993 resultados para Carvajal, Francisco de, 1465?-1549.
Mode of access: Internet.
Resumen tomado de la revista. Monográfico: Leer y entender
Half-title: Coleccion de poesias.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Antecedentes y Objetivos. La mano forma parte no solo de la apariencia física del individuo, sino también de las funciones evolutivas más importantes del ser humano. La amputación de múltiples dedos genera una importante limitación y afecta a la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Pacientes y Método. Exponemos la técnica quirúrgica realizada por nuestro equipo en casos de transferencias del segundo artejo, así como la transferencia combinada del segundo y tercer dedos para el tratamiento de la denominada mano metacarpiana. Resultados. Detallamos los resultados obtenidos en una serie de 5 pacientes. Conclusiones. La reconstrucción de la mano metacarpiana mediante transferencia de dedos de los pies se convierte en la mejor alternativa para devolver la funcionalidad a la mano y mejorar la calidad de vida.
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in candidates to bariatric surgery (BS) and its relationship with risk factors and components of the metabolic syndrome. Material and methods: Clinical, anthropometric and biochemical parameters were measured in 56 Caucasian patients included in a protocol of BS between January and June 2014. Patients were stratified into three groups according to their vitamin D status: sufficiency (≥ 40 ng/ml), insufficiency (40-20 ng/ml) and deficiency (< 20 ng/ml). Results: Data showed vitamin D deficiency in 75% of patients. These patients had greater BMI (p = 0.006) and lower PTH concentrations in plasma (p = 0.045). In addition, there were more patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) and dyslipidemia (DLPM) in the group with 25 (OH) D < 20 ng/ml levels. Another finding was that 25(OH) D levels were observed to be negatively correlated with fat mass (r = -0.504; p = 0.009), BMI (r = -0.394; p = 0.046) and hypertension (r = -0.637; p = 0.001). Conclusion: We conclude that vitamin D deficiency is extremely common among candidates to BS, who are associated with DM2 and DLPM. Although there are limited data regarding the best treatment for low Vitamin D status in BS candidate patients, screening for vitamin D deficiency should be regularly performed in cases of morbid obesity.
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII : Actas de las X Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2011, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario del Cancionero General de Hernando del Castillo.
Referência: Bibliografia da Impressão Regia do Rio de Janeiro / Ana Maria de Almeida Camargo, Rubens Borba de Moraes, 1993. v. 2, p. 79.
La elaboración de esta tesis tiene dos objetivos fundamentales. El primero, consiste en difundir la obra poética de uno de los poetas quiteños más relevantes, Francisco Granizo Ribadeneira, quien, a pesar de ser catalogado (a nivel internacional) como una de las voces líricas más representativas de Hispanoamérica, también ha sido, frecuentemente, olvidado y menospreciado por críticas y comentarios descontextualizados que lo que han conseguido es relegar a este poeta y mantenerlo, siempre, bajo la sombra de los poetas ecuatorianos “ autorizados” por el canon literario establecido. El segundo objetivo es realizar una interpretación exhaustiva de cada uno de los poemarios de Granizo, así como de su única novela La piscina y de la pieza teatral Fedro. Para la elaboración de esta tesis he tomado en cuenta, de manera mucho más detallada, los dos primeros poemarios de Francisco Granizo, Por el breve polvo (1951) y La piedra (1958), y también he realizado un análisis secuencial de los demás textos poéticos. El énfasis que he otorgado a estos dos primeros trabajos se debe a un desconocimiento general que ha opacado los primeros pasos del poeta y su respectiva evolución temática y estética. Estos trabajos de Granizo no constan en las antologías poéticas del siglo XX y tampoco han sido analizados ni tomados en cuenta por críticos y estudiosos de la literatura. La hipótesis que he manejado en esta tesis plantea que Granizo es un poeta que no puede ser catalogado dentro de una sola corriente o tendencia literaria. Entonces, lo que he tratado de encontrar son aquellas sensibilidades y matices barrocos que caracterizan su poesía. Para esto, me he basado en los estudios teóricos de Iván Carvajal, Georges Bataille, Octavio Paz, José Antonio Maravall, Alexis Márquez, Helmut Hatzfeld, entre otros. Mediante estos criterios he desarrollado, en esta tesis, tres capítulos en los que se analizan temas como el desencuentro con el ser amado, la imposibilidad de amar, el padecimiento corporal, el delirio de la sexualidad, el ímpetu religioso, la relación entre hombre y Dios como expresión barroca y, por último, el misticismo y la blasfemia como formas de buscar y de acercarse a ese llamado originario, a esa madre, huidiza y cazadora, que evoca el primer instante de vida y de perpetuo caos existencial.
The Global River Discharge (RivDIS) data set contains monthly discharge measurements for 1018 stations located throughout the world. The period of record varies widely from station to station, with a mean of 21.5 years. These data were digitized from published UNESCO archives by Charles Voromarty, Balaze Fekete, and B.A. Tucker of the Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC) at the University of New Hampshire. River discharge is typically measured through the use of a rating curve that relates local water level height to discharge. This rating curve is used to estimate discharge from the observed water level. The rating curves are periodically rechecked and recalibrated through on-site measurement of discharge and river stage.
Viñeta xil. en port
Mode of access: Internet.
The state of the practice in safety has advanced rapidly in recent years with the emergence of new tools and processes for improving selection of the most cost-effective safety countermeasures. However, many challenges prevent fair and objective comparisons of countermeasures applied across safety disciplines (e.g. engineering, emergency services, and behavioral measures). These countermeasures operate at different spatial scales, are funded often by different financial sources and agencies, and have associated costs and benefits that are difficult to estimate. This research proposes a methodology by which both behavioral and engineering safety investments are considered and compared in a specific local context. The methodology involves a multi-stage process that enables the analyst to select countermeasures that yield high benefits to costs, are targeted for a particular project, and that may involve costs and benefits that accrue over varying spatial and temporal scales. The methodology is illustrated using a case study from the Geary Boulevard Corridor in San Francisco, California. The case study illustrates that: 1) The methodology enables the identification and assessment of a wide range of safety investment types at the project level; 2) The nature of crash histories lend themselves to the selection of both behavioral and engineering investments, requiring cooperation across agencies; and 3) The results of the cost-benefit analysis are highly sensitive to cost and benefit assumptions, and thus listing and justification of all assumptions is required. It is recommended that a sensitivity analyses be conducted when there is large uncertainty surrounding cost and benefit assumptions.
"This paper analyzes how expenditures of the city of San Francisco were altered in response to changes in municipal labor costs over the period 1945 through 1976. A hybrid of the "demands" and the "organizational" models of budgeting is used to measure the budgetary response to changes in the relative prices of labor inputs. Descriptive and econometric evidence reveals significant adjustments both among and within departments in reaction to changes in relative labor costs. The empirical evidence demonstrates that the city's budgetary process is guided by simple allocative rules modified by price-responsive adjustments."