997 resultados para Bayesian classifier


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The widely used Bayesian classifier is based on the assumption of equal prior probabilities for all the classes. However, inclusion of equal prior probabilities may not guarantee high classification accuracy for the individual classes. Here, we propose a novel technique-Hybrid Bayesian Classifier (HBC)-where the class prior probabilities are determined by unmixing a supplemental low spatial-high spectral resolution multispectral (MS) data that are assigned to every pixel in a high spatial-low spectral resolution MS data in Bayesian classification. This is demonstrated with two separate experiments-first, class abundances are estimated per pixel by unmixing Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data to be used as prior probabilities, while posterior probabilities are determined from the training data obtained from ground. These have been used for classifying the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite LISS-III MS data through Bayesian classifier. In the second experiment, abundances obtained by unmixing Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus are used as priors, and posterior probabilities are determined from the ground data to classify IKONOS MS images through Bayesian classifier. The results indicated that HBC systematically exploited the information from two image sources, improving the overall accuracy of LISS-III MS classification by 6% and IKONOS MS classification by 9%. Inclusion of prior probabilities increased the average producer's and user's accuracies by 5.5% and 6.5% in case of LISS-III MS with six classes and 12.5% and 5.4% in IKONOS MS for five classes considered.


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In multi-agent systems, most of the time, an agent does not have complete information about the preferences and decision making processes of other agents. This prevents even the cooperative agents from making coordinated choices, purely due to their ignorance of what others want. To overcome this problem, traditional coordination methods rely heavily on inter-agent communication, and thus become very inefficient when communication is costly or simply not desirable (e.g. to preserve privacy). In this paper, we propose the use of learning to complement communication in acquiring knowledge about other agents. We augment the communication-intensive negotiating agent architecture with a learning module, implemented as a Bayesian classifier. This allows our agents to incrementally update models of other agents' preferences from past negotiations with them. Based on these models, the agents can make sound predictions about others' preferences, thus reducing the need for communication in their future interactions.


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Along the recent years, several moving object detection strategies by non-parametric background-foreground modeling have been proposed. To combine both models and to obtain the probability of a pixel to belong to the foreground, these strategies make use of Bayesian classifiers. However, these classifiers do not allow to take advantage of additional prior information at different pixels. So, we propose a novel and efficient alternative Bayesian classifier that is suitable for this kind of strategies and that allows the use of whatever prior information. Additionally, we present an effective method to dynamically estimate prior probability from the result of a particle filter-based tracking strategy.


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Electronic devices endowed with camera platforms require new and powerful machine vision applications, which commonly include moving object detection strategies. To obtain high-quality results, the most recent strategies estimate nonparametrically background and foreground models and combine them by means of a Bayesian classifier. However, typical classifiers are limited by the use of constant prior values and they do not allow the inclusion of additional spatiodependent prior information. In this Letter, we propose an alternative Bayesian classifier that, unlike those reported before, allows the use of additional prior information obtained from any source and depending on the spatial position of each pixel.


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This paper presents a general methodology for learning articulated motions that, despite having non-linear correlations, are cyclical and have a defined pattern of behavior Using conventional algorithms to extract features from images, a Bayesian classifier is applied to cluster and classify features of the moving object. Clusters are then associated in different frames and structure learning algorithms for Bayesian networks are used to recover the structure of the motion. This framework is applied to the human gait analysis and tracking but applications include any coordinated movement such as multi-robots behavior analysis.


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This paper presents a practical recursive fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) scheme for online identification of actuator faults for unmanned aerial systems (UASs) based on the unscented Kalman filtering (UKF) method. The proposed FDD algorithm aims to monitor health status of actuators and provide indication of actuator faults with reliability, offering necessary information for the design of fault-tolerant flight control systems to compensate for side-effects and improve fail-safe capability when actuator faults occur. The fault detection is conducted by designing separate UKFs to detect aileron and elevator faults using a nonlinear six degree-of-freedom (DOF) UAS model. The fault diagnosis is achieved by isolating true faults by using the Bayesian Classifier (BC) method together with a decision criterion to avoid false alarms. High-fidelity simulations with and without measurement noise are conducted with practical constraints considered for typical actuator fault scenarios, and the proposed FDD exhibits consistent effectiveness in identifying occurrence of actuator faults, verifying its suitability for integration into the design of fault-tolerant flight control systems for emergency landing of UASs.


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La maintenance du logiciel est une phase très importante du cycle de vie de celui-ci. Après les phases de développement et de déploiement, c’est celle qui dure le plus longtemps et qui accapare la majorité des coûts de l'industrie. Ces coûts sont dus en grande partie à la difficulté d’effectuer des changements dans le logiciel ainsi que de contenir les effets de ces changements. Dans cette perspective, de nombreux travaux ont ciblé l’analyse/prédiction de l’impact des changements sur les logiciels. Les approches existantes nécessitent de nombreuses informations en entrée qui sont difficiles à obtenir. Dans ce mémoire, nous utilisons une approche probabiliste. Des classificateurs bayésiens sont entraînés avec des données historiques sur les changements. Ils considèrent les relations entre les éléments (entrées) et les dépendances entre changements historiques (sorties). Plus spécifiquement, un changement complexe est divisé en des changements élémentaires. Pour chaque type de changement élémentaire, nous créons un classificateur bayésien. Pour prédire l’impact d’un changement complexe décomposé en changements élémentaires, les décisions individuelles des classificateurs sont combinées selon diverses stratégies. Notre hypothèse de travail est que notre approche peut être utilisée selon deux scénarios. Dans le premier scénario, les données d’apprentissage sont extraites des anciennes versions du logiciel sur lequel nous voulons analyser l’impact de changements. Dans le second scénario, les données d’apprentissage proviennent d’autres logiciels. Ce second scénario est intéressant, car il permet d’appliquer notre approche à des logiciels qui ne disposent pas d’historiques de changements. Nous avons réussi à prédire correctement les impacts des changements élémentaires. Les résultats ont montré que l’utilisation des classificateurs conceptuels donne les meilleurs résultats. Pour ce qui est de la prédiction des changements complexes, les méthodes de combinaison "Voting" et OR sont préférables pour prédire l’impact quand le nombre de changements à analyser est grand. En revanche, quand ce nombre est limité, l’utilisation de la méthode Noisy-Or ou de sa version modifiée est recommandée.


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Spam is commonly known as unsolicited or unwanted email messages in the Internet causing potential threat to Internet Security. Users spend a valuable amount of time deleting spam emails. More importantly, ever increasing spam emails occupy server storage space and consume network bandwidth. Keyword-based spam email filtering strategies will eventually be less successful to model spammer behavior as the spammer constantly changes their tricks to circumvent these filters. The evasive tactics that the spammer uses are patterns and these patterns can be modeled to combat spam. This paper investigates the possibilities of modeling spammer behavioral patterns by well-known classification algorithms such as Naïve Bayesian classifier (Naive Bayes), Decision Tree Induction (DTI) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs). Preliminary experimental results demonstrate a promising detection rate of around 92%, which is considerably an enhancement of performance compared to similar spammer behavior modeling research.