978 resultados para Arte de contar historias


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Obra que explica cómo contar cuentos. Se estructura en dos partes: una primera teórica donde se destacan los valores educativos de la narración oral, las características de un cuento, una tipología y la utilidad didáctica de cada uno de ellos; y la segunda que está formada por un conjunto de 30 cuentos con indicación de la edad de los niños más adecuada.


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En este artículo se presenta una propuesta didáctica en torno a los textos narrativos que muestra cómo algunos de los planteamientos teóricos que sustentan un enfoque comunicativo del área pueden llevarse a las aulas de una forma coherente y asequible para gran parte del profesorado. La unidad didáctica 'El arte de contar' delimita un territorio que puede ser recorrido sin seguir estrictamente las huellas de lo aquí marcado. Las tareas y actividades trazadas a continuación son sugerencias de itinerarios que han sido explorados con provecho por los autores de este texto en sus clases y que por ello quizá les sean útiles a otros que, en cada caso, modificarán el trayecto según lo exijan los alumnos, las preferencias personales de los docentes, las disponibilidades temporales y materiales de los centros, los planteamientos de los departamentos, etc. Se trata, por tanto, de un material adaptable para que cada cual lo utilice del modo que mejor se ajuste a sus circunstancias escolares.


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Aula Libre es un Movimiento de Renovación Pedagógica en Aragón. Su modelo educativo se basa en un planteamiento flexible para todos, capaz de atender a las diferentes necesidades de los individuos, y desarrollar la autoestima, la autonomía y la solidaridad. El papel del educador es guiar, dar opciones y orientar, potenciando la resposabilidad y unas relaciones basadas en el respeto y el afecto, desterrando el miedo y la coacción como formas de motivación. Los alumnos aprenden cuestiones como la estructura de la oración, los antónimos o la ortografía mediante la realización de pequeños trabajos de investigación, redacción de poesías e historias. Las actividades consisten en la realización de un taller de palabras y un periódico digital. Así, mientras aprenden los conceptos, se divierten y el aprendizaje resulta creativo.


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Se explica la forma de trabajar de un grupo de teatro, cuya técnica consiste en la improvisación. Se analizan los tres fundamentos teóricos, escuchar, aceptar y confiar, considerados básicos para el desarrollo de la improvisación. Estos principios pueden servir de base para establecer una educación plural, que acepte distintos puntos de vista y que infunda el respeto por las diferencias. Al final se describe un pequeño ejercicio para ejercitar la confianza, la aceptación y la escucha.


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Esta obra es fruto de una licencia por estudios concedido por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia


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Título del encuentro: 'Hispanoamérica en el aula de ELE', organizado por el Instituto Cervantes de Nápoles


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Construímos a partir do acompanhamento terapêutico em saúde mental pública possibilidades de atenções psicossociais voltadas para ressocialização e inclusão em redes sociais emancipatórias de pessoas atravessadas pela exclusão, e, colocadas como frágeis. Ao criticar as referências que associam pessoas cegas como dependentes, privilegiamos a emergência das estilísticas da existência, ou seja, estilos de viver referimo–nos a um cuidado de si orientado por uma ética. Pretendemos colocar novas questões quanto à prática da Psicologia em seus atendimentos, reabilitação e possibilidades de transformação no modo de suas vivências, bem como elevar sua auto–estima pela potencialidade para desejar outros possíveis a fim de proporcionar independência e autonomia.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a experiência de uma oficina de narração de histórias, a oficina Canto dos Contos, realizada no contexto terapêutico de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (um CAPS), equipamento do Sistema Único de Saúde (o SUS), na cidade de São Paulo, em 2012. Considerando o CAPS como parte fundamental da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira, a oficina expressiva de narração de histórias foi buscando, ao longo de seu percurso, delinear seus limites e marcar suas diferenças em relação aos espaços terapêuticos já existentes no CAPS. Assim, a partir da escuta conjunta e apreciação de narrativas, acessamos lembranças resgatadas pelos participantes e pudemos criar, relembrar e renovar memórias antes confusas e esquecidas. Como resultado final, rodas de narrativas foram realizadas dentro e fora do espaço terapêutico do CAPS e um livro foi publicado. Essa presente contextualização e reflexão acerca de um trabalho realizado por uma arte/educadora em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial faz-se oportuna, uma vez que os CAPS’s e a saúde mental como um todo são um campo que vem se abrindo, cada vez mais, para profissionais de áreas artísticas, tanto pela afinidade que as Artes sempre tiveram com pensamentos que rompem com paradigmas de realidade, quanto pela potência terapêutica existente em práticas expressivas. Esperamos que pensar e avaliar a narração de histórias utilizada como instrumento no percurso terapêutico dos pacientes de um CAPS possa contribuir para que trabalhos semelhantes, neste e em outros contextos, aprimorem as experiências aqui descritas.


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This study supports the role of Public Relations within Organizations, inserted in the context of the media convergence age, in which all the medias complement each other and can be used together to achieve a given goal. The approach is exposed after reflection on consumers’ specificity and identity, in addition to an approach about media convergence age characteristics, such as collective intelligence, participatory culture and affective economy. Throughout this paper, it is also discussed the concept of Transmedia Storytelling and how consumers and communicators stories have become especially important in the convergence age. In this context, consumers are understood as prosumers, since they infer and influence brands, organizations or products, by using words. We showed that, because of those prosumers narratives, an organization may became susceptible to their image destruction in a short period of time or get more acceptance and profitability. Thus, Public Relations presents itself as a communication professional that can use several corporate strategies in the relationship between organizations and their different target audience


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This proposal offers a possibility of approximation of mathematical knowledge at the prospect of Critical Education defended by researchers such as Ole Skovsmose and Paulo Freire. Using storytelling as a methodological resource is intended to develop an activity that allows students to think critically about real-life situations that have democratic questions as ground. The research is part of the branch of mathematics concerned with the education goals of teaching mathematics in basic education. We discuss the relevance of an educational process that enables the development of a democratic competence in the first years of primary education by showing students that their classroom can and should be seen as a community, where everyone has rights and duties. The interpretation and understanding of real situations can be something very complex and uninteresting for students of that age, looking for an attractive feature such as storytelling, which is based on the tendency of Reading and Writing in Mathematics, proposed by Nacarato and Lopes; Cardoso and Fonseca. Adopting a phenomenological attitude in the research seeks to understand if the storytelling can contribute to the formation of the critical student. Assuming this perspective has developed a didactic sequence from the story 'o que os olhos não vêem' from writer Ruth Rocha. The student's writing, favored by the proposed sequence, subsidizes the understanding of their thinking and acting on the democratic situations


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According to the Informational Society of the twentieth century, man develops society of the spectacle, where life becomes virtual and the individual ceases to be a spectator becoming the protagonist of wikiciberepopéia and organizations seeking to gain the attention and time of its consumers through new communication strategies. If the great epics of mankind brought mythical heroes, divine, with powers (mostly above the mortals), in the era of new technologies, the common man is in the hands the opportunity to become the hero of his own ciberepopéia. Increasingly resistant to traditional advertising, the new model of media consumer, the prosumer, the storytelling is transforming into one of the main communication tools of contemporary organizations. Offer your audience a creative and relevant content across several media platforms is a major brand positioning strategies currently used, in addition to providing the transmission of values and organizational principles in a subjective manner. Storytelling where objects are extensions of the human body (eg, the cell can be treated as an extension of the ears) is a strong indication of a technocratic society, because we can consider the new technologies as extensions of the human brain (as new store technologies, create meanings, share information through a specific language) and the individual who is on the edge of new technology ends up being excluded from certain social events. This new world tends to put an end to separation between seemingly contrary ideas, such as reality/fiction, natural/cultural and the man who emerges from this medium is not the creator, but rather, transforming what already exists. The current human evolution takes place from about half the human mind and tell stories that go beyond the media saturation that really emocionem and who have a real meaning for those who listen, to be interconnected with the socio-environmental reality of this new consumer, is a major chall...


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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The teaching and learning of mathematics through alternative methods make Mathematics more enjoyable, accessible and meaningful. Through teaching resource storytelling the student becomes the protagonist of the construction of their knowledge. With the use of books and writings of Malba Tahan is possible to work with mathematics, as a curriculum component, fostering the development of skills and Mathematics skills in students. Thus, this study aims to understand which skills and Mathematics skills can be developed with the storytelling of The Case of the Four Fours in Basic Education. Through the telling of this story, students develop the skills related to the block / shaft Numbers and Operations, present in official documents, and other skills and mathematics skills


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In the globalized world of capitalism, the organizations need to reinvent themselves in order to conquer the attention of the consumers. The offer of similar products is huge and it is necessary to innovate so the consumer will pick yours. The storytelling comes as an auxiliary tool for this difficult task. The transmedia is a tool that will put the products in many different media platforms. The convergence culture exists to make the experience with the brand become closer. Sometimes the consumer dictates the rules; in other moments the producers take this function for themselves; nowadays, this relation occurs in terms of the intense interactivity with the consumer. Concerning the Public Relations professional, among the questions that remain, we can city: where does the professional of Public Relations fit itself inside this complex context? Which would be its functions amid this whirlpool of information in the convergence culture era? These are the questions that are going to guide this paper


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This work consists in the creation of a multimedia product online, and is entitled Esse tal de brincar. The content is presented in the form of informative journalistic texts and brings the play as an essential process for child development, with an impact on adult life. Has the general objective to demonstrate the relevance of the importance of play in children's education. The methodology procedures of bibliographic search and documents for the construction of the theoretical basis were used. Besides the choice of themes, interviews, investigation and journalistic writing were used in production. The research that support the whole discussion is given through interviews, videos and other publications on childhood, education and the play itself. The platform chosen for this was the Wix® and were created the visual identity, such as layout, logo, color distribution, highlights, photos and videos. The publication seeks to achieve parents and educators with the intention of raising awareness about the importance of play in early childhood through informative content