998 resultados para Canadian Expeditionary Corps


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Canadian Expeditionary Force Death Certificate stating that Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff was killed in action on the 13th of July, 1918, dated Sept. 20, 1919.


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Au Québec, la mémoire de la Grande Guerre renvoie automatiquement à une vision douloureuse de l’événement. Créée et alimentée par des souvenirs à forte charge émotive tels la crise de la conscription, les émeutes de Pâques et l’inhospitalité de l’Armée canadienne envers les combattants canadiens-français, cette mémoire est non seulement négative, mais également victimisante. Dans leur récit du conflit, les Québécois ont pris pour vérité une version qui les dépeint comme boucs émissaires des Canadiens anglais. Acceptée et intégrée autant dans l’historiographie que dans la croyance collective, cette thèse du Canadien français opprimé n’a jamais été questionnée. Ce mémoire entend donc revisiter cette version en la confrontant aux sources laissées par les contemporains. En utilisant la presse anglophone et les témoignages de combattants, il lève le voile sur le regard anglo-saxon envers les Canadiens français et dans une plus large mesure, sur les relations interethniques pendant la guerre. Il témoigne de la réalité du front intérieur comme de celle du champ de bataille pour ainsi proposer une réinterprétation de cette victimisation si profondément ancrée dans le souvenir québécois.


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Au Québec, la mémoire de la Grande Guerre renvoie automatiquement à une vision douloureuse de l’événement. Créée et alimentée par des souvenirs à forte charge émotive tels la crise de la conscription, les émeutes de Pâques et l’inhospitalité de l’Armée canadienne envers les combattants canadiens-français, cette mémoire est non seulement négative, mais également victimisante. Dans leur récit du conflit, les Québécois ont pris pour vérité une version qui les dépeint comme boucs émissaires des Canadiens anglais. Acceptée et intégrée autant dans l’historiographie que dans la croyance collective, cette thèse du Canadien français opprimé n’a jamais été questionnée. Ce mémoire entend donc revisiter cette version en la confrontant aux sources laissées par les contemporains. En utilisant la presse anglophone et les témoignages de combattants, il lève le voile sur le regard anglo-saxon envers les Canadiens français et dans une plus large mesure, sur les relations interethniques pendant la guerre. Il témoigne de la réalité du front intérieur comme de celle du champ de bataille pour ainsi proposer une réinterprétation de cette victimisation si profondément ancrée dans le souvenir québécois.


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Frank C. (Case) McCordick (1873-1946) was the son of William Henry (1849-1930) and Emily D. Howell (1851-1927) McCordick. William H. McCordick was in the coal business. The McCordick family included Frank Case, Mabel Gertrude, Ethel Howell and Arthur Stanley. Frank C. McCordick was educated in St. Catharines, and worked with his father in the coal business and eventually opened up a leather tanning operation. McCordick was active in the Lincoln Regiment and in 1906 was promoted to captain and in command of Company A, 19th Regiment. He was promoted to major and at the outbreak of war he was sent overseas as a commander of the 35th Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces (CEF). Upon arrival in France he was made officer commanding the 15th Battalion, King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI). After the war and his return to Canada he continued to play an active role in the local military units in the area as well as in Hamilton. After his retirement from the military in 1927 McCordick served as alderman and then mayor of St. Catharines from 1930 to 1931. He was a member of a large number of civic clubs, including St. Catharines Chamber of Commerce, Y.M.C.A., Lion’s Club, St. Catharines Golf Club, Detroit Boat Club, the St Catharines Club, as well as a member of several Masonic lodges. He continued to operate McCordick Tannery and other local investments. In 1903 Frank C. McCordick married May Beatrice Simson, daughter of Thomas E. Simson of Thorold. They had three children, E. (Edward) Frank McCordick, Bruce McCordick and (Margaret) Doris McCordick (m. Hubert Grigaut, d. 1977). The McCordick family resided at 82 Yates Street, near Adams Street. May Simson McCordick (b. 1873) was the daughter of Thomas Edward (1836-1908) and Julia Headlam (1844-1887) Simson of Thorold. Her siblings included: Edward, Frances, John, Augusta, Georgia and Gertrude. E. (Edward) Frank McCordick (1904-1980) was born in St. Catharines, Ont., attended Lake Lodge School in Grimsby, Ridley College in St. Catharines, Beechmont Preparatory School in England, Upper Canada College in Toronto and graduated from Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont. in 1925. Upon graduation he was made a lieutenant in the 10th (St. Catharines) Field Battery. In 1929 he married Helen Stanley Smith, daughter of Stanley George and Mary Walker Smith of St. Catharines. Col. McCordick, now promoted to Major, played an active role in the 10th (St. Catharines) Field Battery, being officer commanding the battery. In late 1939 McCordick headed to England for artillery tactical training and on December 6, 1939 the battery began the long trek overseas. McCordick saw action in Italy and in Holland. Upon his return to Canada at the end of the war he was the Liberal candidate in the federal election for Lincoln County. He remained active in the local military serving as honorary lieutenant-colonel of the 56th Field Regiment (ARCA) and in 1976 as the honorary colonel of the regiment. Col. McCordick held the Efficiency Decoration, the Order of the British Empire, granted in 1945 and was made an officer in the Order of St. John in 1978. He continued to serve his community in various capacities, including the Unemployment Insurance Canada Board, Royal Trust Company and the St. John Ambulance Society. He remained an active member of the alumni of Royal Military College, editing and compiling a newsletter and organizing reunion weekends. He kept in close contact with many of his classmates. Helen Stanley Smith McCordick lived in St. Catharines, Ont., attended Robertson School, and graduated from the University of Toronto in 1926 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Modern Languages. During the war years (1939-1945) Helen was active in the Transport division of the local branch of the Canadian Red Cross and the Women’s Auxiliary of the 10th Field Battery. In 1932 E. Frank and Helen McCordick welcomed their only child, (Catharine) Anne McCordick. Helen continued to play an active role in her community until her passing in 1997. Stanley George Smith (1865-1960) was born in St. Catharines, Ont., the only child of William Smith (d. June 16, 1876) a native of Edinburgh, Scotland and his wife Hannah Louisa Maria Bulkeley a native of Fairfield, Connecticut. Stanley George Smith married Mary Walker of Guelph, Ont.(d. 1956) Mary was the daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth (d. 1924) Walker. Her siblings included Margaret, Agnes, Jessie, Isabella, Lorne, Ada, Alice, Eva, Alexander and George. Hugh Walker was a prominent fruit and vegetable merchant in Guelph. On 1904 their only child, Helen Stanley Smith was born. He was a post office clerk, and the treasurer for the James D. Tait Co. Ltd., a clothing and dry goods retailer in St. Catharines. The family lived at 39 Church Street in St. Catharines, Ont.


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A certificate of service detailing the career of Lieut.-Colonel Frank Case McCordick. He is noted at being enlisted in the 19th Battalion on the 13th November, 1914. He served in Canada, England and France and was "struck off the strength" November 21, 1918. The certificate is dated 16 October, 1919.


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Camp Niagara, in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, was used as summer training grounds for the Second Division of the Canadian Expeditionary Force at the start of World War I in 1914. In 1917, the Camp was used to train a group of expatriate Poles and Polish Americans who were recruited to serve in the war. Over 22, 000 volunteers of the Polish diaspora from across Canada and the United States trained at Camp Niagara, known to them as Camp Kosciuszko.


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Os militares portugueses enviados para as trincheiras da Grande Guerra, pedaços vivos do Portugal rural do princípio do século XX, eram na sua maioria homens analfabetos ou com escassa instrução. A actuação militar em território estrangeiro e inserida num contexto que obrigava à comunicação com tropas de outros países, propiciava o estabelecimento de pontes comunicativas que passavam invariavelmente pela transposição linguística. Todavia, a forma improvisada, inventiva e/ou criativa como os portugueses se expressavam ante soldados e civis franceses, ainda que errónea e por vezes confusa à luz da gramática oficial, não constituiu por si só um obstáculo ao entendimento e à compreensão.


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A Repartição de Operações do Estado-Maior do Corpo Expedicionário Português foi responsável pela coordenação das tropas portuguesas na frente ocidental e pela integração da força no dispositivo britânico. Elaborou o plano de defesa do setor atribuído e emitiu uma série de ordens para gerir as operações correntes. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se compreender a atividade desta repartição e o respetivo impacto no desempenho operacional do Corpo. Foram identificados os fatores que marcaram a beligerância portuguesa, que mais influência tiveram na repartição e no desempenho do Corpo, avaliado o impacto da estrutura da força e do seu Estado-Maior, identificados os fatores mais relevantes do setor atribuído e do seu dispositivo com impacto no desempenho e ainda determinado o papel da repartição durante a condução das operações. Com o intuito de atingir os objetivos propostos, foi analisado um conjunto de fontes, fundamentalmente do Arquivo Histórico Militar e da Biblioteca do Exército, para recolha de informação, e bibliografia nacional e estrangeira acerca do tema. Concluímos que a repartição contribuiu para o normal desempenho do CEP, não tendo sido identificados erros cometidos pela mesma com impacto negativo na prestação da força. Abstract: The Operations Division of the General Staff of the Portuguese Expeditionary Corps was responsible for coordinating the Portuguese troops on the western front and for the integration of the force in British defense system. It prepared the defense plan for the assigned sector, and issued several orders to manage current operations. This work was intended to understand the activity of this division and its impact on the operational performance of CEP. Were identified the factors that marked the Portuguese belligerence which more influence had in the Operations Division and CEP's performance, assessed the impact of the force structure and its staff, identified the most important factors of the assigned sector and its force structure with impact on performance and also determined the role of the operations division during the operations. In order to achieve the proposed goals, we studied a number of sources, mainly from the Military Historical Archives and the Library of the Army for information collection, and also from national and foreign literature on the subject. We conclude that the operations division contributed to the normal performance of the CEP, and didn’t identify errors committed by it with negative impact on the force performance.


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O seguinte Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada tem como objetivo analisar e explicar a forma como evoluíram e se organizaram as unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português, no período compreendido entre 1914 e 1918, assim como analisar, descrever e explicar a sua organização para o combate, emprego operacional e forma de atuar, no setor português em França, no período compreendido entre 1917 e março de 1918. O período analisado está inserido no conflito da Grande Guerra de 1914-1918, que se destacou pela desadequação do novo armamento com a forma antiquada de combater. O resultado foi um conflito de baixa mobilidade, com um elevado custo humano e pouco progresso, o que levou à criação de um sistema defensivo complexo que se estendeu, a Oeste, desde a fronteira Suíça até ao Mar do Norte, mais conhecido como trincheiras. A artilharia e morteiros surgem, em parte, como resposta às necessidades de um novo tipo de guerra, em que o sucesso depende não só nos números, mas também, de forma crescente, nos materiais. Para a realização deste trabalho de investigação aplicada, tendo como referência o método da investigação histórica, foi analisada, numa abordagem diacrónica, a evolução da organização e dos materiais utilizados pelas unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português e, numa abordagem sincrónica, identificando as diferentes variáveis, como as inovações doutrinárias e orgânicas, as adaptações ao modelo britânico e as formas de atuação e emprego operacional das unidades de artilharia e morteiros do Corpo Expedicionário Português. Este trabalho baseia-se na análise de conteúdo de fontes primárias manuscritas e impressas, textuais e iconográficas, nacionais e internacionais, diretamente relacionadas com o tema abordado.


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O seguinte Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada tem como objetivo descrever de que forma foram integrados e como foram empregues os solípedes nas forças militares portuguesas durante a 1.ª Guerra Mundial em França, nomeadamente no Corpo Expedicionário Português, acompanhando a evolução doutrinária relativa aos quadros orgânicos e aos quantitativos de solípedes previstos e empregues, desde o momento em que foi sugerida a participação de Portugal no conflito até às forças portuguesas se encontrarem em França. O período em análise está inserido na 1.ª Guerra Mundial, decorrida entre 1914 e 1918, que provocou uma profunda alteração na forma de combater que até então se fazia. Este período é caracterizado por um contraste entre as táticas e técnicas que tinham sido utilizadas no passado e que não se ajustavam à nova realidade do armamento, levando a que as diferentes unidades e formações necessitassem de se adaptar, surgindo dessa forma alterações na forma como os solípedes eram empregues. Para a realização desta investigação teve-se como referência o método de investigação histórica, sendo analisada, numa abordagem diacrónica, a evolução da orgânica das unidades mobilizadas e a sua atividade operacional, e através de uma abordagem sincrónica, as variáveis atuantes como a falta de recursos ou as adaptações à organização britânica e as respostas que os portugueses encontraram no desenvolvimento da sua missão no Corpo Expedicionário Português.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Les innovations technologiques pullulent dans le milieu policier depuis quelques années. Devant cette abondance de choix technologiques, et dans une conjoncture de ralentissement économique, la police doit s’assurer de faire une sélection favorisant le meilleur retour sur investissement. L’évaluation des technologies est la meilleure méthode permettant d’atteindre cet objectif. Ce projet de recherche analyse les différentes stratégies d’évaluation des technologies des corps policiers fédéraux et provinciaux du Canada en se basant sur le domaine baromètre de l’identité judiciaire. Cette étude s’appuie sur plusieurs données qualitatives : 1) observation participative à la Sûreté du Québec; 2) entrevues semi-directives (n=11) avec des membres de l’Ontario Provincial Police et de la Gendarmerie Royale du Canada. L’analyse intégrée des données colligées permet de mieux comprendre la dynamique de l’évaluation technologique dans la police. Même si une évolution est perceptible, certaines améliorations pourraient accroître l’efficacité du mini-PTA (Police Technology Assessment) dans un contexte où l’opérationnel et le théorique doivent cohabiter en parfaite harmonie afin de faciliter le travail des utilisateurs. Le mini-PTA est un outil facilitant l’adaptation de l’évaluation des technologies aux réalités régionales, mais ne peut en aucun cas remplacer unilatéralement le PTA fait par les grosses organisations d’évaluation des technologies policières.


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La neuropathie sensitive et motrice héréditaire avec agénésie du corps calleux (NSMH/ACC) se traduit par une atteinte neurodégénérative sévère associée à des anomalies développementales dans le système nerveux central et du retard mental. Bien que rare dans le monde, ce désordre autosomique récessif est particulièrement fréquent dans la population Québécoise du Canada Français du fait d’un effet fondateur. L’unique étude réalisée sur la mutation québécoise du gène qui code pour le co-transporteur de potassiumchlore 3 (KCC3) a montré qu’il y a une perte de fonction de la protéine. Cependant, la maladie est également retrouvée hors du Québec et il reste encore à élucider les pathomécanismes mis en jeu. Nous avons donc séquencé les 26 exons du gène KCC3 chez des individus recrutés dans le monde entier et suspectés d’être atteints de la maladie. Nous avons ainsi identifié trois nouvelles mutations. L’étude fonctionnelle de ces mutations nous a confirmé la perte de fonction systématique des co-transporteurs mutés. Puisque l’inactivation de KCC3 se produit majoritairement via l’élimination de segments peptidiques en C-terminus, nous avons concentré notre attention sur l’identification des interactions qui s’y produisent. À l’aide d’approches double hybride, pull-down et immunomarquage, nous avons déterminé que KCC3 interagit avec la créatine kinase CK-B et que cette interaction est perturbée par les mutations tronquantes. De plus, l’utilisation d’un inhibiteur de créatine kinase inactive KCC3, ce qui démontre qu’il existe bien un lien fonctionnel et pathologique entre KCC3 et ses partenaires C-terminaux. Nous avons aussi identifié des anomalies majeures de localisation membranaire des KCC3 mutés. Que KCC3 soit tronqué ou pleine longueur, sa distribution subcellulaire est affectée dans des cellules en culture, dans les ovocytes de Xenopes et dans des échantillons de cerveau de patients. La perte d’interaction entre KCC3 et CK-B et/ou les défauts de transit intracellulaire de KCC3 sont donc les mécanismes pathologiques majeurs de la NSMH/ACC.


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Le progrès scientifique et technologique n'est pas sans faille – les conséquences imprévues de son application peuvent causer de nouveaux problèmes. Tel est le constat machiavélien sur lequel est fondé le projet En imparfaite santé : la médicalisation de l'architecture du Centre Canadien d'Architecture (2011-2012), présenté sous forme d'exposition et de catalogue. Ce mémoire étudie comment les deux plateformes, la première étant expérientielle et la seconde théorique, formulent une critique du processus de la médicalisation actuelle, lequel est entré dans le champ de l'architecture contemporaine. L’exposition est approchée comme discours et comme installation d’objets pour un public; une attention particulière est alors portée à la scénographie et au parcours du visiteur. D’autres réflexions ont pour objet le graphisme, un outil soutenant le leitmotiv de confrontation. Dans l’étude du catalogue, l’accent est mis sur l’essai d’introduction, qui est implicitement traversé par le concept fondamentalement ambivalent de pharmakon. Le péritexte, l’encadrement physique du contenu principal de l’ouvrage, est aussi examiné. Ensuite, l’analyse comparative propose que chaque plateforme véhicule un propos différent, une stratégie rendue possible par l’ambivalence de la notion de corps, entendue littéralement et métaphoriquement. La conclusion finale du mémoire esquisse une courte proposition de contextualisation, autant de cette dualité que de la remise en question de l’autorité du discours techno-scientifique. Bien qu’En imparfaite santé dirige sa critique envers la persistance de la vision moderniste de l'architecture, nous avançons que le projet concerne tout autant, sinon plus, l'omniprésence actuelle du numérique. Ce dernier, à l’instar de l’architecture moderne, ne modifie pas seulement la conception du corps humain et architectural, il renforce également une croyance positiviste dans la technologie qui n'est pas toujours contrebalancée par la pensée critique.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'université Clermont 2 (Clermont-Ferrand, France)