1000 resultados para Cegueira na literatura


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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El trabajo de investigación, El motivo de la ceguera en el Ensayo sobre la ceguera de José Saramago e Informe sobre ciegos de Ernesto Sábato, analiza desde el área y la metodología de la literatura comparada el uso del motivo literario de la ceguera en los dos textos mencionados, resaltando las similitudes y diferencias del tratamiento del motivo dentro de las dos obras y como éste sostiene una serie de obsesiones e ideas sobre el estado actual del mundo que comparten los autores de las dos novelas.


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Esta tese centra-se na questão da relevância da literatura enquanto matéria curricular no Ensino Secundário. Tendo em conta a finalidade educativa de formar leitores autónomos e voluntários de literatura ao longo da vida, e procurando dar resposta à questão de fundo «de que forma valerá a pena que a literatura permaneça no currículo do Ensino Secundário?», defendo que a literatura seja didactizada enquanto experiência estética – em conformidade com a teoria transaccional de Louise Rosenblatt. Proponho, nesse sentido, um conjunto de princípios metodológicos assentes na leitura efectiva dos textos, enfatizando a importância do carácter pessoal dessa(s) leitura(s) e da natureza democrática da discussão interpretativa. Nesta perspectiva, o romance Ensaio sobre a Cegueira, de José Saramago, é apresentado enquanto texto literário cuja experiência de leitura em contexto escolar poderá ser particularmente adequada no último ano do Ensino Secundário.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Literatura (Especialidade em Literatura Comparada)


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A aplicação ao caso literário do termo e do conceito de retrato, aqui incluindo a espécie mais tardia do autorretrato, não é hoje fluente, apesar da reconhecida permeabilidade do género a inúmeras linguagens artísticas e apesar de uma longa tradição de descrições de figura – particularmente no que toca a representação poético-retórica da beleza feminina – que recua à poesia clássica. Partindo de uma possível distinção entre autorretrato literário e variantes várias de escritas intimistas e autobiográficas com as quais delineia fronteiras nem sempre rigorosamente nítidas, é nosso propósito ilustrar, recorrendo a casos selecionados, modos de concretização verbal de autorretrato que se distanciam progressivamente de um paradigma representativo fundado na perceção e na semelhança, aproximando-se ao contrário de registos de rasura, apagamento, ruína, cegueira que questionam uma noção de identidade estabilizável em imagem (visual ou mental), encaminhando o gesto autorrepresentativo para uma meditação sobre a diferença e sobre o irreconhecimento; no limite, para uma condição fora do visível e porventura, arriscando os seus mais básicos pressupostos, para lá da representação.


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This dissertation analyses, within a psychoanalytical e literary perspective, the enigma of blindness in Graciliano Ramos s work. The approach takes into account, mainly, the narratives of Histórias de Alexandre (Alexandre s tales) and Infância (Childhood memories) as both books speak of the same theme: the injured eye. The writer s work is scourged so that a broaden symbolism regarding the hurt eye can be found. The subject is discussed from three significant elements: fragmentation, helplessness and melancholy; all these form the creative aesthetic of Graciliano, merging into a single object. Fragmentation representing the internal shattered world of his characters, which is reflected in the environment; helplessness, directly related to feelings of rejection; and melancholy, characterized by a strong feeling of emptiness. The theme of isolation and loss is discussed based on Mourning and melancholy, by Freud, and other theorizers. There is also a brief dialogue with the Romantic and philosophical theories, which tries to explain the melancholic condition in the individual before moments of distress. Such theories are the support for the understanding of the helplessness of the hero in Graciliano Ramos´s literature and for the assumption that the blindness in the mistreated boy of the book Infância could be the language of the traumatic aspect that colors the entire text of the writer. As matter of fact, it constitutes in the lost object represented in the anguish of the author s characters


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"Looking at earth from blind: travel in the visuality of the test on Blindness" is a literary Essay resulted from the experience of different points of view regarding the Essay on Blindness (1996), not only showing a Modern aesthetical tendency in dialog with the Baroque one, but also discussing subjects related to the History of Mentalities. The chapters are disposed as follows: The first one presents a short Excursus about the author and his work; the second one introduces the concept of Allegory exemplifying it with representative images of Romance; the third one presents tragic elements in dialog with the Bataille Eroticism in an Allegory of Feeling; the fourth one shows Stylistic Features used as a display mean of Comedy in Romance going towards the musicalness, being the features used to provoke laugh; the fifth and last one discusses about the study pertinence. To conclude, in favor of a Sight Education, the study considered authors such as: Ariès (1977), Bataille (2003), Bakhtin (2002, 2000, 1999), Benjamin (2000, 1996), Chauí (2005, 2000), Foucault (2006, 2005, 2004, 2002), Freud (1970), Hansen (2006), Lino (2004), Sartre (2005), Vovelle (1996)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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This research aims to investigate the consequences of a possible change caused by the social context in the life and behavior of the main characters in the novel Blindness, [by José Saramago]. Starting by that there is an allegorical correlation between the blindness white, discussed by Saramago in his novel and the construction of the Plato's Cave Myth, and taking as theoretical basis the reflections of some thinkers such as Stuart Hall (1992), Goffman (2002) and Antonio da Costa Ciampa (2005) it be sought to describe the occurrence of the phenomenon the social role change in the characters and its consequences to the identity deconstruction of fictional subjects


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This research aims to investigate the consequences of a possible change caused by the social context in the life and behavior of the main characters in the novel Blindness, [by José Saramago]. Starting by that there is an allegorical correlation between the blindness white, discussed by Saramago in his novel and the construction of the Plato's Cave Myth, and taking as theoretical basis the reflections of some thinkers such as Stuart Hall (1992), Goffman (2002) and Antonio da Costa Ciampa (2005) it be sought to describe the occurrence of the phenomenon the social role change in the characters and its consequences to the identity deconstruction of fictional subjects


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A case of central nervous system actinomycosis is reported. A 33-year-old male complained of headache, vomiting and blurred vision lasting for eight days prior to admission. On examination, a right hemiparesis, as well an intracranial hypertension were detected. The cerebrospinal fluid showed mild lymphomononuclear hypercytosis. Necropsy disclosed three abscess in the cerebral hemispheres, in addition to moderate cerebral edema on the left side but without purulent leptomeningitis. Actinomyces filaments and granules were demonstrated in the cerebral and lung abscesses. The Brazilian literature on actinomycosis is reviewed and six published cases with nervous system involvement were found. Relevant clinical and anatomical aspects of the cases and of the present one are discussed.