1000 resultados para Cinema as process


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.


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O presente trabalho procura, de forma sucinta, descrever o processo de confronto da nação alemã com o seu passado nacional-socialista, um processo que se tem vindo a desenrolar num âmbito político, jurídico e social desde há mais de seis décadas. Pretende-se ainda argumentar que o período em que a Alemanha viveu sob o domínio nazi, elemento incontornável da própria narrativa nacional, tem sido amplamente representado quer na literatura, quer no cinema, tanto por sujeitos da chamada primeira geração, como também pelas gerações que nasceram após 1945, indivíduos cuja influência do passado familiar e/ou interesse pela memória histórica do país constituem a matriz das suas obras.


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Relatório de projecto de investigação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Audiovisual e Multimédia)


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The subject of this study is the use of direct cinema style in documentary film. The main purpose of this thesis was to the research the ways in which direct cinema style attempts to show and achieve truth in documentary films. The following questions were posed: Is it possible to depict reality in a documentary film; how does the choice of using this style affect the final documentary? The essential purpose of this study was to try to see whether the direct cinema style works when trying to achieve truth in a documentary film. This work consints of two elements, the theoretical part and the short documentary. The theoretical part deals with the history, the truth, and the direct cinema- style in documentaries. The theoretical information of direct cinema has been used when making the short documentary. In the documentary Tuloaula 2 I have studied the way in which using direct cinema -style works in practise. The documentary has followed as strictly as possible the direct cinema style. I was the director, the cameraman and the editor of my documentary film. In the documentary film Tuloaula 2 it appeared that the direct cinema style works best when filming everyday life. By using this style it is easy for the director to observe and leave his own persona in the background. The strength in using the direct cinema style is that it enables the viewer to build his/her own impression on the subject. Even though the direct cinema style aims to achieve objectivity the director has to make numerous subjective choices during both the filming and the editing process. These subjective choices automatically effect the "truth" of the documentary film. The difficulty in a direct cinema style is the large amount of material. This often leads to a long editing phase, which is not often possible in the busy production schedules. The direct cinema style is not at its best when shooting people who are passive because their attention often focuses too much on the camera. In general, the best way to make a documentary film would be to use many documentary styles in one film and not to srictly concentrate on only one style.


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This thesis examines the impact of the Soviet Union's collapse on the Russian Symbolic as represented through popular cinema of the post-Soviet period. The disintegration of the USSR in 1991 became one of the most traumatic experiences for many Russian people. The trauma of the collapse of the Soviet Union penetrated the everyday reality of the Russian Symbolic, leaving the traces-symptoms in different cultural fonns like literature, arts, television and cinema. Because popular culture usually reacts very quickly to any social, political and economical shifts in society, it is an excellent barometer for deeper changes in society. Focusing on postSoviet popular cinema, this thesis analyzes the symptoms of cultural and individual trauma occasioned by the momentous changes of the 1990's. This study is grounded in post-analytic theory of Jacques Lacan and its interpretation by Slavoj Zizek, which emphases the traumatic encounter with the Real as a "hard core" of our reality. According to this paradigm, a new chain of signifiers is structured around the traumatic breach in the Symbolic, initiating a process of fantasy construction to deal with consequences of trauma and, thus, to support our Symbolic order. This thesis examines three major fantasy constructions - drinking, traveling to a "happy land" and family reunion and money - in popular films by Alexander Rogozhkin, Yurij Mamin, Georgij Shengelia, Dmitrij Astrakhan, Valerij Todorovskij, Alexej Balabanov, Sergej Bodrov Jr. and Petr Buslov. According to Zizek, enjoyment underlies any fantasy constructions, and that is why after the intrusion of the Real every individual and culture should go through the process of fantasizing about some substitutes which can help to minimize the traumatic effect and which can lead to a partial enjoyment. By analyzing the fantasies about drinking, "happy land", reconstruction of the family bonds and money in Russian popular cinema since 1991, this thesis demonstrates how the traumatic engagement with the Real affected the everyday lives of Russian people, and how individuals tried to fill the gap, the lack, in the post-Soviet Symbolic and "return" the lost feeling of unity and plenitude.


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However common it has become, the term World Cinema still lacks a proper, positive definition. Despite its all-encompassing, democratic vocation, it is not usually employed to mean cinema worldwide. On the contrary, the usual way of defining it is restrictive and negative, as ‘the non-Hollywood cinema’. Needless to say, negation here translates a positive intention to turn difference from the dominant model into a virtue to be rescued from an unequal competition. However, it unwittingly sanctions the American way of looking at the world, according to which Hollywood is the centre and all other cinemas are the periphery. As an alternative to this model, this chapter proposes: • World Cinema is simply the cinema of the world. It has no centre. It is not the other, but it is us. It has no beginning and no end, but is a global process. World Cinema, as the world itself, is circulation. • World Cinema is not a discipline, but a method, a way of cutting across film history according to waves of relevant films and movements, thus creating flexible geographies. • As a positive, inclusive, democratic concept, World Cinema allows all sorts of theoretical approaches, provided they are not based on the binary perspective.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise da política cultural de cinema e sua relação com a identidade nacional, que se desenvolveu entre o final dos anos cinquenta e o início dos anos oitenta. Os principais agentes desse processo são os cineastas vinculados ao Cinema Novo e o Estado autoritário, implantado a partir de 1964, tendo como pano de fundo o intenso processo de modernização sofrido pela sociedade brasileira no período. Dentre as fontes utilizadas, destaca-se a produção cinematográfica do período, importante para compreender as ideias formuladas sobre a identidade nacional e as contradições inerentes a esse processo. No primeiro capítulo, analisamos a gênese do Cinema Novo, reconhecendo-o como movimento político e cultural, estabelecendo suas redes de sociabilidade e caracterizando seus aspectos estéticos e políticos comuns aos cineastas que dele faziam parte. Esta análise considerou três momentos distintos: o primeiro, entre 1955 e 1964, quando ocorreu a gênese do Cinema Novo; o segundo, entre 1964 e 1968, quando o Cinema Novo conheceu seu apogeu e se consolidou como proposta política e cultural; e o terceiro, entre 1969 e 1973, quando a proposta estética se esgotou, dando espaço às articulações políticas e às propostas individuais que caracterizaram esse movimento cultural até o início dos anos oitenta. No segundo capítulo, o objeto principal da análise é a ação do Estado autoritário, estabelecido a partir de 1964, no campo da cultura. Realizamos um retrospecto das intervenções do Estado brasileiro nesse campo até 1964, discorremos sobre a postura do Estado autoritário em relação à produção cultural e destacamos a Política Nacional de Cultura, proposta no final de 1975, a principal referência para se compreender o processo de construção da identidade nacional em tempos de transição. No terceiro capítulo, analisaremos especificamente a política cultural cinematográfica a partir de 1974, seus pontos em comum com a Política Nacional de Cultura e suas contradições em relação à ação do Estado autoritário na área cultural e ao processo de modernização pelo qual passou a sociedade brasileira. Por meio dessa análise, procuramos entender a forma como cinemanovistas e representantes dos órgãos oficiais da área cultural perceberam a gestação de uma política cultural de cinema que contemplasse as necessidades desses tempos de transição e fornecesse os elementos para a construção da identidade nacional. No quarto capítulo, analisamos a trajetória de Joaquim Pedro de Andrade, como intelectual cinemanovista, profundamente influenciado pelos ideais modernistas dos anos vinte e trinta, e crítico do processo de modernização autoritária posto em prática a partir de 1964. Consideramos a trajetória e a obra desse cineasta como paradigmáticas, tanto no que se refere às complexas relações políticas e culturais desenvolvidas pelo Cinema Novo, quanto às profundas transformações vividas pela sociedade brasileira no período. Entre 1955 e 1982, desenvolveram-se várias propostas políticas para a área cultural, destacando-se duas: aquela formulada e apresentada pelo Cinema Novo e aquela referente à intervenção do Estado autoritário nessa área. A atuação dos intelectuais cinemanovistas e o diálogo estabelecido entre estes e seus interlocutores, representantes do Estado autoritário no campo da cultura, possibilitaram a construção de uma identidade nacional em tempos de transição, corroborando o processo de redemocratização e construindo novas formas de se ver, analisar e compreender a sociedade brasileira.


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MEDEIROS, Rildeci; MELO, Erica S. F.; NASCIMENTO, M. S. Hemeroteca digital temática: socialização da informação em cinema.In:SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITÁRIAS,15.,2008,São Paulo. Anais eletrônicos... São Paulo:CRUESP,2008. Disponível em: http://www.sbu.unicamp.br/snbu2008/anais/site/pdfs/3018.pdf


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In this research we present a study of cultural aspects in dubbed and subtitled films. As a case study, we chose to compare the original French version of "Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain" with both the subtitled and the dubbed versions in Portuguese, with focus on the interaction between the French and the Brazilian cultures. First we considered that (i) the translation process interferes on the perception of cultural relationships; and that (ii) dubbing and subtitling are two methods of translation that result in distinct perceptions from the spectator. Then, we adopted the translation interpretative theory (Seleskovicth; Lederer, 2001; Deslile, 1980) as the general theoretical framework, since it emphasizes the extralinguistic equivalence on the translation process. Furthermore, we based this research on three analytical procedures, which are: the four-step translating operation, the contrastive perception and a translation's typology based on Vinay and Dalbernet's linguistic procedures (Srpová, 1991, 1995, 2004). We extracted forty-six culture-related elements from the film and identified those belonging to the French ethno-universe. Then, the elements were classified with respect to a theoretical typology, based on concepts found in the Ethnography of Communication and a general typology, based on five general thematic groups, defined by the corpus. The results showed that both Brazilian versions tend to preserve those culture-related elements by using lexical loan and literal translation. The visual context, in its association with the linguistic procedures in both Brazilian versions, was also observed as an important element to the comprehension of the culture-related elements as they are considered in the French culture. As a general observation, the perception of culture-related elements in the film seems effectively be oriented by the translation methods


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This research aims to identify the process of appropriation of audio visual (in digital video) for collective symbolic production (participatory video practice that expresses popular culture) in a socio-cultural context where the minorities are. Therefore, we based this study on the students‟ experience of the film and video workshops held by Cinema para Todos (Culture Point Cine for All), in Natal, RN. Culture Point is the basis of the project Programa Nacional de Cultura, Educação e Cidadania Cultura Viva (National Program of Culture, Education and Citizenship - Living Culture) of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture. In 2010, the Cine for All developed three film and video workshops in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (Northeastern of Brazil), in the municipalities of Açu, Lajes and São Gonçalo do Amarante, within a public policy project of socio-cultural inclusion. These three workshops are the focus of this empirical investigation. To support the analysis of this research we consider that the spaces of workshops are sites of the social practices origin, assuming they show the development of the changes of actions that generate new practices. In this socio-cultural context the students as interlocutors process the communicative culture mediation, where come from the logics of action (using digital video) to become a mediatic practice (video auto ethnographic). With the overall goal set and the field of investigative action delimited we considered the methodology of case study suitable for the observation of the object, because it is a phenomenon of modernity, occurring in a context of real life and with little or no control over events. Participant observation and interviews was also applied to this case study. The analytical theoretical support comes from the notion of mediation by Jesús Martín-Barbero and the concept of habitus by Pierre Bourdieu. The research found that a new way of communicating has been developing by this social group, and this reflects the technological change experienced by them. The auto ethnographic videos, short movies, reveal an allegorical trial of the mainstream media, because while they use the mainstream format, they rework the aesthetic, but without revising the history, in fact they proposing to retell the history of themselves full of colorful details and with richness of their forgotten popular culture.


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In itinerant film projects made in Brazil, the unique experience of watching movies on the big screen is held in open spaces, through the establishment of a contemporary ritual, under which the presence of spectators is primordial. Considering this dynamic of the performance of itinerant cinema, the main objective of this research is to analyze the process of reception of the spectators of the sessions of Cine Sesi Cultural, conducted by the Social Service Industry - Sesi, in Rio Grande do Norte state. The body of research was composed by the audience of the movie sessions of the edition developed in 2010. Analyses were made from the look on the specific audience of open sessions of this cinema project throughout a case study. Theoretical authors of Latin American as Jesus Martin-Barbero, Guillermo Orozco, Eliseo Veron and Nestor Garcia Canclini, which have important theoretical basis for the analysis of research on the cinematographic reception of the spectators, were taken as a basis. In this discussion are associated with contributions from Brazilian authors as Roseli Paulino, Fernando Mascarello, Mauro Wilton Souza, Nilda Jacks and Carolina Escostesguy. Besides the reception study, the research focuses on aspects that relate to and explain the circumstances in which itinerant cinema emerges as an alternative exhibition, for example, the context of the exhibition of films in the country, lack of public policies in the audiovisual sector, and mainly the closing of movie theaters in the inner cities of the country and the consequent migration of these rooms to the malls. Seeking to reduce the existing gap in the studies of the reception of spectators to the cinema in the country, this research presents a deeper analysis of the reception of the public of the itinerant cinema as a contribution to an important database for the diagnosis of projects such as the Cine Sesi Cultural


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O objetivo deste artigo é compreender o papel intelectual desempenhado por Paulo Emilio Salles Gomes na sociedade brasileira. Partindo da análise da sua crítica de cinema no jornal O Estado de São Paulo, nos anos 1950, busco caracterizar o processo de construção do empenho político e cultural voltado para a construção de uma sociedade democrática no Brasil, que se desdobrava nas análises sobre o cinema, e a realidade brasileira nas décadas de 1960 e 1970.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Artes - IA