997 resultados para Chromosome Instability


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Sporadic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (pNETs) are rare and genetically heterogeneous. Chromosome instability (CIN) has been detected in pNETs from patients with poor outcomes, but no specific genetic factors have been associated with CIN. Mutations in death domain-associated protein gene (DAXX) or ATR-X gene (ATRX) (which both encode proteins involved in chromatin remodeling) have been detected in 40% of pNETs, in association with activation of alternative lengthening of telomeres. We investigated whether loss of DAXX or ATRX, and consequent alternative lengthening of telomeres, are related to CIN in pNETs. We also assessed whether loss of DAXX or ATRX is associated with specific phenotypes of pNETs. METHODS We collected well-differentiated primary pNET samples from 142 patients at the University Hospital Zurich and from 101 patients at the University Hospital Bern (both located in Switzerland). Clinical follow-up data were obtained for 149 patients from general practitioners and tumor registries. The tumors were reclassified into 3 groups according to the 2010 World Health Organization classification. Samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and telomeric fluorescence in situ hybridization. We correlated loss of DAXX, or ATRX, expression, and activation of alternative lengthening of telomeres with data from comparative genomic hybridization array studies, as well as with clinical and pathological features of the tumors and relapse and survival data. RESULTS Loss of DAXX or ATRX protein and alternative lengthening of telomeres were associated with CIN in pNETs. Furthermore, loss of DAXX or ATRX correlated with tumor stage and metastasis, reduced time of relapse-free survival, and decreased time of tumor-associated survival. CONCLUSIONS Loss of DAXX or ATRX is associated with CIN in pNETs and shorter survival times of patients. These results support the hypothesis that DAXX- and ATRX-negative tumors are a more aggressive subtype of pNET, and could lead to identification of strategies to target CIN in pancreatic tumors.


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Une caractéristique intéressante de la protéine Bcl-xL est la présence d'un domaine en boucle non-structurée entre les hélices α1 and α2 de la protéine. Ce domaine protéique n'est pas essentiel pour sa fonction anti-apoptotique et absent chez CED-9, la protéine orthologue chez Caenorhabditis elegans. A l'intérieur de ce domaine, Bcl-xL subit une phosphorylation et déphosphorylation dynamique sur les résidus Ser49 et Ser62 en phase G2 du cycle cellulaire et lors de la mitose. Lorsque ces résidus sont mutés et les protéines exprimées dans des cellules cancéreuses, les cellules démontrent plusieurs défauts mitotiques liés à l'instabilité chromosomique. Pour analyser les effets de Bcl-xL Ser49 et Ser62 dans les cellules normales, les présentes études ont été réalisées dans des cellules diploïdes humaines normales, et in vivo chez Caenorhabditis elegans. Dans une première étude, nous avons utilisé la lignée cellulaire de cellules fibroblastiques diploïdes humaines normales BJ, exprimant Bcl-xL (type sauvage), (S49A), (S49D), (S62A), (S62D) et les double (S49/62A) et (S49/62D) mutants. Les cellules exprimant les mutants de phosphorylation ont montré des cinétiques de doublement de la population cellulaire réduites. Ces effets sur la cinétique de doublement de la population cellulaire corrèle avec l'apparition de la sénescence cellulaire, sans impact sur les taux de mort cellulaire. Ces cellules sénescentes affichent des phénotypes typiques de sénescence associés notamment à haut niveau de l'activité β-galactosidase associée à la sénescence, la sécrétion d' interleukine-6, l'activation de p53 et de p21WAF1/ Cip1, un inhibiteur des complexes kinase cycline-dépendant, ainsi que la formation de foyers de chromatine nucléaire associés à γH2A.X. Les analyses de fluorescence par hybridation in situ et des caryotypes par coloration au Giemsa ont révélé que l'expression des mutants de phosphorylation de Bcl-xL provoquent de l'instabilité chromosomique et l'aneuploïdie. Ces résultats suggèrent que les cycles de phosphorylation et déphosphorylation dynamiques de Bcl-xL Ser49 et Ser62 sont importants dans le maintien de l'intégrité des chromosomes lors de la mitose dans les cellules normales. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons entrepris des expériences chez Caenorhabditis elegans pour comprendre l'importance des résidus Ser49 et Ser62 de Bcl-xL in vivo. Les vers transgéniques portant les mutations de Bcl-xL (S49A, S62A, S49D, S62D et S49/62A) ont été générés et leurs effets ont été analysés sur les cellules germinales des jeunes vers adultes. Les vers portant les mutations de Bcl-xL ont montré une diminution de ponte et d'éclosion des oeufs, des variations de la longueur de leurs régions mitotiques et des zones de transition, des anomalies chromosomiques à leur stade de diplotène, et une augmentation de l'apoptose des cellules germinales. Certaines de ces souches transgéniques, en particulier les variants Ser/Ala, ont également montré des variations de durée de vie par rapport aux vers témoins. Ces observations in vivo ont confirmé l'importance de Ser49 et Ser62 à l'intérieur du domaine à boucle de Bcl-xL pour le maintien de la stabilité chromosomique. Ces études auront une incidence sur les futures stratégies visant à développer et à identifier des composés qui pourraient cibler non seulement le domaine anti-apoptotique de la protéine Bcl-xL, mais aussi son domaine mitotique pour la thérapie du cancer.


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Une caractéristique intéressante de la protéine Bcl-xL est la présence d'un domaine en boucle non-structurée entre les hélices α1 and α2 de la protéine. Ce domaine protéique n'est pas essentiel pour sa fonction anti-apoptotique et absent chez CED-9, la protéine orthologue chez Caenorhabditis elegans. A l'intérieur de ce domaine, Bcl-xL subit une phosphorylation et déphosphorylation dynamique sur les résidus Ser49 et Ser62 en phase G2 du cycle cellulaire et lors de la mitose. Lorsque ces résidus sont mutés et les protéines exprimées dans des cellules cancéreuses, les cellules démontrent plusieurs défauts mitotiques liés à l'instabilité chromosomique. Pour analyser les effets de Bcl-xL Ser49 et Ser62 dans les cellules normales, les présentes études ont été réalisées dans des cellules diploïdes humaines normales, et in vivo chez Caenorhabditis elegans. Dans une première étude, nous avons utilisé la lignée cellulaire de cellules fibroblastiques diploïdes humaines normales BJ, exprimant Bcl-xL (type sauvage), (S49A), (S49D), (S62A), (S62D) et les double (S49/62A) et (S49/62D) mutants. Les cellules exprimant les mutants de phosphorylation ont montré des cinétiques de doublement de la population cellulaire réduites. Ces effets sur la cinétique de doublement de la population cellulaire corrèle avec l'apparition de la sénescence cellulaire, sans impact sur les taux de mort cellulaire. Ces cellules sénescentes affichent des phénotypes typiques de sénescence associés notamment à haut niveau de l'activité β-galactosidase associée à la sénescence, la sécrétion d' interleukine-6, l'activation de p53 et de p21WAF1/ Cip1, un inhibiteur des complexes kinase cycline-dépendant, ainsi que la formation de foyers de chromatine nucléaire associés à γH2A.X. Les analyses de fluorescence par hybridation in situ et des caryotypes par coloration au Giemsa ont révélé que l'expression des mutants de phosphorylation de Bcl-xL provoquent de l'instabilité chromosomique et l'aneuploïdie. Ces résultats suggèrent que les cycles de phosphorylation et déphosphorylation dynamiques de Bcl-xL Ser49 et Ser62 sont importants dans le maintien de l'intégrité des chromosomes lors de la mitose dans les cellules normales. Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons entrepris des expériences chez Caenorhabditis elegans pour comprendre l'importance des résidus Ser49 et Ser62 de Bcl-xL in vivo. Les vers transgéniques portant les mutations de Bcl-xL (S49A, S62A, S49D, S62D et S49/62A) ont été générés et leurs effets ont été analysés sur les cellules germinales des jeunes vers adultes. Les vers portant les mutations de Bcl-xL ont montré une diminution de ponte et d'éclosion des oeufs, des variations de la longueur de leurs régions mitotiques et des zones de transition, des anomalies chromosomiques à leur stade de diplotène, et une augmentation de l'apoptose des cellules germinales. Certaines de ces souches transgéniques, en particulier les variants Ser/Ala, ont également montré des variations de durée de vie par rapport aux vers témoins. Ces observations in vivo ont confirmé l'importance de Ser49 et Ser62 à l'intérieur du domaine à boucle de Bcl-xL pour le maintien de la stabilité chromosomique. Ces études auront une incidence sur les futures stratégies visant à développer et à identifier des composés qui pourraient cibler non seulement le domaine anti-apoptotique de la protéine Bcl-xL, mais aussi son domaine mitotique pour la thérapie du cancer.


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Mitotic progression of mammalian cells is tightly regulated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase anaphase promoting complex (APC)/C. Deregulation of APC/C is frequently observed in cancer cells and is suggested to contribute to chromosome instability and cancer predisposition. In this study, we identified Daxx as a novel APC/C inhibitor frequently overexpressed in prostate cancer. Daxx interacts with the APC/C coactivators Cdc20 and Cdh1 in vivo, with the binding of Cdc20 dependent on the consensus destruction boxes near the N-terminal of the Daxx protein. Ectopic expression of Daxx, but not the D-box deleted mutant (DaxxΔD-box), inhibited the degradation of APC/Cdc20 and APC/Cdh1 substrates, leading to a transient delay in mitotic progression. Daxx is frequently upregulated in prostate cancer tissues; the expression level positively correlated with the Gleason score and disease metastasis (P = 0.027 and 0.032, respectively). Furthermore, ectopic expression of Daxx in a non-malignant prostate epithelial cell line induced polyploidy under mitotic stress. Our data suggest that Daxx may function as a novel APC/C inhibitor, which promotes chromosome instability during prostate cancer development.


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Centromeres are chromosomal loci essential for genome stability. Their malfunction can cause chromosome instability associated with cancer, infertility, and birth defects. This study focused on an intriguing centromere on human chromosome 17, which displays normal functional variation. Centromere identity can be found on either of two large arrays of repetitive DNA. We investigated inter-individual sequence variation on these two arrays and found association between array size, array variation, and centromere function. Our data suggest a functional influence of DNA sequence at this critical epigenetic locus.


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Los solventes orgánicos son sustancias químicas que por sus propiedades físico-químicas son fácilmente inhalados o absorbidos por la piel, pueden causar daños de diversa índole en la salud. En Colombia existen normas que contemplan las medidas de protección, sin embargo persiste la informalidad en el sector de pintores de autos, por lo cual los trabajadores expuestos, a largo plazo pueden ver afectada su salud. En este estudio se analizó la relación entre individuos expuestos laboralmente a los solventes orgánicos versus no expuestos con respecto a la longitud de sus telómeros y formación de fragilidades. Se emplearon muestras de sangre extraídas por venopunción, recolectada en dos tubos: uno con Heparina, destinado al cultivo de linfocitos, para obtener cromosomas metafásicos y evaluar en ellos la presencia de fragilidades; el otro tubo con EDTA, fue empleado para la extracción de ADN y se utilizó para obtener los valores de longitud telomérica mediante la técnica de PCR cuantitativa. Los análisis estadísticos se realizaron aplicando la prueba de rangos de Wilcoxon, en el caso de la presencia de fragilidades se analizó la razón No.Fragilidades/No.Metafases, aplicando el método de Wilcoxon se encontró que existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre expuestos y no expuestos (p = 0,036), en donde los expuestos presentan mayor frecuencia de fragilidades. Por otra parte el valor relativo de longitud telomérica del grupo de expuestos fue mayor que el observado en el grupo de no expuestos, esta diferencia fue estadísticamente significativa (Wilcoxon, p = 0.002).


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Mammalian genomes encode at least 15 distinct DNA polymerases, functioning as specialists in DNA replication, DNA repair, recombination, or bypass of DNA damage. Although the DNA polymerase zeta (polzeta) catalytic subunit REV3L is important in defense against genotoxins, little is known of its biological function. This is because REV3L is essential during embryogenesis, unlike other translesion DNA polymerases. Outstanding questions include whether any adult cells are viable in the absence of polzeta and whether polzeta status influences tumorigenesis. REV3L-deficient cells have properties that could influence the development of neoplasia in opposing ways: markedly reduced damage-induced point mutagenesis and extensive chromosome instability. To answer these questions, Rev3L was conditionally deleted from tissues of adult mice using MMTV-Cre. Loss of REV3L was tolerated in epithelial tissues but not in the hematopoietic lineage. Thymic lymphomas in Tp53(-/-) Rev3L conditional mice occurred with decreased latency and higher incidence. The lymphomas were populated predominantly by Rev3L-null T cells, showing that loss of Rev3L can promote tumorigenesis. Remarkably, the tumors were frequently oligoclonal, consistent with accelerated genetic changes in the absence of Rev3L. Mammary tumors could also arise from Rev3L-deleted cells in both Tp53(+/+) and Tp53(+/-) backgrounds. Mammary tumors in Tp53(+/-) mice deleting Rev3L formed months earlier than mammary tumors in Tp53(+/-) control mice. Prominent preneoplastic changes in glandular tissue adjacent to these tumors occurred only in mice deleting Rev3L and were associated with increased tumor multiplicity. Polzeta is the only specialized DNA polymerase yet identified that inhibits spontaneous tumor development.


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FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed RNA-binding protein of the hnRNP family, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors, through chromosomal translocations, in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) [1]. To date, FUS/TLS has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes such as gene expression control, transcriptional regulation, pre-mRNA splicing and miRNA processing [2]. In addition, some evidences link FUS/TLS to genome stability control and DNA damage response. In fact, mice lacking FUS/TLS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) and show high levels of chromosome instability and in response to double-strand breaks, FUS/TLS gets phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [3,4,5]. Furthermore, the inducible depletion of FUS/TLS in a neuroblastoma cell line (SH-SY5Y FUS/TLS TET-off iKD) subjected to genotoxic stress (IR) resulted in an increased phosphorylation of γH2AX respect to control cells, suggesting an higher activation of the DNA damage response. The study aims to investigate the specific role of FUS/TLS in DNA damage response through the characterization of the proteomic profile of SH-SY5Y FUS/TLS iKD cells subjected to DNA damage stress, by mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics (e.g. SILAC). Preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS/TLS interacting proteins in HEK293 cells, expressing a recombinant flag-tagged FUS/TLS protein, highlighted the interactions with several proteins involved in DNA damage response, such as DNA-PK, XRCC-5/-6, and ERCC-6, raising the possibilities that FUS/TLS is involved in this pathway, even thou its exact role still need to be addressed.


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FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed protein of the hnRNP family, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [Vance C. et al., 2009]. FUS is a 53 kDa nuclear protein that contains structural domains, such as a RNA Recognition Motif (RRM) and a zinc finger motif, that give to FUS the ability to bind to both RNA and DNA sequences. It has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes, such as pre-mRNA splicing, miRNA processing, gene expression control and transcriptional regulation [Fiesel FC. and Kahle PJ., 2011]. Moreover, some evidences link FUS to genome stability control and DNA damage response: mice lacking FUS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation (IR) and show high levels of chromosome instability and, in response to double-strand breaks, FUS is phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [Kuroda M. et al., 2000; Hicks GG. et al., 2000; Gardiner M. et al., 2008]. Furthermore, preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS interacting proteins in HEK293 cells, expressing a recombinant flag-tagged FUS protein, highlighted the interactions with proteins involved in DNA damage response, such as DNA-PK, XRCC-5/-6, and ERCC-6, raising the possibilities that FUS is involved in this pathway, even though its role still needs to be clarified. This study aims to investigate the biological roles of FUS in human cells and in particular the putative role in DNA damage response through the characterization of the proteomic profile of the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y upon FUS inducible depletion, by a quantitative proteomic approach. The SH-SY5Y cell line that will be used in this study expresses, in presence of tetracycline, a shRNA that targets FUS mRNA, leading to FUS protein depletion (SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells). To quantify changes in proteins expression levels a SILAC strategy (Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino acids in Cell culture) will be conducted on SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells and a control SH-SY5Y cell line (that expresses a mock shRNA) and the relative changes in proteins levels will be evaluated after five and seven days upon FUS depletion, by nanoliquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (nLC-MS/MS) and bioinformatics analysis. Preliminary experiments demonstrated that the SH-SY5Y FUS iKD cells, when subjected to genotoxic stress (high dose of IR), upon inducible depletion of FUS, showed a increased phosphorylation of gH2AX with respect to control cells, suggesting an higher activation of the DNA damage response.


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FUS/TLS (fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma) is a ubiquitously expressed RNA-binding protein, that has been discovered as fused to transcription factors in several human sarcomas and found in protein aggregates in neurons of patients with an inherited form of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [1]. To date, FUS has been implicated in a variety of cellular processes such as gene expression control, transcriptional regulation, pre-mRNA splicing and miRNA processing [2]. In addition, some evidences link FUS to genome stability control and DNA damage response. In fact, mice lacking FUS are hypersensitive to ionizing radiation and show high levels of chromosome instability and in response to double-strand breaks, FUS gets phosphorylated by the protein kinase ATM [3, 4, 5]. Moreover, upon DNA damage stress, FUS mediates Ebp1 (ErbB3 receptor-binding protein) SUMOylation, a post-translational modification that is required for its onco-suppressive activity, by acting as SUMO E3 ligase [6]. The study aims to investigate the role of FUS in DNA damage response and SUMOylation, two cellular pathways tightly interconnected to each other. Moreover, we will exploit biochemical and mass spectrometry-based approaches in order to identify other potential substrates of the E3 SUMO ligase activity of FUS. Preliminary results of mass spectrometric identification of FUS interacting proteins, in HEK293 and SHSY5Y cells, highlighted the interaction of FUS with several proteins involved in DNA damage response and many of those have been described already as target of SUMOylation, such as XRCC5, DDX5, PARP1, Nucleophosmin, and others. These evidences strengthen the hypothesis that FUS might represent a link between these pathways, even thou its exact role still needs to be clearly addressed. [1] Vance C. et al. (2009) Science 323(5918): p. 1208-11 [2] Fiesel FC., Kahle PJ. (2011) FEBS J. 278(19): p. 3550-68 [3] Kuroda M. et al. (2000) Embo J. 19(3): p. 453-62 [4] Hicks GG. et al. (2000) Nat Genet. 24(2):p. 175-9 [5] Gardiner M. et al. (2008) Biochem J. 415(2): p. 297-307 [6] Oh SM. et al. (2010) Oncogene 29(7): p. 1017-30


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BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor that functions in controlling cell growth and maintaining genomic stability. BRCA1 has also been implicated in telomere maintenance through its ability to regulate the transcription of hTERT, the catalytic subunit of telomerase, resulting in telomere shortening, and to colocalize with the telomere-binding protein TRF1. The high incidence of nonreciprocal translocations in tumors arising from BRCA1 mutation carriers and Brca1-null mice also raises the possibility that BRCA1 plays a role in telomere protection. To date, however, the consequences for telomere status of disrupting BRCA1 have not been reported. To examine the role of BRCA1 in telomere regulation, we have expressed a dominant-negative mutant of BRCA1 (trBRCA1), known to disrupt multiple functions of BRCA1, in telomerase-positive mammary epithelial cells (SVCT) and telomerase-negative ALT cells (GM847). In SVCT cells, expression of trBRCA1 resulted in an increased incidence of anaphase bridges and in an increase in telomere length, but no change in telomerase activity. In GM847 cells, trBRCA1 also increased anaphase bridge formation but did not induce any change in telomere length. BRCA1 colocalized with TRF2 in telomerase-positive cells and with a small subset of ALT-associated PML bodies (APBs) in ALT cells. Together, these results raise the possibility that BRCA1 could play a role in telomere protection and suggest a potential mechanism for one of the phenotypes of BRCA1 deficient cells. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The present study successfully developed orally deliverable multimodular zinc (Zn) iron oxide (Fe3O4)-saturated bovine lactoferrin (bLf)-loaded polymeric nanocapsules (NCs), and evaluated their theranostic potential (antitumor efficacy, magnetophotothermal efficacy and imaging capability) in an in vivo human xenograft CpG-island methylator phenotype (CIMP)-1(+)/CIMP2(-)/chromosome instability-positive colonic adenocarcinoma (Caco2) and claudin-low, triple-negative (ER(-)/PR(-)/HER2(-); MDA-MB-231) breast cancer model. Mice fed orally on the Zn-Fe-bLf NC diet showed downregulation in tumor volume and complete regression in tumor volume after 45 days of feeding. In human xenograft colon cancer, vehicle-control NC diet-group (n=5) mice showed a tumor volume of 52.28±11.55 mm(3), and Zn-Fe-bLf NC diet (n=5)-treated mice had a tumor-volume of 0.10±0.073 mm(3). In the human xenograft breast cancer model, Zn-Fe-bLf NC diet (n=5)-treated mice showed a tumor volume of 0.051±0.062 mm(3) within 40 days of feeding. Live mouse imaging conducted by near-infrared fluorescence imaging of Zn-Fe-bLf NCs showed tumor site-specific localization and regression of colon and breast tumor volume. Ex vivo fluorescence-imaging analysis of the vital organs of mice exhibited sparse localization patterns of Zn-Fe-bLf NCs and also confirmed tumor-specific selective localization patterns of Zn-Fe-bLf NCs. Dual imaging using magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography scans revealed an unprecedented theranostic ability of the Zn-Fe-bLf NCs. These observations warrant consideration of multimodular Zn-Fe-bLf NCs for real-time cancer imaging and simultaneous cancer-targeted therapy.


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CONTEXTO: Vários estudos de perda de heterozigozidade na região 9p21-p22, que abriga os genes supressores tumorais CDKN2a/p16INK4a, p19ARF e p15INK4b, têm sido realizados em uma ampla série de tumores humanos, incluindo os melanomas familiares. Perdas e ganhos em outras regiões do cromossomo 9 também têm sido observados com freqüência e podem indicar mecanismos adicionais no processo de tumorigênese dos carcinomas basocelulares da pele. OBJETIVO: Investigar o equilíbrio alélico existente na região 9p21-p22 em carcinomas basocelulares. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Análise molecular de marcadores de microssatélites em tumores e controles. LOCAL: Dois serviços de dermatologia de atendimento terciário em universidades públicas de São Paulo e o Laboratório de Genética Molecular do Câncer da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Brasil. PARTICIPANTES: Examinamos 13 casos benignos, incluindo 4 queratoses solares, 3 queratoacantomas, 3 nevos melanocíticos, 2 doenças de Bowen e 1 neurofibroma cutâneo, além de 58 tumores malignos da pele: 14 de células escamosas, 40 carcinomas basocelulares e 4 melanomas; em pacientes consecutivamente encaminhados à clínica de Dermatologia da Unicamp e que concordaram em participar do estudo. VARIÁVEIS ESTUDADAS: O tumor principal e uma porção normal de pele não-adjacente foram removidos cirurgicamente de pacientes que consecutivamente procuraram os ambulatórios de dermatologia da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) e da Universidade Estadual de São Paulo (Unesp), São Paulo, por causa de lesões cutâneas. Extraímos DNA tanto de tecido tumoral como do correspondente tecido normal de cada paciente. Para amplificar regiões de repetição polimórfica de microssatélites do cromossomo 9, foram utilizados quatro pares de primers, sendo dois deles destinados à região 9p21-p22. RESULTADOS: Identificamos oito casos (20%) de desequilíbrio alélico entre os carcinomas basocelulares, sendo dois casos de perda de heterozigozidade e seis casos de instabilidade de microssatélite na região 9p21-p22. Outros marcadores também mostravam anormalidades em três destes tumores, enquanto nenhuma alteração foi detectada entre os casos benignos e nos outros tumores malignos. CONCLUSÃO: Esta dependência fenotípica sugere que existem diferenças importantes no comportamento das formas mais comuns de tumores cutâneos não-melanocíticos em relação à sua tendência para instabilidade de microssatélite no cromossomo 9. Considerando-se que os genes CDKN2a/p16INK4a, p19ARF e p15INK4b não parecem responsáveis pelas anormalidades observadas, outros genes em 9p21-p22 podem estar envolvidos na etiopatogenia e na progressão dos carcinomas basocelulares.


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Background The breakpoints and mechanisms of ring chromosome formation were studied and mapped in 14 patients. Methods Several techniques were performed such as genome-wide array, MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-Dependent Probe Amplification) and FISH (Fluorescent in situ Hybridization). Results The ring chromosomes of patients I to XIV were determined to be, respectively: r(3)(p26.1q29), r(4)(p16.3q35.2), r(10)(p15.3q26.2), r(10)(p15.3q26.13), r(13)(p13q31.1), r(13)(p13q34), r(14)(p13q32.33), r(15)(p13q26.2), r(18)(p11.32q22.2), r(18)(p11.32q21.33), r(18)(p11.21q23), r(22)(p13q13.33), r(22)(p13q13.2), and r(22)(p13q13.2). These rings were found to have been formed by different mechanisms, such as: breaks in both chromosome arms followed by end-to-end reunion (patients IV, VIII, IX, XI, XIII and XIV); a break in one chromosome arm followed by fusion with the subtelomeric region of the other (patients I and II); a break in one chromosome arm followed by fusion with the opposite telomeric region (patients III and X); fusion of two subtelomeric regions (patient VII); and telomere-telomere fusion (patient XII). Thus, the r(14) and one r(22) can be considered complete rings, since there was no loss of relevant genetic material. Two patients (V and VI) with r(13) showed duplication along with terminal deletion of 13q, one of them proved to be inverted, a mechanism known as inv-dup-del. Ring instability was detected by ring loss and secondary aberrations in all but three patients, who presented stable ring chromosomes (II, XIII and XIV). Conclusions We concluded that the clinical phenotype of patients with ring chromosomes may be related with different factors, including gene haploinsufficiency, gene duplications and ring instability. Epigenetic factors due to the circular architecture of ring chromosomes must also be considered, since even complete ring chromosomes can result in phenotypic alterations, as observed in our patients with complete r(14) and r(22).