822 resultados para Boolean Networks Complexity Measures Automatic Design Robot Dynamics
L'applicazione di misure, derivanti dalla teoria dell'informazione, fornisce un valido strumento per quantificare alcune delle proprietà dei sistemi complessi. Le stesse misure possono essere utilizzate in robotica per favorire l'analisi e la sintesi di sistemi di controllo per robot. In questa tesi si è analizzata la correlazione tra alcune misure di complessità e la capacità dei robot di portare a termine, con successo, tre differenti task. I risultati ottenuti suggeriscono che tali misure di complessità rappresentano uno strumento promettente anche nel campo della robotica, ma che il loro utilizzo può diventare difficoltoso quando applicate a task compositi.
Real living cell is a complex system governed by many process which are not yet fully understood: the process of cell differentiation is one of these. In this thesis work we make use of a cell differentiation model to develop gene regulatory networks (Boolean networks) with desired differentiation dynamics. To accomplish this task we have introduced techniques of automatic design and we have performed experiments using various differentiation trees. The results obtained have shown that the developed algorithms, except the Random algorithm, are able to generate Boolean networks with interesting differentiation dynamics. Moreover, we have presented some possible future applications and developments of the cell differentiation model in robotics and in medical research. Understanding the mechanisms involved in biological cells can gives us the possibility to explain some not yet understood dangerous disease, i.e the cancer. Le cellula è un sistema complesso governato da molti processi ancora non pienamente compresi: il differenziamento cellulare è uno di questi. In questa tesi utilizziamo un modello di differenziamento cellulare per sviluppare reti di regolazione genica (reti Booleane) con dinamiche di differenziamento desiderate. Per svolgere questo compito abbiamo introdotto tecniche di progettazione automatica e abbiamo eseguito esperimenti utilizzando vari alberi di differenziamento. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato che gli algoritmi sviluppati, eccetto l'algoritmo Random, sono in grado di poter generare reti Booleane con dinamiche di differenziamento interessanti. Inoltre, abbiamo presentato alcune possibili applicazioni e sviluppi futuri del modello di differenziamento in robotica e nella ricerca medica. Capire i meccanismi alla base del funzionamento cellulare può fornirci la possibilità di spiegare patologie ancora oggi non comprese, come il cancro.
In the modern engineering design cycle the use of computational tools becomes a neces- sity. The complexity of the engineering systems under consideration for design increases dramatically as the demands for advanced and innovative design concepts and engineering products is expanding. At the same time the advancements in the available technology in terms of computational resources and power, as well as the intelligence of the design software, accommodate these demands and make them a viable approach towards the chal- lenge of real-world engineering problems. This class of design optimisation problems is by nature multi-disciplinary. In the present work we establish enhanced optimisation capabil- ities within the Nimrod/O tool for massively distributed execution of computational tasks through cluster and computational grid resources, and develop the potential to combine and benefit from all the possible available technological advancements, both software and hardware. We develop the interface between a Free Form Deformation geometry manage- ment in-house code with the 2D airfoil aerodynamic efficiency evaluation tool XFoil, and the well established multi-objective heuristic optimisation algorithm NSGA-II. A simple airfoil design problem has been defined to demonstrate the functionality of the design sys- tem, but also to accommodate a framework for future developments and testing with other state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms such as the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) techniques. Ultimately, heav- ily computationally expensive industrial design cases can be realised within the presented framework that could not be investigated before. © 2012 by the authors. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
In the modern engineering design cycle the use of computational tools becomes a necessity. The complexity of the engineering systems under consideration for design increases dramatically as the demands for advanced and innovative design concepts and engineering products is expanding. At the same time the advancements in the available technology in terms of computational resources and power, as well as the intelligence of the design software, accommodate these demands and make them a viable approach towards the challenge of real-world engineering problems. This class of design optimisation problems is by nature multi-disciplinary. In the present work we establish enhanced optimisation capabilities within the Nimrod/O tool for massively distributed execution of computational tasks through cluster and computational grid resources, and develop the potential to combine and benefit from all the possible available technological advancements, both software and hardware. We develop the interface between a Free Form Deformation geometry management in-house code with the 2D airfoil aerodynamic efficiency evaluation tool XFoil, and the well established multi-objective heuristic optimisation algorithm NSGA-II. A simple airfoil design problem has been defined to demonstrate the functionality of the design system, but also to accommodate a framework for future developments and testing with other state-of-the-art optimisation algorithms such as the Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and the Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) techniques. Ultimately, heavily computationally expensive industrial design cases can be realised within the presented framework that could not be investigated before. ©2012 AIAA.
The Networks and Complexity in Social Systems course commences with an overview of the nascent field of complex networks, dividing it into three related but distinct strands: Statistical description of large scale networks, viewed as static objects; the dynamic evolution of networks, where now the structure of the network is understood in terms of a growth process; and dynamical processes that take place on fixed networks; that is, "networked dynamical systems". (A fourth area of potential research ties all the previous three strands together under the rubric of co-evolution of networks and dynamics, but very little research has been done in this vein and so it is omitted.) The remainder of the course treats each of the three strands in greater detail, introducing technical knowledge as required, summarizing the research papers that have introduced the principal ideas, and pointing out directions for future development. With regard to networked dynamical systems, the course treats in detail the more specific topic of information propagation in networks, in part because this topic is of great relevance to social science, and in part because it has received the most attention in the literature to date.
The generating functional method is employed to investigate the synchronous dynamics of Boolean networks, providing an exact result for the system dynamics via a set of macroscopic order parameters. The topology of the networks studied and its constituent Boolean functions represent the system's quenched disorder and are sampled from a given distribution. The framework accommodates a variety of topologies and Boolean function distributions and can be used to study both the noisy and noiseless regimes; it enables one to calculate correlation functions at different times that are inaccessible via commonly used approximations. It is also used to determine conditions for the annealed approximation to be valid, explore phases of the system under different levels of noise and obtain results for models with strong memory effects, where existing approximations break down. Links between Boolean networks and general Boolean formulas are identified and results common to both system types are highlighted. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
The dynamics of Boolean networks (BN) with quenched disorder and thermal noise is studied via the generating functional method. A general formulation, suitable for BN with any distribution of Boolean functions, is developed. It provides exact solutions and insight into the evolution of order parameters and properties of the stationary states, which are inaccessible via existing methodology. We identify cases where the commonly used annealed approximation is valid and others where it breaks down. Broader links between BN and general Boolean formulas are highlighted.
We describe the automatic synthesis of a global nonlinear controller for stabilizing a magnetic levitation system. The synthesized control system can stabilize the maglev vehicle with large initial displacements from an equilibrium, and possesses a much larger operating region than the classical linear feedback design for the same system. The controller is automatically synthesized by a suite of computational tools. This work demonstrates that the difficult control synthesis task can be automated, using programs that actively exploit knowledge of nonlinear dynamics and state space and combine powerful numerical and symbolic computations with spatial-reasoning techniques.
Results from two studies on longitudinal friendship networks are presented, exploring the impact of a gratitude intervention on positive and negative affect dynamics in a social network. The gratitude intervention had been previously shown to increase positive affect and decrease negative affect in an individual but dynamic group effects have not been considered. In the first study the intervention was administered to the whole network. In the second study two social networks are considered and in each only a subset of individuals, initially low/high in negative affect respectively received the intervention as `agents of change'. Data was analyzed using stochastic actor based modelling techniques to identify resulting network changes, impact on positive and negative affect and potential contagion of mood within the group. The first study found a group level increase in positive and a decrease in negative affect. Homophily was detected with regard to positive and negative affect but no evidence of contagion was found. The network itself became more volatile along with a fall in rate of change of negative affect. Centrality measures indicated that the best broadcasters were the individuals with the least negative affect levels at the beginning of the study. In the second study, the positive and negative affect levels for the whole group depended on the initial levels of negative affect of the intervention recipients. There was evidence of positive affect contagion in the group where intervention recipients had low initial level of negative affect and contagion in negative affect for the group where recipients had initially high level of negative affect.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia. Over the last few years, a considerable effort has been devoted to exploring new biomarkers. Nevertheless, a better understanding of brain dynamics is still required to optimize therapeutic strategies. In this regard, the characterization of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is crucial, due to the high conversion rate from MCI to AD. However, only a few studies have focused on the analysis of magnetoencephalographic (MEG) rhythms to characterize AD and MCI. In this study, we assess the ability of several parameters derived from information theory to describe spontaneous MEG activity from 36 AD patients, 18 MCI subjects and 26 controls. Three entropies (Shannon, Tsallis and Rényi entropies), one disequilibrium measure (based on Euclidean distance ED) and three statistical complexities (based on Lopez Ruiz–Mancini–Calbet complexity LMC) were used to estimate the irregularity and statistical complexity of MEG activity. Statistically significant differences between AD patients and controls were obtained with all parameters (p < 0.01). In addition, statistically significant differences between MCI subjects and controls were achieved by ED and LMC (p < 0.05). In order to assess the diagnostic ability of the parameters, a linear discriminant analysis with a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure was applied. The accuracies reached 83.9% and 65.9% to discriminate AD and MCI subjects from controls, respectively. Our findings suggest that MCI subjects exhibit an intermediate pattern of abnormalities between normal aging and AD. Furthermore, the proposed parameters provide a new description of brain dynamics in AD and MCI.