885 resultados para Consciousness, Intentionality, Presence.
Leonardo Polo ́s method is shown as a constitutive aspect of gnoseology as a rigorous philosophical discipline. This work approaches some of the difficulties of polian gnoseology that could weaken its methodical rigor. Furthermore, it is argued that some of these difficulties come out of the misinterpretation of Polo ́s ideas.
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde durch die Erkenntnis motiviert, daß die Theorie der Intentionalität ohne eine Theorie der impliziten Intentionalität unvollständig ist. Die Anlage einer solchen Theorie gründet in der Annahme, daß die impliziten ("ergänzenden oder "mit-bewußten") Erfahrungsinhalte Inhalte intentional wirksam sind: daß sie zur "Konstitution" der intentionalen Objekte – im Sinne vom Husserl und Gurwitsch – beitragen. Die Bedingungen und Umstände dieser Wirksamkeit herauszuarbeiten, ist das Hauptziel der vorliegenden Untersuchungen. Dazu wurde (1) eine phänomenologische Theorie des impliziten Inhalts kritisch expliziert, und (2) diese anhand einiger aktueller Ansätze der analytischen Philosophie auf die Probe gestellt. Im phänomenologischen Teil der Arbeit wurden zuerst die methodologischen Voraussetzungen von Gurwitschs gestalttheoretischer Neuformulierung des Husserlschen Projekts unter Berücksichtigung der sogenannten Konstanzannahme kritisch untersucht. Weiterhin wurden Husserls Noema-Konzeption und seine Horizontlehre aus der Perspektive von Gurwitschs Feldtheorie des Bewußtseins expliziert, und in der Folge Gurwitschs dreifache Gliederung des Bewußtseinsfeldes – das Kopräsenz-Kohärenz-Relevanz-Schema – um die phänomenologischen Begriffe "Potentialität", "Typik" und "Motivation" erweitert. Die Beziehungen, die diesen Begriffen zugrunde liegen, erwiesen sich als "mehr denn bloß kontigent, aber als weniger denn logisch oder notwendig" (Mulligan). An Beispielen aus der analytischen Philosphie der Wahrnehmung (Dretske, Peacocke, Dennett, Kelly) und der Sprache (Sperber, Wilson, Searle) wurde das phänomenologische Konzept des impliziten Inhalts kritisch beurteilt und weiterentwickelt. Hierbei wurde(n) unter anderem (1) der Zusammenhang zwischen dem phänomenologischen Begriff "vorprädikativer Inhalt" und dem analytischen Begriff "nichtkonzeptueller Inhalt" aufgezeigt und (2) Kriterien für die Zuschreibung impliziter Überzeugungen in den typischen Fällen der prädikativen Intentionalität zusammengetragen und systematisiert.
In der vorliegenden Dissertation geht es um die Dokumentation, theoretische Begründung und Auswertung des in 25 Jahren Praxis entwickelten Curriculums der Bewusstseinsschulung und -weitung der Orgodynamik. Dabei geht es insbesondere um den Vergleich und die forschungsorientierte Verknüpfung verschiedener Traditionen der Bewusstseinsbildung, der ihnen zugrunde liegenden Konzepte und anthropologischen Dimensionen im Schnittfeld pädagogischer, psychologischer und spiritueller Perspektiven. In Anlehnung an das von Fuhr/Dauber (2002) entwickelte Modell, der Praxisentwicklungsforschung, welche die Verflechtung von Theorie und Praxis ansteuert, wird der orgodynamische Ansatz wissenschaftlich dokumentiert und theoretisch begründet. Über eine induktive Vorgehensweise werden die historischen Wurzeln konzeptionell dargelegt, die verborgenen Paradigmen herausgearbeitet, sowie das Curriculum erläutert und ausgewertet. In einem ersten theorieorientierten Kapitel wird das orgodynamische Methodenspektrum in seinem Grundmodell und den vier zentralen Dimensionen (mentale, körperliche, emotionale, energetische Dimension) aufgezeigt und mit theoretischen Hintergrundkonzepten verglichen und verknüpft. Die vier sich überlappenden Methodengruppen der mental, körperlich, emotional und energetisch orientierten Bewusstseinsarbeit werden differenziert dargestellt und in ihrer Beziehung zueinander diskutiert. Anhand eines Modells (Methodenrad) wird die multi-dimensionale Perspektive des Methodenspektrums, in einer nichthierarchischen Zuordnung sichtbar. Im zweiten theorieorientierten Hauptteil werden zunächst die zentralen vier Paradigmen der Orgodynamik (Präsenz, Multidimensionalität, Flow/Fließendes Gewahrsein, Bezogenheit) vorgestellt, theoretisch und praxisbezogen entfaltet und in einer Paradigmen-Landkarte zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Dabei werden die kategorialen Ausführungen durchgehend an Praxisbeispielen veranschaulicht und im Blick auf drei vorgestellte Zugänge zur Bewusstseinsweitung (Immersion, Integration und Dekonstruktion) exemplarisch didaktisch kommentiert. Im dritten Hauptteil wird das Curriculum im Zusammenhang mit einer Auswertungsmatrix erläutert. Diese dient als Überprüfungsinstrument. Mit ihrer Hilfe werden die verschiedenen methodischen Zugangsweisen und Arbeitsformen dieses Ansatzes, exemplarisch anhand von 2 Ausbildungswochen, im Blick der Multidimensionalität dokumentiert. Damit wird diese multidimensional angelegte Praxis exemplarisch bis in methodische Details nachvollziehbar und in dialogisch-selbstreflexiver Form überprüfbar. Exemplarisch werden in einem Exkurs erste Itemvorschläge gemacht, welche die wissenschaftliche Anschlussfähigkeit an neuere Forschung im transpersonalen Bereich aufzeigen. Das innere Anliegen der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigt in der Verschränkung von Theorie und Praxis, dass die Paradigmen der Orgodynamik, Präsenz, Multidimensionalität, fließendes Gewahrsein und bewusste Bezogenheit vier pädagogisch umgesetzte Paradigmen für eine Bewusstseinserforschung in der Erwachsenenbildung sind. Stichworte: Multidimensional, Bewusstseinserforschung, Bewusstseinsweite, Präsenz, bewusste Bezogenheit, Flow/Fließendes Gewahrsein, das „Größere“, Immersion, Integration, Dekonstruktion, pädagogische Paradigmen, Erwachsenenbildung, Multidimensionales Methodenspektrum, Orgodynamik, Körpertherapie. ---------------------------
Alasdair Gray is now an established figure in the Scottish literary scene and has numerous claims to be considered an important voice writing in English. First Lanark: A Life in Four Books (1981) and then 1982 Janine (1984) contributed to the recognition of Gray as one of the founding fathers of the new Scottish writing and as a figure of importance in international contemporary fiction due to his innovative, experimental and postmodernist novels. As the title of this dissertation - “Alasdair Gray’s 1982 Janine (1984): A Postmodernist Scottish Novel” - suggests, it aims at analysing the author’s second novel, 1982 Janine (1984), in a thematic and formal perspective, in order to justify the choice of the terms - Postmodernist and Scottish - to classify this novel. 1982 Janine projects a world through Jock McLeish’s mind and is a powerful stream-of-consciousness narrative. Jock is an alcoholic who lives a personal crisis and, therefore, tries to escape from his depressing reality through sexual fantasies and political diatribes. During a single night in a Scottish hotel room, he drinks and dreams, and spends the whole night alone with his fantasies and fears, his memories and hopes. In Chapter 11, the most daring experimental section of the novel, Jock attempts to commit suicide by taking an overdose of tablets with alcohol but fails. Following this, he decides to review his life and make for a new beginning; the novel thus closing with an optimistic note. Also, the narrative is based on a constant interweaving of sex fantasy with political satire, that is, it is through his protagonist that Gray manages to convey the state of Scotland as well as the concerns and aspirations of the Scottish people and then, proceed to a political and social critique. This dissertation appears structured in three chapters. In Chapter I - “Alasdair Gray: A Postmodernist Scottish Writer” - I present Gray as a powerful postmodernist writer who also sees himself as a Scottish author, and more particularly as a Glaswegian, who concentrates on Scottish subject matter in his literary work. In a first section, I offer a brief survey of the Scottish literary scene from the fourteenth to the twentieth century, in order to understand Gray’s choice of setting and themes and to check his influence or indebtedness to previous Scottish authors. As 1982 Janine is also a good example of selfconscious experimental writing, in a second section, I present various seminal fictional works that introduced and developed experimentalism in British fiction, in order to evaluate the influence of modernist developments in form and technique on recent experimental writing. The third section consists of an introduction to Gray’s work for he is not only a novelist, but also an artist, a playwright, a poet, an activist and a scholar. Chapter II - “Postmodernist Features in 1982 Janine” - aims at listing and examining the postmodernist devices that the novel includes, in what content and form are concerned. On the one hand, the use of a developed type of the modernist stream of consciousness, the presence of a protagonist who feels entrapped in a specific system, the quest for freedom, the incoherence and fragmentation of time, the nonchronological order of the narrative, the blending of fantasy and “reality”, as well as the importance of the Scottish material are definitely current aspects within postmodernist literature that can be found in Gray’s novel. On the other hand, the handling of literary self-conscious devices, such as typographical experimentation, presence of metafiction and intertextuality, and inclusion of an Epilogue, are likewise among recurrent postmodernist features. As the title - “A Narratological Analysis of 1982 Janine” - evidences, Chapter III offers a description of the mechanics of the narrative and its functioning in order to better understand the narrative technique of postmodernist fiction. This study is based primarily on Gérard Genette’s theoretical framework and terminology, presented in Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method, an analytical tool that allows me to provide a more objective and scientific analysis. Hence, I follow the Genettian division of narrative discourse in Time, Mood and Voice while examining the novel. Finally, I proceed to a description of the intertextual relationships 1982 Janine establishes with other texts.
This dissertation aims to address the concept of freedom from the perspective of the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre with reference to the main work Being and Nothingness. After presenting the concept of freedom we will try to show that it is related to the notion of responsibility, which will lead, ultimately, to define the Sartrean philosophy as a philosophy of action. In the first chapter we will present in passing the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, philosopher from which Sartre will develop his concept of freedom. The Husserlian notion of consciousness (intentionality) is the way to develop his analysis of Sartre phenomenon of being. From this analysis Sartre submits their concepts of being in-itself and being for-itself. Being initself is defined as the things of the world devoid of consciousness, are the things that surround us. The In-itself has as its main brand positivity: it is what it is, is all that can be said about him. In turn being For-itself is the very being of man, which differs radically from the In-itself. The For-itself has as its main intentionality, ie, its ability to project outside itself in existence. That's when Sartre shows that this type of being realizes its existence on the basis of a constant nihilation. Here comes the notion of anything. Among the relations of the For-itself with the surrounding world stands a very special: relationship between consciousnesses. It is when we discuss the issue of another. Intersubjectivity, through sartrean analysis of look, show that the For-itself assumes a new existential dimension: the being-for others. That's when Sartre will emphasize his notion of conflict. The conflict in intersubjectivity would come from the fact that you want to take another- For-itself as an object. Given this we will analyze what Sartre called the concrete relations with others. The philosopher submit such relations in the form of ducts and conduits assimilation of ownership. In the first my-self to try to "get lost" in the consciousness of another, ownership of my conduct in-itself tries to "take ownership" of the subjectivity of the other and try to treat others as things, as objects. In this sense Sartre examines the experiences of love, masochism, indifference, desire and sadism. Following this route we will enter the land of freedom itself, which is the major theme of our work. Since Sartre defines the For-itself as a being that is projected to create your way of being, it can only define it as freedom. The freedom of the For-itself is taken in terms of autonomy of choice. Once the For-itself has no way of being a thing as being in-itself, it just may be picking up, that is, making your being. Here Sartre speaks of the anguish that would be the symptom of freedom itself. The fact that the For-itself have to choose on whether the call as one being distressed. However, in most cases the For-itself tries to escape from the anguish of freedom and takes refuge in bad faith. After setting the man (For-itself) as freedom Sartre defends that he is totally responsible for what he does of himself. Once the philosopher holds that man is not predetermined, ie, does not have an a priori essence, his philosophy has as its basic assumption the action. If Sartre argues that the For-itself must constantly choose your way of being, the action is the basis on which man will exercise his own freedom. In this sense we conclude the work with an approach to work Existentialism is a Humanism, which represent the entry of the philosopher on the practical aspects of life
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
INTRODUCTION: Interest in studying swallowing disorders in patients with altered consciousness has increased over the past decade. Swallowing deficit is frequently encountered in severe brain-injured patients. STATE OF ART: Results of studies have highlighted different factors such as the delay between the injury and the treatment and the level of consciousness of these patients, as well as the presence or not of tracheotomy, which will determine the feasibility of resuming oral feeding. Nowadays, very few valid and sensitive scales can be used to assess swallowing deficit in patients with disorders of consciousness. The Facial Oral Tract Therapy (FOTT) scale is an inter-professional multidisciplinary approach offering a structured way to evaluate and treat patients with swallowing disorders. In contrast with other scales, patients do not have to follow verbal instructions for the FOTT. PERSPECTIVES: This paper presents a review of existing literature on the assessment and management of swallowing disorders in patients with altered state of consciousness, and a description of the FOTT method. CONCLUSION: The FOTT seems to be an interesting assessment and rehabilitation tool for patients with disorders of consciousness. However, clinical studies are needed to confirm the validity and sensitivity of this technique.
Ce mémoire analysera une des thèses majeures de l’œuvre d’Emmanuel Levinas, à savoir le primat de l’éthique sur l’ontologie. L’argumentation se penchera surtout sur la description phénoménologique de l’approche de l’altérité, incarnée dans la concrétude du visage du prochain et dans laquelle se retrouve l’idée de l’infini, inspirée dans sa formulation de Descartes. Cette idée, n’étant pas qu’un simple concept mais plutôt une réalité phénoménale transcendante, amène Levinas à questionner le rôle de la conscience thématisante dans l’expérience morale, caractérisée par son immédiateté et par la présence d’un Autre. Est-ce que l’essentiel de la conscience se comprend comme liberté et savoir ? Y aurait-il un autre aspect, oublié par la rationalité que Levinas qualifie de grecque, qui serait plus propre à décrire la conscience ? L’ontologie ne repose-t-elle pas sur une conception de l’homme comme un sujet autonome et en contrôle ? Par ses fines analyses plutôt ontologiques dans Totalité et infini, et par sa prose plus déconstructrice d’Autrement qu’être, ou au-delà de l’essence, Levinas ébranle les fondations du sujet moderne tout en ramenant au centre des préoccupations philosophiques une idée que la tradition occidentale a eu tendance à évacuer, c’est-à-dire l’altérité. Et cette altérité, irréductible aux concepts immanents de la conscience d’un sujet, est ce qui justifie le primat de l’éthique, posant devant le je un tu qui appelle et demande une responsabilité absolue. Plusieurs auteurs et commentateurs seront mis à contribution, dont surtout Husserl et Heidegger, ainsi que S. Critchley, B. Bergo, J.-M. Salanskis et Jacques Roland.
Fluctuations in consciousness and visual hallucinations are common neuropsychiatric features of dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinson's disease dementia. To investigate potential neural correlates, we compared how changes in brain perfusion over a 1-year period were related to changes in the severity of these key clinical features. We recruited 29 subjects with either Parkinson's disease with dementia (15 subjects) or dementia with Lewy bodies (14 subjects). Cerebral perfusion was measured using HMPAO SPECT at baseline, and repeated 1 year later. The presence of hallucinations (Neuropsychiatric Inventory), severity of fluctuations in consciousness (fluctuation assessment scale) and cognitive ability (CAMCOG) were assessed at both time points. After controlling for changes in cognitive ability and effect of cholinesterase medication, we found a significant correlation between an increase in perfusion in midline posterior cingulate and decrease in hallucination severity. There was also a significant correlation between increased fluctuations of consciousness and increased thalamic and decreased inferior occipital perfusion. We have identified important neural correlates of key clinical features in Lewy body dementia and postulate that the associations can be understood through the influence of the cholinergic system on attention.
OBJECTIVES Severe neurological deficit (ND) due to acute aortic dissection type A (AADA) was considered a contraindication for surgery because of poor prognosis. Recently, more aggressive indication for surgery despite neurological symptoms has shown acceptable postoperative clinical results. The aim of this study was to evaluate early and mid-term outcomes of patients with AADA presenting with acute ND. METHODS Data from 53 patients with new-onset ND who received surgical repair for AADA between 2005 and 2012 at our institution were retrospectively reviewed. ND was defined as focal motor or sensory deficit, hemiplegia, paraplegia, convulsions or coma. Neurological symptoms were evaluated preoperatively using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) and modified Rankin Scale (mRS), and at discharge as well as 3-6 months postoperatively using the mRS and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. Involvement of carotid arteries was assessed in the pre- and postoperative computed tomography. Logistic regression analysis was performed to detect predictive factors for recovery of ND. RESULTS Of the 53 patients, 29 (54.7%) showed complete recovery from focal ND at follow-up. Neurological symptoms persisted in 24 (45.3%) patients, of which 8 (33%) died without neurological assessment at follow-up. Between the two groups (patients with recovery and those with persisting ND), there was no significant difference regarding the duration of hypothermic circulatory arrest (28 ± 14 vs 36 ± 20 min) or severely reduced consciousness (GCS <8). Multivariate analysis showed significant differences for the preoperative mRS between the two groups (P < 0.007). A high preoperative mRS was associated with persistence of neurological symptoms (P < 0.02). Cardiovascular risk factors, age or involvement of supra-aortic branches were not predictive for persistence of ND. CONCLUSION More than half of our patients recovered completely from ND due to AADA after surgery. Severity of clinical symptoms had a predictive value. Patients suffering from AADA and presenting with ND before surgery should not be excluded from emergency surgery.
Gebiet: Kardiologie Abstract: OBJECTIVES: Severe neurologiCal defiCit (ND) due to aCute aortiC disseCtion type A (AADA) was Considered a ContraindiCation for surgery beCause of poor prognosis. ReCently, more aggressive indiCation for surgery despite neurologiCal symptoms has shown aCCeptable – postoperative CliniCal results. The aim of this study was to evaluate early and mid-term outComes of patients with AADA presenting with aCute ND. – – METHODS: Data from 53 patients with new-onset ND who reCeived surgiCal repair for AADA between 2005 and 2012 at our institution were retrospeCtively reviewed. ND was defined as foCal motor or sensory defiCit, hemiplegia, paraplegia, Convulsions or Coma. NeurologiCal symptoms were evaluated preoperatively using the Glasgow Coma SCale (GCS) and modified Rankin SCale (mRS), and at disCharge as well as 3–6 months postoperatively using the mRS and National Institutes of Health Stroke SCale. Involvement of Carotid arteries was assessed in the pre- and postoperative Computed tomography. LogistiC regression analysis was performed to deteCt prediCtive faCtors for reCovery of ND. – – RESULTS: Of the 53 patients, 29 (54.7%) showed Complete reCovery from foCal ND at follow-up. NeurologiCal symptoms persisted in 24 (45.3%) patients, of whiCh 8 (33%) died without neurologiCal assessment at follow-up. Between the two groups (patients with reCovery and – those with persisting ND), there was no signifiCant differenCe regarding the duration of hypothermiC CirCulatory arrest (28 ± 14 vs 36 ± 20 min) or severely reduCed ConsCiousness (GCS <8). Multivariate analysis showed signifiCant differenCes for the preoperative mRS between the two groups (P < 0.007). A high preoperative mRS was assoCiated with persistenCe of neurologiCal symptoms (P < 0.02). CardiovasCular risk faCtors, age or involvement of supra-aortiC branChes were not prediCtive for persistenCe of ND. – – CONCLUSION: More than half of our patients reCovered Completely from ND due to AADA after surgery. Severity of CliniCal symptoms had a prediCtive value. Patients suffering from AADA and presenting with ND before surgery should not be exCluded from emergenCy surgery.
The present paper describes a novel, simple and reliable differential pulse voltammetric method for determining amitriptyline (AMT) in pharmaceutical formulations. It has been described for many authors that this antidepressant is electrochemically inactive at carbon electrodes. However, the procedure proposed herein consisted in electrochemically oxidizing AMT at an unmodified carbon nanotube paste electrode in the presence of 0.1 mol L(-1) sulfuric acid used as electrolyte. At such concentration, the acid facilitated the AMT electroxidation through one-electron transfer at 1.33 V vs. Ag/AgCl, as observed by the augmentation of peak current. Concerning optimized conditions (modulation time 5 ms, scan rate 90 mV s(-1), and pulse amplitude 120 mV) a linear calibration curve was constructed in the range of 0.0-30.0 μmol L(-1), with a correlation coefficient of 0.9991 and a limit of detection of 1.61 μmol L(-1). The procedure was successfully validated for intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy. Moreover, its feasibility was assessed through analysis of commercial pharmaceutical formulations and it has been compared to the UV-vis spectrophotometric method used as standard analytical technique recommended by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia.
Health economic evaluations require estimates of expected survival from patients receiving different interventions, often over a lifetime. However, data on the patients of interest are typically only available for a much shorter follow-up time, from randomised trials or cohorts. Previous work showed how to use general population mortality to improve extrapolations of the short-term data, assuming a constant additive or multiplicative effect on the hazards for all-cause mortality for study patients relative to the general population. A more plausible assumption may be a constant effect on the hazard for the specific cause of death targeted by the treatments. To address this problem, we use independent parametric survival models for cause-specific mortality among the general population. Because causes of death are unobserved for the patients of interest, a polyhazard model is used to express their all-cause mortality as a sum of latent cause-specific hazards. Assuming proportional cause-specific hazards between the general and study populations then allows us to extrapolate mortality of the patients of interest to the long term. A Bayesian framework is used to jointly model all sources of data. By simulation, we show that ignoring cause-specific hazards leads to biased estimates of mean survival when the proportion of deaths due to the cause of interest changes through time. The methods are applied to an evaluation of implantable cardioverter defibrillators for the prevention of sudden cardiac death among patients with cardiac arrhythmia. After accounting for cause-specific mortality, substantial differences are seen in estimates of life years gained from implantable cardioverter defibrillators.
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common neoplasm of the larynx, and its evolution depends on tumor staging. Vascular endothelial growth factor is a marker of angiogenesis, and its expression may be related to increased tumor aggressiveness, as evidenced by the presence of cervical lymphatic metastases. To evaluate the expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor marker in non-glottic advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx (T3/T4) and correlate it with the presence of cervical lymph node metastases. Retrospective clinical study and immunohistochemical analysis of vascular endothelial growth factor through the German scale of immunoreactivity in products of non-glottic squamous cell carcinomas. This study analyzed 15 cases of advanced non-glottic laryngeal tumors (T3/T4), four of which exhibited cervical lymphatic metastases. There was no correlation between vascular endothelial growth factor expression and the presence of cervical metastases. Although vascular endothelial growth factor was expressed in a few cases, there was no correlation with the spread of cervical lymph metastases.