936 resultados para CURVE SINGULARITIES
In this paper we present some formulae for topological invariants of projective complete intersection curves with isolated singularities in terms of the Milnor number, the Euler characteristic and the topological genus. We also present some conditions, involving the Milnor number and the degree of the curve, for the irreducibility of complete intersection curves.
We show that a holomorphic map germ f : (C(n), 0) -> (C(2n-1), 0) is finitely determined if and only if the double point scheme D(f) is a reduced curve. If n >= 3, we have that mu(D(2)(f)) = 2 mu(D(2)(f)/S(2))+C(f)-1, where D(2)(f) is the lifting of the double point curve in (C(n) x C(n), 0), mu(X) denotes the Milnor number of X and C(f) is the number of cross-caps that appear in a stable deformation of f. Moreover, we consider an unfolding F(t, x) = (t, f(t)(x)) of f and show that if F is mu-constant, then it is excellent in the sense of Gaffney. Finally, we find a minimal set of invariants whose constancy in the family f(t) is equivalent to the Whitney equisingularity of F. We also give an example of an unfolding which is topologically trivial, but it is not Whitney equisingular.
We present a simple combinatorial model for quasipositive surfaces and positive braids, based on embedded bipartite graphs. As a first application, we extend the well-known duality on standard diagrams of torus links to twisted torus links. We then introduce a combinatorial notion of adjacency for bipartite graph links and discuss its potential relation with the adjacency problem for plane curve singularities.
Among all torus links, we characterise those arising as links of simple plane curve singularities by the property that their fibre surfaces admit only a finite number of cutting arcs that preserve fibredness. The same property allows a characterisation of Coxeter-Dynkin trees (i.e., An , Dn , E6 , E7 and E8 ) among all positive tree-like Hopf plumbings.
Serving as a powerful tool for extracting localized variations in non-stationary signals, applications of wavelet transforms (WTs) in traffic engineering have been introduced; however, lacking in some important theoretical fundamentals. In particular, there is little guidance provided on selecting an appropriate WT across potential transport applications. This research described in this paper contributes uniquely to the literature by first describing a numerical experiment to demonstrate the shortcomings of commonly-used data processing techniques in traffic engineering (i.e., averaging, moving averaging, second-order difference, oblique cumulative curve, and short-time Fourier transform). It then mathematically describes WT’s ability to detect singularities in traffic data. Next, selecting a suitable WT for a particular research topic in traffic engineering is discussed in detail by objectively and quantitatively comparing candidate wavelets’ performances using a numerical experiment. Finally, based on several case studies using both loop detector data and vehicle trajectories, it is shown that selecting a suitable wavelet largely depends on the specific research topic, and that the Mexican hat wavelet generally gives a satisfactory performance in detecting singularities in traffic and vehicular data.
Sandwich-Singularitäten sind die Singularitäten auf derNormalisierung von Aufblasungen eines regulärenFlächenkeimes. In der Arbeit wird ein enger Zusammenhangzwischen Topologie und Deformationstheorie vonSandwich-Singularitäten einerseits und ebenenKurvensingularitäten andererseits dargestellt. NeueErgebnisse betreffen u.a. Deformationen vonnulldimensionalen komplexen Räumen in der Ebene, die durchvollständige Ideale beschrieben werden, z.B. wann'simultanes Aufblasen' der Fasern einer solchen Deformationmöglich ist. Zudem werden Glättungskomponenten und dieKollar-Vermutung für Sandwich-Singularitäten untersucht undim Zusammenhang damit numerische Kriterien für die Frage, obdie symbolische Algebra einer Raumkurve endlich erzeugt ist.
In the Line of Investigation that in the department of “Technical Drawing” in the School of Agriculture Engineering of Madrid, we carry out on the study of The Technical Curves and his singularities, we demonstrate an interesting property of the Logarithmic Spiral. The demonstrated property consists of which the logarithmic spiral is a autoisoptic curve, that is to say that if from a point P anyone of the spiral tangent straight lines draw up to the previous arc, these form a constant angle α. This demonstration is novel and in addition we get to contribute a method to calculate the angle α given the equation of the spiral.
The singularities which arise when there is a sudden change of boundary conditions are modelled using spectral shape interpolation functions. The procedure can be used for elasticity as well as potential theory and to any degree of accuracy with respect to the smooth part of the curve.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06