920 resultados para Correspondent Banking


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Over the last decade, Brazil has pioneered an innovative model of branchless banking, known as correspondent banking, involving distribution partnership between banks, several kinds of retailers and a variety of other participants, which have allowed an unprecedented growth in bank outreach and became a reference worldwide. However, despite the extensive number of studies recently developed focusing on Brazilian branchless banking, there exists a clear research gap in the literature. It is still necessary to identify the different business configurations involving network integration through which the branchless banking channel can be structured, as well as the way they relate to the range of bank services delivered. Given this gap, our objective is to investigate the relationship between network integration models and services delivered through the branchless banking channel. Based on twenty interviews with managers involved with the correspondent banking business and data collected on almost 300 correspondent locations, our research is developed in two steps. First, we created a qualitative taxonomy through which we identified three classes of network integration models. Second, we performed a cluster analysis to explain the groups of financial services that fit each model. By contextualizing correspondents' network integration processes through the lens of transaction costs economics, our results suggest that the more suited to deliver social-oriented, "pro-poor'' services the channel is, the more it is controlled by banks. This research offers contributions to managers and policy makers interested in understanding better how different correspondent banking configurations are related with specific portfolios of services. Researchers interested in the subject of branchless banking can also benefit from the taxonomy presented and the transaction costs analysis of this kind of banking channel, which has been adopted in a number of developing countries all over the world now. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper sketches the main features and issues related to recent market developments in global transaction banking (GTB), particularly in trade finance, cash management and correspondent banking. It describes the basic functioning of the GTB, its interaction with global financial markets and related implications of global regulatory developments such as Basel III. The interest in GTB has recently increased, since its low-risk profile, tendency to follow growth rates worldwide and relative independence from other financial instruments became an interesting diversification opportunity both for banks’ business models and for investors. Transaction banking has been a resilient business during the crisis, despite the reduction in world trade figures. In the post crisis period, GTB must cope with new challenges related to increased local and global regulation and the risk of inconsistency in regulatory approaches, which could negatively impact the global network and increased competition by new market entrants. Increased sophistication of corporate clients, as well as the pressure to develop and adopt technological innovations more quickly than other areas of banking continues to impact the business. The future of the industry closely depends on its ability to adjust to complex regulatory developments while at the same time being able to operate a global and efficient network.


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Teniendo en cuenta la complejidad del sistema financiero colombiano y su alto impacto en la economía nacional, surge el interés de realizar un estudio y análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de diversos agentes de este sector. A partir de allí, se genera un diagnóstico de morbilidad, hacinamiento e imitación en el sector, así como de perdurabilidad del Banco Colpatria Durante el documento se hará énfasis en la estrategia de redes y alianzas del sector estudiado, el cual, según revisión, promueve la bancarización y acceso al sistema financiero en todo el país. A su vez, se analizarán indicadores financieros del sector, se utilizará análisis retrospectivo y se realizarán entrevistas y encuestas a los colaboradores del Banco Colpatria y a los usuarios de sus redes, con el propósito de entender el estado actual del sector, de la organización estudiada, así como de identificar características o elementos del pasado, presente y futuro de la banca y de sus agentes. Por lo tanto, se emite un diagnóstico del sector estratégico: bancos comerciales segmento masivo, tamaño intermedio y finalmente se generan recomendaciones para evitar el hacinamiento del sector y generar perdurabilidad en la entidad estudiada.


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Na última década tem-se observado grande interesse no estudo do canal chamado “Correspondente Bancário” como parte do processo de inclusão bancária, ampliação do acesso a crédito e entrega de serviços bancários em comunidades isoladas e/ou carentes do país. Dentre esses estudos podemos depreender a importância do canal para a universalização do acesso a serviços bancários no contexto brasileiro e uma taxonomia dos modelos de operação via “gestores de redes”, empresas voltadas a operacionalização da cadeia de valor que se forma para viabilizar o negócio do correspondente bancário em escala comercial. Considerando os correspondentes bancários como canal de entrega de diversos serviços financeiros ou não, fortemente apoiados no uso de tecnologia da informação, o trabalho teve como principal interesse de pesquisa, expandir o conhecimento a respeito dos arranjos tecnológicos que suportam a operação do canal e dos tipos de serviços ofertados pelas instituições financeiras e gestores de rede, lacuna ainda existente nos estudos sobre o tema. Estes objetivos foram atingidos através da apresentação da tipologia dos arranjos tecnológicos e tipos de serviços atualmente disponíveis no canal de correspondente bancário no contexto brasileiro. Adicionalmente novas classes e tipos de serviços foram definidas e podem ser adicionados ao canal de correspondente bancário. O trabalho utilizou os pressupostos do modelo conceitual multinível estruturacionista que combina moldagem social da tecnologia e contextualismo, incorpora indissociáveis níveis de análise: individual, do grupo e da comunidade local, combinando quatro conceitos fundamentais: a tecnologia-na-prática, a negociação, os grupos sociais relevantes e frames tecnológicos.


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Dois importantes fenômenos têm sido observados recentemente nos mercados financeiros: microcrédito e correspondentes bancários. Microcrédito, ressaltado pelo Nobel da Paz que foi concedido em 2006 a Muhammad Yunus pelo seu trabalho no Grammen Bank, está cada vez mais sendo reconhecido como um poderoso instrumento de geração de renda e redução de pobreza nos países em desenvolvimento. Correspondente bancário, que tem tido um recente destaque particularmente no Brasil, está relacionado com a criação de canais de oferta de serviços financeiros em estabelecimentos de varejo, resultando em baixos custos de distribuição e ampliação da penetração dos serviços bancários direcionados à população de baixa renda. Apesar de terem sido ambos, microcrédito e correspondentes bancários, desenvolvidos com foco nas populações de baixa renda, na prática existe pouca interação entre eles. Este estudo apresenta uma investigação sobre o potencial dos correspondentes como canal de distribuição do microcrédito. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa com alguns dos principais atores ligados tanto ao universo dos correspondentes bancários quanto ao das microfinanças. Os resultados sugerem que adaptações ao do modelo dominante atualmente de correspondente pode gerar oportunidades para os bancos, as organizações de microfinanças e para a população de baixa renda no Brasil.


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This article explains the relevance of the Code and its place in the regulatory framework, discusses some of the key issues arising in the recent review (as identified by consumer advocates1), and explains the relationship between the Code and the Financial Ombudsman Service.


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Mobile phone banking (M-Banking) adoption around the world has been slow, and this has been perpetuated by the limited research that has been undertaken in the area. To address this gap, the study developed a model of antecedents to consumers' intention to sue M-Banking using attitudinal theory as a framework. To test the model, a quantitative web-based survey was undertaken with 314 respondents. The findings show that perceived usefulness, compatibility, perceived risk, perceived cost and attitude are primary determinants of consumer acceptance of M-Banking in an Australian context, The research contributes to an enhanced understanding of the multiple antecedents beliefs to customer attitudes and usage intentions that must be considered when introducing technology into the service encounter.


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This submission has been prepared on behalf of Australian consumer advocates by Nicola Howell, Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology (‘the researcher’), under a consultancy arrangement with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). The researcher has been engaged by ASIC to consult with consumer advocates across Australia in order to prepare a detailed consumer submission to the Review of the Code of Banking Practice and the Review Issues Paper.


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This thesis examines the advanced North American environmental mitigation schemes for their applicability to Queensland. Compensatory wetland mitigation banking, in particular, is concerned with in-perpetuity management and protection - the basic concerns of the Queensland public about its unique environment. The process has actively engaged the North American market and become a thriving industry that (for the most part) effectively designs, creates and builds (or enhances) environmental habitat. A methodology was designed to undertake a comprehensive review of the history, evolution and concepts of the North American wetland mitigation banking system - before and after the implementation of a significant new compensatory wetland mitigation banking regulation in 2008. The Delphi technique was then used to determine the principles and working components of wetland mitigation banking. Results were then applied to formulate a questionnaire to review Australian marketbased instruments (including offsetting policies) against these North American principles. Following this, two case studies established guiding principles for implementation based on two components of the North American wetland mitigation banking program. The subsequent outcomes confirmed that environmental banking is a workable concept in North America and that it is worth applying in Queensland. The majority of offsetting policies in Australia have adopted some principles of the North American mitigation programs. Examination reveals that however, they fail to provide adequate incentives for private landowners to participate because the essential trading mechanisms are not employed. Much can thus be learnt from the North American situation - where private enterprise has devised appropriate free market concepts. The consequent environmental banking process (as adapted from the North American programs) should be implemented in Queensland. It can then focus here on engaging the private sector, where the majority of naturally productive lands are managed.