842 resultados para Constrained Optimization
A method for linearly constrained optimization which modifies and generalizes recent box-constraint optimization algorithms is introduced. The new algorithm is based on a relaxed form of Spectral Projected Gradient iterations. Intercalated with these projected steps, internal iterations restricted to faces of the polytope are performed, which enhance the efficiency of the algorithm. Convergence proofs are given and numerical experiments are included and commented. Software supporting this paper is available through the Tango Project web page: http://www.ime.usp.br/similar to egbirgin/tango/.
A Nonlinear Programming algorithm that converges to second-order stationary points is introduced in this paper. The main tool is a second-order negative-curvature method for box-constrained minimization of a certain class of functions that do not possess continuous second derivatives. This method is used to define an Augmented Lagrangian algorithm of PHR (Powell-Hestenes-Rockafellar) type. Convergence proofs under weak constraint qualifications are given. Numerical examples showing that the new method converges to second-order stationary points in situations in which first-order methods fail are exhibited.
Given an algorithm A for solving some mathematical problem based on the iterative solution of simpler subproblems, an outer trust-region (OTR) modification of A is the result of adding a trust-region constraint to each subproblem. The trust-region size is adaptively updated according to the behavior of crucial variables. The new subproblems should not be more complex than the original ones, and the convergence properties of the OTR algorithm should be the same as those of Algorithm A. In the present work, the OTR approach is exploited in connection with the ""greediness phenomenon"" of nonlinear programming. Convergence results for an OTR version of an augmented Lagrangian method for nonconvex constrained optimization are proved, and numerical experiments are presented.
An economic-statistical model is developed for variable parameters (VP) (X) over bar charts in which all design parameters vary adaptively, that is, each of the design parameters (sample size, sampling interval and control-limit width) vary as a function of the most recent process information. The cost function due to controlling the process quality through a VP (X) over bar chart is derived. During the optimization of the cost function, constraints are imposed on the expected times to signal when the process is in and out of control. In this way, required statistical properties can be assured. Through a numerical example, the proposed economic-statistical design approach for VP (X) over bar charts is compared to the economic design for VP (X) over bar charts and to the economic-statistical and economic designs for fixed parameters (FP) (X) over bar charts in terms of the operating cost and the expected times to signal. From this example, it is possible to assess the benefits provided by the proposed model. Varying some input parameters, their effect on the optimal cost and on the optimal values of the design parameters was analysed.
At each outer iteration of standard Augmented Lagrangian methods one tries to solve a box-constrained optimization problem with some prescribed tolerance. In the continuous world, using exact arithmetic, this subproblem is always solvable. Therefore, the possibility of finishing the subproblem resolution without satisfying the theoretical stopping conditions is not contemplated in usual convergence theories. However, in practice, one might not be able to solve the subproblem up to the required precision. This may be due to different reasons. One of them is that the presence of an excessively large penalty parameter could impair the performance of the box-constraint optimization solver. In this paper a practical strategy for decreasing the penalty parameter in situations like the one mentioned above is proposed. More generally, the different decisions that may be taken when, in practice, one is not able to solve the Augmented Lagrangian subproblem will be discussed. As a result, an improved Augmented Lagrangian method is presented, which takes into account numerical difficulties in a satisfactory way, preserving suitable convergence theory. Numerical experiments are presented involving all the CUTEr collection test problems.
This article continues the investigation of stationarity and regularity properties of infinite collections of sets in a Banach space started in Kruger and López (J. Optim. Theory Appl. 154(2), 2012), and is mainly focused on the application of the stationarity criteria to infinitely constrained optimization problems. We consider several settings of optimization problems which involve (explicitly or implicitly) infinite collections of sets and deduce for them necessary conditions characterizing stationarity in terms of dual space elements—normals and/or subdifferentials.
Иван Гинчев - Класът на ℓ-устойчивите в точка функции, дефиниран в [2] и разширяващ класа на C1,1 функциите, се обобщава от скаларни за векторни функции. Доказани са някои свойства на ℓ-устойчивите векторни функции. Показано е, че векторни оптимизационни задачи с ограничения допускат условия от втори ред изразени чрез посочни производни, което обобщава резултати от [2] и [5].
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Mathematik, Kumulative Habilitation, 2016
In the framework of industrial problems, the application of Constrained Optimization is known to have overall very good modeling capability and performance and stands as one of the most powerful, explored, and exploited tool to address prescriptive tasks. The number of applications is huge, ranging from logistics to transportation, packing, production, telecommunication, scheduling, and much more. The main reason behind this success is to be found in the remarkable effort put in the last decades by the OR community to develop realistic models and devise exact or approximate methods to solve the largest variety of constrained or combinatorial optimization problems, together with the spread of computational power and easily accessible OR software and resources. On the other hand, the technological advancements lead to a data wealth never seen before and increasingly push towards methods able to extract useful knowledge from them; among the data-driven methods, Machine Learning techniques appear to be one of the most promising, thanks to its successes in domains like Image Recognition, Natural Language Processes and playing games, but also the amount of research involved. The purpose of the present research is to study how Machine Learning and Constrained Optimization can be used together to achieve systems able to leverage the strengths of both methods: this would open the way to exploiting decades of research on resolution techniques for COPs and constructing models able to adapt and learn from available data. In the first part of this work, we survey the existing techniques and classify them according to the type, method, or scope of the integration; subsequently, we introduce a novel and general algorithm devised to inject knowledge into learning models through constraints, Moving Target. In the last part of the thesis, two applications stemming from real-world projects and done in collaboration with Optit will be presented.
In real optimization problems, usually the analytical expression of the objective function is not known, nor its derivatives, or they are complex. In these cases it becomes essential to use optimization methods where the calculation of the derivatives, or the verification of their existence, is not necessary: the Direct Search Methods or Derivative-free Methods are one solution. When the problem has constraints, penalty functions are often used. Unfortunately the choice of the penalty parameters is, frequently, very difficult, because most strategies for choosing it are heuristics strategies. As an alternative to penalty function appeared the filter methods. A filter algorithm introduces a function that aggregates the constrained violations and constructs a biobjective problem. In this problem the step is accepted if it either reduces the objective function or the constrained violation. This implies that the filter methods are less parameter dependent than a penalty function. In this work, we present a new direct search method, based on simplex methods, for general constrained optimization that combines the features of the simplex method and filter methods. This method does not compute or approximate any derivatives, penalty constants or Lagrange multipliers. The basic idea of simplex filter algorithm is to construct an initial simplex and use the simplex to drive the search. We illustrate the behavior of our algorithm through some examples. The proposed methods were implemented in Java.
The ability of neural networks to realize some complex nonlinear function makes them attractive for system identification. This paper describes a novel barrier method using artificial neural networks to solve robust parameter estimation problems for nonlinear model with unknown-but-bounded errors and uncertainties. This problem can be represented by a typical constrained optimization problem. More specifically, a modified Hopfield network is developed and its internal parameters are computed using the valid-subspace technique. These parameters guarantee the network convergence to the equilibrium points. A solution for the robust estimation problem with unknown-but-bounded error corresponds to an equilibrium point of the network. Simulation results are presented as an illustration of the proposed approach.
Variational inequalities and related problems may be solved via smooth bound constrained optimization. A comprehensive discussion of the important features involved with this strategy is presented. Complementarity problems and mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints are included in this report. Numerical experiments are commented. Conclusions and directions of future research are indicated.
The filter method is a technique for solving nonlinear programming problems. The filter algorithm has two phases in each iteration. The first one reduces a measure of infeasibility, while in the second the objective function value is reduced. In real optimization problems, usually the objective function is not differentiable or its derivatives are unknown. In these cases it becomes essential to use optimization methods where the calculation of the derivatives or the verification of their existence is not necessary: direct search methods or derivative-free methods are examples of such techniques. In this work we present a new direct search method, based on simplex methods, for general constrained optimization that combines the features of simplex and filter methods. This method neither computes nor approximates derivatives, penalty constants or Lagrange multipliers.
Constrained nonlinear optimization problems are usually solved using penalty or barrier methods combined with unconstrained optimization methods. Another alternative used to solve constrained nonlinear optimization problems is the lters method. Filters method, introduced by Fletcher and Ley er in 2002, have been widely used in several areas of constrained nonlinear optimization. These methods treat optimization problem as bi-objective attempts to minimize the objective function and a continuous function that aggregates the constraint violation functions. Audet and Dennis have presented the rst lters method for derivative-free nonlinear programming, based on pattern search methods. Motivated by this work we have de- veloped a new direct search method, based on simplex methods, for general constrained optimization, that combines the features of the simplex method and lters method. This work presents a new variant of these methods which combines the lters method with other direct search methods and are proposed some alternatives to aggregate the constraint violation functions.