964 resultados para Check lists


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Together with hard and soft networks tangible and intangible regional assets play an important role in the knowledge-based development of competing city-regions. The aim of this paper, therefore, is to investigate the best ways of managing invaluable tangible and intangible assets of city-regions. The paper explores the importance of asset management of city-regions by giving special emphasis on their knowledge asset base. This paper develops and introduces a theoretical framework to conceptualise a new approach to articulate the strategic planning mechanism, so called the 6K1C framework. The 6K1C framework is part of the strategic planning process of continuous improvement of overall public sector performance. The framework provides a proactive check-list approach integrated for managing and harnessing tangible and intangible assets of the post-industrial city-regions.


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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the process, and analyse the implementation of constructability improvement and innovation result during the planning and design for sea water intake structure of fertilizer plant project. Design/methodology/approach The research methodology approach is case study method at project level. This constructability improvement process was investigated by using constructability implementation check lists, direct observation, documented lesson learned analysis and key personnel interviews. Findings The case study shows that the implementation of constructability during planning and design stage for this sea water intake structure has increased the project performance as well as improved the schedule by 5 months (14.21%) and reduced the project cost by 15.35%. Research limitations/implications This case study was limited to three (3) previous sea water intake projects as references and one (1) of new method sea water intake structure at fertilizer plant project. Practical implications A constructability improvement check list using theory and lesson learned for the specific construction project was documented. Originality/value The findings support the relevant study of constructability and provide specific lesson learned for three (3) previous project and one (1) of the new innovation method of the construction project and documented by the company.


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This bibliography covers the literature up to the end of 1978. The criteria used in the selection of references were that they should aid identification of invertebrates directly; thus, works solely concerned with the taxonomy of a particular group are in general omitted unless they contain a key. Some check-lists are however included where they give current nomenclature. The references are arranged alphabetically within each group and deal mainly with macro-invertebrates but include available keys to some microscopic invertebrates. Internal parasites and hymenopterous parasitoids are omitted. For insects the life stages to which the key applies are given where this is not clear in the reference. A number of keys to non-aquatic stages have been included in the hope that they may prove useful in certain circumstances. In addition, under a general head, latest check-lists are referred to together with bibliographies of algal keys and a guide for the identification of British water plants.


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L'ensemble de mon travail a été réalisé grâce a l'utilisation de logiciel libre.


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Learning Disability (LD) is a general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems. It is a neurological condition that affects a child's brain and impairs his ability to carry out one or many specific tasks. The learning disabled children are neither slow nor mentally retarded. This disorder can make it problematic for a child to learn as quickly or in the same way as some child who isn't affected by a learning disability. An affected child can have normal or above average intelligence. They may have difficulty paying attention, with reading or letter recognition, or with mathematics. It does not mean that children who have learning disabilities are less intelligent. In fact, many children who have learning disabilities are more intelligent than an average child. Learning disabilities vary from child to child. One child with LD may not have the same kind of learning problems as another child with LD. There is no cure for learning disabilities and they are life-long. However, children with LD can be high achievers and can be taught ways to get around the learning disability. In this research work, data mining using machine learning techniques are used to analyze the symptoms of LD, establish interrelationships between them and evaluate the relative importance of these symptoms. To increase the diagnostic accuracy of learning disability prediction, a knowledge based tool based on statistical machine learning or data mining techniques, with high accuracy,according to the knowledge obtained from the clinical information, is proposed. The basic idea of the developed knowledge based tool is to increase the accuracy of the learning disability assessment and reduce the time used for the same. Different statistical machine learning techniques in data mining are used in the study. Identifying the important parameters of LD prediction using the data mining techniques, identifying the hidden relationship between the symptoms of LD and estimating the relative significance of each symptoms of LD are also the parts of the objectives of this research work. The developed tool has many advantages compared to the traditional methods of using check lists in determination of learning disabilities. For improving the performance of various classifiers, we developed some preprocessing methods for the LD prediction system. A new system based on fuzzy and rough set models are also developed for LD prediction. Here also the importance of pre-processing is studied. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is designed for developing an integrated knowledge based tool for prediction of LD as well as its degree. The designed tool stores the details of the children in the student database and retrieves their LD report as and when required. The present study undoubtedly proves the effectiveness of the tool developed based on various machine learning techniques. It also identifies the important parameters of LD and accurately predicts the learning disability in school age children. This thesis makes several major contributions in technical, general and social areas. The results are found very beneficial to the parents, teachers and the institutions. They are able to diagnose the child’s problem at an early stage and can go for the proper treatments/counseling at the correct time so as to avoid the academic and social losses.


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Diseñar un programa de intervención para desarrollar la capacidad de cooperación y la creatividad infantil en niños de 8 a 10 años, implementarlo durante un curso escolar en 4 aulas y evaluar sus efectos en factores tales como: las conductas de ayuda, la conducta prosocial altruista, la asertividad, el autoconcepto, la comunicación intragrupo y la creatividad verbal y gráfico-figurativa. Hipótesis general: la participación en el programa de juego estimula una mejora significativa del desarrollo social y personal.. 154 sujetos distribuidos en 5 grupos (4 experimentales y 1 de control) de tercero y cuarto de educación primaria, de un centro escolar de Guipuzcoa.. 1. Realiza un diseño pretest-postest, con un programa de intervención consistente en 20 sesiones anuales de juego, de 60 a 90 minutos de duración. Cada sesión está constituida por tres fases: apertura, desarrollo de la secuencia de juego y cierre. En la planificación de la sesión, hay dos momentos: en primer lugar, la selección de 3, 4 o 5 actividades lúdicas de acuerdo con los aspectos de desarrollo sociales, afectivos, intelectuales y psicomotrices, y en segundo lugar, la organización de la secuencia de juego. Además, incluye una evaluación sumativa que se realiza a través de: a) un 'Diario' y b) la filmación de las sesiones. 2. Expone los resultados derivados del análisis de varianza múltiple y las conclusiones. Utiliza las siguientes variables: independientes: el programa de intervención, y dependientes: conducta altruista, conducta asertiva, comunicación intragrupo, autoconcepto, creatividad verbal y gráfico-figurativa.. Técnica experimental de evaluación de la conducta altruista: El dilema del prisionero, escala de comportamiento asertivo para niños, evaluación de la comunicación intragrupo: El juego de las siluetas, escala de sensibilidad social, evaluación del autoconcepto: adaptación del test 'The adjective check lists', batería de Guilford (test de los usos inusuales, test de las consecuencias, test de los círculos), test de 'Abreación' para evaluar la creatividad, 'Diario', cuestionario autoinforme de evaluación para niños y educadores.. Análisis de varianza múltiple. Baremos. Puntuaciones percentiles. Tablas.. La aplicación de un programa de juego amistoso y no competitivo tiene importantes beneficios en el desarrollo integral del niño, ya que estimula: 1. La capacidad de cooperación grupal, que se evidencia en la aparición de conductas altruistas intragrupo. 2. Una disminución de la conducta no asertiva en la interacción social con otros niños, potenciando a un tiempo la disminución de conductas agresivas y pasivas. 3. Un relevante incremento de los mensajes positivos, así como la casi desaparición de los mensajes negativos en relación a la comunicación intragrupo. 4. Una mejora del autoconcepto global. 5. Un incremento de la creatividad verbal en relación a los indicadores: fluidez, flexibilidad y originalidad. 6. Una mejora de la creatividad gráfico-figurativa con un aumento de la fluidez, la originalidad, la conectividad y la fantasía.. Esta experiencia de intervención psicoeducativa evidencia el papel positivo que desempeñan los juegos amistosos, cooperativos y creativos en el desarrollo integral del niño y en las relaciones intragrupo dentro del contexto escolar. Ello sugiere la importancia de incluir en el curriculum escolar experiencias estructurales que fomenten la creatividad y la capacidad de cooperación grupal..


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Esta tese apresenta uma proposta de modelo de referência para o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos farmacêuticos, a qual foi alicerçada nos preceitos da Engenharia Silmutânea, do Desenvolvimento Integrado de produtos, do sistema Stage Gates e do Product Based Business. O modelo de referência para o PDP foi desenvolvido a partir de informações da literatura de desenvolvimento de produtos, literatura farmacêutica e de entrevistas realizadas com profissionais farmacêuticos que trabalham em empresas de médio e grande porte , e com outros profissionais que ocupam cargos relacionados com o processo de desenvolvimento de produtos. Também contribui com a construção do modelo, uma entrevista com um representante da ANVISA da área de de registro de medicamentos genéricos, particularmente no entendimento das relações entre empresas e agência de registro. A partir da ferramenta de modelagem EDT (estrutura do desmembramento do trabalho) e de uma matriz de atividades versus responsabilidades, foi possível modelar o processo em três macroetapas e sete fases, abrangendo desde a identificação de uma oportunidade de negócio até o lançamento do produto no mercado. O modelo também contempla seis estágios-portão ou gates, os quais são acompanhados de listas de verificação (check lists) e outros documentos de controle de PDP No modelo referncial, as fases que são pouco descritas ou contempladas nos processos farmacêuticos foram enfatizadas, e para facilitar a compreensão do modelo, empregou-se um exemplo de aplicação através da simulação do desenvolvimento de um medicamento antinflamatório, o ibuprofeno. O trabalho também apresenta o método subjacente ao modelo de referência, explicitando as componentes: processo,princípios, práticas, cultura e ferramentas, as quais oferecem sustentação ao mesmo. Por fim, as entrevistas revelaram algumas dificuldades e facilidades encontradas durante o registro de medicamentos na ANVISA. O modelo de referência proposto guarda em si generalidade suficiente para servir de inspiração para fabricação de medicamentos e cosméticos variantes, nos diferentes estados físicos e pertencentes às diferentes classes terapêuticas. No caso de produtos inovadores, as atividades das fases iniciais do modelo (pré-desenvolvimento) deverão ser revistas.


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The research focused on children's behaviour in playing with objects both independently and in interaction with adults. It was based on studies of 40 Slovene children in 4 age groups (6,12,18 and 24 months) and of 23 Croatian children in 2 age groups (18 and 24 months). All the children were sampled proportionally by their gender and the educational level of their parents (middle and higher). Several coding check lists with satisfactory internal consistency were constructed during the study and used to analyse the video-recorded playing sessions with each child. The basic conclusion reached was that even in early childhood playing behaviour differs significantly between the infants from the two Central European countries. The difference lies not so much in the structure or the content of the playing actions, but in the way in which the infants deal playfully with the objects. This difference appears regardless of the type of object the infants are playing with and even regardless of the playing condition. It can best be described as the difference between the first significant discriminant function activity versus passivity. The Slovene infants were found to be on the active pole and the Croatians on the passive one. Social and gender differences were much less significant than cultural ones in determining the structure, the content and the way of playing. Significant age differences appeared in all three aspects, which was consistent with general trends in infants' psychological development. The group define the Slovene interactive playing style as object oriented, while the Croatian one was largely communicated oriented. Within the experimenter-infant dyads, children of both cultures played at a developmentally more advanced level than they did with their mothers, showing that the mothers were not as successful at reaching the ZPD as were the trained experimenters. In addition, the children of mothers who attributed more cognitive benefit to play played on a more advanced level than those whose mothers attributed more emotional benefit to play. The quality of the object the children were playing with was also significantly related to the structure, content and partly the way of dealing with the objects. Highly-structured objects stimulated complex play and low-structured ones stimulated simple play, regardless of playing conditions. The group concluded that both culture and the quality of the available object have an important impact on young children's play. Through the playing interaction, the infants internalise culturally specific patterns of behaviour and culturally specific meanings. These internalisations become apparent very early in their lives, even in non-social situations. On the other hand, the objects themselves have an impact on the level of infants' play. When they do not provide sufficient perceptive and functional support for a representational action, the infants' play will lag behind their actual developmental capacities.


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Graphic depiction is an established method for academics to present concepts about theories of innovation. These expressions have been adopted by policy-makers, the media and businesses. However, there has been little research on the extent of their usage or effectiveness ex-academia. In addition, innovation theorists have ignored this area of study, despite the communication of information about innovation being acknowledged as a major determinant of success for corporate enterprise. The thesis explores some major themes in the theories of innovation and compares how graphics are used to represent them. The thesis examines the contribution of visual sociology and graphic theory to an investigation of a sample of graphics. The methodological focus is a modified content analysis. The following expressions are explored: check lists, matrices, maps and mapping in the management of innovation; models, flow charts, organisational charts and networks in the innovation process; and curves and cycles in the representation of performance and progress. The main conclusion is that academia is leading the way in usage as well as novelty. The graphic message is switching from prescription to description. The computerisation of graphics has created a major role for the information designer. It is recommended that use of the graphic representation of innovation should be increased in all domains, though it is conceded that its content and execution need to improve, too. Education of graphic 'producers', 'intermediaries' and 'consumers' will play a part in this, as will greater exploration of diversity, novelty and convention. Work has begun to tackle this and suggestions for future research are made.


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A crescente preocupação com a segurança alimentar por parte das empresas do setor, assim como a segurança e o bem estar dos trabalhadores cresce com o alargamento do mercado de exportação e importação de produtos. As exigências de muitos retalhistas e grossistas europeus reforçam a necessidade de implementação de referenciais específicos. Este trabalho tem por base a atualização da norma British Retail Consortium (BRC) para a sétima versão, implementação do referencial Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) e Walmart na central fruteira O Melro.OP. Todos os referenciais foram analisados, de forma a compreender as melhores metodologias para o cumprimento dos requisitos exigidos, tendo sido consultada a legislação aplicável relevante aos vários setores, recursos humanos, ética, segurança e higiene no trabalho e ambiente. Procedeu-se à elaboração das check lists para cada referencial e a uma auditoria prévia com o objetivo de avaliar a situação atual da empresa. Elaboraram-se relatórios e planos de ação indicando as alterações a ter em conta para a implementação e atualização dos referenciais e toda a documentação associada. Posteriormente foi feita uma auditoria interna de modo a confirmar que o plano de ação da auditoria prévia foi aplicado, tendo-se elaborado o relatório da auditoria e novos planos de ação para futura melhoria e obtenção das respetivas certificações. Com a implementação destas certificações para os referenciais BRC, ETI e Walmart a empresa pode obter uma maior visibilidade no mercado, aumentado assim o seu leque de clientes.


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Kompetenzraster sind pädagogische Instrumente, die zum kompetenzorientierten, individualisierten und selbstgesteuerten Lernen in beruflichen Schulen eingesetzt werden. Sie werden üblicherweise im Rahmen eines pädagogischen Gesamtkonzeptes genutzt, indem die Raster oft ein zentrales Instrument in einem komplexen Gefüge schulischer Lern- und Lehrprozesse sind. Kompetenzraster sind häufig der Fixpunkt, an dem sich andere Instrumente (wie Checklisten und Lernjobs) orientieren und sie definieren die Ausgangs- und Zielpunkte der Lernprozesse. Dabei werden den Schülern üblicherweise Freiheitsgrade eingeräumt, so dass sie (mit-) entscheiden ob, was, wann, wie und woraufhin sie lernen. Die schulische Arbeit mit den Rastern kann als ein Versuch angesehen werden, die Lernenden in den Mittelpunkt pädagogischen Denkens und Handelns zu stellen. Dieser Beitrag hat das Ziel, selbstgesteuertes Lernen aus einer distanzierten, vom einzelnen pragmatischen Modell abstrahierenden und eher theoretischen Perspektive auf das individualisierte Lernen mit Kompetenzrastern zu beziehen. Im Kern wird ein Systematisierungsansatz entwickelt, in dem die komplexen Zusammenhänge des Lernens mit Kompetenzrastern im Kontext von selbstgesteuertem Lernen dargestellt werden. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur Elaboration des Lernens mit Kompetenzrastern in beruflichen Schulen geleistet werden. Konkret wird die folgende Frage fokussiert: Was können Kompetenzraster im Rahmen selbstgesteuerten Lernens leisten? (DIPF/Orig.)


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The issue of ‘rigour vs. relevance’ in IS research has generated an intense, heated debate for over a decade. It is possible to identify, however, only a limited number of contributions on how to increase the relevance of IS research without compromising its rigour. Based on a lifecycle view of IS research, we propose the notion of ‘reality checks’ in order to review IS research outcomes in the light of actual industry demands. We assume that five barriers impact the efficient transfer of IS research outcomes; they are lack of awareness, lack of understandability, lack of relevance, lack of timeliness, and lack of applicability. In seeking to understand the effect of these barriers on the transfer of mature IS research into practice, we used focus groups. We chose DeLone and McLean’s IS success model as our stimulus because it is one of the more widely researched areas of IS.