995 resultados para Cartórios de registro civil


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After having done an accurate analysis of the Registry Office in Brazil it was found out that there are some distortions, as the one which makes possible the existence of significant contingent of population - 'the registeredless' ('os sem-registros' ) - people who live on the margins of society. This system is based on private patterns coming from the extrajudicial registry offices performance and through a government official concession, the registry offices have obtained the legal right to take over registration services.The maintenance of this model has been put in question and debates have been taking place all over Brazil. This process, on the other hand, produces data which are collected, processed and disseminated by IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) and could be the source of very important statistical information if there were not blanks created by the 'subregistration' caused by offical records evasion and/ or by late offical records. The main purpose of this work is to show how deficient is the current system in Brazil, not only by pointing out the problems which still happen nowadays but also by thinking carefully about the difficulties to search for process improvement. In conclusion, there is a latent need to rethink the way the Registry Office system is structured in Brazil. Discussions can act as a stimulus to find out more suitable and definitive solutions for all the Brazilian citizens who are interested in consolidate democracy in Brazil.


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Esta ?? uma iniciativa de gest??o para implementa????o da Agenda Social Registro Civil de Nascimento e Documenta????o B??sica, envolvendo uma rede de ??rg??os e institui????es de diversos poderes da Rep??blica nos tr??s n??veis administrativos do estado brasileiro, bem como institui????es da sociedade civil e organismos internacionais, a partir da atua????o de comit??s gestores em n??vel central e descentralizados. A agenda possibilitou intervir na forma????o de uma cultura de inclus??o a partir da documenta????o civil, com base na realiza????o das campanhas em n??vel nacional. Um dos resultados da implementa????o da agenda ?? a queda do ??ndice de sub-registro de nascidos vivos, que era de 20,9% em 2002, e passou para 12,2% em 2007


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Ya es posible inscribir en el Registro Civil español a los hijos “naturales” de un matrimonio homosexual, nacidos en el extranjero mediante gestación por sustitución. Y ello a pesar de que el artículo 10.1 de la vigente ley española sobre técnicas de reproducción humana asistida declara la nulidad de pleno derecho de los contratos de renuncia a la filiación materna, y ordena con carácter imperativo que en estos supuestos la filiación de los nacidos se determine por el parto. El presente artículo analiza y formula una crítica sobre la Resolución de la Dirección General de los Registros y del Notariado de 18 de febrero de 2009 incidiendo en algunas cuestiones relevantes como la seguridad jurídica y el interés superior del menor, al hilo del análisis del supuesto de hecho y de los argumentos esgrimidos en la resolución.