Effect of fat replacement by insulin or lupin-kernal fibre on sausage patty acceptability, post-meal perceptions of satiety and food intake in men

Autoria(s): Archer, Bridie J.; Johnson, Stuart K.; Devereux, Helen M.; Baxter, Amynta L.



The present study examined whether replacing fat with inulin or lupin-kernel fibre influenced palatability, perceptions of satiety, and food intake in thirty-three healthy men (mean age 52 years, BMI 27·4 kg/m<sup>2</sup>), using a within-subject design. On separate occasions, after fasting overnight, the participants consumed a breakfast consisting primarily of either a full-fat sausage patty (FFP) or a reduced-fat patty containing inulin (INP) or lupin-kernel fibre (LKP). Breakfast variants were alike in mass, protein and carbohydrate content; however the INP and LKP breakfasts were 36 and 37 % lower in fat and 15 and 17 % lower in energy density respectively compared with the FFP breakfast. The participants rated their satiety before breakfast then evaluated patty acceptability. Satiety was rated immediately after consuming the breakfast, then over the subsequent 4·5 h whilst fasting. Food consumed until the end of the following day was recorded. All patties were rated above ‘neither acceptable or unacceptable’, however the INP rated lower for general acceptability (<i>P</i>=0·039) and the LKP lower for flavour (<i>P</i>=0·023) than the FFP. The LKP breakfast rated more satiating than the INP (<i>P</i>=0·010) and FFP (<i>P</i>=0·016) breakfasts. Total fat intake was 18 g lower on the day of the INP (<i>P</i>=0·035) and 26 g lower on the day of the LKP breakfast (<i>P</i>=0·013) than the FFP breakfast day. Energy intake was lower (1521 kJ) only on the day of the INP breakfast (P=0·039). Both inulin and lupin-kernel fibre appear to have potential as fat replacers in meat products and for reducing fat and energy intake in men.<br />






Cambridge University Press






2004, The Authors

Palavras-Chave #satiety #fat replacers #inulin #lupin #dietary fibre

Journal Article