893 resultados para Cost-controlled solutions
Life cycle costing (LCC) practices are spreading from military and construction sectors to wider area of industries. Suppliers as well as customers are demanding comprehensive cost knowledge that includes all relevant cost elements through the life cycle of products. The problem of total cost visibility is being acknowledged and the performance of suppliers is evaluated not just by low acquisition costs of their products, but by total value provided through the life time of their offerings. The main purpose of this thesis is to provide better understanding of product cost structure to the case company. Moreover, comprehensive theoretical body serves as a guideline or methodology for further LCC process. Research includes the constructive analysis of LCC related concepts and features as well as overview of life cycle support services in manufacturing industry. The case study aims to review the existing LCC practices within the case company and provide suggestions for improvements. It includes identification of most relevant life cycle cost elements, development of cost breakdown structure and generic cost model for data collection. Moreover, certain cost-effective suggestions are provided as well. This research should support decision making processes, assessment of economic viability of products, financial planning, sales and other processes within the case company.
A large number of reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures built in earthquake-prone areas such as Haiti are vulnerable to strong ground motions. Structures in developing countries need low-cost seismic retrofit solutions to reduce their vulnerability. This paper investigates the feasibility of using masonry infill walls to reduce deformations and damage caused by strong ground motions in brittle and weak RC frames designed only for gravity loads. A numerical experiment was conducted in which several idealized prototypes representing RC frame structures of school buildings damaged during the Port-au-Prince earthquake (Haiti, 2010) were strengthened by adding elements representing masonry infill walls arranged in different configurations. Each configuration was characterized by the ratio Rm of the area of walls in the direction of the ground motion (in plan) installed in each story to the total floor area. The numerical representations of these idealized RC frame structures with different values of Rm were (hypothetically) subjected to three major earthquakes with peak ground accelerations of approximately 0.5g. The results of the non-linear dynamic response analyses were summarized in tentative relationships between Rm and four parameters commonly used to characterize the seismic response of structures: interstory drift, Park and Ang indexes of damage, and total amount of energy dissipated by the main frame. It was found that Rm=4% is a reasonable minimum design value for seismic retrofitting purposes in cases in which available resources are not sufficient to afford conventional retrofit measures.
The problem of sharing a cost M among n individuals, identified by some characteristic ci∈R+,ci∈R+, appears in many real situations. Two important proposals on how to share the cost are the egalitarian and the proportional solutions. In different situations a combination of both distributions provides an interesting approach to the cost sharing problem. In this paper we obtain a family of (compromise) solutions associated to the Perron’s eigenvectors of Levinger’s transformations of a characteristics matrix A. This family includes both the egalitarian and proportional solutions, as well as a set of suitable intermediate proposals, which we analyze in some specific contexts, as claims problems and inventory cost games.
Dissertação de mestrado em sustentabilidade do ambiente construido
Adsorption of one nondissociating and four dissociating aromatic compounds onto three untreated activated carbons from dilute aqueous solutions were investigated. All adsorption experiments were preformed in pH-controlled solutions. The experimental isotherms were analyzed using the homogeneous Langmuir model. The surface chemical properties of the activated carbons were characterized using a combination of water adsorption, X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, and mass titration. These data give rise to a new insight into the adsorption mechanism of aromatic solutes, in their molecular and ionic forms, onto untreated activated carbons. It was found that, for the hydrophilic activated carbons, the dominant adsorption forces were observed to be dipolar interactions when the solutes were in their molecular form whereas dispersive forces, such as pi-pi interactions, were most likely dominant in the case of the basic hydrophobic carbons. However, when the solutes were in their ionic form adsorption occurs in all cases through dispersive forces.
This theoretical study analyzes the relation between the measures necessesary for the energy retrofitting of a residential building constructed in Madrid, their cost and the improvement of the energy rating of the dwellings. The aim of this work is to establish an evaluation methodology that allows developers and architects to obtain conclusions and orientates therm in the decisioin-making process. It will allow finding the most suitable cost-effective solutions in each case. This paper describes the methodology and the findings obtained. Energy retrofitting and the improvement of the energy behaviour of the building depend on the selection of the retrofitting solutions and also on the investment. In this case study to achieve the best energy rates it is necessary to improve the thermal performance of the envelope as well as the energy systems. Energy retrofitting means an increase in property value but it can't only be considered in economic terms. It is necessary to take into account unquantifiable aspects as increased comfort, improved sound insulation, livability, health, or the elimination of energy poverty situations.
Multipulse rectifier topologies based on autoconnections are increasingly applied as interface stages between mains and power electronics converters. These topologies are attractive and cost-effective solutions for meeting the requirements of low total harmonic distortion of line current and high power factor. Furthermore, as only a small fraction of the total power required by the load is processed in the magnetic core, the overall resulting volume and weight are reduced. This paper proposes a mathematical analysis based on phasor diagrams that results in a single and general expression capable of unifying all delta and wye step-up or step-down autotransformer connections for 12-and 18-pulse ac-dc converters. The expression obtained allows the choice of a wide range of input/output voltage ratio for step-up or step-down autotransformer, and this general expression is also presented in a graphical form for each converter. Moreover, it simplifies the procedure for determining turn ratios and polarities for all windings of the autotransformer. A routine for easy and fast calculations is developed and validated by a design example. Finally, experimental results are presented along with comments on a 6-kW 220-V line voltage, 400-V rectified voltage, and 18-pulse delta-autoconnected prototype.
In recent years it has been noticed the progressive disappearance of vernacular sustainable building technologies all over the world mainly due to a strong urban rehabilitation process with modern technologies not compatible with ancient knowledge. Simultaneously new dwellings are needed all over the world and in this sense it was decided to study an ecological and cost-controlled building technology of monolithic walls that can combine the use of low carbon footprint materials, such as earth, fibres and lime using an invasive species: giant reed cane (Arundo Donax). This paper explains the development of this building technology through testing diverse prototypes.
PhD thesis in Bioengineering
The research of stereotactic apparatus to guide surgical devices began in 1908, yet a major part of today's stereotactic neurosurgeries still rely on stereotactic frames developed almost half a century ago. Robots excel at handling spatial information, and are, thus, obvious candidates in the guidance of instrumentation along precisely planned trajectories. In this review, we introduce the concept of stereotaxy and describe a standard stereotactic neurosurgery. Neurosurgeons' expectations and demands regarding the role of robots as assistive tools are also addressed. We list the most successful robotic systems developed specifically for or capable of executing stereotactic neurosurgery. A critical review is presented for each robotic system, emphasizing the differences between them and detailing positive features and drawbacks. An analysis of the listed robotic system features is also undertaken, in the context of robotic application in stereotactic neurosurgery. Finally, we discuss the current perspective, and future directions of a robotic technology in this field. All robotic systems follow a very similar and structured workflow despite the technical differences that set them apart. No system unequivocally stands out as an absolute best. The trend of technological progress is pointing toward the development of miniaturized cost-effective solutions with more intuitive interfaces.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Yhä suurempi osa suurkeittiöistä ja ravintoloista käyttää ruuan valmistuksessa valmiiksi prosessoituja kasviksia, jotka hankitaan pääasiassa lähellä sijaitsevista tilakuorimoista. Kuorimoilla syntyy suuria määriä jätettä, enimmäkseen kuorijätteitä, multaa ja jätevettä. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan perunankuorimoiden kuorintamenetelmiä ja kuorintaprosessia, prosessissa syntyviä jätteitä ja niiden käsittelyä sekä ympäristöasioiden hallintamenetel-miä kuorimoilla Suomessa ja muissa EU-maissa. Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälainen on lainsäädäntö ja minkälaiset ovat kuorimotoimintaa koskevat lupakäytännöt Ruotsissa, Saksassa, Belgiassa ja Iso-Britanniassa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko näissä maissa määritelty, millainen on perunankuorimoille soveltuva paras käyttökelpoinen tekniikka (BAT) erityisesti jätteiden käsittelyssä. Euroopan yhteisön neuvoston direktiivi (96/61/EY) ympäristön pilaantumisen ehkäisemisen ja vähentämisen yhtenäistämiseksi edellyttää perunankuorimoilta toimintaansa ympäristöluvan. Laitosten koko, joilta ympäristölupa vaaditaan, vaihtelee suuresti eri maissa. Myös kuorimoiden jäteveden puhdistusvaatimukset vaihtelevat maittain. Belgi-assa ja Saksassa perunankuorimoilla syntyville jätevesille on asetettu päästöraja-arvot laissa. Kansallinen BAT-ohjeistus vihanneksia ja hedelmiä jatkojalostavalle teollisuudelleon tehty Belgiassa ja Iso-Britanniassa. Sen sijaan Saksassa ja Ruotsissa kansallista ohjeistusta ei ole tehty. Kansallisten BAT-ohjeistusten pohjalta Euroopan yhteisöjen komissio on julkaissut tammikuussa 2006 elintarviketeollisuudelle BAT-vertailuasiakirjan eli BREFin (BAT Referense Document), joissa kuvataan yleisellä tasolla BAT-tekniikoiksi sovitut tekniikat mm. perunan prosessoinnissa. Tässä työssä tuli ilmi, että kokoerot Suomen ja tässä työssä tarkasteltavien maiden kuo-rimoiden välillä ovat suuret. Voidaankin todeta, että tässä työssä tarkastelluissa BAT - ohjeistuksissa ja Euroopan komission BREF-dokumentissa esitetyt BAT-tekniikat etenkin jätevedenpuhdistuksessa eivät suoraan ole sovellettavissa Suomen olosuhteisiin kuorimoidemme pienestä koosta johtuen. Kiinteiden kuorintajätteiden käsittelyssä BAT-tekniikoiksi ulkomailla on määritelty lä-hinnä rehukäyttö, kompostointi ja peltoon levitys. Perunankuorimoiden jäteveden puhdistuksessa BAT-tekniikaksi Belgiassa on määritelty primääripuhdistus ja sekundääripuhdistus aerobisella menetelmällä. Iso-Britanniassapuolestaan BAT-tekniikkaa on primää-ripuhdistus, sekundääripuhdistus aerobisesti tai anaerobisesti ja tertiääripuhdistus, mikäli se on taloudellisesti mahdollista toteuttaa. Kuorijätteiden kompostointi on tällä hetkelläSuomessa melko harvinaista, sillä jätteiden suuri vesipitoisuus ja kylmä ilmastomme vaikeuttavat kompostointia. Kompostointimah-dollisuuksia ja kompostointiprosessin optimointia kuorintajätteille sopivaksi tulisikin tutkia tulevaisuudessa yhtenä jätteiden käsittelyvaihtoehtona. Kuorimoiden jätevesien puhdistuksessa tulevat Suomessa kysymykseen lähinnä yksinkertaiset kiinteistökohtaiset pienpuhdistamot, kuten panospuhdistamot. Pienpuhdistamolaitteistoihin liittyvää tutki-mus-ja kehitystyötä on viime vuosina tehty paljon ja sitä olisi tärkeää jatkaa edelleen, jotta löydettäisiin entistä kustannustehokkaampia ratkaisuja.
In this thesis, the purpose was to find the cost distribution of the screen dryer and the largest cost factors. The hot section of the screen dryer was revealed as the biggest cost factor, so composing new cost efficient solutions were directed to it. DFMA (Design for Manufacture and Assembly) was chosen to help the design process. DFMA is a product design strategy developed for taking manufacturing and assembly costs into account at the early stages of the design process. In the theory part of the thesis, other methods of economical design and tools needed for estimating manufacturing costs are introduced. In the empirical part, the hot section of the screen dryer was divided into sub-assemblies and their manufacturing costs were estimated. The design propositions were directed to the self-manufactured assemblies and parts. The new manufacturing costs were calculated for the developed propositions. Lastly, the most cost efficient solutions were summarized. The savings on the self-manufactured assemblies were about 40 %, which was about 13 % of the combined total costs of the hot section.
The objective of this master’s thesis was to find means and measures by which an industrial manufacturing company could find cost-competitive solutions in a price-driven market situation. Initially, it was essential to find individual high customer value spots from the offering. The study addressed this in an innovative way by providing the desired information for the entire range of offering. The research was carried out using the constructivist approach method. Firstly, the project and solution marketing literature was reviewed in order to establish an overview of the processes and strategies involved. This information was then used in conjunction with the company’s specific offering data to conduct a construction. This construction can be used in various functions within the target company to streamline and optimize the specifications into so-called “preferred offers”. The study also presents channels and methods with which to exploit the construction in practice in the target company. The study aimed to bring concrete improvements in competitiveness and profitability. One result of this study was the creation of a training material for internal use. This material is now used in several countries to inform and present to the staff the cost-competitive aspects of the target company’s offering.
The antiandrogenic therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer represents an additional risk factor for the development of osteoporosis and fragility fractures. Still, bone health of patients on ADT is often not evaluated. After literature research we found that simple preventive measures can prevent bone loss in these patients, resulting in more cost-effective solutions to the public health system and family when compared to the treatment of fractures.