43 resultados para Boltanski


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El archivo tiene un estatus complejo y ambivalente. Puede ser un instrumento al servicio del poder y también ser albergue de conocimiento potencialmente emancipador capaz de desestabilizar verdades establecidas. Este trabajo propone recorrer e interrogar los usos que algunas intervenciones del arte moderno y contemporáneo realizaron con el soporte archivo, pensado antes que como repositorio inmóvil de saberes, discursos y conocimientos, como una norma que regula un tráfico de bienes simbólicos. Mi lectura intentará reconocer al archivo como un soporte contingente, mutante y dinámico, y recorrer algunos de los usos que el arte moderno y contemporáneo, en particular la fotografía y algunas zonas adyacentes han realizado con él


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El archivo tiene un estatus complejo y ambivalente. Puede ser un instrumento al servicio del poder y también ser albergue de conocimiento potencialmente emancipador capaz de desestabilizar verdades establecidas. Este trabajo propone recorrer e interrogar los usos que algunas intervenciones del arte moderno y contemporáneo realizaron con el soporte archivo, pensado antes que como repositorio inmóvil de saberes, discursos y conocimientos, como una norma que regula un tráfico de bienes simbólicos. Mi lectura intentará reconocer al archivo como un soporte contingente, mutante y dinámico, y recorrer algunos de los usos que el arte moderno y contemporáneo, en particular la fotografía y algunas zonas adyacentes han realizado con él


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El archivo tiene un estatus complejo y ambivalente. Puede ser un instrumento al servicio del poder y también ser albergue de conocimiento potencialmente emancipador capaz de desestabilizar verdades establecidas. Este trabajo propone recorrer e interrogar los usos que algunas intervenciones del arte moderno y contemporáneo realizaron con el soporte archivo, pensado antes que como repositorio inmóvil de saberes, discursos y conocimientos, como una norma que regula un tráfico de bienes simbólicos. Mi lectura intentará reconocer al archivo como un soporte contingente, mutante y dinámico, y recorrer algunos de los usos que el arte moderno y contemporáneo, en particular la fotografía y algunas zonas adyacentes han realizado con él


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This PhD practice-led research inquiry sets out to examine and describe how the fluid interactions between memory and time can be rendered via the remediation of my painting and the construction of a digital image archive. My abstract digital art and handcrafted practice is informed by Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomics of becoming. I aim to show that the technological mobility of my creative strategies produce new conditions of artistic possibility through the mobile principles of rhizomic interconnection, multiplicity and diversity. Subsequently through the ongoing modification of past painting I map how emergent forms and ideas open up new and incisive engagements with the experience of a ‘continual present’. The deployment of new media and cross media processes in my art also deterritorialises the modernist notion of painting as a static and two dimensional spatial object. Instead, it shows painting in a postmodern field of dynamic and transformative intermediality through digital formats of still and moving images that re-imagines the relationship between memory, time and creative practice.


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This study examines how do the processes of politicization differ in the Finnish and the French local contexts, and what kinds of consequences do these processes have on the local civic practices, the definitions and redefinitions of democracy and citizenship, the dynamics of power and resistance, and the ways of solving controversies in the public sphere. By means of comparative anthropology of the state , focusing on how democracy actually is practiced in different contexts, politicizations the processes of opening political arenas and recognizing controversy are analyzed. The focus of the study is on local activists engaged in different struggles on various levels of the local public spheres, and local politicians and civil servants participating in these struggles from their respective positions, in two middle-size European cities, Helsinki and Lyon. The empirical analyses of the book compare different political actors and levels of practicing democracy simultaneously. The study is empirically based on four different bodies of material: Ethnographic notes taken during a fieldwork among the activities of several local activist groups; 47 interviews of local activists and politicians; images representing different levels of public portrayals from activist websites (Helsinki N=274, Lyon N=232) and from city information magazines (Helsinki-info N=208, Lyon Citoyen N= 357); and finally, newspaper articles concerning local conflict issues, and reporting on the encounters between local citizens and representatives of the cities (January-June in 2005; Helsingin Sanomat N=96 and Le Progrès N= 102). The study makes three distinctive contributions to the study of current democratic societies: (1) a conceptual one by bringing politicization at the center of a comparison of political cultures, and by considering in parallel the ethnographic group styles theory by Nina Eliasoph and Paul Lichterman, the theory on counter-democracy by Pierre Rosanvallon and the pragmatist justification theory by Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thévenot; (2) an empirical one through the triangulation of ethnographic, thematic interview, visual, and newspaper data through which the different aspects of democratic practices are examined; and (3) a methodological one by developing new ways of analyzing comparative cases an application of Frame Analysis to visual material and the creation of Public Justification Analysis for analyzing morally loaded claims in newspaper reports thus building bridges between cultural, political, and pragmatic sociology. The results of the study indicate that the cultural tools the Finnish civic actors had at their disposal were prone to hinder more than support politicization, whereas the tools the French actors mainly relied on were frequently apt for making politicization possible. This crystallization is defined and detailed in many ways in the analyses of the book. Its consequences to the understanding and future research on the current developments of democracy are multiple, as politicization, while not assuring good results as such, is central to a functioning and vibrant democracy in which injustices can be fixed and new directions and solutions sought collectively.


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Evaluation practices have pervaded the Finnish society and welfare state. At the same time the term effectiveness has become a powerful organising concept in welfare state activities. The aim of the study is to analyse how the outcome-oriented society came into being through historical processes, to answer the question of how social policy and welfare state practices were brought under the governance of the concept of effectiveness . Discussions about social imagination, Michel Foucault s conceptions of the history of the present and of governmentality, genealogy and archaeology, along with Ian Hacking s notions of dynamic nominalism and styles of reasoning, are used as the conceptual and methodological starting points for the study. In addition, Luc Boltanski s and Laurent Thévenot s ideas of orders of worth , regimes of evaluation in everyday life, are employed. Usually, evaluation is conceptualised as an autonomous epistemic culture and practice (evaluation as epistemic practice), but evaluation is here understood as knowledge-creation processes elementary to different epistemic practices (evaluation in epistemic practices). The emergence of epistemic cultures and styles of reasoning about the effectiveness or impacts of welfare state activities are analysed through Finnish social policy and social work research. The study uses case studies which represent debates and empirical research dealing with the effectiveness and quality of social services and social work. While uncertainty and doubts over the effects and consequences of welfare policies have always been present in discourses about social policy, the theme has not been acknowledged much in social policy research. To resolve these uncertainties, eight styles of reasoning about such effects have emerged over time. These are the statistical, goal-based, needs-based, experimental, interaction-based, performance measurement, auditing and evidence-based styles of reasoning. Social policy research has contributed in various ways to the creation of these epistemic practices. The transformation of the welfare state, starting at the end of 1980s, increased market-orientation and trimmed public welfare responsibilities, and led to the adoption of the New Public Management (NPM) style of leadership. Due to these developments the concept of effectiveness made a breakthrough, and new accountabilities with their knowledge tools for performance measurement and auditing and evidence-based styles of reasoning became more dominant in the ruling of the welfare state. Social sciences and evaluation have developed a heteronomous relation with each other, although there still remain divergent tendencies between them. Key words: evaluation, effectiveness, social policy, welfare state, public services, sociology of knowledge


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Tässä pro gradu-tutkielmassa tutkitaan yhdestä Helsingissä tehdystä kaavamuutoksesta jätettyjä kirjallisia mielipiteitä. Työ jäsentyy (not in my backyard) käsitteen ympärille. Työssä tutkitaan, mihin yhteisiin hyviin vedoten haagalaiset vastustavat alueensa täydennysrakentamista ja kuinka legitiimiä suora omaan taloudelliseen tai muuhun etuun vetoaminen on jätetyissä mielipiteissä. Nimby-käsite on kotoisin Yhdysvalloista, liberaalin politiikka-käsityksen maasta ja on alkujaan ollut jokseenkin vähäosaisten muodostaman ympäristöliikkeen taisteluhuuto. Käsitteen siirtyminen suomalaista täydennysrakentamiskaavaa jäsentäväksi käsitteeksi ei ole sujunut ongelmitta. Työssä osoitetaan termin ongelmallisuuden johtuvan osittain tästä siirtymästä. Termiin liittyvät ristiriidat helpottavat, kun käsitettä käyttää kuvailevana käsitteenä ja pyrkii tietoisesti eroon sen leimaavasta puolesta. Nimby-tutkimuksen valtavirrasta poiketen tässä työssä lähestytään käsitettä ”nimbyjen” itsensä lähtökohdista. Tästä seuraten yksi tämän työn tuloksista on uudenlainen erilaisten nimby-tyypien luokittelu. Tutkittujen mielipiteiden perusteella on olemassa 1) Nimby tiukasti paikkaan sidonnaisena ilmiönä eli ”paikallinen nimby”, 2)Nimby markkina-argumentaationa eli ”markkinanimby”, 3) Nimby edustuksen ongelmana eli ”edustusnimby” ja 4) Nimby liberaalin demokratiakäsityksen määrittämänä vaikuttamisena eli ”liberaali nimby”. Työn keskeiset teoreettiset työkalut toimittavat ranskalaiset Luc Boltanski ja Laurent Thévenot oikeuttamisen maailmojen teoriallaan ja sen laajennuksella, Thévenot’n käsityksellä poliittisen elämän kieliopeista. Suurin osa haagalaisista oikeuttaa kaavamuutoksen vastustamisensa johonkin yhteisen hyvän määritelmään vedoten. Tällaisista mielipiteistä valtaosa hyödyntää kodin maailman keinoja: vetoaa alueen perinteiseen miljööseen, vehreyteen ja toivoo muuttumattomuutta. Myös markkinoiden maailmaan vetoava taloudellinen argumentaatio ja tehokkuutta painottava teollinen argumentaatio ovat yleisiä, kuten muissakin Suomea koskevissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu. Kodin maailman suurempi osuus ja paikallisuuden vahvempi merkitys on yksi tämän työn havainnoista. Työn tulosten puoli liittyy poliittiseen toimintaan ja poliittiseen kulttuuriin. Nimby-liikkeet mielletään Pierre Rosanvallonia seuraten vastademokraattisiksi toimijoiksi. Mielipiteistä suuri osa, yli 40 prosenttia operoi ensisijaisesti omaan etuun vetoavan liberaalin kieliopin piirissä. Tämä on kiinnostava mahdollinen muutos suomalaisessa poliittisessa kulttuurissa, joka vaatii selvästi lisää tutkimusta.


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The research in this thesis addresses the question of corporate legitimation and values. It studies moral speech in Finnish companies' social responsibility reports and annual reports. The managerial rhetoric has been examined as a means of building and maintaining legitimacy. The companies studyed are the ten biggest companies that repordted on social responsibility in 2004, and the analysed data consists of the companie's reporting from 1998 to 2008. The theoretical and analytical framework is provided by Luc Boltanski's and Laurent Thévenot's theory of justification. The theory is focused on systems of moral thinking and argumentation, so called "orders of worth". The study shows how these moral schemes were used in the legitimation process. Special attention is paid on the ways that compromises are made between different orders of worth, such as the market, civic and green order. The study shows that the focus of legitimation has shifted towards societal and environmental themes. The values of market and industry, profits and efficiency, however, remain the strongest basis for organizational legitimation in Finnish companies. The economic crisis of 2008 had a visible impact on the moral rhetoric, especially in the Finnish forestry sector. Large layoffs questionned the companies' traditional role and made companies adopt a more market-centered and project-based moral rhetoric. New inspirational and project-centered moral speech emerged as the companies were less able to present themselves as nation-based, traditional actors in the Finnish society.


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Artikkelissa esitellään uusi julkisen keskustelun tutkimiseen kehitetty analyysimenetelmä, julkisen oikeuttamisen analyysi (JOA). JOA perustuu Luc Boltanskin ja Laurent Thévenot'n oikeuttamisteorian seitsemän "maailman" – inspiraation, kodin, maineen, kansalaisuuden, markkinoiden, teollisuuden ja ekologian – muodostamalle analyysikehikolle. Se tutkii keskusteluissa esiintyvien vaateiden moraalisia oikeutuksia, niiden yhdistelmiä ja tapoja kiistää ja tuomita kiistakumppaneiden oikeutuksia. JOA:n avulla voidaan kvalitatiiviseen tekstianalyysiin yhdistää myös kvantitatiivista luokittelua, jolloin menetelmä soveltuu suurtenkin aineistojen analyysiin. JOA:n käyttöä havainnollistetaan artikkelissa kahden tutkimusesimerkin avulla. Ensimmäinen esimerkki käsittelee Helsingin Sanomissa globalisaatiosta vuosina 1999–2005 käydyn keskustelun osapuolten, erityisesti kansalaisyhteiskunnan sekä taloudellisen ja poliittisen eliitin, argumentteja ja niille annettuja oikeutuksia. Tämän esimerkin kautta kuvataan erilaisten oikeuttamisyhdistelmien ilmaisuvoimaa yhteiskunnallisten kiistakysymysten moraalisten ulottuvuuksien analysoimisessa. Toinen esimerkki keskittyy paikallisiin kiistoihin Suomessa ja Ranskassa tarkastelemalla kansalaisten ja kaupungin edustajien esittämiä oikeutuksia paikallislehdistössä. Tämä esimerkki osoittaa JOA:n vahvuudet vertailevan tutkimuksen työkaluna.


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Esta tese trata da relação entre violência, sofrimento, fotografia e memória, a partir do noticiário de violência na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e da participação dos familiares de vítimas de casos noticiados em movimentos contra a violência. Para compreender esse universo, descrevo e analiso os discursos textuais, visuais e emocionais dos familiares de vítimas e, também, dos fotojornalistas. As notícias de violência, segundo Luc Boltanski, são uma forma de denúncia e de conversão dos casos individuais em causas coletivas. Essas são tomadas como um primeiro registro da violência que se transforma em um lugar de memória desses acontecimentos na cidade. A partir de notícias e histórias narradas pelos entrevistados foram construídos pequenos quadros de memória que contam o processo vivido pelos familiares após a violência. Esse processo iniciado por uma violência original se converte, ao longo do tempo, em lutas individuais e coletivas. O tempo torna-se um agente que trabalha nas relações, nas emoções e na memória. Ele transforma os sentidos da experiência violenta e constrói a identidade de familiar de vítima e as relações entre eles, moldando comunidades emocionais. Essas comunidades apóiam os familiares em seu restabelecimento emocional e social e na luta para conquistar o direito de justiça. Diante da morte violenta, essas lutas agenciam o surgimento de novas violências e a chegada de novos familiares de vítimas em meio às memórias individuais e coletivas.


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O universo que envolve os adolescentes em conflito com a lei tem sido bastante explorado nas mais diversas áreas das ciências humanas: procura-se descobrir as causas do aprisionamento dos adolescentes, da criminalidade, da criminalização ou o perfil da população que povoa as instituições destinadas à execução das medidas socioeducativas. Com esta tese, procurou-se estabelecer um diálogo com estes trabalhos, por meio da sistematização dos mundos (cf. Boltanski e Thévenot, 1991) observados em duas unidades do Departamento Geral de Ações Socioeducativas (Degase) responsáveis pela aplicação das medidas de internação e semiliberdade às meninas acusadas de infringirem leis: o Centro de Recursos Integrados de Atendimento ao Adolescente (CRIAAD) de Ricardo de Albuquerque e o Educandário Santos Dumont, ambos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Intentou-se conhecer como agentes, técnicos e adolescentes organizam e justificam suas experiências, como hierarquizam as coisas e as pessoas e como qualificam os seres humanos e não humanos. A pesquisa empírica realizada para esta tese nos leva a perceber que há uma pluralidade de situações, de formas de ajustamento e investimento pelas quais passam as adolescentes, constatando que algumas delas são contraditórias e questionam constantemente as personalidades, potencialidades e tendências a elas atribuídas. Verifica-se que as adolescentes estão sob contínua provação atendendo aos mais diversos critérios de legitimidade, mantidos seja pelos técnicos seja pelos agentes seja pelas próprias adolescentes durante o tempo que duram suas medidas socioeducativas.


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This article studies the gender values that are promoted both in the literacy courses for gypsy women beneficiaries of the Social Integration Revenue Policy of the Region of Madrid and in the events that are organized for this group by public institutions and NGOs. The process of “socialization” that occurs in the educative groups for Gypsy women is focused on constructing an image of what it is to be a “Gypsy modern woman”. Through multiple mechanisms and discursive techniques a specific conception of gender equality is transmitted in these educative spaces. In addition to this, Gypsy women are continually urged to assume certain values and social practices (of gender identity, of "citizenship", of parenting, etc..), while an archetype of "Gypsy Woman" which condenses powerful stereotypes and prejudices about the "Gypsy culture" and the gender relations characteristics of this group is constructed.