996 resultados para Atomic ratio, Maximum


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Major elements, S, F, Cl concentrations and relative proportions of S6+ to total S were analyzed with electron microprobe in sideromelane glass shards from Pleistocene volcaniclastic sediments drilled during ODP Leg 157. Glasses are moderately to strongly evolved and represent a spectrum from alkali basalt, basanite and nephelinite through hawaiite, mugearite and tephrite to phonolitic tephrite. Measured S6+/SumS (0.03±0.98) and calculated Fe2+/Fe3+ (2.5±5.8) ratios in the melt yield preeruptive redox conditions ranging from NNO-1.4 to NNO+2.1. The morphology of the glass shards, variations of S and Cl concentrations (0.010±0.127 wt% S, 0.018±0.129 wt% Cl), calculated preeruptive temperatures (1030±1200 °C) and oxygen fugacities suggest that glasses deposited even within the same ash layers have diverse origin and may have resulted from both submarine and subaerial eruptions. Most vesicle-free glasses are characterized by high concentrations of S and represent undegassed or slightly degassed submarine lavas, whereas vesiculated glasses with low concentrations of S and Cl are strongly degassed and can be ascribed to the eruptions in shallow water or on land. Sideromelane glass shards at Sites 953 are thought to have resulted from submarine eruptions northeast of Gran Canaria, glasses at Site 954 represent mostly volcaniclastic material of shallow water submarine and subaerial eruptions on Gran Canaria and Tenerife, and glasses deposited at Site 956 resulted from submarine or explosive eruptions on Tenerife.


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The organic matter contents of sediments and rocks sampled during DSDP Leg 93 have been characterized by CHN and Rock-Eval analyses. Most samples from Sites 604 and 605 on the New Jersey continental slope and from Site 603 on the Hatteras outer continental rise contained less than 0.5% organic carbon. Some Neogene samples from the slope contained 1 to 2% organic carbon, and Cretaceous samples from the outer rise were as rich as 13.6% organic carbon by weight. Thin layers of black claystones of Santonian, Cenomanian, and Albian age were found interbedded in organiccarbon- lean, bioturbated, turbiditic claystones. Similar layers of turbiditic black marlstones were interspersed among Neocomian limestones and sandstones. Although the organic matter in many of the samples appeared to be detrital continental material, according to Rock-Eval and C/N values, Cenomanian black shales, in particular, contained substantial proportions of marine-derived organic matter.


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Geochemical analyses of organic matter were carried out on Quaternary sediments from Sites 582 and 583 (Nankai Trough) and on Pliocene to Miocene sediments from Site 584 (Japan Trench), DSDP Leg 87, to evaluate petroleum-generating potential and to characterize the organic matter. The vitrinite-huminite reflectances of indigenous materials for these sites are less than 0.3% indicating the immature nature of the sediments. The sediments, however, contain remarkable amounts of recycled organic materials. The Quaternary sediments from Sites 582 and 583 contain small amounts of amorphous organic matter (less than 0.75 wt.% organic carbon and 66-90% amorphous debris), which is composed of predominantly recycled, oxidized, and over-matured (or matured) Type III material. The amount of hydrocarbon yield indicates that those sediments have lean-source potential for commercial hydrocarbon generation. The Pliocene to Miocene sediments from Site 584 contain organic matter (0.3-1.09 wt.% organic carbon) of predominantly amorphous debris (68-96%) that originated in two sources, an indigenous Type II material and a recycled, over-matured material. Pyrolysis shows an upward increase in the section of hydrocarbon yield and the same trend is also observed in organic-carbon content. The amount of the yield indicates that the Miocene sediments have lean-to-fair source potential and the Pliocene sediments have fair-to-good source potential.


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Carbon-supported Pt-Au (Pt-Au/C) catalyst is prepared separately by impregnation, colloidal and micro-emulsion methods, and characterized by physical and electrochemical methods. Highest catalytic activity towards oxygen-reduction reaction (ORR) is exhibited by Pt-Au/C catalyst prepared by colloidal method. The optimum atomic ratio of Pt to Au in Pt-Au/C catalyst prepared by colloidal method is determined using linear-sweep and cyclic voltammetry in conjunction with cell-polarization studies. Among 3:1, 2:1 and 1:1 Pt-Au/C catalysts, (3:1) Pt-Au/C exhibits maximum electrochemical activity towards ORR. Powder X-ray diffraction pattern and transmission electron micrograph suggest Pt-Au alloy nanoparticles to be well dispersed onto the carbon-support. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy data suggest that the atomic ratios of the alloying elements match well with the expected values. A polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) operating at 0 center dot 6 V with (3:1) Pt-Au/C cathode delivers a maximum power-density of 0 center dot 65 W/cm (2) in relation to 0 center dot 53 W/cm (2) delivered by the PEFC with pristine carbon-supported Pt cathode.


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Structural changes induced by the incorporation of nitrogen into ta-C : H films have been studied by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy and Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy. ta-C:H films have been synthesised using a low pressure Electron Cyclotron Wave Resonance (ECWR) source which provides a plasma beam with a high degree of ionisation and dissociation. Nitrogen was incorporated by adding N2 to the C2H2 plasma used for the deposition of ta-C : H films. The N/C atomic ratio in the films rises rapidly until the N2/C2H2 gas ratio reaches three, and then increases more gradually, while the deposition rate decreases steeply. Chemical sputtering of the forming films and the formation of molecular nitrogen within the films limit the maximum nitrogen content to about N/C = 0.6. For low nitrogen content the films retain their diamond-like properties, however as N/C atomic ratio increases, a polymeric-like material is formed, with >C=N- structures and terminating C=N and NH groups that decrease the connectivity of the network.


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Two new maximum power point tracking algorithms are presented: the input voltage sensor, and duty ratio maximum power point tracking algorithm (ViSD algorithm); and the output voltage sensor, and duty ratio maximum power point tracking algorithm (VoSD algorithm). The ViSD and VoSD algorithms have the features, characteristics and advantages of the incremental conductance algorithm (INC); but, unlike the incremental conductance algorithm which requires two sensors (the voltage sensor and current sensor), the two algorithms are more desirable because they require only one sensor: the voltage sensor. Moreover, the VoSD technique is less complex; hence, it requires less computational processing. Both the ViSD and the VoSD techniques operate by maximising power at the converter output, instead of the input. The ViSD algorithm uses a voltage sensor placed at the input of a boost converter, while the VoSD algorithm uses a voltage sensor placed at the output of a boost converter. © 2011 IEEE.


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A series of Pt/Mg-Al-O catalysts with different Mg/Al atomic ratios were prepared. The NOx storage capacities of these catalysts were measured by isothermal storage at 350 degreesC. It was found that the NOx storage capacity increased with increasing Mg/Al atomic ratios. The catalytic behaviors of Pt/Mg-Al-O and Pt/MgO were studied with storage-reduction cycles at 400 degreesC. Under oxidizing conditions, NOx concentration in the outlet gas gradually increased with time, which indicated the catalysts could store NOx effectively. After a switch from oxidizing conditions to reducing conditions, NOx desorption peak emerged immediately due to the incomplete reduction of stored NOx, which lowered the total NOx conversion. With increasing Mg/Al atomic ratio in the catalysts, NOx conversion increases. Pt/MgO has the highest NOx conversion because of its best activity in the reduction of NOx by C3H6. It seems that with an increasing amount of MgO in the catalysts, the self-poisoning of Pt-sites by adsorbed species during the reaction of NOx with C3H6 may be inhibited effectively.


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Sulfur is a major poison to noble metal catalysts for deep aromatic hydrogenation in the petroleum refining industry. In order to study the sulfur resistance of Pd-based catalysts, a series of Pd, Cr, and PdCr catalysts supported on HY-Al2O3 were studied by NH3-TPD, pyridine-adsorption IR, TPR, IR spectra of adsorbed CO, and toluene hydrogenation in the presence of 3000 ppm sulfur as thiophene under the following conditions: 533-573 K, 4.2 MPa, and WHSV 4.0 h(-1). Cr has no influence on the acidity of the catalysts. TPR patterns and in situ IR spectra of adsorbed CO revealed a strong interaction between Cr and Pd, and the frequency shift of linear bonded CO on Pd indicates that the electron density of Pd decreases with the increase of the Cr/Pd atomic ratio. The catalytic performance of Pd, Cr, and PdCr catalysts shows that the sulfur resistance of Pd is strongly enhanced by Cr, and the activity reaches its maximum when the Cr/Pd atomic ratio equals 8. The active phase model "Pd particles decorated by Cr2O3" is postulated to explain the behavior of PdCr catalysts. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Highly conductive and transparent thin films of amorphous zinc indium tin oxide are prepared at room temperature by co-sputtering of zinc 10 oxide and indium tin oxide. Cationic contents in the films are varied by adjusting the power to the sputtering targets. Optical transmission study of 11 films showed an average transmission greater than 85% across the visible region. Maximum conductivity of 6×102 S cm−1 is obtained for Zn/In/ 12 Sn atomic ratio 0.4/0.4/0.2 in the film. Hall mobility strongly depends on carrier concentration and maximum mobility obtained is 18 cm2 V−1 s−1 13 at a carrier concentration of 2.1×1020 cm−3. Optical band gap of films varied from 3.44 eV to 3 eV with the increase of zinc content in the film 14 while the refractive index of the films at 600 nm is about 2.0.


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All norms were calculated with an atomic ratio of Fe+3/Fe+2 = 0.2, except analysis 7 which was calculated directly from the analysis.


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Although the climate development over the Holocene in the Northern Hemisphere is well known, palaeolimnological climate reconstructions reveal spatiotemporal variability in northern Eurasia. Here we present a multi-proxy study from north-eastern Siberia combining sediment geochemistry, and diatom and pollen data from lake-sediment cores covering the last 38,000 cal. years. Our results show major changes in pyrite content and fragilarioid diatom species distributions, indicating prolonged seasonal lake-ice cover between ~13,500 and ~8,900 cal. years BP and possibly during the 8,200 cal. years BP cold event. A pollen-based climate reconstruction generated a mean July temperature of 17.8°C during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) between ~8,900 and ~4,500 cal. years BP. Naviculoid diatoms appear in the late Holocene indicating a shortening of the seasonal ice cover that continues today. Our results reveal a strong correlation between the applied terrestrial and aquatic indicators and natural seasonal climate dynamics in the Holocene. Planktonic diatoms show a strong response to changes in the lake ecosystem due to recent climate warming in the Anthropocene. We assess other palaeolimnological studies to infer the spatiotemporal pattern of the HTM and affirm that the timing of its onset, a difference of up to 3,000 years from north to south, can be well explained by climatic teleconnections. The westerlies brought cold air to this part of Siberia until the Laurentide ice-sheet vanished 7,000 years ago. The apparent delayed ending of the HTM in the central Siberian record can be ascribed to the exceedance of ecological thresholds trailing behind increases in winter temperatures and decreases in contrast in insolation between seasons during the mid to late Holocene as well as lacking differentiation between summer and winter trends in paleolimnological reconstructions.


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Organic geochemical and visual kerogen analyses were carried out on approximately 50 samples from Leg 81 (Rockall Plateau, North Atlantic). The sediments are from four sites (Sites 552-555), Pleistocene to Paleocene in age, and represent significantly different depositional environments and sources of organic matter. The Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles show differences in sedimentary organic matter based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis, organic phosphorus, and pyrolysis/mass-spectrometry analyses. Glacial samples contain more organic carbon, with a larger proportion of reworked organic matter. This probably reflects increased erosion of continental and shelf areas as a result of low sea level stands. Inter glacial samples contain a larger proportion of marine organic matter as determined by organic phosphorus and pyrolysis analyses. This immature, highly oxidized marine organic matter may be associated with the skeletal organic matrix of calcareous organisms. In addition, Rock-Eval data indicate no significant inorganic-carbonate contribution to the S3 pyrolysis peak. The Pliocene-Miocene sediments consist of pelagic, biogenic carbonates. The organic matter is similar to that of the Pleistocene interglacial periods; a mixture of oxidized marine organic matter and reworked, terrestrial detritus. The Paleocene-Oligocene organic matter reflects variations in source and depositional factors associated with the isolation of Rockall from Greenland. Paleocene sediments contain primarily terrestrial organic matter with evidence of in situ thermal stress resulting from interbedded lava flows. Late Paleocene and early Eocene organic matter suggests a highly oxidized marine environment, with major periods of deposition of terrestrially derived organic matter. These fluctuations in organic-matter type are probably the result of episodic shallowing and deepening of Rockall Basins. The final stage of Eocene/Oligocene sedimentation records the accelerating subsidence of Rockall and its isolation from terrestrial sources (Rockall and Greenland). This is shown by the increasingly marine character of the organic matter. The petroleum potential of sediments containing more than 0.5% organic carbon is poor because of their thermal immaturity and their highly oxidized and terrestrial organic-matter composition.