817 resultados para Criminal Recidivism
Objective: The authors evaluated and synthesised the best-available evidence relating to the effectiveness of CJLD service models with respect to changes in mental health status and/or criminal recidivism.Methods: Research examining the effectiveness of CJLD services when compared to traditional Criminal Justice System (CJS) responses was reviewed and systematically appraised according to Campbell/Cochrane guidelines. Key outcomes included a reduction in offending and post-intervention changes in mental health. Results: Comprehensive searches of published and unpublished literature identified 6571 studies which varied considerably in terms of their methodological approach and overall quality. Ten studies met the inclusion criteria. The synthesised findings indicated that, when compared to traditional CJS outcomes, CJLD services appeared to be effective in terms of identifying MDOs and impacting positively on criminal justice and mental health outcomes.Conclusions: Although the evidence may be deemed to be moderate in terms of methodological rigour, overall, the findings suggest that CJLD services can be beneficial. The effectiveness of services depends upon the model of service delivery, the availability of community services and the engagement of MDOs.The successful implementation of CJLD services requires a clearer recognition of the importance of system of care principles.
Esta dissertação teve como diretriz principal percecionar até que ponto a educação se torna eficaz como política pública capaz de ajudar a enfrentar a criminalidade. Tal enfrentamento ocorre por dois vieses distintos; O primeiro tem caráter mais preventivo, de modo que a educação tem sua atuação voltada à prevenção da criminalidade; enquanto o segundo viés consiste em prevenir a reincidência criminal com a aplicação de políticas educativas a apenados. Neste trabalho de investigação realizou-se uma breve revisão bibliográfica, abrangendo alguns autores teóricos que enfatizaram como se dá o processo de aquisição e desenvolvimento do conhecimento no indivíduo, dentre os quais constam: Descartes, Rousseau, Kant, além de Piaget e Vygotsky. A pesquisa consistiu em levantamento nos processos julgados pela comarca de João Pessoa do Tribunal do Júri no ano de 2011, a fim de verificar o grau de escolaridade dos réus, bem como no Estabelecimento Prisional, com vistas a levantamentos sobre a reincidência criminal. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que é latente a eficácia da educação como política pública de combate a criminalidade. Foi apurada também, a enorme economia financeira que produziria uma maior concentração de investimentos educativos em detrimento de investimentos em segurança pública.
BACKGROUND: In light of evidence showing reduced criminal recidivism and cost savings, adult drug treatment courts have grown in popularity. However, the potential spillover benefits to family members are understudied. OBJECTIVES: To examine: (1) the overlap between parents who were convicted of a substance-related offense and their children's involvement with child protective services (CPS); and (2) whether parental participation in an adult drug treatment court program reduces children's risk for CPS involvement. METHODS: Administrative data from North Carolina courts, birth records, and social services were linked at the child level. First, children of parents convicted of a substance-related offense were matched to (a) children of parents convicted of a nonsubstance-related offense and (b) those not convicted of any offense. Second, we compared children of parents who completed a DTC program with children of parents who were referred but did not enroll, who enrolled for <90 days but did not complete, and who enrolled for 90+ days but did not complete. Multivariate logistic regression was used to model group differences in the odds of being reported to CPS in the 1 to 3 years following parental criminal conviction or, alternatively, being referred to a DTC program. RESULTS: Children of parents convicted of a substance-related offense were at greater risk of CPS involvement than children whose parents were not convicted of any charge, but DTC participation did not mitigate this risk. Conclusion/Importance: The role of specialty courts as a strategy for reducing children's risk of maltreatment should be further explored.
Ao longo dos últimos anos a reforma dos sistemas prisionais e a eficácia da reinserção social têm vindo a integrar as agendas políticas dos governos dos países europeus. Esta reforma deriva de vários problemas e carências com que se debatem os diversos sistemas prisionais, nomeadamente a sobrelotação, o ambiente propício à violência, o consumo de drogas, a inactividade do recluso e o elevado índice de reincidência criminal. Porém, qualquer reforma que se venha a delinear compreende matérias muito complexas que vão desde os direitos humanos aos recursos humanos e financeiros, imperativos legais, bem como a conciliação entre a punição e a ressocialização. Estas matérias não dependem apenas da vontade política, mas igualmente da sociedade, a qual ainda ergue barreiras à reinserção, tratando o ex-recluso como um excluído da sociedade. Neste sentido, os estudos universitários constituem um elemento chave na procura de soluções para esta problemática, na medida em que se servem das várias áreas do saber para de alguma forma contribuir com possíveis soluções, tendo em vista a melhoria de todo o sistema prisional e a eficácia da reinserção social. Esta dissertação tem assim como objectivo apresentar os principais modelos de sistemas prisionais adoptados em países europeus e efectuar uma comparação entre estes. Pretende-se retirar os aspectos mais relevantes de cada sistema e que têm contribuído para a melhoria das condições dos reclusos e do aumento da reinserção destes na sociedade, bem como na diminuição da taxa de reincidência criminal.
Dans ce mémoire, nous examinons le fichage de la délinquance sexuelle dont les divers régimes juridiques reposent sur l’idée que ces contrevenants présentent un risque réel de récidive criminelle. Les données scientifiques sur la délinquance sexuelle relativisent ce risque et attestent qu’il est quasi absent dans un très grand nombre de cas. Il existe donc une dichotomie entre les prémisses du droit et les connaissances issues des sciences sociales et humaines sur cette question. Le fichage de cette délinquance au Canada donne lieu à des mécanismes administratifs provinciaux en plus d’un régime fédéral contenu au Code criminel. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que le fichage provincial emporte de véritables conséquences pénales sur les délinquants sexuels, affectent leurs droits en vertu de l’article 7 de la Charte et contrecarre des principes de justice fondamentale. Ensuite, nous examinons le régime fédéral intégré au Code criminel et nous argumentons que ce mécanisme juridique crée une mesure punitive de la nature d’une peine. Par conséquent, le fichage fédéral devrait être aménagé de façon à satisfaire aux garanties constitutionnelles propres à la peine et aux principes généraux de la détermination de la peine en vertu de la Partie XXIII du Code criminel. Nous concluons que les législateurs successifs ont créé des régimes juridiques régissant le fichage de la délinquance sexuelle en écartant les principes fondamentaux administratifs, criminels et constitutionnels qui devraient présider à l’élaboration des règles concernant ce stigmate de la criminalité. Les tribunaux, par leur interprétation, ont également déqualifié cette stigmatisation de la criminalité sexuelle à titre de peine. Le droit relatif au fichage de la délinquance sexuelle donne donc lieu à une érosion des principes fondamentaux de la justice criminelle et punitive.
L’Inventaire des risques et des besoins liés aux facteurs criminogènes (IRBC) est un instrument utilisé depuis le début des années 1990 pour évaluer les risques de récidive des jeunes contrevenants québécois. Il est le produit d’une collaboration du Québec avec l’Ontario, survenue dans le cadre de travaux de recherche effectués sur les instruments d’évaluation du risque de récidive des jeunes contrevenants. L’IRBC est donc le seul instrument précisément conçu pour évaluer les risques de récidive des jeunes contrevenants québécois et il n’a jamais fait l’objet d’une démarche visant à tester sa validité prédictive. Le but de ce projet de mémoire est de tester la validité prédictive de l’IRBC. Des analyses de courbes ROC et des analyses de survie ont été utilisées pour tester les propriétés métriques de l’instrument. Ces analyses suggèrent que, dans l’ensemble, l’IRBC arrive à prédire la récidive de façon acceptable. Quatre des huit grands domaines associés à la récidive, communément appelé BIG FOUR, seraient des prédicteurs modérés de la récidive lorsque testés avec les données issues de l’IRBC. Il s’agit des domaines Antécédents, Pairs, Personnalité-Comportements, et Attitudes-Tendances. Des aspects en lien avec la fidélité de l’instrument témoignent toutefois d’irrégularités dans le processus d’évaluation, ce qui interroge le niveau de rigueur maintenu au jour le jour par les professionnels. Des aspects en lien avec la fidélité de l’IRBC demeureraient à investiguer.
O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as condições de vida da população carcerária em dois presídios localizados no Recife (PE), e verificar o quanto tais condições implicam na reincidência criminal. O estudo foi baseado em uma revisão de literatura sobre o tema, realizada a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica em livros, revistas, e artigos publicados na Internet, tudo devidamente citado. E, também, contou com uma pesquisa de campo, realizada nas unidades penitenciárias – Presídio Aníbal Bruno e Penitenciária Feminina do Recife. Concluiu-se que o preso que cumpre pena nos presídios do Estado de Pernambuco, apesar do projeto de ressocialização da SERES, ainda vive em condições desumanas: sem acomodações, sem trabalho, sem assistência psicológica, sem projetos sócioeducacionais, sem atividades recreativas, entre outras coisas. A recuperação de um preso para o convívio social traz benefícios para a sociedade, para o Estado e para o indivíduo que cumpriu pena e, ao deixar a prisão, pode voltar a viver dignamente, consciente de que cometeu um erro e de que não voltará a errar. / The aim of this study is evaluate the living conditions of prison population in two prisons located in Recife (PE), and check how these conditions imply the criminal recidivism. The study was based on a review of literature on subject, carried out a search on books, journals, and articles published on Internet, all properly cited. And, too, had a field research conducted in the prison units - Anibal Bruno prison in Recife and Women's Penitentiary. It was concluded that the prisoner who is serving a sentence in the prisons of State of Pernambuco, despite the project's resocialization SERES, still live in inhuman conditions: no accommodations, no work, no psychological, social and educational projects without, no recreational activities, among other things. The recovery of a prisoner for social contact has benefits for society, for the State and the individual who served and, on leaving the prison, can return to live with dignity, knowing you made a mistake and that he will not err.
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Restorative justice is “a process whereby parties with a stake in a specific offence resolve collectively how to deal with the aftermath of the offence and its implications for the future” (Marshall 2003). Despite the increasing use of restorative justice programmes as an alternative to court proceedings, no systematic review has been undertaken of the available evidence on the effectiveness of these programmes with young offenders. Recidivism in young offenders is a particularly worrying problem, as recent surveys have indicated
the frequency of re-offences for young offenders has ranged from 40.2% in 2000 to 37.8% in 2007 (Ministry of Justice 2009)
To evaluate the effects of restorative justice conferencing programmes for reducing recidivism in young offenders.
Search methods
We searched the following databases up to May 2012: CENTRAL, 2012 Issue 5, MEDLINE (1978 to current), Bibliography of Nordic Criminology (1999 to current), Index to Theses (1716 to current), PsycINFO (1887 to current), Social Sciences Citation Index (1970 to current), Sociological Abstracts (1952 to current), Social Care Online (1985 to current), Restorative Justice Online (1975 to current), Scopus (1823 to current), Science Direct (1823 to current), LILACS (1982 to current), ERIC (1966 to current), Restorative Justice Online (4May 2012),WorldCat (9May 2012), ClinicalTrials.gov (19May 2012) and ICTRP (19May 2012). ASSIA,National Criminal Justice Reference Service and Social Services Abstracts were searched up to May 2011. Relevant bibliographies, conference programmes and journals were also searched.
Selection criteria
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-RCTs of restorative justice conferencing versus management as usual, in young offenders.
Data collection and analysis
Two authors independently assessed the risk of bias of included trials and extracted the data. Where necessary, original investigators were contacted to obtain missing information.
Main results
Four trials including a total of 1447 young offenders were included in the review. Results failed to find a significant effect for restorative justice conferencing over normal court procedures for any of the main analyses, including number re-arrested (odds ratio (OR) 1.00, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.59 to 1.71; P = 0.99), monthly rate of reoffending (standardised mean difference (SMD) -0.06, 95% CI -0.28 to 0.16; P = 0.61), young person’s remorse following conference (OR 1.73, 95% CI 0.97 to 3.10; P = 0.06), young person’s recognition of wrongdoing following conference (OR 1.97, 95% CI 0.81 to 4.80; P = 0.14), young person’s self-perception following conference (OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.55 to 1.63; P = 0.85), young person’s satisfaction following conference (OR 0.42, 95% CI 0.04 to 4.07; P = 0.45) and victim’s satisfaction following conference (OR 4.05, 95%CI 0.56 to 29.04; P = 0.16). A small number of sensitivity analyses did indicate significant effects, although all are to be interpreted with caution.
Authors’ conclusions
There is currently a lack of high quality evidence regarding the effectiveness of restorative justice conferencing for young offenders. Caution is urged in interpreting the results of this review considering the small number of included studies, subsequent low power and high risk of bias. The effects may potentially be more evident for victims than offenders. The need for further research in this area is highlighted.
This study investigated, retrospectively, whether recidivism in a sample of court-ordered'graduates of an alcohol education and awareness program could be predicted. This alcohol education program was based on adult education principles and was philosophically akin to the thoughts of Drs. Jack Mezirow, Stephen Brookfield, and Patricia Cranton. Data on the sample of 214 Halton IDEA (Impaired Driver Education and Awareness) graduates were entered into a spread sheet. Descriptive statistics were generated. Each of the 214 program graduates had taken several tests during the course of the IDEA program. These tests measured knowledge, attitude about impaired driving, and degree of alcohol involvement. Test scores were analyzed to determine whether those IDEA graduates who recidivated differed in any measurable way from those who had no further criminal convictions after a period of at least three years. Their criminal records were obtained from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). Those program graduates who reoffended were compared to the vast majority who did not reoffend. Results of the study indicated that there was no way to determine who would recidivate from the data that were collected. Further studies could use a qualitative model. Follow-up interviews could be used to determine what impact, if any, attendance at the IDEA program had on the life of the graduates.
The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the 1985 ”Employment Services for Ex-Offenders” (ESEO) program on recidivism. Initially, the sample has been split randomly in a control group and a treatment group. However, the actual treatment (mainly being job related counseling) only takes place conditional on finding a job, and not having been arrested, for those selected in the treatment group. We use a multiple proportional hazard model with unobserved heterogeneity for job seach and recidivism time which incorporates the conditional treatment effect. We find that the program helps to reduce criminal activity, contrary to the result of the previous analysis of this data set. This finding is important for crime prevention policy.
Includes index.
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