19 resultados para Breakfasts.


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Isolated source monitoring recollection deficits indicate that abnormalities in glucose metabolism are not detrimental for global episodic memory processes. This enhances our understanding of how metabolic disorders are associated with memory impairments.


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Includes samples of menus, nutrition information, etc.


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There are limited studies that describe patient meal preferences in hospital; however this data is critical to develop menus that address satisfaction and nutrition whilst balancing resources. This quality study aimed to determine preferences for meals and snacks to inform a comprehensive menu revision in a large (929 bed) tertiary public hospital. The method was based on Vivanti et al. (2008) with data collected by two final year dietetic students. The first survey comprised 72 questions, achieved a response rate of 68% (n = 192), with the second more focused at 47 questions achieving a higher response rate of 93% (n = 212). Findings showed over half the patients reporting poor or less than normal appetite, 20% describing taste issues, over a third with a LOS >7 days, a third with a MST _ 2 and less than half eating only from the general menu. Soup then toast was most frequently reported as eaten at home when unwell, and whilst most reported not missing any foods when in hospital (25%), steak was most commonly missed. Hot breakfasts were desired by the majority (63%), with over half preferring toast (even if cold). In relation to snacks, nearly half (48%) wanted something more substantial than tea/coffee/biscuits, with sandwiches (54%) and soup (33%) being suggested. Sandwiches at the evening meal were not popular (6%). Difficulties with using cutlery and meal size selection were identified as issues. Findings from this study had high utility and supported a collaborative and evidenced based approach to a successful major menu change for the hospital.


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Plusieurs études ont démontré que la consommation d’un repas à indice glycémique bas (LGI) avant un exercice physique favorisait l’oxydation des lipides, diminuait les épisodes d’hypoglycémie et améliorait la performance. Par contre, d’autres recherches n’ont pas observé ces bénéfices. Le but de cette étude consiste à démontrer l’impact de l’ingestion de déjeuners avec différents indices glycémiques (IG) sur la performance en endurance de cyclistes de haut niveau. Dix cyclistes masculins ont complété trois protocoles attribués de façon aléatoire, séparés par un intervalle minimal de sept jours. Les trois protocoles consistaient en une épreuve contre la montre, soit trois heures après avoir consommé un déjeuner à indice glycémique bas ou élevé contenant 3 grammes de glucides par kg de poids corporel, soit à compléter l’exercice à jeun. Les résultats obtenus pour le temps de course montrent qu’il n’y pas de différence significative entre les protocoles. Par contre, on observe que le nombre de révolutions par minute (RPM) est significativement plus élevé avec le protocole à indice glycémique élevé (HGI) (94,3 ± 9,9 RPM) comparativement au protocole à jeun (87,7 ± 8,9 RPM) (p<0,005). Au niveau de la glycémie capillaire, on observe que durant l’exercice, au temps 30 minutes, la glycémie est significativement supérieure avec le protocole à jeun (5,47 ± 0,76 mmol/L) comparé à HGI (4,99 ± 0,91 mmol/L) (p<0,002). Notre étude n’a pas permis de confirmer que la consommation d’un repas LGI avant un exercice physique améliorait la performance physique de façon significative. Cependant, notre recherche a démontré que la diversité des protocoles utilisés pour évaluer l’impact de l’indice glycémique sur la performance physique pouvait occasionner des variations positives dans les temps de courses. Par conséquent, il s’avère nécessaire de faire d’autres recherches qui reproduisent les situations de compétition de l’athlète soit la course contre la montre.


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Abnormalities in glucose tolerance such as type 2 diabetes can have demonstrable negative effects on a range of cognitive functions. However, there was no evidence that low GL breakfasts administered acutely could confer benefits for cognitive function (ClincalTrials.gov identifier, NCT01047813).


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In vitro, the addition of lipids to a carbohydrate food has been found to increase the digestibility of starch. In contrast, in vivo studies have shown that the addition of fat to a food can reduce the glycaemic response (GR). The aim of this study was to assess if delayed gastric emptying (GE) causes reduced GR with the addition of lipids to a carbohydrate food and if a relationship between GR and in vitro digestion of starch exists for high fat foods. Ten healthy volunteers were tested on five occasions after consuming pancakes containing 50 g of available carbohydrate and 202 kcal of sunflower oil, olive oil, butter, medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil or a control containing no oil. GR was measured using fingerpick blood samples, satiety using visual analogue scales and GE using the 13C octanoic acid breath test. There was a significant difference in GR between the different pancake breakfasts (p = 0.05). The highest GR was observed following the control pancakes and the lowest following the olive oil pancakes. There were significant differences in GE half time, lag phase and ascension time (p < 0.05) between the different pancakes with the control pancakes having the shortest GE time and the MCT pancakes the longest. There was a significant difference in satiety parameters fullness (p = 0.003) and prospective consumption (p = 0.050), with satiety being lowest following the control pancakes. There was a significant inverse correlation between the GR and all satiety parameters. A significant inverse correlation (p = 0.009) was also observed between the digestibility of starch in vitro and GR in vivo. The paper indicates that the digestibility of starch in vitro does not predict the GR for high fat containing foods


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The present study examined whether replacing fat with inulin or lupin-kernel fibre influenced palatability, perceptions of satiety, and food intake in thirty-three healthy men (mean age 52 years, BMI 27·4 kg/m2), using a within-subject design. On separate occasions, after fasting overnight, the participants consumed a breakfast consisting primarily of either a full-fat sausage patty (FFP) or a reduced-fat patty containing inulin (INP) or lupin-kernel fibre (LKP). Breakfast variants were alike in mass, protein and carbohydrate content; however the INP and LKP breakfasts were 36 and 37 % lower in fat and 15 and 17 % lower in energy density respectively compared with the FFP breakfast. The participants rated their satiety before breakfast then evaluated patty acceptability. Satiety was rated immediately after consuming the breakfast, then over the subsequent 4·5 h whilst fasting. Food consumed until the end of the following day was recorded. All patties were rated above ‘neither acceptable or unacceptable’, however the INP rated lower for general acceptability (P=0·039) and the LKP lower for flavour (P=0·023) than the FFP. The LKP breakfast rated more satiating than the INP (P=0·010) and FFP (P=0·016) breakfasts. Total fat intake was 18 g lower on the day of the INP (P=0·035) and 26 g lower on the day of the LKP breakfast (P=0·013) than the FFP breakfast day. Energy intake was lower (1521 kJ) only on the day of the INP breakfast (P=0·039). Both inulin and lupin-kernel fibre appear to have potential as fat replacers in meat products and for reducing fat and energy intake in men.


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Objective: To determine the effect of adding chickpea flour or extruded chickpea flour to white bread on palatability and postprandial glycaemia, insulinaemia and satiety.

Design: A randomised, single-blind, cross-over study of four 50 g available carbohydrate breakfasts.

Setting: School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University.

Subjects: In all, 12 healthy subjects were recruited through posted notices. Totally, 11 (nine male, two female) completed the study (meanplusminuss.e.m.; age 32±2 y; body mass index, 24.7±0.8 kg/m2).

Intervention: After overnight fasting, subjects consumed a control (white) bread (WB) breakfast twice, a chickpea bread (CHB) breakfast once and an extruded chickpea bread (EXB) breakfast once. Palatability and postprandial blood glucose, insulin and satiety responses were determined. Following this, food intakes from an ad libitum buffet and for the remainder of the day were assessed.

Results: A trend towards a lower incremental area under the curve (IAUC) of glucose for the CHB breakfast compared to the WB breakfast was observed (P=0.087). The IAUC of insulin and insulinaemic index (II) of the CHB breakfast were higher (P<0.05) than for the WB breakfast. No differences in glycaemic index (GI), satiety response, food intake or palatability were observed.

Conclusions: CHB and EXB demonstrated acceptable palatability. CHB demonstrated some hypoglycaemic effect compared to WB, but neither CHB nor EXB demonstrated effects on satiety or food intake. The hyperinsulinaemic effect of CHB observed in this study requires further investigation.


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Overweight/obesity has reached epidemic proportions in Australia. This thesis confirmed and extended the relationship between lifestyle and body mass index in that dense energy foods, snacking and low levels of physical activity were associated with higher BMI while plant foods, vegetarianism and, in men, large breakfasts were associated with lower BMI.


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The objective of this study was to examine the effect of self-reported breakfast size, daily eating, and other health habits on body mass index (BMI). We hypothesized that a consumption of a substantial breakfast compared with skipping or small breakfasts would be associated with lower BMI. Three independent, cross-sectional, screening surveys were conducted by Sydney Adventist Hospital in 1976, 1986, and 2005 in the surrounding community. The archived survey forms of 384 men and 338 women in 1976, 244 men and 229 women in 1986, and 270 men and 62 women in 2005 were randomly selected. Body mass index was determined from height and weight measured by hospital staff. The reported amount consumed at breakfast was one of several eating habits that predicted BMI for men but not women. It explained 5% to 6% of the variance in male BMI in all 3 years examined. As the reported breakfast amount increased, men's BMI decreased. Lifestyle confounders including vegetarianism and physical activity did not affect this relationship. However, the consumption of breakfast was significantly positively associated with consumption of cereals, bread, fruit, and spreads, while coffee consumption was significantly associated with smaller breakfasts or breakfast skipping. The consumption of relatively large breakfasts may influence BMI in men, and its promotion may help reduce the prevalence of obesity in Australia and elsewhere.