Petrology and geochemistry of sideromelane glass shards from Pleistocene as layers north and south of Gran Canaria

Autoria(s): Gurenko, Andrey A; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 28.152744 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: -15.712983 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 27.615100 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -16.163300 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 28.650300 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -15.144600 * DATE/TIME START: 1994-08-22T10:53:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1994-09-15T23:10:00




Major elements, S, F, Cl concentrations and relative proportions of S6+ to total S were analyzed with electron microprobe in sideromelane glass shards from Pleistocene volcaniclastic sediments drilled during ODP Leg 157. Glasses are moderately to strongly evolved and represent a spectrum from alkali basalt, basanite and nephelinite through hawaiite, mugearite and tephrite to phonolitic tephrite. Measured S6+/SumS (0.03±0.98) and calculated Fe2+/Fe3+ (2.5±5.8) ratios in the melt yield preeruptive redox conditions ranging from NNO-1.4 to NNO+2.1. The morphology of the glass shards, variations of S and Cl concentrations (0.010±0.127 wt% S, 0.018±0.129 wt% Cl), calculated preeruptive temperatures (1030±1200 °C) and oxygen fugacities suggest that glasses deposited even within the same ash layers have diverse origin and may have resulted from both submarine and subaerial eruptions. Most vesicle-free glasses are characterized by high concentrations of S and represent undegassed or slightly degassed submarine lavas, whereas vesiculated glasses with low concentrations of S and Cl are strongly degassed and can be ascribed to the eruptions in shallow water or on land. Sideromelane glass shards at Sites 953 are thought to have resulted from submarine eruptions northeast of Gran Canaria, glasses at Site 954 represent mostly volcaniclastic material of shallow water submarine and subaerial eruptions on Gran Canaria and Tenerife, and glasses deposited at Site 956 resulted from submarine or explosive eruptions on Tenerife.


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Supplement to: Gurenko, Andrey A; Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich (1998): Petrology, geochemistry, S, Cl and F abundances, and S oxidation state of sideromelane glass shards from Pleistocene ash layers north and south of Gran Canaria (ODP Leg 157). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 131(1), 95-110, doi:10.1007/s004100050381

Palavras-Chave #-; 157-953A; 157-954A; 157-956A; after Rodehorst et al. (1998); after Schmincke et al. (1995); Age, 40Ar/39Ar Argon-Argon; Age, biostratigraphy; Age, dated; Age dated; Al2O3; Al2O3 std dev; Aluminium oxide; Aluminium oxide, standard deviation; An; Anorthite; Calcium oxide; Calcium oxide, standard deviation; Calculated; Canarias Sea; CaO; CaO std dev; Chlorine; Chlorine, standard deviation; Chromium number; Cl; Cl std dev; Comment; Cr/(Cr + Al); Delta NNO; Delta NNO = (log10 oxygen fugacity of sample) - (log10 oxygen fugacity of Ni-NiO buffer); Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; DRILL; Drilling/drill rig; Electron microprobe; F; Fe2+/Fe3+; FeO; FeO std dev; Fluoride, standard deviation; Fluorine; Fo; Forsterite; F std dev; Fugacity of oxygen, relative; Iron 2+/Iron 3+ ratio; Iron oxide, FeO; Iron oxide, FeO, standard deviation; Joides Resolution; K2O; K2O std dev; Label; Label 2; Leg157; Lithology; Lithology/composition/facies; Log10 oxygen fugacity. Calculated on the basis of Fe2+/Fe3+ melt ratios, temperature and melt composition for the pressure of 1 atm using equation of Kress and Carmichael (1991); Log10 oxygen fugacity. Calculated on the basis of Fe2+/Fe3+ melt ratios, temperature and melt composition for the pressure of 1 atm using the equation of Kress and Carmichael (1991); Log10 oxygen fugacity. Calculated on the basis of measured S6+/SS ratios and the model of Wallace and Carmichael (1994); Magnesium number; Magnesium oxide; Magnesium oxide, standard deviation; Manganese oxide; Manganese oxide, standard deviation; maximum; maximum, Mg# = Mg/(Mg + Fetot) atomic ratio, where Fetot is total iron as Fe2+; maximum Cr# = Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio; maximum Mg# = Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) atomic ratio, where Fe2+ was calculated on the basis of spinel stoichiometry; maximum mol %; Melt. Calculated using the linear regression equation after Maurel and Maurel (1982); Mg/(Mg + Fe); MgO; MgO std dev; minimum; minimum, Cr# = Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio; minimum, Mg# = Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) atomic ratio, where Fe2+ was calculated on the basis of spinel stoichiometry; minimum, Mg# = Mg/(Mg + Fetot) atomic ratio, where Fetot is total iron as Fe2+; minimum mol %; MnO; MnO std dev; mol %; Na2O; Na2O std dev; NOBS; Number of observations; Ocean Drilling Program; ODP; ODP sample designation; on the basis of Ol- and Cpx-melt geothermometers for dry conditions and pressure 1 atm; P2O5; P2O5 std dev; Phosphorus oxide; Phosphorus oxide, standard deviation; Potassium oxide; Potassium oxide, standard deviation; Rock; Rock type; S; S6+/Stot; S6+/Stot std dev; Samp com; Sample code/label; Sample code/label 2; Sample comment; Sideromelane type. Classification of glass shards is given after Le Maitre (1984) and Le Bas et al. (1986); Silicon dioxide; Silicon dioxide, standard deviation; SiO2; SiO2 std dev; Sodium oxide; Sodium oxide, standard deviation; Spinel. Calculated from spinel stoichiometry; S std dev; Sulphur, standard deviation; Sulphur, total; Sulphur 6+/Sulphur total ratio; Sulphur 6+/Sulphur total ratio, standard deviation; T cal; Temperature, calculated; Temperature, standard deviation; TiO2; TiO2 std dev; Titanium oxide; Titanium oxide, standard deviation; total iron; T std dev; Volcanic glass; Volc glass
