externas, uma delas sendo a alimentação. Segundo a OMS, o aleitamento materno é uma excelente estratégia no combate da desnutrição e melhoria na qualidade de vida da população infantil. Portanto, este estudo procurou, através do projeto de intervenção, incentivar o aleitamento materno exclusivo até o sexto mês de vida, podendo ser estendido com complementação alimentar até os dois anos de idade, na ESF Dr. Ferreirinha. Participaram do estudo mães e bebês até dois anos de idade, além de gestantes, com encontros para educação em saúde sobre o aleitamento materno. Por mais natural que seja o AM, percebe-se que é uma prática em desuso, em muitos casos por falta de informação. Portanto, é de suma importância o apoio da equipe para incentivar e solucionar os problemas que venham ser causados no momento da lactação.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi qualificar a atenção à saúde da mulher no controle dos cânceres do colo de útero e de mama na Unidade Básica de Saúde da Família Santa Maria Goreteno Município de Currais Novos do estado de Rio Grande do Norte. Para atingir ao objetivo foi realizado um projeto de intervenção na unidade de saúde, com ações contempladas em quatro eixos temáticos, “Monitoramento e Avaliação”, “Organização e Gestão do Serviço”, “Engajamento Público” e “Qualificação da Prática Clínica”. A intervenção foi realizada durante um período de 12 semanas, sendo adotado como protocolo Caderno de Atenção Básica - Controle dos Cânceres do Colo do Útero e da Mama, do Ministério da Saúde, 2013.Foram atendidas 225 mulheres entre 25 e 64 anos, 105 entre 50 e 69 anos. A proporção de mulheres entre 25 e 64 anos com exame citopatológico em dia foi 16% ao final da intervenção, com um total de 145 mulheres. A proporção de mulheres entre 50 e 69 anos com exame mamográfico em dia chegou a 17,3% de cobertura ou 61 mulheres.A intervenção trouxe melhorias na atenção à saúde prestada à população de mulheres nas faixas etárias entre 25 a 69 anos com a organização e ampliação da oferta de serviços, qualificação dos atendimentos clínicos, melhoria da qualidade dos registros dos resultados dos exames destas pacientes, no prontuário e em impressos desenvolvidos com esta finalidade. Desta forma, foi possível um melhor controle destas ações, identificando os casos de mulheres faltosas e programando atividades para estas usuárias de forma mais adequada.A intervenção será incorporada à rotina da nossa unidade, e poderá, inclusive, servir de exemplo para as demais estratégias do município, padronizando o cuidado das usuárias e garantindo melhorias dos indicadores de saúde da nossa população.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo melhorar a atenção à saúde da mulher no controle dos cânceres do colo de útero e de mama da Unidade Básica de Saúde Dr. Ferreirinha no município de Currais Novos do estado de Rio Grande do Norte. Visando atingir ao objetivo proposto foi realizado um projeto de intervenção na unidade de saúde, com ações contempladas em quatro eixos temáticos, “Monitoramento e Avaliação”, “Organização e Gestão do Serviço”, “Engajamento Público” e “Qualificação da Prática Clínica”. Esta intervenção teve duração de 12 semanas e envolveu toda a equipe multidisciplinar, através de visitas domiciliares, palestras educativas, consultas clínicas. Durante este período conseguimos atingir 50% de todas as usuárias que faziam rastreio de câncer de colo do útero num período de um ano, e quanto ao rastreio de câncer de mama conseguimos que aumentasse em 20% a adesão, visto que anteriormente não existia se quer acompanhamento, implementamos a estatística e a conscientização da importância da prevenção e rastreio. Outro ponto positivo foi a capacitação realizada aos ACS, a partir deles nas visitas domiciliares o programa de intervenção foi ampliado, através da identificação dos fatores de risco, faixa etária preconizada pelo ministério da saúde, além da distribuição na comunidade de panfletos educativos que esclarecem sobre sinais e sintomas, a importância e ensinam a realizar o auto-exame da mama. O projeto de intervenção serviu também para unir as equipes da UBS, por se tratar de uma intervenção que abrangia as três equipes, todos os profissionais estavam envolvidos, e a partir desse objetivo pudemos nos reunir mais frequentemente e levantar o que se estava conseguindo desenvolver e o que não funcionava. Para o futuro espera-se que o projeto não se disperse em meio dos diversos programas existentes, já que se trata de um tema bastante incidente, sendo câncer de mama em 2º lugar e o de câncer de colo do útero em 3º lugar.
Resumo ROBERT, José Noide Caraballo. Melhorias no Programa de Atenção a Saúde do Idoso na UBS Dr. José Ferreirinha, Currais Novos/RN. 2015. 92f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. Os idosos, nos seus aspectos biológico, psicológico e social apresentam transformações próprias, requerendo tipos de assistências diferenciadas, em especial à saúde. Como o envelhecimento não é um processo homogêneo, necessidades e demandas dos idosos variam, sendo preciso fortalecer o trabalho em rede para contemplar a atenção aos idosos saudáveis e atender àqueles com diferentes graus de incapacidade ou enfermidades, inclusive nos domicílios. O envelhecimento da população brasileira vem acontecendo rapidamente provocando consequências sociais, culturais e epidemiológicas. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de melhorar a atenção à saúde de idosos. Para tal, foi realizada uma intervenção na UBS Dr. Jose Ferreirinha, no município de Currais Novos/RN. A investigação teve duração de 12 semanas e as ações programáticas foram desenvolvidas em quatro eixos pedagógicos: monitoramento e avaliação, organização e gestão do serviço, engajamento público e qualificação da prática clínica. O protocolo preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde foi adotado para orientar sobre as ações desenvolvidas e um registro específico, por meio de ficha-espelho e planilha de coleta de dados, foi adota para avaliação e monitoramento da intervenção. A população alvo foi todos os usuários com 60 anos ou mais de idade residentes na área adstrita da unidade de saúde. Ao final das 12 semanas de intervenção, 264 idosos foram cadastrados e acompanhados. Todos os idosos acompanhados foram submetidos a avaliação multidimensional rápida, exame clínico apropriado, receberam a caderneta da pessoa idosa, receberam solicitação de exames complementares e todos os idosos acamados ou com problemas de locomoção foram cadastrados. A intervenção melhorou a atenção à saúde dos idosos qualificando a atenção, fortalecendo a atenção primária à saúde, melhorando o acolhimento e atendimento de suas singularidades, e alcançou o engajamento da comunidade. A intervenção na UBS Dr. Jose Ferreirinha, no município de Currais Novos/RN, propiciou a ampliação da cobertura da atenção, a melhoria dos registros, a qualificação da equipe e o engajamento da população. Palavras-chave: Saúde da Família, Atenção Primaria à Saúde, Saúde do Idoso, Assistência Domiciliar, Saúde Bucal.
In this work we will analyze the function of the city of Currais Novos-RN front of four cities in its hinterland in the process of globalization, now set. Such cities are, Acari, São Vicente, Lagoa Nova and Cerro Corá. We take the theoretical and territory division of labor that result while providing the articulation of cities in urban networks, and the tertiary sector, which holds the means for the articulation. Beyond the historical analysis and secondary database, the analysis of flows of materials and people between the cities above would, lay a greater diagnostic functions of the regional center of Currais Novos, and escape of the search as much of the spread of products
This work has as objective to describe mathematical knowledge used as tools in the manufacture and marketing of tiles of red ceramic by potters of the Currais Novos village/ RN, located 250 km from the capital of Rio Grande do Norte. For us to reach our objective, we rely on conceptions ambrosianas of Ethnomatematics, besides of the qualitative research in an ethnographic approach. In the empirical part of the research, that went it accomplishes in the period from 2009 to 2012 in the Currais Novos Village, we support the following tools for data collection, semi-structured interviews, field diary, photographs, audio recordings and participant observations. In the analysis of the collected data, we can conclude that there are mathematical knowledge in the management of manufacture and marketing of tiles, often different from the academic mathematics, mainly in the wood cube, on cube of the clays, in the handler with the measures time, the count method , in the arrangement of tiles, in the preparation of the ceramic mass and sale of tiles. Theses knowledge were described and analyzed in the light of the theoretical Ethnomatematics, also supported in official documents, such as Parameters Nacional Curriculares. The analyzes of these knowledge generated subsidies for elaboration of an educational product - a proposal of didactic sequence destined to the Teaching of Mathematics in Elementary and Middle levels for the community schools and region, this proposal is in the Appendix to this work
The objective of this paper is to analyze how the female figure was portrayed in discursive narratives in the bi-weekly newspaper O PORVIR , which circulated in Currais Novos, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, between May 2, 1926 and January 20, 1929. Our analysis was based on the semantics of the text, by applying one of the primary concepts used in Textual Analysis of Speeches, Discursive Representation (ADAM, 2011; RODRIGUES; PASSEGGI; SILVA NETO, 2010). Textual Analysis of Speeches has its roots in Textual Linguistics and consists of a theoretical and descriptive approach (ADAM, 2011). This research is characterized as documentary (SEVERINO, 2007) and its corpus includes a review of 39 editions of the aforementioned newspaper, of which we extracted 292 articles that dealt with the female figure and 396 statements for analysis. We used the following semantic categories: referencing (CASTILHO, 2010; NEVES, 2007; KOCH; MARCUSCHI, 1998; MARCUSCHI, 2008; KOCH, 2009); predication (NEVES, 2007; RODRIGUES; PASSEGGI; SILVA NETO, 2010); modification (ADAM, 2011); and spacial and temporal localization (RODRIGUES; PASSEGGI; SILVA NETO, 2010). Our analysis revealed that lady, mother, wife and homemaker were most represented, and always combined with questions about motherhood, marriage and devotion to the home. Such representation does not diverge from pre-colonial models in the early twentieth century, which served as a standard for the female figure