18 resultados para Bocinegro


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The incorporation of new marine species in aquaculture is esencial to development of this activity. The recent advances on the establishment oftechniques to produce red porgy (Pagrus pagrus), allow to consider it as a strong potencialto aquaculture, being predictable its implement in the Canary Archipel. Neverthe!ess, so far it is not posible to produce it comercially, due to difficulties in assuring a continual supply of larvae and fry. Knowing this, it is crucialto continue studying the production techniques oflarvae and the feeding system during this periodo For this, the aim of tbe work is to optimize production


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[EN]The effect of dietary inclusion of sea urchin meal (Diadema antillarum) on growth and feed utilization was investigated in a growth trial with red porgy (Pagus pagrus) of 208g initial body weight, during 6 month feeding period. High quality fish meal and fish oil diet was used as a control (Diet C); urchin meal was included at 8% and 16% dietary levels (EM8 and EM16). Compared to the control diet higher values for absolute and relative final weight and SGR were obtained either for fish fed EM8 and EM16 diets; for the latter diets values for FCR and final HSI were significantly smaller respect to those for the control diets. No differences were found among diets for the total feed intake, VSI and K factor. Obtained results indicate the suitability of the sea urchin meal as alternative ingredient in diets for the red porgy, improving fish growth and feed utilization. More studies are being done at the moment in red porgy and other fish species in order to better determine the optimum dietary levels taking into account other important culture and quality parameters.


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[EN]The inclusion of two different crab meals in diets on fillet quality parameters was investigated in a six month growth trial with red porgy (Pagus pagrus). A high quality fish meal and fish oil diet was used as a control (Diet C). Fish meal protein in the control diet was replaced by increasing levels of protein from a river crab meal (Procamburus clarkii) (CR) and a marine crab meal (Chaceon affinis) (CM) at 10% and 20% each of them. The inclusion of both crab meals in diets, either at 10% and 20% substitution levels, did not affect the texture quality parameters of flesh except for the adhesiveness, where animal fed on CR20 showed the smallest value respect to those fed the Diet C. Compared to the control fish, a reduction of the fillet lipid oxidation indicated by the Tbars index was observed for fish fed both crab meal based diets, at the higher inclusion level (20%). Increasing dietary levels of the marine crab meal showed an increment of the monoenoicos, n-9 and oleic fatty acid content in the fillets. Results indicate that both crab meals used in present study are suitable as alternative ingredients for red porgy diets in terms of fish flesh quality.


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[EN] The effect of dietary inclusion of two type of crab meal on growth, feed utilization and skin coloration performance was investigated in a growth trial with red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) of 233g initial body weight, during 6 month feeding period. High quality fish meal and fish oil diet was used as a control (Diet C). Protein of fish meal in the control was replaced by increasing dietary levels of protein derived from a river crab meal (Procamburus clarkii) (CR) and a marine crab meal (Chaceon affinis) (CM) at 10% and 20% each of them. Regarding growth results, fish fed the CM20 diet showed the highest values in absolute final weight and percent of the initial weight. For animals fed the crab meal based diets, the colour result was better than that of fish fed the control one, showing skin redness similar to that of the wild specimens. For both ingredients, increasing dietary inclusions were accompanied for an increment of the colour saturation, being in this case the obtained value for the CR meal higher than those for the CM meal. Present results indicate that crab meals used in this study are suitable as partial replacers for fish meal in diets for the red porgy.


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[ES] La incorporación de nuevas especies de peces marinos a la acuicultura, es un reto para el futuro desarrollo de esta actividad. Los avances realizados en el establecimiento de las técnicas de cultivo de bocinegro (pargo, Pagrus pagrus), permiten considerarlo como una especie con un fuerte potencial para la acuicultura siendo previsible que su cultivo experimente un impulso importante en el archipiélago canario. Sin embargo, las investigaciones han permitido identificar varios problemas que deben solventarse antes de que el bocinegro pueda cultivarse comercialmente, siendo una de las necesidades más acuciantes la de completar las técnicas de producción de larvas y alevines, y estudiar detenidamente la alimentación a suministrar durante todo el ciclo larvario. Por ello, el trabajo que se presenta tiene como objetivo principal tratar de optimizar las técnicas de producción de larvas y alevines de bocinegro en las condiciones ambientales del archipiélago canario. Esto se realizará a partir de una técnica japonesa muy novedosa, para establecer según el comportamiento larvario, las pautas de alimentación a seguir para completar el ciclo larvario del bocinegro. El comportamiento obtenido se comparará con el de la dorada, ya que es una de las especies más estudiadas debido a la importancia adquirida en la acuicultura europea de los últimos años. Con todo esto, se construirá un criterio de calidad de la dieta a partir de las pautas de comportamiento establecidas.