186 resultados para Broke,


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Les avantguardes mostren la deshumanització i la violència de la primera Gran Guerra i del món que va néixer com a conseqüència. La fi de la Segona Guerra va donar pas a un món dividit on dues potències enfrontades pretenien ser el referent mundial, tant en àmbits polítics com en els culturals.L’objecte d’aquest treball és la transformació de la pintura nord-americana des d’inicis dels anys 30 fins als 60, un gir promogut pels crítics d’art en resposta a una pintura concreta: la de l’Expressionisme Abstracte.


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Forma parte de la serie de palabras de alta frecuencia. Se trata de la historia de un niño que cae de un columpio y va en una ambulancia al hospital paraque le hagan una radiografía y le pongan una escayola. Se termina con el niño feliz y de nuevo en el columpio. Las fotografías se usan para hacer los relatos reales. El lenguaje es sencillo con la repetición de palabras de alta frecuencia, ideal para los jóvenes lectores de cuatro años de edad.


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Advocating the establishment of municipal emergency homes.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Although kadiwéu presents the same typological facts as the languages analyzed by Baker (1995), this work shows that Baker's polysynthesis parameter , according to which polysynthetic languages are pronominal argument languages, cannot be applied to this language. This paper offers, then, an alternative analysis to the pronominal argument theory for kadiwéu by arguing that nominal phrases are the verbal arguments in this polysynthetic language, like in any other better known language. On this view, one of the main properties of the polysynthetic languages, the so-called Condition C violation (e.g. <>i wants John i to love Mary, <> i broke John i's knife), follows from syntactic movement due to the nature of the Kadiwéu v-system. That is, this paper questions the existence of a polysynthesis parameter and develops Fukui & Speas (1996) insight that the syntax of a given language follows from the functional categories present in this language's lexicon.


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At the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, Usain Bolt broke the world record for the 100 m sprint. Just one year later, at the 2009 World Championships in Athletics in Berlin he broke it again. A few months after Beijing, Eriksen [Am. J. Phys. 77, 224-228 (2009)] studied Bolt's performance and predicted that Bolt could have run about one-tenth of a second faster, which was confirmed in Berlin. In this paper we extend the analysis of Eriksen to model Bolt's velocity time dependence for the Beijing 2008 and Berlin 2009 records. We deduce the maximum force, the maximum power, and the total mechanical energy produced by Bolt in both races. Surprisingly, we conclude that all of these values were smaller in 2009 than in 2008.


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Turtle excluder devices (TEDs) are being trialed on a voluntary basis in many Australian prawn (shrimp) trawl fisheries to reduce sea turtle captures. Analysis of TED introductions into shrimp trawl fisheries of the United States provided major insights into why conflicts occurred between shrimpers, conservationists, and government agencies. A conflict over the introduction and subsequent regulation of TEDs occurred because the problem and the solution were perceived differently by the various stakeholders. Attempts to negotiate and mediate the conflict broke down, resulting in litigation against the U.S. government by conservationists and shrimpers. Litigation was not an efficient resolution to the sea turtle-TED-trawl conflict but it appears that litigation was the only remaining path of resolution once the issue became polarized. We review two major Australian trawl fisheries to identify any significant differences in circumstances that may affect TED acceptance. Australian trawl fisheries are structured differently and good communication occurs between industry and researchers. TEDs are being introduced as mature technology. Furthermore, bycatch issues are of increasing concern to all stakeholders. These factors, combined with insights derived from previous conflicts concerning TEDs in the United Stares, increase the possibilities that TEDs will be introduced to Australian fishers with better acceptance.


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New Zealand is generally thought to have been physically isolated from the rest of the world for over 60 million years. But physical isolation may not mean biotic isolation, at least on the time scale of millions of years. Are New Zealand's present complement of plants the direct descendants of what originally rafted from Gondwana? Or has there been total extinction of this initial flora with replacement through long-distance dispersal (a complete biotic turnover)? These are two possible extremes which have come under recent discussion. Can the fossil record be used to decide the relative importance of the two endpoints, or is it simply too incomplete and too dependent on factors of chance? This paper suggests two approaches to the problem-the use of statistics to apply levels of confidence to first appearances in the fossil record and the analysis of trends based on the entire palynorecord. Statistics can suggest that the first appearance of a taxon was after New Zealand broke away from Gondwana-as long as the first appearance in the record was not due to an increase in biomass from an initially rare state. Two observations can be drawn from the overall palynorecord that are independent of changes in biomass: (1) The first appearance of palynotaxa common to both Australia and New Zealand is decidedly non-random. Most taxa occur first in Australia. This suggests a bias in air or water transport from west to east. (2) The percentage of endemic palynospecies in New Zealand shows no simple correlation with the time New Zealand drifted into isolation. The conifer macrorecord also hints at complete turnover since the Cretaceous.


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The moth larva, Doratifera stenosa (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae), was observed feeding voraciously in great numbers on mature leaves of Rhizophora stylosa in mangroves at Port Curtis in Central Queensland, NE Australia. This behaviour was considered unusual since mangroves, and the Rhizophora species in particular, reportedly harbour few herbivores and have relatively low levels of herbivory, less than 10%. During a two year period (1996-1998), larvae were observed consuming around 30-40% of leaves in the canopy each year, and the mangroves appeared able to sustain these high levels of herbivory. The impact on trees was assessed in conjunction with a study of the herbivore, its behaviour and life history, in an attempt to explain the occurrence. Larvae were 1-2 cm in length, bright green and gregarious, with numerous small, stinging hairs along their upper bodies. Feeding was in small cohort groups of 5-70 individuals that broke up immediately prior to each moult after which they regrouped in much larger numbers of mixed cohorts to form single-file processions across branches, stems and prop roots. In this way, they moved to neighbouring trees with less affected foliage. One of the outstanding characteristics of this herbivore was its ability to desist from killing host trees although it appeared quite capable of doing so had it remained on individual trees. By moving from tree to tree, the herbivore was able to heavily crop Rhizophora foliage in an apparently sustainable manner. These findings demonstrate the role and importance of foliar herbivory in severely affected forests and how such instances best not be ignored or treated as curiosities in future assessments of herbivory and forest turnover in mangrove ecosystems.


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When the Arab Spring broke out, the United States was in a quandary over how to handle the crisis in its attempt to balance its moral obligations and ideals without undercutting its strategic interests and those of its close allies. Flaws in US diplomatic approach have contributed to one of the most serious foreign policy crisis for a US administration to date with consequential upheaval and erosion of the US-built balance of power. The reactions and policy responses of the Obama administration highlight the difficulties in grasping with the new reality in the Middle East and in enunciating a policy platform that could combine American interests and values.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras


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Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 1 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).


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O sucesso educativo dos alunos é como facilmente se compreenderá, a essência do ato educativo nas suas múltiplas dimensões e formas. O percurso para a obtenção desse sucesso é variado e representa muitas vezes um enorme investimento das organizações educativas nomeadamente na gestão dos seus recursos humanos. Por outro lado, o modelo organizativo instituído pode ser o fator preponderante para a obtenção do sucesso procurado sobretudo quando ele é promotor de um clima harmonioso e motivador para o ato educativo. O projeto apresentado neste estudo estruturou-se numa nova construção dos grupos de trabalho, em que o conceito tradicional de turma foi substituído por grupos, constituídos por alunos cujo grau de conhecimento e competências no âmbito das disciplinas de Português e Matemática, fosse o mais aproximado possível não perdendo de vista o princípio de heterogeneidade do grupo mesmo que relativa ou diminuída, tão importante para promover a diversidade. Este sistema organizativo rompeu com o conceito tradicional da turma o que implicou uma alteração não só na organização de horários escolares dos alunos e docentes mas também obrigou estruturação e implementação de um processo de mobilidades dos alunos entre grupos em função do seu grau de aprendizagens ou de dificuldades na sua obtenção. Este projeto foi ainda promotor de uma cultura de trabalho colaborativo e partilha entre docentes de cada grupo disciplinar promovendo a sistematização de interações entre pares quer na preparação das atividades letivas quer na discussão e resolução dos constrangimentos que o desenvolvimento do projeto evidenciou.


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Sabbatical Studies Report


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Drawing its information from different documents in Portuguese and French archives, this article examines the evolution of Portuguese colonial policies towards Islam, focusing on the special case of Mozambique. Such policies evolved from an attitude of neglect and open repression, prevalent in the early years of the colonial war that broke out in 1965, when Muslims were perceived as the main supporters of the anti-colonial guerrilla in northern Mozambique, to an approach that tried to isolate ‘African Muslims’ from foreign influences in order to align them with the Portuguese. The article analyses the latter strategy, assessing its successes and failures, and the contributions made by several of those who were involved.