785 resultados para Consumer Opinion


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Recommender systems attempt to predict items in which a user might be interested, given some information about the user's and items' profiles. Most existing recommender systems use content-based or collaborative filtering methods or hybrid methods that combine both techniques (see the sidebar for more details). We created Informed Recommender to address the problem of using consumer opinion about products, expressed online in free-form text, to generate product recommendations. Informed recommender uses prioritized consumer product reviews to make recommendations. Using text-mining techniques, it maps each piece of each review comment automatically into an ontology


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Recommender systems attempt to predict items in which a user might be interested, given some information about the user's and items' profiles. Most existing recommender systems use content-based or collaborative filtering methods or hybrid methods that combine both techniques (see the sidebar for more details). We created Informed Recommender to address the problem of using consumer opinion about products, expressed online in free-form text, to generate product recommendations. Informed recommender uses prioritized consumer product reviews to make recommendations. Using text-mining techniques, it maps each piece of each review comment automatically into an ontology


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Brazil is the worlds first chicken meat exporter nowadays. The maintenance of this position requires a constant quality attributes evolution. This work evaluated the chicken meat consumer profile in the northwest region of So Paulo state, the most important Brazilian poultry meat consumer market, in order to provide information to the productive sector. The data were collected using 482 interviews and questionnaires that were answered by e-mail. The questionnaires involved questions related to the consumer identification, habits and preferences and their knowledge about food safety, production system, sustainability and animal welfare. Most of the consumers, 62%, were female, with ages ranging from 20 to 50 years. Beef was preferred by the majority of the answerers and chicken and pork meat were together the second choice. Only 2% of the interviewed consumers mentioned not enjoying poultry meat. The main part of consumers, 67%, prefer to buy breast and leg cuts and only 11% are used to buy the whole poultry carcass. More than 60% of the interviewed have already eaten free range chicken meat, but the majority of them, 89%, are used to consume regular industrialized poultry. About 75% of the consumers believe hormones are used to grow the birds. Over 80% of people observe the expiration date before buying the product, but only 55% check if it has the stamp of the official inspection service. Color and appearance of meat are the most important factors that influence the consumers choice. The amount of water that drips on the tray is a rejection factor to 88% of answerers. Most of them, 66%, prefer lighter colored meat. Only 27% of them believe that chicken meat causes an environmental impact and 48% do not know the meaning of animal welfare. More than half of the interviewed do not consider animal welfare aspects before consuming any kind of meat. From these results obtained, it is possible to conclude that any effort to improve the product quality, mainly concerned to animal welfare and sustainability aspects, requires prior educational initiatives.


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Trabalho apresentado em XIII Congreso Internacional Galego-Portugus de Psicopedagoxa, rea 6 Formacin de profesores y agentes educativos. Universidad da Corua, 2 de Setembro de 2015.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia suomalaisten kuluttajien mielipiteita ja kasityksia tuoksumarkkinoinnin kaytosta vahittaistavarakauppa olosuhteissa. Tutkielma keskittyy tuoksumarkkinoinnin kahteen paaasialliseen osa-alueeseen vahittaistavarakaupassa; tuoksumarkkinointiin osana brandaysta ja tuoksumarkkinoinnin alitajuntaiseen kayttoon. Tutkielma on laadullinen tutkimus. Aineisto kerattiin viidelta suomalaiselta kuluttajalta ja aineistonkeruumenetelmana toimi haastattelu. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat kuluttajien mielipiteiden olevan positiivisia tuoksumarkkinoinnin kayttoa kohtaan. Tuloksien mukaan kuluttajat suosivat tuoksumarkkinoinnin kayttoa ennemmin brandayksessa kuin tuoksumarkkinoinnin alitajuista kayttoa. Tuoksumarkkinoinnin alitajuista kayttoa ei kuitenkaan todettu taysin negatiiviseksi, silla kuluttajat uskovat, etta ostopaatos tehdaan perustuen tarkeampiin asioihin kuin tuoksuun, kuten esimerkiksi tuotteen hintaan perustuen. Kuluttajat uskovat, etta alitajuisella kaytolla ei ole suurta vaikutusta asiakkaan ostopaatokseen muulloin kuin joissakin yksittaisissa herateostoksissa.


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O consumidor contemporneo, inserido em um novo ambiente de comunicao, potencializa suas expresses, capaz de avaliar uma marca ou produto e transmitir sua opinio pelas redes sociais, ou seja, o consumidor expressa suas opinies e desejos dialogando com seus pares de forma espontnea nas redes sociais on-line. neste ambiente de participao e interao (ciberespao) que est nosso objeto de estudo, o boca a boca on-line a voz do consumidor contemporneo, tambm conhecido como uma manifestao informativa pessoal ou uma conversa, a opinion sharing. Proporcionado pelos consumidores nas redes sociais on-line, o boca a boca se fortalece em funo das possibilidades de interao, caracterstica da sociedade em rede. Nesse cenrio, oobjetivo desta pesquisa caracterizar o boca a boca on-line como um novo fluxo comunicacional entre consumidores, hoje potencializado pelas novas tecnologias da comunicao, capazes de alterar a percepo da marca e demonstrar o uso, pelas marcas, das redes sociais on-line ainda como um ambiente de comunicao unidirecional. Mediante trs casos selecionados por convenincia (dois casos nacionais e um internacional), o corpus de anlise de nossa pesquisa se limitou aos 5.084 comentrios disponibilizados aps publicao de matrias jornalsticas no Portal G1 e nas fanpages (Facebook), ambos relativos aos casos selecionados. Com a Anlise de Contedo dos posts, identificamos e categorizamos a fala do consumidor contemporneo, sendo assim possvel comprovar que as organizaes/marcas se valem da cultura do massivo, no dialogando com seus consumidores, pois utilizam as redes sociais on-line ainda de forma unidirecional, alm de no darem a devida ateno ao atual fluxo onde se evidencia a opinio compartilhada dos consumidores da sociedade em rede.


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OBJETIVO: Analizar la opinin que los usuarios tienen sobre alimentos genticamente modificados y su informacin en el etiquetado. MTODOS: Realizada revisin sistemtica de la literatura cientfica sobre los alimentos transgnicos y el etiquetado a partir de la consulta de las bases de datos bibliogrficas: Medline (va PubMed), EMBASE, ISIWeb of Knowledge, Cochrane Library Plus, FSTA, LILACS, CINAHL y AGRICOLA. Los descriptores seleccionados fueron: organisms, genetically modified y food labeling. La bsqueda se realiz desde la primera fecha disponible hasta junio de 2012, seleccionando los artculos pertinentes escritos en ingls, portugus y castellano. RESULTADOS: Se seleccionaron 40 artculos. En todos ellos, se deba haber realizado una intervencin poblacional enfocada al conocimiento de los consumidores sobre los alimentos genticamente modificados y su necesidad, o no, de incluir informacin en el etiquetado. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genticamente modificado, y apunta que est dispuesto a pagar algo ms por l, pero, en definitiva compra el artculo que est a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologas. En 18 artculos la poblacin se mostraba favorable a su etiquetado obligatorio y seis al etiquetado voluntario; siete trabajos demostraban el poco conocimiento de la poblacin sobre los transgnicos y, en tres, la poblacin subestim la cantidad que consuma. En todo caso, se observ la influencia del precio del producto genticamente modificado. CONCLUSIONES: La etiqueta debe ser homognea y aclarar el grado de tolerancia en humanos de alimentos genticamente modificados en comparacin con los no modificados. Asimismo, debe dejar claro su composicin, o no, de alimento genticamente modificado y la forma de produccin de estos artculos de consumo. La etiqueta tambin debe ir acompaada de un sello de certificacin de una agencia del estado y datos para contacto. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genticamente modificado pero seal que acaba comprando el artculo que est a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologas.