904 resultados para Criteria and Indicators
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview and an analysis of recent developments and changes in the implementation of sustainability practices by food retailers. It also aims to explore whether the sustainability measurement criteria and indicators identified in the literature can be applied in practice. A literature review identified the current trends, developments and the proposed sustainability objectives, criteria and indicators. Via case study research, we collected empirical data from four retailers. This involved both qualitative and quantitative data drawn from questionnaires and in-depth interviews with logistics directors from four retailers' distribution centres. The empirical data collected from the interviews indicate similarities in some of the characteristics of distribution centres, as well as differences. However, it was difficult to make cross-company comparisons due to the absence of benchmarks or assessments of the relative importance of each sustainability criterion and indicator. This research focused only on two sustainability objectives. Further research on other sustainability objectives is therefore required. Lessons learnt from the four case studies can be taken into consideration when developing future sustainability performance rating scales. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of sustainability in the food chain, with emphasis on food retailing. Its value lies in presenting an attempt to test in practice how a number of sustainability objectives, criteria and indicators are applied in logistics-related processes, identifying the gaps and reporting the potential difficulties.
In Chile, small-scale farmers are classified according to old approaches from 1993 that do not include changes occurred in the last two decades. Maule is the region with most rural population in Chile which represents a significant stratum for development, innovation and competitiveness. This study explores a new approach of small-scale farmers -associated with Family Farm Agriculture (AFC) - classification in Chile and it describes a commercial profile or AFC-1 for famers of the Maule Region. A Cluster analysis to determine AFC-1 farmers is used. The analysis includes four association variables: Total Assets, Farm Income, Production Costs and Management Indicators. The results suggest that 16.4% of the farmers have a commercial profile and they could stay out support provided by the National Institute for Agricultural Development (INDAP). This group of farmers would not belong to AFC in short terms. This fact could bring restriction to AFC-1 farmers such as lack of credit access, less investment incentives and technical assistance. Thus, it would expect low process of technology adoption and welfare improvement. New agrarian policies must be warranted to support this important group of famers with a commercial profile.
This publication is a support and resource document for the "National Action Plan for Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental Health 2000". It includes indicators, measurement tools and databases relevant to assessing the implementation of the outcomes and strategies identified in the action plan.
The insulin hypoglycemia test (IHT) is widely regarded as the 'gold standard' for dynamic stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This study aimed to investigate the temporal relationship between a rapid decrease in plasma glucose and the corresponding rise in plasma adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and to assess the reproducibility of hormone responses to hypoglycemia in normal humans. Ten normal subjects underwent IHTs, using an insulin dose of 0.15 U/kg. Of these, eight had a second IHT (IHT2) and three went on to a third test (IHT3). Plasma ACTH and cortisol were measured at 15-min intervals and, additionally, in four IHT2s and the three IHT3s, ACTH was measured at 2.5- or 5-min intervals. Mean glucose nadirs and mean ACTH and cortisol responses were not significantly different between IHT1, IHT2 and IHT3. Combined data from all 21 tests showed the magnitude of the cortisol responses, but not the ACTH responses, correlated significantly with the depth and duration of hypoglycemia. All subjects achieved glucose concentrations of of less than or equal to 1.6 mmol/l before any detectable rise in ACTH occurred. In the seven tests performed with frequent sampling, an ACTH rise never preceeded the glucose nadir, but occurred at the nadir, or up to 15 min after. On repeat testing, peak ACTH levels varied markedly within individuals, whereas peak cortisol levels were more reproducible (mean coefficient of variation 7%). In conclusion, hypoglycemia of less than or equal to 1.6 mmol/l was sufficient to cause stimulation of the HPA axis in all 21 IHTs conducted in normal subjects. Nonetheless; our data cannot reveal whether higher glucose nadirs would stimulate increased HPA axis activity in all subjects. Overall, the cortisol response to hypoglycemia is more reproducible than the ACTH response but, in an individual subject, the difference in peak cortisol between two IHTs may exceed 100 nmol/l.
The paper presents a study on business micro-location behaviour as well as corresponding factors of influence, conducted in two metropolitan areas, Bucharest-Ilfov (Romania) and Greater Porto (Portugal). By business micro-location we refer to a specific site such as a building or facility, accommodating a business within a small, compact geographical area (e.g. metropolitan area). At this geographical scale, the macroeconomic layer factors were excluded, applicable when discern between regions or countries. The factors derived from location theory and previous empirical studies were surveyed, completing a cross-sectional analysis in order to find out the specific weights of the location factors and preferences, by region and by industry. Based on already established firms’ feedback on location, the specific weights were granted by each industry to the main location factors, types of areas, and types of accommodation facilities. The authors also suggested a model to integrate these results into a Geographical Information System (GIS).
Measuring the quality of a b-learning environment is critical to determine the success of a b-learning course. Several initiatives have been recently conducted on benchmarking and quality in e-learning. Despite these efforts in defining and examining quality issues concerning online courses, a defining instrument to evaluate quality is one of the key challenges for blended learning, since it incorporates both traditional and online instruction methods. For this paper, six frameworks for quality assessment of technological enhanced learning were examined and compared regarding similarities and differences. These frameworks aim at the same global objective: the quality of e-learning environment/products. They present different perspectives but also many common issues. Some of them are more specific and related to the course and other are more global and related to institutional aspects. In this work we collected and arrange all the quality criteria identified in order to get a more complete framework and determine if it fits our b-learning environment. We also included elements related to our own b-learning research and experience, acquired during more than 10 years of experience. As a result we have create a new quality reference with a set of dimensions and criteria that should be taken into account when you are analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating a b-learning environment. Besides these perspectives on what to do when you are developing a b-learning environment we have also included pedagogical issues in order to give directions on how to do it to reach the success of the learning. The information, concepts and procedures here presented give support to teachers and instructors, which intend to validate the quality of their blended learning courses.
El problema que enfrenta la institucionalidad estatal argentina es que existe un serio déficit de información no solamente en el momento de evaluar un resultado, sino ya al momento de diseñar la política. Las estadísticas oficiales de hechos vitales, salud y educación son difundidas en el mejor de los casos con un año de atraso. La información de indicadores de salud por su nivel de desagregación no permite conocer las realidades locales. Es posible constatar la falta de información sobre las medidas tomadas para asegurar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones del Estado en lo relativo a políticas y programas de salud mental. Del mismo modo que los organismos internacionales determinan los deficits de los sistemas de atención a la salud mental a través de las brechas de tratamiento y aun cuando no se dispone de estimaciones precisas se habla de brechas de información, que expresarían la distancia entre la información necesaria y la efectivamente disponible (OPS, 2009). Desde el mes de diciembre de 2007 se conforma la Mesa de Trabajo Permanente en Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos, con el objeto de instalar en agenda la necesidad de contar con una legislación que brinde el marco normativo para la transformación del sector. En los meses de octubre y noviembre de 2010 se aprobaron sendas leyes de salud mental en la Provincia de Córdoba y a nivel nacional. Ambas proponen la transformación progresiva en los sistemas de atención a los problemas de salud mental de la población. Desde la Mesa de Trabajo Permanente en Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos se afirma que la legislación es un marco necesario pero no suficiente, en tanto se constata que las princiales violaciones a los derechos humanos se producen en situaciones concretas. El presente proyecto nace de la necesidad de contar con un sistema de información que permita conocer la transformación de los servicios de salud mental en la provincia de Córdoba a partir de la sanción de la ley 9848 de Salud Mental en el mes de octubre de 2010. Una vez logrado este objetivo legislativo, se pretende monitorear la gestión con la formulación de los siguientes interrogantes: ¿a través de qué indicadores medir, evaluar y monitorear si la producción de los servicios de salud mental se lleva adelante desde la perspectiva del enfoque de derechos sancionada en el marco normativo vigente?; ¿cuáles son los indicadores que desde dicha perspectiva los organismos estatales de producción de servicios deben elaborar para el compromiso de acción y la rendición de cuentas frente a la ciudadanía? ¿cuáles son los indicadores que la ciudadanía debe reclamar a los fines de monitorear el cumplimiento de dichos compromisos? La puesta en marcha del Observatorio de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos permitirá analizar las políticas y programas de salud mental desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos y avanzar en el monitoreo de la producción de los servicios de salud mental. Objetivo General: analizar y hacer visible el cumplimiento de los objetivos sancionados en la ley 9848 de Salud Mental a través de la observación, el monitoreo y la incidencia en las políticas de salud mental de la provincia de Córdoba. Metodología: la construcción de indicadores de derechos humanos para la salud mental. El Observatorio de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos pretende dar cuenta de las transformaciones que van a ocurrir a partir de la sanción de la ley 9848. Los resultados esperados están ligados a la producción y difusión de información sistematizada sobre las transformaciones en salud mental, a la vigilancia y el análisis del efecto/impacto de las políticas e incidir en las decisiones. El Observatorio pretende reconocer e integrar la información disponible y proponer indicadores que den cuenta de la situación inicial al momento de la implementación de los marcos normativos y permitir el monitoreo de las transformaciones emergentes. This project stems from the need for an information system designed to show the transformation of mental health services in the province of Cordoba after the enactment of the Mental Health Act 9848 in October 2010. Once achieved this legislative objective is to monitor the management with the formulation of the following questions: through which indicators to measure, evaluate and monitor whether the production of mental health services are carried forward from the perspective of rights-based approach enacted in two laws?, What are the indicators from that perspective the production agencies should develop services for the commitment to action and accountability to the public? What are the indicators that the public should demand that the purpose of monitoring compliance with these commitments? The launch of the Centre for Mental Health and Human Rights will review the policies and mental health programs from the perspective of human rights and progress in monitoring the production of mental health services. General Objective: to analyze and highlight the achievement of the objectives sanctioned by the Mental Health Act 9848 through the observation, monitoring and impact on mental health policy in the province of Cordoba. Methodology: building human rights indicators for mental health Mental Observatory Health and Human Rights aims to account for the changes that will occur after the enactment of Law 9848. The expected results are linked to production and dissemination of systematic information about changes in mental health, surveillance and analysis of the effect / impact and influence policy decisions. The Centre aims to recognize and integrate the available information and propose indicators that account for the initial situation at the time of implementation of regulatory frameworks and allow monitoring of change emerging.
The Kilombero Malaria Project (KMP) attemps to define opperationally useful indicators of levels of transmission and disease and health system relevant monitoring indicators to evaluate the impact of disease control at the community or health facility level. The KMP is longitudinal community based study (N = 1024) in rural Southern Tanzania, investigating risk factors for malarial morbidity and developing household based malaria control strategies. Biweekly morbidity and bimonthly serological, parasitological and drug consumption surveys are carried out in all study households. Mosquito densities are measured biweekly in 50 sentinel houses by timed light traps. Determinants of transmission and indicators of exposure were not strongly aggregated within households. Subjective morbidity (recalled fever), objective morbidity (elevated body temperature and high parasitaemia) and chloroquine consumption were strongly aggregated within a few households. Nested analysis of anti-NANP40 antibody suggest that only approximately 30% of the titer variance can explained by household clustering and that the largest proportion of antibody titer variability must be explained by non-measured behavioral determinants relating to an individual's level of exposure within a household. Indicators for evaluation and monitoring and outcome measures are described within the context of health service management to describe control measure output in terms of community effectiveness.
Part One explores the background factors relating to new school establishment, outlines the views received as a result of consultation with the public and the New Schools Advisory Committee (NSAC) and reviews international practice in relation to establishment of new schools. The population of the country experienced an unprecedented increase in the past ten years. Despite the current economic downturn, the effect of this recent population increase is that growth in demand for school places is set to increase over the short to medium term. The overriding objective is to ensure that a school place is available to every child. Part Two explores issues around planning for new schools in the future. It discusses patron selection, the mechanism for identifying the need for a new school and proposals for cost effectiveness, including campus arrangements. A school is of central importance to a local community and therefore the establishment of a new school must be carried out with reference to the overall plan of the local authority for any given area. Guidelines published under Section 28 of the Planning Act entitled “The Provision of Schools and the Planning System” (July 2008) establish a 7 framework for co-operation between the Department and planning authorities to ensure the timely and cost-effective provision of school facilities.
The authors give the first description of evangelicalism in Switzerland using representative data. It is shown that evangelicalism can be conceived of as a "milieu" which is characterized by certain structural and cultural traits, boundaries and high internal communication. The relative success of the evangelical milieu compared to other religious milieus is explained by its remarkable ability to retain its own numerous offspring, while on the other hand providing a "religious product" that is also attractive to people without an evangelical familial background. Les auteurs utilisent des données représentatives afin de faire, pour la première fois, une description de l'évangélisme en Suisse. Ils montrent qu'on peut parler de l'évangélisme comme d'un "milieu'' qui se caractérise par certains attributs structurels et culturels, des frontières et une communication interne élevée. Le succès relatif du milieu évangélique comparé à d'autres milieux s'explique par sa capacité remarquable à retenir les enfants de ses membres dans le mouvement tout en offrant un "produit religieux'' attractif aux personnes sans arrière-fond évangélique.
INTRODUCTION: The 2004 version of the World Health Organization classification subdivides thymic epithelial tumors into A, AB, B1, B2, and B3 (and rare other) thymomas and thymic carcinomas (TC). Due to a morphological continuum between some thymoma subtypes and some morphological overlap between thymomas and TC, a variable proportion of cases may pose problems in classification, contributing to the poor interobserver reproducibility in some studies. METHODS: To overcome this problem, hematoxylin-eosin-stained and immunohistochemically processed sections of prototypic, "borderland," and "combined" thymomas and TC (n = 72) were studied by 18 pathologists at an international consensus slide workshop supported by the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group. RESULTS: Consensus was achieved on refined criteria for decision making at the A/AB borderland, the distinction between B1, B2, and B3 thymomas and the separation of B3 thymomas from TCs. "Atypical type A thymoma" is tentatively proposed as a new type A thymoma variant. New reporting strategies for tumors with more than one histological pattern are proposed. CONCLUSION: These guidelines can set the stage for reproducibility studies and the design of a clinically meaningful grading system for thymic epithelial tumors.
Tutkimus koostuu neljästä artikkelista, jotka käsittelevät suomalaisten pienten ja keskisuurten teollisuusyritysten (PKT-yritysten) innovatiivisuutta, sen attribuutteja (ominaispiirteitä) sekä indikaattoreita. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan sekä kirjallisuudessa esitettyjä että PKT-johtajien ja PKT-yritystenkehityshankkeiden rahoituspäätöksiin osallistuvien yritystutkijoiden haastatteluissa esittämiä innovatiivisuuden määritelmiä. Innovatiivisuusindikaattoreista tarkastellaan PKT-yritysten kehittämishankkeille sovellettavia rahoitus- ja arviointikriteerejä sekä yritysten ulkopuolisten rahoittajien että PKT-johtajien näkökulmasta. Erityistä huomiota kohdistetaan sovellettuihin laadullisiin ja ei-numeerisiin innovatiivisuuden arviointikriteereihin. Sekä kirjallisuudessa että kymmenen yritystutkijan ja kuuden esimerkkiyrityksen johtajan haastatteluissa innovaation uutuus yhdistetään innovatiivisuuteen. Muita tärkeitä innovatiivisuuteen liitettyjä ominaisuuksia olivat markkinat, muista yrityksistä erottuminen ja yksilöiden luovuus. Ihmisläheiset ja yksilöihin liittyvät näkökulmat korostuvat yritystutkijoiden ja PKT-johtajien innovatiivisuuden määritelmissä, kun taas kirjallisuudessa annetaan enemmän painoa ympäristölle, tuotteille ja markkinoille. Yritystutkijat pitivät yritykseen ja sen johtajaan liittyviä tekijöitä tärkeinä rahoitettavien kehittämishankkeiden panosten arviointikriteereinä. Tuotteiden kaupallinen menestys oli rahoittajan kannalta tärkein tulostekijä. Tarkastelluissa esimerkkiyrityksissä kehityshankkeista päättäminen ja hankkeiden arviointi on toisaalta intuitiivista ja saattaa olla tiedostamatontakin, koska yritysten kehittämistoiminta on vähäistä. Pienyritysten johtajat korostavat arvioinnissa rahallisiamittareita, vaikka sekä numeerisia että laadullisia kriteereitä sovelletaan. Todennäköisin syy tälle on pienyritysten rajalliset taloudelliset voimavarat. Toinen mahdollinen syy rahoituksellisten tekijöiden painottamiseen on, että tämän päivän ihannejohtaja ymmärretään analyyttiseksi ja mm.rahavirtoja valvovaksi. Kuitenkin innovatiiviset yritysjohtajat pitävät innovaatioiden luomista yhtenä elämän hauskoista puolista. Innovatiiviset esimerkkiyritykset ovat tulevaisuuteen ja kasvuun suuntautuneita strategisella tasolla. Operationaalisella tasolla ne tuottavat keksintöjä ja innovaatioita. Patentteja tarkastelluilla yrityksillä on kuitenkin vähän. Sekä innovatiiviset että vähemmän innovatiiviset esimerkkiyritykset ovat voimakkaasti asiakassuuntautuneita ja erikoistuneita tiettyihin tuotteisiin ja asiakkaisiin. Asiakkaiden tarpeita tyydytetään kehittämällä niitä vastaavia tuotteita. Tästä johtuu, että valtaosa yritysten kehittämistoiminnasta kohdistuu tuotteisiin tai tuotantoon.