953 resultados para Complicated grief
Loss can be seen as a normative life event; nevertheless for most individuals, the experience of the loss of a loved one is extremely stressful. The grief reaction is universal but shaped by cultural norms and individual expectations; grief may also become a serious health problem. The aim of this article is to review the consequences of grief as well as explanations and treatment of complicated grief disorder. Five areas are identified to be of importance to clinicians and researchers: (1) grief reactions, (2) models of grief, (3) bereavement across the life span, (4) diagnostic criteria, and (5) treatment for complicated grief.
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A longitudinal study of grieving in family caregivers of people with dementia Recent research into dementia has identified the long term impact that the role of care giving for a relative with dementia has on family members This is largely due to the cognitive decline that characterises dementia and the losses that can be directly attributed to this. These losses include loss of memories, relationships and intimacy, and are often ambiguous so that the grief that accompanies them is commonly not recognised or acknowledged. The role and impact of pre-death or anticipatory grief has not previously been widely considered as a factor influencing health and well-being of family caregivers. Studies of grief in caregivers of a relative with dementia have concluded that grief is one of the greatest barriers to care giving and is a primary determinant of caregiver well-being. The accumulation of losses, in conjunction with experiences unique to dementia care giving, place family caregivers at risk of complicated grief. This occurs when integration of the death does not take place following bereavement and has been associated with a range of negative health outcomes. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of grief, in addition to other factors representing both positive and negative aspects of the role, on the health related quality of life of family caregivers of people with dementia, prior to and following the death of their relative with dementia. An exploratory research project underpinned by a conceptual framework of caregivers’ adaptation in the context of subjective appraisal of the strains and gains in their role was undertaken. The research comprised three studies. Study 1 was a scoping study that involved a series of semi-structured interviews with thirteen participants who were family caregivers of people with severe dementia or whose relative with dementia had died in the previous twelve months. The results of this study in conjunction with factors identified in the literature informed data collection for the further studies. Study 2 was a cross sectional survey of fifty caregivers recruited when their relative was in the moderate to severe stage of dementia. This study provided the baseline data for Study 3, a prospective cohort follow up study. Study 3 consisted of seventeen participants followed up at two time points after the death of their relative with dementia: six weeks and then six months following the death of the relative with dementia. The scoping study indicated that differences in appraisal of the care giving role and encounters with health professionals were related to levels of grief of caregivers prior to and following the death of the relative with dementia. This was supported in the baseline and follow up studies. In the baseline study, after adjusting for all variables in multivariate regression models, subjective appraisal of burden was found to make a significant contribution (p<.05) to mental health related quality of life. The two dependent variables, anticipatory grief and mental health related quality of life, were significantly (p<.01) correlated at a bivariate level. In the follow up study, linear mixed modelling and multiple regression analysis of data found that subjective appraisal of burden and resilience were significantly associated (p<.05 and p<.01, respectively) with mental health related quality of life over time. In addition, bereavement and complicated grief were significantly associated (p<.05) with mental health following the death of the relative. In this study social support and satisfaction with end of life care were found to be statistically associated (p<.05) with physical health related quality of life over time. The strong relationship between grief of caregivers and their health related quality of life over the entire care giving trajectory and period following the death of their relative highlights the urgent need for further research and interventions in this area. Overall results indicate that addressing the risk and protective factors including subjective appraisal of their care giving role, resilience, social support and satisfaction with end of life care of their relative, has the potential to both ameliorate negative health outcomes and to promote improved health for these caregivers. This research provides important information for development of targeted and appropriate interventions that aim to promote resilience and reduce the personal burden on caregivers of people with dementia.
Background Haemodialysis (HD) nursing is characterised by frequent, intense interactions with patients over long periods of time resulting in a unique nurse-patient relationship. Due to the life-limiting nature of end-stage renal failure, nurses are likely to have repeated exposures to the death of patients with whom they have formed relationships. Repeated exposure to patient death translates into frequent grief experiences. There is scant literature on the psychological impact of patient death for nurses working in the HD setting. Aims To explore HD nurses experiences of patient death and coping mechanisms used. Methods A sequential mixed method study investigating job satisfaction, stress and burnout found that HD nurses had high levels of stress and burnout. These results were explored in more detail during 8 semi-structured interviews with HD nurses. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and subjected to thematic analysis. Results Three themes were identified that highlight the stress experienced by nurses when a haemodialysis patient dies. The first theme, “quazi-family” describes the close relationship which forms between nurses and patients. The “complicated grief” theme outlines the impact of death on HD nurses, and the final theme, “remembrance” explains some of the coping mechanisms used in the grieving process. Conclusion Nurses develop individual coping mechanisms to accommodate the grief and loss experienced when a “close” patient dies. The grieving process caused by the death of patient’s needs to be recognised by nurses and nurse managers as causing psychological stress and strain.
Bereavement needs assessment for specialist palliative care services has been highlighted as important by NICE guidance on palliative care for adults with cancer. Identifying and implementing appropriate bereavement measurement tools has remained a challenge. This paper identifies and reviews bereavement measurement tools to determine their suitability for use within bereavement services and hospice settings. Cochrane, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and CINAHL, electronic databases were searched, yielding 486 papers. From fifty-nine full text papers appraised, 10 measurement tools were analysed in detail. Some tools had been tested on specific populations which limited transferability to specialist palliative care settings; some lacked adequate theoretical links and were not effective in discriminating between normal and complicated grief reactions; and some lacked clear evidence of validity or reliability. Based on these criteria, conclusions are drawn about the suitability of particular tools for UK bereavement services and hospice settings where intervention is delivered by both trained professionals and volunteers.
Support for family caregivers, including bereavement follow-up, is a core function of palliative care. Many caregivers acknowledge positive aspects associated with the role; however a considerable proportion will experience poor psychological, social, financial, spiritual, and physical well-being and some will suffer from complicated grief. Many family caregivers have unmet needs and would like more information, preparation, and support to assist them in the caregiving role. There is a shortage of evidence-based strategies to guide health professionals in providing optimal support while the caregiver is providing care and after the patient's death.
Esta revisión tuvo como objetivo realizar una exploración en la literatura sobre el proceso de duelo en la familia del paciente con Cáncer, desde una perspectiva cognoscitivo comportamental. Se muestran las emociones, las cogniciones y las conductas experimentadas por las familias durante el curso de la enfermedad; se describe el proceso de duelo de acuerdo al ciclo vital y familiar, los tipos de duelo que pueden surgir, los factores que contribuyen al desarrollo de un duelo normal o un duelo complicado, las estrategias y técnicas de intervención del duelo desde la perspectiva cognoscitivo conductual, programas de intervención específicos para el asesoramiento del duelo en familias de pacientes con enfermedad crónica e, intervenciones cognoscitivo comportamentales para el manejo del duelo familiar. Se concluye que el cáncer es una enfermedad que afecta significativamente la vida del paciente y de su familia, durante la enfermedad y después de la muerte. A pesar de esto la atención psicológica prestada a las familias suele ser insuficiente. El enfoque cognoscitivo comportamental ha creado protocolos para ayudar a la familia durante el proceso oncológico.
Enquadramento: O luto é algo complexo e abarca múltiplas dimensões que podem resultar em luto patológico. Objetivos: Determinar a prevalência de luto complicado em familiares de pessoas em situação paliativa; identificar que variáveis sociodemográficas e de contexto do luto interferem no processo de luto complicado; averiguar se há relação entre a funcionalidade familiar, satisfação quanto aos cuidados prestados ao ente querido, a sobrecarga do cuidador e o luto em familiares de pessoas em situação paliativa. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, transversal, descritivo e correlacional, realizado numa amostra de 75 familiares de doentes em situação paliativa. Utilizou-se um Questionário Sociodemográfico; Escala de Apgar Familiar (Agostinho & Rebelo, 1988), Escala do Contexto do Luto (Cunha, 2014), Escala de Avaliação da Satisfação dos Familiares dos Doentes em Cuidados Paliativos - Escala FAMCARE (Almeida, 2012), Escala de Sobrecarga do Cuidador (Sequeira, 2010) e o Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG) (Frade & Rocha, 2008). Resultados: Dos 75 participantes, apenas 24 (35.2%) que se encontravam pelo menos há 6 meses enlutados obtiveram uma pontuação superior a 30 no ICG, tradutora de vivência de luto complicado. Destes, 58.3% eram mulheres e 41.7% homens; na faixa etária =<49 anos (37.5%); com companheiro(a) (54.2%); 70.8% revelam funcionalidade familiar; 62.5% dos participantes perdeu um familiar direto, cujo falecimento ocorreu em 71.4% dos casos no domicílio; 83.3% dos familiares revelam sobrecarga com os cuidados; 29.2% revelam-se insatisfeitos com os cuidados prestados ao seu familiar. Conclusão: Os resultados revelam a necessidade de identificação dos fatores de risco no luto, de modo a mobilizarem-se os recursos para a promoção da vivência saudável do luto. Palavras-Chave: Cuidados Paliativos; Familiares; Luto Complicado.
Aim: This study is going to assess the prevalance of prolonged grief diagnoses and it will evaluate the severity of the symptoms of depression, anxiety and complicated grief two months after a loved one is lost. We also intend to study which variables associated with the risk of grief could be more decisive when diagnosing it, its symptoms and the consequent emotional distress.Method: A total of 66 families of patients in the Palliative Care Unit (PCU) at Hospital San Cecilio in Granada have been evaluated. Measurements were taken two months after the death. This investigation has explored the existing emotional distress using the following questionnaires: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG) and Prolongued Grief Disorder (PG-12).Results: The results show that 33.3% and 21.21% of the sufferers had high levels of depression and clinical anxiety two months after the death. The prevalence of prolongued grief diagnoses, according to the PG-12, is 10.6% and 53.03% of the participants showed symptoms of complicated grief according to the ICG. Additionally, statistically significant differences are found in the sufferers with and without a prolongued grief diagnosis and scores in the ICG and BDI-II. The family’s financial situation is linked to the presence of symptoms of anxiety and depression and complicated grief, with the most determining variable being the risk of grief. Finally, the greater the age of the deceased and the longer the time spent in the PCU is linked to fewer symptoms of grief. However, important links have been found between the sufferers who have experienced stressful critical events prior to losing their loved one, with symptoms of depression, anxiety and complicated grief.Conclusions: The high numbers of cases of symptoms of complicated grief and levels of anxiety and clinical depression two months after a death suggests that early interventions should be carried out in those individuals with greater vulnerability.
Introdução: O luto provocado pela morte dos filhos, o defilhar, desperta fortes sentimentos de raiva, culpa e de censura, sendo estas mortes vividas como uma falha na capacidade de dar e proteger a vida. Superar uma perda desta magnitude implica reestruturar psicologicamente e socialmente. Ainda são muito poucos os estudos realizados para identificar e caraterizar estratégias de superação do luto e menos ainda quando dizem respeito ao defilhar. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar numa amostra de mulheres que perderam um filho (defilhadas) com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, as narrativas de superação do seu processo de luto e mapeá-las à Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF). Métodos: Foi elaborado um protocolo com os seguintes instrumentos: Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ), informações sociodemográficas (idade, género, estado civil, nível educacional, localização geográfica, quantos filhos tem, quando faleceu o filho(a), se foi morte súbita ou esperada, se toma medicação antidepressiva, soníferos ou ansiolíticos e se sim, há quanto tempo), Inventário de Luto Complicado (ILC) e uma entrevista semiestruturada. O protocolo foi administrado a uma amostra de 8 mulheres. Resultados: Os resultados globais sugerem que apesar de grande parte do processo de superação do luto ser bastante emocional, foi possível classificá-lo utilizando o referencial CIF. Dentro do componente ’Funções do Corpo‘, verificou-se o predomínio das funções emocionais nas categorias ‘o que mudou na sua vida’, ‘superação da dor’ e ‘estratégias adotadas’; no componente ‘Atividades e Participação’ destacaram-se aquelas associadas à religião e espiritualidade, nas categorias ‘superação do luto’, ‘estratégias adotadas’ e ‘o que mais gosta de fazer’; no componente ’Fatores Ambientais‘ (‘apoio e relacionamentos’) sobressaiu o apoio proporcionado pela família próxima nas categorias ‘superação da dor’, ‘estratégias adotadas’, apoios físicos ou humanos recebidos’ e ‘o que mais gosta de fazer’. Conclusão: Foi possível mapear à CIF o processo de superação do luto por defilhadas idosas. No entanto, para se obterem dados mais conclusivos, são necessários mais estudos em amostras com maiores dimensões, que abranjam ambos os géneros e com faixas etárias mais amplas. Também é necessário adaptar o protocolo ao referencial CIF de forma a obterem resultados mais precisos.
Este trabajo de grado tiene por objetivo realizar una revisión de literatura que dé cuenta de las características conceptuales del duelo que viven los familiares de los desaparecidos, en un contexto de desaparición forzada de personas como ilícito internacional de los derechos humanos. Para ello se exploraron libros de consulta reconocidos en el tema, artículos de revistas indexadas de los últimos diez años, y jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de casos de desapariciones forzada. Se presenta la definición de la desaparición forzada como ilícito internacional en DDHH, una categorización de víctimas, el desarrollo del concepto de duelo general y para estos casos y su aplicabilidad a los casos de la Corte IDH. Se encontró que los hallazgos dados por la teoría son aplicados en los dictámenes de esta corte, con un discurso de reivindicación de derechos y reparación integral. Se recomiendan futuras investigaciones en propuestas terapéuticas.
BACKGROUND: Literature and clinical experience suggest that some people experience atypical, complicated or pathological bereavement reactions in response to a major loss. METHOD: Three groups of community-based bereaved subjects--spouses (n = 44), adult children (n = 40), and parents (n = 36)--were followed up four times in the 13 months after a loss. A 17-item scale of core bereavement times was developed and used to investigate the intensity of the bereavement response over time. RESULTS: Cluster analysis revealed a pattern of bereavement-related symptoms approximating a syndrome of chronic grief in 11 (9.2%) of the 120 subjects. None of the respondents displayed a pattern consistent with delayed or absent grief. CONCLUSIONS: In a non-clinical community sample of bereaved people, delayed or absent grief is infrequently seen, unlike chronic grief, which is demonstrated in a minority.