929 resultados para Counterproductive behaviours


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Non-state insurgent actors are too weak to compel powerful adversaries to their will, so they use violence to coerce. A principal objective is to grow and sustain violent resistance to the point that it either militarily challenges the state, or more commonly, generates unacceptable political costs. To survive, insurgents must shift popular support away from the state and to grow they must secure it. State actor policies and actions perceived as illegitimate and oppressive by the insurgent constituency can generate these shifts. A promising insurgent strategy is to attack states in ways that lead angry publics and leaders to discount the historically established risks and take flawed but popular decisions to use repressive measures. Such decisions may be enabled by a visceral belief in the power of coercion and selective use of examples of where robust measures have indeed suppressed resistance. To avoid such counterproductive behaviours the cases of apparent 'successful repression' must be understood. This thesis tests whether robust state action is correlated with reduced support for insurgents, analyses the causal mechanisms of such shifts and examines whether such reduction is because of compulsion or coercion? The approach is founded on prior research by the RAND Corporation which analysed the 30 insurgencies most recently resolved worldwide to determine factors of counterinsurgent success. This new study first re-analyses their data at a finer resolution with new queries that investigate the relationship between repression and insurgent active support. Having determined that, in general, repression does not correlate with decreased insurgent support, this study then analyses two cases in which the data suggests repression seems likely to be reducing insurgent support: the PKK in Turkey and the insurgency against the Vietnamese-sponsored regime after their ousting of the Khmer Rouge. It applies 'structured-focused' case analysis with questions partly built from the insurgency model of Leites and Wolf, who are associated with the advocacy of US robust means in Vietnam. This is thus a test of 'most difficult' cases using a 'least likely' test model. Nevertheless, the findings refute the deterrence argument of 'iron fist' advocates. Robust approaches may physically prevent effective support of insurgents but they do not coercively deter people from being willing to actively support the insurgency.


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La présente thèse de doctorat porte sur les processus internes au sein des équipes de travail pluriculturelles. Cette thèse se compose de trois articles et propose, d’une part, une mesure validée des valeurs culturelles au niveau individuel en langue française et, d’autre part, une mesure du degré d’homogénéité culturelle au sein des équipes de travail (ci-après ÉT). En outre, elle se penche sur la vérification empirique des nombreux liens entre l’homogénéité culturelle et les processus internes au sein des ÉT postulés par les auteurs mais jamais vérifiés empiriquement. Le premier article a pour but de faire le point sur la documentation scientifique concernant les équipes de travail pluriculturelles. Il présente une recension de la documentation portant sur ce type d’équipe, notamment l’impact présumé de la culture sur les comportements d’équipier, et les effets de la diversité culturelle sur la performance de l’équipe et sur ses processus internes. Le deuxième article, quant à lui, a pour objectif de valider la mesure des dimensions culturelles de Hofstede (1980, 1991, 1994) sur une base individuelle et en langue française. Cette étude a été réalisée en adaptant deux questionnaires, l’un développé par Hellmann (2000) et mesurant les dimensions culturelles de distance hiérarchique, de masculinité, de contrôle de l’incertitude et de collectivisme, et le second développé par Bearden, Money et Nevins (2006) et mesurant la dimension d’orientation à long terme. L’échantillon se compose de 453 répondants tous étudiants dans des programmes de baccalauréat à l’Université de Montréal et à l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Les résultats des deux analyses factorielles exploratoires effectuées ont fait ressortir sept facteurs distincts expliquant 41.6% de la variance pour le premier questionnaire et 61.6% de la variance pour le second. La composition de l’échantillon n’a pas permis de conduire d’analyse de variance afin de vérifier s’il se trouvait des différences significatives entre les différents groupes culturels de l’échantillon à l’étude, et ce, pour chacune des dimensions culturelles. Les limites de la recherche ainsi que des suggestions de recherches futures sont proposées. Enfin, le troisième article se penche sur les liens, postulés par de nombreux auteurs mais jamais confirmés empiriquement, entre l’homogénéité culturelle dans les équipes et les processus internes de l’équipe en termes de comportements productifs et de comportements contre-productifs. Afin d’étudier cette réalité, l’instrumentation de Hofstede (1980, 1991), conçue pour capter des différences au niveau des nations, a été opérationnalisée au niveau des individus (Temimi, Savoie et Duguay, 2008) et mis en relation avec les processus internes se déroulant au sein de l’équipe (Duguay, Temimi et Savoie, 2008; Rousseau, 2003; Temimi et Savoie, 2007). Cette étude a été réalisée auprès de 67 équipes variant en termes d’homogénéité culturelle. Les résultats indiquent que le degré d’homogénéité culturelle global s’avère positivement relié aux comportements productifs de l’équipe et négativement relié aux comportements contre-productifs. De plus, le degré d’homogénéité de la dimension culturelle de féminité ressort négativement relié aux comportements contre-productifs de flânerie sociale et de domination.


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The impact of service direction, service training and staff behaviours on perceptions of service delivery are examined. The impact of managerial behaviour in the form of internal market orientation (IMO) on the attitudes of frontline staff towards the firm and its consequent influence on their customer oriented behaviours is also examined. Frontline service staff working in the consumer transport industry were surveyed to provide subjective data about the constructs of interest in this study, and the data were analysed using structural equations modelling employing partial least squares estimation. The data indicate significant relationships between internal market orientation (IMO), the attitudes of the employees to the firm and their consequent behaviour towards customers. Customer orientation, service direction and service training are all identified as antecedents to high levels of service delivery. The study contributes to marketing theory by providing quantitative evidence to support assumptions that internal marketing has an impact on services success. For marketing practitioners, the research findings offer additional information about the management, training and motivation of service staff towards service excellence.


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Crash data involving taxis indicates that such drivers are over represented in crashes and are one to two times more likely to be involved in a fatality crash. This study reports on the pre intervention survey to provide a baseline measure of the self-reported attitudes and corresponding driving behaviours of a sample of taxi drivers. Results indicate that some taxi drivers willingly admit to engaging in unsafe driving practices. In addition, preliminary results of a post intervention survey revealed that taxi drivers’ safety perceptions, attitude and behaviours improved after completing a Driving Diary intervention.


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This paper summarises findings from a survey of user behaviors and intentions towards digital media and information in Australia. It was undertaken in the first quarter of 2009 by the Queensland University of Technology Creative Industries Faculty and was funded by the Smart Services Cooperative Research Centre. The survey targeted users of 2 news and information sites that are available online only. Findings highlighted differences between the 18-24 year age segment and older users. Social networks (specifically friends and family) were rated as the least reliable, relevant and accurate sources of news. Other findings indicate online news sources that are associated with an established newspaper are highly valued as reliable, relevant and accurate news sources by most people. While most people prefer to use online news sources, there is a great deal of variation in the ways in which people actually use online news. From a total of 524 respondents to the survey it was possible to identify three main types of online news consumers: convenience, loyal and customising users.


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This paper examines the variance in binge-drinking attitudes and behaviours between university student cohorts from Western and Eastern countries who reside in Australia. In particular, we investigate the impact of social influence on these consumer responses. An online survey resulted in 190 useable responses from university students at three different Australian universities. The results show that students from Western countries consume alcohol at higher levels and demonstrate more ‘approach’ behaviours towards binge-drinking, whereas students from Eastern countries demonstrate more ‘avoid’ behaviours. Social distancing from drunk or story-telling people is evident as students from Eastern countries while students from Western countries were more likely to indulge in story-telling and either ignored or encouraged surrounding people who were drunk.


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This paper reports findings from a study of user behaviours and intentions towards online news and information in Australia, undertaken by the Queensland University of Technology Creative Industries Faculty and the Smart Services Cooperative Research Centre. It has used a literature review, online survey, focus groups and interviews to explore attitudes and behaviours towards online news and information. The literature review on consumer user of online media highlighted emerging technical opportunities, and flagged existing barriers to access experienced by consumers in the Australian digital media sector. The literature review highlighted multiple disconnects between consumer interests in online news and their ability to fulfil them. This presents an opportunity for news entities to appraise and resolve. Doing so may enhance their service offering, attract consumers and improve loyalty. These themes were further explored by the survey. The survey results revealed three typologies of user, described as ‘convenience’, ‘loyal’ and ‘customising’. Convenience users tend to access news by default, for example when they log out of email. Loyal users seek out a trusted brand such as mainstream news mastheads. Customising users tend to tailor news to their preferences, and be the first to use leading edge media. Respondents to the survey were then invited to participate in focus groups, which aimed to test the survey results. Consumer perceptions and attitudes are important factors in progression towards an information economy, because ultimately consumers are customers. By segmenting the online news market according to customer typology, media providers may identify new opportunities to attract and retain customers.