981 resultados para Armenian massacres, 1915-1923.
Includes bibliographical references.
Bibliography: p. 91-93
Author's memoirs about the Armenian massacres of 1915.
Facsimile of the original book published in 1910.
Born in Armenia, the oldest Christian country in the world but nevertheless one of the youngest reinstated republics (1991) after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Arshile Gorky flew to the United States in 1920, where he chose to reinvent himself in the struggle to become an artist. This reinvention meant the creation of a persona with, or behind, which Gorky kept alive the artistic flame inside himself. Gorky became one of the most learned voices lecturing on contemporary European modernist artists and movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the United States (New York) without ever visiting Europe. Moreover, he was able to survive the traumatic events he underwent during the Armenian Genocide (1915-1919) to adapt to his new country and identity, to live through the years of the Depression and, eventually, to become the protagonistof a major artistic breakthrough. This paper proposes an insight into the experience of life and frame of work of this Armenian-American artist, whose simultaneously rich, traumatic, dislocated and reenacted life and work established one of the most fertile links between his middle‑eastern origins, his dreamed of Europe and the particular transit of his American artistic creation.
La autoridad legítima del soberano y la obligación política del ciudadano constituyen el fundamento del poder del Estado, no obstante, una y otra se ven seriamente cuestionadas ante situaciones de extrema injusticia como lo es el Genocidio. En casos como este la obligación de obedecer la ley por parte del súbdito puede e, incluso, debe ser exceptuada y sustituida por los mandatos de la razón moral. El caso de un tribunal alemán que decide absolver al asesino del principal perpetrador del Genocidio Armenio, desobedeciendo de esta manera la ley penal de su país, apoya la tesis enunciada apoyándose en argumentos de la teoría contractualista de Thomas Hobbes y John Locke. La misma tesis es analizada desde la perspectiva del Juego Limpio, en este caso la conclusión no es tan clara, sin embargo, plantea un nuevo problema sobre el Derecho de los Pueblos que deberá ser abordado en otra instancia.
Die in den Jahren 1915-1923 erfolgte Produktion von Sprengstoffen und Vernichtung von Munition am Rüstungsaltstandort Hallschlag (Eifel) führte zu einer Nitroaromatenbelastung des Bodens, die bis heute nachgewiesen werden kann. Im Rahmen vorliegender Studie wurde das Sickerwasser außerhalb des Schadensherdes über einen Zeitraum von rund zwei Jahren mit Saugkerzensystemen beprobt und auf Nitroaromaten untersucht. Weiterhin wurde die klimatische Wasserbilanz für den Standort berechnet und Pegeldaten einer im Rahmen der Standortsicherung errichteten Sickerwassersammelleitung ausgewertet. Mit Hilfe dieses Datenmaterials konnte die mittlere Nitroaromatenkonzentration im Sickerwasser innerhalb und außerhalb des Schadensherdes ermittelt und die im hydrologischen Jahr 2004 ausgetragene Nitroaromatenmenge abgeschätzt werden.
In 1879 a campus heating plant and coal sheds were built on central campus just east of University Hall. In 1894, a new heating plant was built at the southeast corner of central campus. The University Hall heating plant was used by Buildings and Grounds from 1894-1915. From 1915-1923 the building was used as a fire station. On verso: Photographed in 1887 by A.L. Conton of '89
Title from cover.
Vols. 6-29 contain Compte rendu des séances et des excursions, 1893-1928.
1904- (v. 7- ) include the institute's Jahresbericht, 1903/04-
Title from cover.
Title varies.